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Old 04-13-2018, 01:36 PM   #201
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Originally Posted by Bruce Thomas View Post
.... it's good to see it made it to market even if it only added a high end camper to the mix.
I think the low end of the market is thoroughly covered by stickies.
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Old 04-13-2018, 05:21 PM   #202
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Originally Posted by Jon in AZ View Post
I'm not sure I do agree, Robert. You seem to be saying any critical remarks are inappropriate, as in "if you can't say anything nice, then don't say anything at all."
Nope. Not what I'm saying at all. Criticism is fine, I've done my share. I just tire of the high level of criticism about a product nobody has even seen in person, let alone bought, towed or camped in. I'm just saying give it a chance to get it's feet wet in the market before the bazookas come out.
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Old 04-13-2018, 07:51 PM   #203
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Well, I've been in one,, the first one a couple years ago when we stopped in at Robert's Bend Or. shop.
IMO best looking unit in the market and wishing Airstream all the best in their marketing.
That said we own an old boler for a reason,, financial.
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Old 04-14-2018, 07:13 AM   #204
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dang eric what is that? is that a blinger?

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Old 04-14-2018, 07:18 AM   #205
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Name: bob
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Rebecca this is a great group we might argue a tad but at he end of the day all is good. I really don't see anyone here buying a Nest nothing against them but for the most part its price price price!

After add ones you are going to be way over 50k Airstream is going to have to find and create a whole new marketplace for this rig and I don't think its going to be easy.

Stick around here just because we openly discuss things doesn't mean our sight is nothing but welcoming or anyone is a rude wagonmaster.

good luck we are glad to have you

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Old 04-14-2018, 07:31 AM   #206
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Originally Posted by Rebecca D View Post
I hope this forum continues to be maintained as a welcoming place to all FG trailer owners!

Ok, back to lurking now and thanks to all the great folks who make this an incredible community
I certainly hope it does too, Rebecca, and our site team will strive to keep it that way. As you have likely seen that although there are a few who feel impelled to put down many aspects of the Nest, but as well there are many here who support Robert and Airstream in their endeavour.

Too late, you have come out of your lurker shell, time to step up and offer more of what I saw as wise words.
2017 Escape 5.0 TA
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Old 04-14-2018, 07:44 AM   #207
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Originally Posted by Civilguy View Post
I better run and get my fork. Somehow I suspect that my getting cranky about other people getting cranky doesn't earn me a special exemption. Pass the ketchup there, will ya?
Seriously, ketchup? If you must eat crow at least dress it up with a better condiment that that, Mike. Maybe a nice glazed coating, perhaps a Cajun rub, or even a bold BBQ sauce.

Myself, I prefer pigeon, best served stewed.
2017 Escape 5.0 TA
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“Most folks are about as happy as they make up their minds to be.” — Abraham Lincoln
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Old 04-14-2018, 07:54 AM   #208
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In a way, it will increase demand for smaller trailers, b/c of airstreams marketing techniques. Make people who never thought about a compact camper, interested in the possibility. Every time i go camping there is someone that, always says, i never seen one of those before. There are people who snap pictures in traffic, Its a good thing. Carl
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Old 04-14-2018, 07:55 AM   #209
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Funny thing about this forum, Rebecca... It can get pretty heated regarding the pros and cons of various designs and the assumed, anonymous persons who would buy them.

But any real live person who shows up with a real live molded fiberglass trailer of any kind is a friend. Friend always trumps brand.
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Old 04-14-2018, 08:00 AM   #210
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Originally Posted by Jon in AZ View Post
But any real live person who shows up with a real live molded fiberglass trailer of any kind is a friend. Friend always trumps brand.
This is exemplified by a lot of rallies with mixed moulded fibreglass trailers like Quartzsite. There was a vast assortment of manufactures there, and while trailers differed, the folks were all there just to have a good time. and they did!

I think the biggest fail we see is with folks who believe their way is the best way, and while it very well may be for them, we all need to recognize that the needs and desires of others will differ, and we should support them in their choices.
2017 Escape 5.0 TA
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“Most folks are about as happy as they make up their minds to be.” — Abraham Lincoln
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Old 04-14-2018, 08:20 AM   #211
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Name: bob
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fred my thoughts exactly I am happy with our 5k 13f scamper now if someone can swing 50k for a luxury camper I am glad for them. but no matter what the average person is going to get that loan and then the fight is on.

we just don't live the high life in our family I guess

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Old 04-14-2018, 08:35 AM   #212
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Originally Posted by k0wtz View Post
fred my thoughts exactly I am happy with our 5k 13f scamper now if someone can swing 50k for a luxury camper I am glad for them. but no matter what the average person is going to get that loan and then the fight is on.

we just don't live the high life in our family I guess


Just curious have you ever actually been inside a brand new Scamp just like yours?
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Old 04-14-2018, 10:09 AM   #213
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There are two false assumptions being made on this thread.
That highest price means highest quality and that everyone would want the most expensive product if only they could afford it. Finances being the only constraint.

