1968 Flat top Boler - Fiberglass RV
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Old 04-11-2010, 10:15 PM   #1
Junior Member
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Posts: 11
Just got my first Boler!!! Grew up with them and finally found one I could afford! 1968 Flat top Boler. Considering i'm tall probably wasn't smart but at $800 couldn't pass it up. It's in okay condition.The bottom half has been painted a few times but picks off in big flakes just with my finger nail, so I'm hoping to remove that right away. Inside is pretty original, except the main cabinet has been modified. Original green cushions, which I'm going to replace.

Trying to figure out a few things,
1# I heard the boler's were numbered as they came off the production line, where do I look on the trailer?

2# My boler has NO insulation! Dosent look like there ever was, What's the best (or easiest!) way of insulating it?

3# How to remove paint from upper fiberglass cabinet, i don't want to ruin it. Looks like alkyd paint.


Thanks for your help!!
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Old 04-12-2010, 05:36 AM   #2
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Trailer: Boler 1984
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Welcome Claire
Wow! What a great find.
Only about 40 flat topped Bolers were made and they came without insulaton. Most were recalled and an insulation added but maybe you got one that hadn't been done? Is it just plain fiberglass on the inside? Please check your frame very carefully as the ones under the early models were very lightly made. Once you have it restored the way you like, be prepared to show it off where ever you go since everyone wants to look them over. If you can, we would love to have pictures of it. Especially showing the back bumper, lights and door. Later models were very different.
I can't help you with the numbering. Ours was made 16 years after yours and the serial number on ours is the same as the day of manufacture. [XXX DD MM YY] Is there still a manufacturers page glued to the inside of a cupboard door? Perhaps the different factories used different systems. Have fun bringing it back to life and keep us posted.
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Old 04-12-2010, 08:57 AM   #3
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Yes! Please post pictures...

The cabin can be insulated and recovered and a few basic ways. Modern Scamps use a material called Reflectix, which is like a thin bubble wrap with foil front and back. And Ensolite, which is a closed-cell foam material, is available and often discussed here on the Forum.

As to your painted cabinet, a mild non-toxic paint stripper may be our best option, but, anything you use may have an affect on the gloss of the gel coat layer on your fiberglass. Try to do a test in an inconspicuous place.

Do you plan on doing other mods?
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Old 04-12-2010, 10:42 AM   #4
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Trailer: 1974 Boler 13 ft (Neonex/Winnipeg)
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I've heard good things about Franmar's Soy Strip on fiberglass. I haven't used it, but several boat folks I know have. Of course I would still test a small area.

One thing you may have going for you is that many people aren't aware of the fact that they need to remove the mold-release wax before painting, so the paint may come off easier because of that. On the down side, they should have sanded, so your gel gloss may not be there anymore when you get to it. Now, you can perhaps wet sand it to bring it back, but there may not be enough material there. You'll have to see what you find when you get the paint off and then do some experimenting.

Once you get back to the gelcoat, and if it is not salvageable, I would opt for bringing the pieces to a paint shop and having them sprayed with a good, two-part paint (or perhaps masking them off in place and bringing the whole trailer if you don't want to remove cabinetry).

And, as others have mentioned: We'd sure love to see your new egg!
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