I just bought this Teardrop American "Outbacker" model. 1989
Only thing I see that needs repaired is the seal on back hatch.
There isn't a sink or cutting board.
I'm going on a USA road trip this summer and this will work perfect for me.
To see what it looks like there is a thread here on this form
Link to see
I have orignial paperwork plus specs. I'm posting this as not much info can be found on the net about this teardrop.
Lenght overall 9 feet 4 inches
Width overall 7 feet 6 inches
Height overall 5 feet 6 inches
weight 400lbs (approx.)
Camper unit
weight 225 lbs (approx.)
Tire size 12 X 480
Here is one website that talks about them.
When I get it cleaned up I will post a picture.