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Old 01-06-2012, 01:28 PM   #21
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Trailer: 2009 17 ft Eggcamper / Chevy S-10
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I just remembered the time I was talking to a large fifth-wheel owner while my wife and I were on one of our first camping trips after buying our EggCamper. I was telling the owner about my reservations with an all-electric camper and he told me that in the seven years he had owned his fiver, he had never bothered even filling his propane bottles! Like us, he limited his camping to state parks and camp grounds that had electricity - and that's pretty much all of them in these warmer parts of the country.
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Old 01-06-2012, 01:52 PM   #22
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Same here, Floyd. Sign me up for a propane Air conditioner, LOL!

Originally Posted by floyd View Post
Heck, if they offered a propane A/C I would never need hook-ups!
Other than that I would rather have propane than 110V AC. luckily I don't have to choose and can have both available when needed.
Melissa in Florida
1999 Toyota Sienna XLE
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Old 01-06-2012, 03:29 PM   #23
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We've had our ALL ELECTRIC EggCamper for almost 4 yrs now. About 3yrs ago I bought a 3000w Yamaha for when we might need it. HAVE NOT USED IT YET! We have been averaging about 45 nights a year in our "little bit of paradise". The only propane we have used is for the portable stove (although this year I'm thinking of leaving it home and using only a hot plate and electric griddle). We only use our own bathroom (never the campground baths). We like showering every day so any stays over 2 nights we need to have sewer hook-ups. Taking a marine type shower, we have plenty of hot water from our 2 1/2gal electric water heater (only have to wait 15-20 minutes after wife gets out to take my shower).

We use our EggCamper as our vacation home, so we prefer sewer, water, elec., and cable TV. The campground is where we park, sleep, bathe, and watch TV. During the day we are out and about.

For us, the ALL ELECTRIC EGGCAMPER is perfect. Plus unless you stay a month, the electric is included in the price. IN ADDITION, I FEEL MUCH SAFER WITHOUT ANY PROPANE IN THE CAMPER.

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Old 01-06-2012, 04:25 PM   #24
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My previous egg, a 17' Burro, had a 2 cu ft electric fridge. It would not keep food cold for more than about 3 hours. Also no furnace, but I used a portable LP catalytic heater if I wasn't in a CG with electric hookups (which is pretty often for me). Lack of LP really chafed me, so I sold it and bought my current trailer.

I guess it all depends on how (or should I say where) you intend to camp. LP fits my camping style, all-electric does not. YMMV.
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Old 01-08-2012, 08:23 AM   #25
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We got unhitched at a campsite and I was just connecting the hydro to the trailer when the whole campground went out of power. The owners immediatly locked the washrooms...#$%^&! Glad that we had battery backup and a porty and a propane stove with us. After 24-36 hours of people slinking off into the bushes it smelled worse than an open septic tank, in the july sun and we were glad to get back on the road. Turned out that was when we had the Great Atlantic Coast brown-out. We were 800 miles from home and most of the service stations couldn't pump gas. Those that could would only allow you buy $20 worth max. Home was a very long and slow trip always hoping that we could make it to the next town or village AND that they still had gas. Many just locked their doors.
Being able to dry camp or use solar does have it's plus side.
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Old 01-08-2012, 11:37 AM   #26
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Since you've already ordered your Scamp the decision has been made. The first addition I would suggest is a camp stove; light, inexpensive and versatile. You may find yourself at a great campground that that doesn't have any serviced sites left. I boondocked in my Trillium all the time and a single battery ran all the lights easily. I carried a 5 gallon bulk water container and filled a 1 gallon jug for easy pouring. Before I replaced my fridge I used 2 frozen 2 litre pop bottles and used the old one as an ice box. I had a porta potti when a restroom wasn't available. An all electric trailer wouldn't be my choice but it is certainly workable.
Good luck!
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Old 01-08-2012, 02:14 PM   #27
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We have been all electric for the past 10 years of camping. We have used an Apache hard sided popup without any problems. We have a/c, microwave and elect. griddle and hot plate. We have 3 kids and our camping is mostly in state parks. I am building my 84 Burro the same way. I do not have to deal with the extra toung weight on my tow vehicle which is a 1948 Ford Coupe. We also do most of our cooking outside. In Michigan and Wisconsin you often run the a/c during the day and a small elect heater at night. It have never been a problem for the five of us.
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Old 01-08-2012, 06:50 PM   #28
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I understand the desire for propane in a travel trailer . I have propane in my Scamp and have used it to cook , for the refrigerator and heat water. I am an electrician and often hear from customers " I want gas heat so when the power goes out I have heat" The problem is all modern gas furnaces ,some cooking stoves and water heaters , all gas clothes dryers and even some gas fireplaces require electricity to operate. If you have no well power what good is a water heater ,you have no water pressure to move the water. I live in northern Wisconsin where the power goes out every other day in the winter (literally) that's why I have wood heat with electric backup. "wood always works" We have lost power for 48 hours at 20 below and stayed warm with wood heat.
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Old 01-08-2012, 07:04 PM   #29
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Any pictures of that wood heat in your Scamp?
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Old 01-09-2012, 05:12 AM   #30
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I always camp where there is electric, and the only propane I have is the stove. It heats water much faster than electric (and I have an emergency source if heat if needed). I don't have a bathroom, so my electrical/propane needs are small. Electric cube heater for staying warm, and I use the space from the furnace for storage area. I'd suggest sending a pm to some of the Egg owners, since those trailers are all electric.
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Old 01-11-2012, 04:12 PM   #31
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Originally Posted by Donna D. View Post
Different strokes for different folks group.