I (and many others) own the trailer of our choice for more than one reason...
Utility,comfort, durability,cost to own, and yes price. This all adds up to value.
About half of value can be objectively measured, the rest is subjective.
I drive the car I want, live in the house I want, even wear the clothes I want, all pretty much based on the above criteria.
I have been blessed far beyond my expectations and I could certainly have any fiberglass trailer I wanted. I do have it.

I have always said that it is better to be poor in a rich country than rich in a poor one. I take great pleasure in exotic cars, mansions and hundred foot yachts without cultivating a desire for any of them.
I am glad that these things are available to those who want them, but it is simply "not so" that everyone would want one if only they could afford it.

It is said that a good salary or moderate wealth can pretty much get you anything you want.... it just can't get you everything you want!

Enough is enough, but only to those who are content with their limitations and learn to control their desires.
This is true prosperity,and it is better than mere wealth.
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Old 04-14-2018, 10:22 AM   #214
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Originally Posted by Rebecca D View Post
I hope this forum continues to be maintained as a welcoming place to all FG trailer owners!

However, personal judgements have made me ponder the reception I'd get on the site, if we were to purchase a Nest sometime down the road.

I think this is a great opportunity for the forum to gain new fiberglass enthusiasts, and I hope we don't discourage them from participating in our community.

Now, if I could only do something about the silver top of the Nest... Previously advertisements depicted neat exterior color choices, but sounds like your only choice is silver now

Perhaps Armadillo will come out with a 17' model?
Of potential interest: Happier Camper is working on a larger model, but it won't be out anytime soon, last I heard.

Ok, back to lurking now and thanks to all the great folks who make this an incredible community
Many of us active here are do-it-yourselfers, minimalists or cheapskates (I mean it in a good way). That may give the overall impression that some of them question those who spend more than absolutely necessary. However, I see this place as being far from some sort of an exclusive club! Good design, esthetics and quality has it price, and it is up to the buyer to make that judgment. Some of it is real, some is perceived. It is important to take time, do lots of research, hearing about the users' experience and then go for the one that best meets your requirements and wishes. It seems that you are doing all of that. Right now all FGRV's are only getting better as we go. People will be interested to find out which one you choose in the future.
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Old 04-14-2018, 10:44 AM   #215
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Name: Tom
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I bet some future Nest by Airstream owners are already here. When they announce, of course they will be embraced.

I am a little envious. Nevertheless, I feel blessed. Retiring fulltime this year. Probably will set out in my DIY Sprinter van. Quite a few have nicer van conversions than I. It doesn't bother me a bit. Everytime I see someone else towing "my" 17' Escape, now that bothers me!

It's all about what you do with the time you have, not what you pull. Bob "Kowtz" you are a good example, Jon in AZ another, we could all go on.
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Old 04-14-2018, 11:51 AM   #216
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Name: bob
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My guess is airstream will only charge as much as people are willing to pay. Supply and demand. After the initial nesters get their dream rv and realize it isn’t exactly what they thought, the prices will drop when they begin selling their nest due to “health reasons”. Ive noticed a lot of people are getting suckered into the fantasy youtube channels and making purchases sight unseen. The market is full of barely used rv’s by people who were suckered in by some youtube channel selling the “live for free” scam.
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Old 04-14-2018, 11:59 AM   #217
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in the desert

bob we spent a couple of weeks in the desert at quartzite this winter you think an airstream is expensive I couldn't believe the 300k rigs loitering out there.

paid for maybe maybe not expensive to buy, keep up store, insure the expense list goes on and on.

now do I care no but I find it remarkeable I didn't talk to any of them but I bet a lot will be for sale shortly when all this hits! I suppose some of them could have been leased short term country singers do it all the time!

if you want a nest I say go for it they can blend in here after all there are some pretty pricey rigs owned in this group.

no one cares

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Old 04-14-2018, 06:09 PM   #218
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This article was just thrust on me by an A.I. program (artificial ignorance) when I went to my home page...
There are a couple of good pictures and interesting comments in the article.
The picture from the dinette seat is very flattering!
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Old 04-15-2018, 06:35 AM   #219
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Name: Don
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It's a cool little trailer.... but I was really hoping for something between the Oliver and the Scamp/Casita in quality, weight and price.

It's not just the 47K for the camper. It's the 3400lbs which means a bigger more expensive car, more gas, more for insurance etc etc

We'll be looking at one but for the weight and price and a vehicle that can tow that much weight we might be looking at a scamp 19.
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Old 04-15-2018, 07:05 AM   #220
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I'd be looking at a 17' Escape myself as an in-between option on price and weight. If electric is more your style, Lil Snoozy fits the bill and has a similar layout as the Nest. A Scamp 19 requires a truck, which eliminates a lot of vehicle choices.

Nest is an interesting hybrid- propane stove and furnace, but 12V electric refrigeration. Arguably the most effective option for each function, but there doesn't appear to be a lot of space on top for solar panels to supply power for the fridge off-grid. The roof has two levels with a powered vent or A/C on the higher rear section and a skylight over the dinette/bed in front.

You could buy a Lil Snoozy and add LP systems, as a few have done. You'd end up with something quite similar in layout and function to the Nest. Plenty of room for solar. Of course there is the toilet debate, covered elsewhere...
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