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Old 04-12-2018, 04:43 PM   #181
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Name: Steve
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As for an Airstream, the Nest is a bargain. It doesn't dent and you don't have to pay a 1000 bucks a year keeping polished or spend even more to have it housed inside. But for 50 Grand I doubt its enough money to get you into the Airstream Click. You will still be looked upon as a family member with leprosy.

If you look at the brochure it says Nest all around the outside but no Airstream anywhere, so your a Leper from the get go.
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Old 04-12-2018, 05:12 PM   #182
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Hi, Everyone Newbie here.

I saw the Nest remarks. I got my email just today. For a mere $45,900 you can own it. No motor. Just the camper. No years supply of prime rib, etc. If they sell more than six I will be most surprised. The same company that made them before they were bought out sold them below $30,000 so the extra $15,900 gets you the Airstream decal I guess. Was pretty though. Have to admit.
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Old 04-12-2018, 05:20 PM   #183
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I think it looks nice. I hope that Robert Johans feels good about it. It can be very hard to maintain a say when you've sold the rights to something.

There's lots of blurbs online now:
  • Airstream's New Nest Camper is Cute and Practical
  • WIRED · 7 hours ago
  • Airstream Welcomes Nest To Iconic Travel Trailer Family
  • PR Newswire · 7 hours ago
I was impressed by the cushions and some of the other trimmings when we checked out a couple of Airstreams at an RV show a couple of years back. They do put some quality elements into them. While I'm not in the market for a unit like the Nest, (or even a silver Twinkie), I expect that there will be some people who will come to greatly love and enjoy them.

In closing, I will add that I am intrigued to see all the detailed information posted in this thread regarding the presumed characteristics of people who might buy one of these trailers. It makes me wonder how one comes to know so much about a person or persons unknown.

It seems we've noted here on the forum of late that a travel trailer, any travel trailer, is a luxury item. And, further, that molded fiberglass trailers are more expensive per unit size most any other RV construction type. This, I believe, is a characteristic that we take a certain amount of pride in, as it exhibits our presumed wisdom in selecting same.

So, I am curious; what is the price-point at which ownership of some "thing" reveals so much about the negative characteristics of its owner? Also, I'd be interested to know whether that is based on the MSRP, or on the negotiated price, as Airstreams can typically be had at rather steep discounts relative to their list prices.
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Old 04-12-2018, 05:35 PM   #184
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Originally Posted by CajunLee View Post
...The same company that made them before they were bought out sold them below $30,000 so the extra $15,900 gets you the Airstream decal I guess. Was pretty though. Have to admit.
Just to be clear, not one Nest was ever sold before today by Airstream or anyone else, not at $30K or any other price. Robert Johans developed and built a prototype, and there was speculation about what he would sell them for. A price of around $30-35K was bandied about at that time, but none were produced or sold. Instead, he sold the design to Airstream. Airstream then took another two years to develop the prototype into the production version released today.
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Old 04-12-2018, 05:37 PM   #185
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Excellent observations and post, Mike.

While there are a few supporters of the Nest and those who would purchase it, there certainly have been a lot of put downs too.
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Old 04-12-2018, 05:43 PM   #186
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Originally Posted by Jon in AZ View Post
Just to be clear, not one Nest was ever sold before today by Airstream or anyone else, not at $30K or any other price. Robert Johans developed and built a prototype, and there was speculation about what he would sell them for. A price of around $30-35K was bandied about at that time, but none were produced or sold. Instead, he sold the design to Airstream. Airstream then took another two years to develop the prototype into the production version released today.
All accurate points, Jon. That $30-$35k was just a target price, and even Robert realized it was going to be tough to meet it.

You have to be certain that Airstream did their research, heck they even interviewed me as they are already looking at the next model, and they must be certain that the product will sell or they would not have undertaken it, nor poured one heck of a lot of money into producing it.
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Old 04-12-2018, 06:06 PM   #187
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Originally Posted by Jim Bennett View Post
...You have to be certain that Airstream did their research, heck they even interviewed me as they are already looking at the next model...
Are you saying they are considering a second molded fiberglass model?
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Old 04-12-2018, 06:13 PM   #188
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Originally Posted by k0wtz View Post
bill have you seen those Mercedes rv type trucks 100k please

Yes they are very pricey and for the money you end up with a small Class B. One thing about a tow behind, you can use your TV as a family car or whatever. When you get a class B, its really just for that single use.

I think Airstream will have no problem selling the Nest. While it may look expensive to the average molded trailer buyer, to an Airstream buyer, its quite "affordable".....
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Old 04-12-2018, 06:20 PM   #189
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Originally Posted by Jon in AZ View Post
Are you saying they are considering a second molded fiberglass model?
I am.
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Old 04-12-2018, 07:20 PM   #190
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Originally Posted by Jon in AZ View Post
Are you saying they are considering a second molded fiberglass model?
Originally Posted by Jim Bennett View Post
I am.
Ah, good, we can look forward to welcoming all those new owners to the forum here soon!
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Old 04-12-2018, 07:33 PM   #191
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I don't mean to be critical of the Nest. On balance it is great. I won't be surprised if they sell more than six. I bet they took orders for more than six today.