The question to ask yourself is what's important to YOU.

It's unfortunate there will always be contrarians and can only see their own point of view....
Donna, when the shop boss gives us our instructions for that days work, the most asked question by the new employees afterward is: "Is that guy "normal"?

Normal people have crazy ideas.
Crazy people have crazy ideas.
Normal people know a little quicker when their crazy ideas are crazy.
Crazy people are convinced that their crazy ideas are normal.
"Friday's Laws"

So, Dan if you want an all electric camper, its OK by me.
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Old 01-18-2012, 05:21 PM   #32
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Our trailer is all electric with the exception of the propane fired electric furnace is solar powered with dual 6volt batteries and we wouldn't have it any other way ! We had the trailer ( only has 1/2 inch of insulation )out for 9 nights during hunting season 3 days overcast , 4 days of 50-80km winds and -15c every night parked at the edge of a hay field in a 1/2 foot of snow about 50lbs of propane a couple bottles of scotch and can tell you we couldn't be happier , noise makin generator nope not interested , cheers mike
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Old 09-14-2016, 06:33 PM   #33
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All Electric

We nearly always camp where there is electric hook-ups, and rarely use the propane. Primarily it is for the stove, but we also have an electric frying pan and a microwave, plus a grill. We have used the hot water heater a few times for washing dishes, but have only used the shower a couple times. Most campgrounds have roomier facilities than our small camper anyway.

What is making us consider going to all electric is the silly alarms. Our camper has a CO2 alarm and a VOC alarm. They are a pain to shut off and very annoying. The VOC alarm has gone off when deodorant was applied. Stick deodorant!! Now I have to go to the far end or step outside to roll it on. If I forget, I have to crouch down to the panel to shut it off, and if the alarm condition is still active, I have to disable the electric power to it. We have an expensive three way power refrigerator that I have barely had on gas long enough to verify that it works, when an electric refrigerator is quite cheap, whether AC or DC or both. For all we use the gas, it might as well not be there. If we do go somewhere that doesn't have power and plan to stay there for long, we can take our emergency generator, but it hasn't been needed so far. When traveling and we stop, we have been happy with battery power. The only time we had any slight problem was stopping once when it was warm and the fans barely managed to keep us cool.

We are talking about going all electric with a couple extra batteries, a PV panel on the roof and a small generator for those times when the batteries can't keep up with the load. The stove can be replaced by our trusty electric pan and a hot plate. For hot water, we can use a pan. And we may add a small tent/shower stall outside if needed. We have used a small electric heater that was much quieter than the gas furnace.

So we see no need for gas, and can skip the gas lines, some of the plumbing and most importantly the false alarms.
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Old 09-14-2016, 06:39 PM   #34
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Originally Posted by merlyx View Post
... The VOC alarm has gone off when deodorant was applied. Stick deodorant!! ....
Deodorant while camping.. now there is something I never would have thought of.
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Old 09-14-2016, 06:50 PM   #35
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April in Florida! For Michiganders, 85 degrees and humid is warmer than some of our summers.
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Old 09-14-2016, 08:44 PM   #36
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Not bad for a 4 year old threD
That's my job. I read...and I know things
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Old 09-15-2016, 09:04 AM   #37
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If I don't turn on the vent fan in my Travel Supreme 5th wheel the lp alarm will go off when using the spray Right Guard.
I think it is much too sensitive.
If cooking on the grill outside if the wing is blowing towards the door the fire alarm goes off too.
At least the work!

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Old 09-15-2016, 09:59 AM   #38
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Originally Posted by Perry J View Post
If you decide after awhile your new trailer is to small or just doesn't fit your needs you will be limiting your your resale value and number of potential buyers.
What happens if you find a beautiful spot where you want to spend a few days and no hookups are available?
Enjoy your new Scamp,
I did just fine with a lantern for light and a portable propane heater for heat (never used it, though). But I think in part it depends on the type of camping you do and the climate. I only use the electric most of the time to charge devices, put the light on for a few minutes a day, and make coffee. But if I were running an AC it would be hard to substitute for electricity.
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Old 10-08-2016, 06:39 PM   #39
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We have had our Eggcamper for 4 years. We have solar on the roof and a generator, but our camping style is usually state parks with water and electric and facilities. We love it and wouldn't trade it for anything.
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Old 10-10-2016, 12:10 PM   #40
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Originally Posted by gordon2 View Post
Deodorant while camping.. now there is something I never would have thought of.

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"Always look on the Lite side of life" - Eric Idle
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