Smart dealers may want to keep one, or one of both floor plans on the showroom floor, thus taking orders.

I did criticize Airstream's marketing today.

Their email about it was at 4PM Denver, or 6pm Ohio time. Maybe they feared crowds, but I think followers should have been emailed by 6AM Eastern.

Maybe just me, but their website should have had it at dawn, to keep with the early bird theme. We didn't find it until almost 10AM Eastern. Campers are up way before then.

Oh yeah, I criticized their April Fools bird video. But many enjoyed it, and that is fine.

Their price point doesn't fit me. They will still sell plenty.
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Old 04-12-2018, 08:15 PM   #192
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Don't feel bad, Tom. For your amusement, go back to the beginning of the thread and read everything that was said about this project from AS's first announcement. Then look up the older threads and read everything that was said about Johans' prototype as it was developed.

There's crow enough to go around, and I'll choke it down with the rest!
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Old 04-12-2018, 09:04 PM   #193
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Originally Posted by Jon in AZ View Post
There's crow enough to go around, and I'll choke it down with the rest!
I better run and get my fork. Somehow I suspect that my getting cranky about other people getting cranky doesn't earn me a special exemption. Pass the ketchup there, will ya?
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Old 04-12-2018, 09:16 PM   #194
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Originally Posted by SteveGP View Post
FYI, it seems that an Airstream dealer just posted a couple of Nests for sale in the classified ads at Asking price $47,234.
That would by a small fleet of Scamps lol
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Old 04-12-2018, 09:17 PM   #195
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If a Nest is not for you, if it's too pricey, or too small, or you don't like the rear door, or if it's too heavy, or whatever - then don't buy one. Wish them well, and move on. Every single fiberglass trailer ever made has things that some won't like. But all in all, I think Robert's design, and Airstream's changes, have produced a fine trailer that many people will enjoy. This is a good day for fiberglass trailers, even if this particular model isn't for me.
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Old 04-12-2018, 09:32 PM   #196
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Well said, rbryan. To each their own. I want more fiberglass choices in the marketplace, even if this newest offering doesn't speak to me at this point in my life.

It's exciting to hear that they're already planning a second model. I hope their next fiberglass model is in the 25' range. Or maybe not, so I don't get buyers' remorse lol.

If buying a Nest makes someone a hoity-toity raised-pinky snob I'd love to know what that makes someone who buys an actual Airstream. Or an Oliver. (That was rhetorical, I don't really care)

There are certainly those who buy stuff to show off or to hold up an image. I'm originally from Los Angeles; I know all about those people. But I submit there are many more who don't give two licks about their "image" or impressing others and buy things because they fit their needs and make them happy. Let's not paint with a broad brush here.
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Old 04-13-2018, 07:13 AM   #197
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I'm not sure I do agree, Robert. You seem to be saying any critical remarks are inappropriate, as in "if you can't say anything nice, then don't say anything at all."

This is an enthusiast's forum, where analysis, comparison, and critique happen. That's who we are. A forum without the respectful give-and-take of divergent opinions... is just marketing.

Let's do keep it friendly and fact-centered.

I agree completely that this is a new product and a great day for molded fiberglass and Robert Johans. He has accomplished something few people have in shepherding this project from an idea in his mind to a finished product from a well-respected brand. The fact that we are talking about it all day is evidence enough of its significance.
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Old 04-13-2018, 12:07 PM   #198
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In a decade, will "Nest by Airstream" be Airstream's biggest division? It could happen. Especially if they master building 25 & 35 foot lengths. I think repair costs and hail damage could be decreased.

Sounds like they are already working on a somewhat larger one. Costs don't necessarily double if length does. Still one kitchen, one bath, one dinette, and a bed or two.

They make aluminum boats, but they make a lot more of fiberglass.
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Old 04-13-2018, 01:12 PM   #199
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I hope this forum continues to be maintained as a welcoming place to all FG trailer owners!

I've gained so much from the forum as I've gone through repairing and upgrading my leaky Burro. Now we're considering sizing up a few feet to an Escape, Oliver, or Nest.

A few years ago, we contacted Robert Johans to work on our Burro, since he's an incredible craftsman. However, he was too busy with the Nest to do so.

I'm very interested in seeing how Nest measures up to the incredible detail invested in other trailers he's worked on, and it's disappointing to see how potential purchasers of the Nest have been characterized on this site, which I count on for in-depth discussions evaluating trailer features, construction quality, and design. (This type of critique is essential!) However, personal judgements have made me ponder the reception I'd get on the site, if we were to purchase a Nest sometime down the road.

I think this is a great opportunity for the forum to gain new fiberglass enthusiasts, and I hope we don't discourage them from participating in our community.

Now, if I could only do something about the silver top of the Nest... Previously advertisements depicted neat exterior color choices, but sounds like your only choice is silver now

Perhaps Armadillo will come out with a 17' model?
Of potential interest: Happier Camper is working on a larger model, but it won't be out anytime soon, last I heard.

Ok, back to lurking now and thanks to all the great folks who make this an incredible community
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Old 04-13-2018, 01:27 PM   #200
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. it's good to see it made it to market even if it only added a high end camper to the mix.

I edited this post because Brian told me the frames normal now...I was wondering.
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