01-27-2018, 08:58 PM
Senior Member
Name: Carl
Trailer: 2015 Escape 5.0TA
Posts: 1,749
Originally Posted by floyd
..."Boob tube" coming from a time when televisions had CRTs, as distinguished from a modern TV which should now be called ironically a "flat lcd"?! 
Wouldn’t that be the same time, as distinguished from modern times, when the Scamps made today were designed. Nobody understands better than you Floyd that just because something isn’t “modern” it should be denigrated or labeled as outdated with any implication that perhaps it should be discarded for the more modern.
01-27-2018, 09:00 PM
Senior Member
Trailer: 2004 13 ft Scamp Custom Deluxe
Posts: 8,531
Originally Posted by Al & Cindy K
Of a bigger concern, why is Floyd posting something that says “Southern Style”?
Bless your heart!   Love that Okra!
01-27-2018, 09:00 PM
Senior Member
Name: bill
Trailer: 2013 Escape 19
The Mountains of NC/SW Desert of UT
Posts: 4,188
We looked long and hard at an Escape 5th wheel, and the one thing we kept going back to is we did not want to lose the storage capacity of the truck bed. We had a fifth wheel years ago, and loved the upper bedroom. That trailer was very roomy, much better than our Escape trailer. So its a trade off for sure!
I definitely like the floor plan of a fifth wheel or the Scamp 19 whatever it is, over the Scamp 16. Much larger dinette, with a nice separate bed area.
We are amateur pickers. Seems like every vacation becomes a picking trip as well. So the truck is usually full by the time we are heading home.
01-27-2018, 09:05 PM
Senior Member
Name: Jon
Trailer: 2008 Scamp 13 S1
Posts: 12,306
Biggest downside in my mind is the loft is set up for transverse sleeping. The standard can be modified for longways sleeping but not the deluxe due to the bathroom location.
01-27-2018, 09:06 PM
Senior Member
Trailer: 2004 13 ft Scamp Custom Deluxe
Posts: 8,531
Originally Posted by CPW
Wouldn’t that be the same time, as distinguished from modern times, when the Scamps made today were designed. Nobody understands better than you Floyd that just because something isn’t “modern” it should be denigrated or labeled as outdated with any implication that perhaps it should be discarded for the more modern. 
I do understand, but I was just trying to distinguish the difference in this circumstance! 
You really can't discard a perfectly good CRT today,you can't sell it, or give it away, heck even the garbage man won't take it! You must PAY someone to haul the ignominious thing away!
01-27-2018, 09:18 PM
Senior Member
Name: Carl
Trailer: 2015 Escape 5.0TA
Posts: 1,749
Originally Posted by cosmo64
Well, wasn't that fun? Okay...the Scamp 19 isn't a 5th wheel, got it.
Now we return you to your regularly scheduled forum post.
Thanks all for your insights and experiences both good and bad. Please feel free to continue directly answering my original post, now that I have been thoroughly washed and sanitized in the proper vernacular.
Okay, Michael, since you ask. In your OP, you specifically asked about regrets. I regret I bought mine. For me, my Scamp 19 or whatever you want to call it was nothing but trouble and a source of constant annoyance. I personally wouldn’t buy another. But I would say this: if you like it’s looks and you like its layout and you think it will meet your needs and desires, I would tell you to buy a Scamp 19 without giving it a second thought. In the final analysis, my (or anyone else’s) regrets or praises do not matter. Any given trailer is like any given politician......some people will say he/she is doing a great job while others will say he/she is a bleeping idiot. Should you buy a Scamp 19, only your opinion of it really matters.
01-27-2018, 09:24 PM
Senior Member
Name: Dale
Trailer: 2010 EggCamper; 2002 Highlander 3.0L; 2017 Escape 21'; 2016 F-150 5.0L Fx4
Posts: 748
My twin axle Escape 21' has a 5th wheel. It's mounted on the rear bumper as a spare.
01-27-2018, 11:14 PM
Senior Member
Trailer: 1988 16 ft Scamp Deluxe
Posts: 25,813
Once upon a time, I thought a Scamp 5er was in my future. THEN Escape built the single-axle 5.0 classic. Oh my stars... but still not ready YET. THEN Escape posted the possibility of a dual-axle 5.0TA. The interior layout looked like it was written on a cocktail napkin and the "image" was just something created from Photoshop. I practically broke my arm getting my checkbook out to write a check for a deposit.... BEFORE there was even a mold for the trailer. Three and a half years LATER from the date I picked up MY custom built 5.0TA.... ZERO REGRETS.
But in the end, it's not what you tow, it's that you GO! You'll find it's more about the memories you make and less about the trailer you owned that got you there.
Good luck and have fun!
Donna D.
Ten Forward - 2014 Escape 5.0 TA
Double Yolk - 1988 16' Scamp Deluxe
01-27-2018, 11:42 PM
Senior Member
Name: Robert
Trailer: 2015 Escape 19 "Past Tents" 2021 F150 Lariat 2.7L EB SuperCrew
Posts: 1,299
Originally Posted by Glenn Baglo
They were significantly larger than those, I think.
Think square French fries.
But, I wouldn't call those hash browns either. 
This'll tide you over Glenn. Scrambled with cheese, REAL hash browns and chicken fried chicken with cream gravy, biscuits on the side. Available now at any Jims in Texas. Y'all come.
"You can't buy happiness, but you can buy an RV. And that is pretty close."
01-27-2018, 11:56 PM
Senior Member
Trailer: Escape 17 ft
Posts: 8,317
Best fried chicken I ever had was in a church basement in Texas. I would have been about 12 at the time. Had third and more helpings.
What happens to the hole when the cheese is gone?
- Bertolt Brecht
01-28-2018, 12:20 AM
Senior Member
Name: Paul
Trailer: '04 Scamp 19D, TV:Tacoma 3.5L 4door, SB
Posts: 1,854
Originally Posted by floyd
I do understand, but I was just trying to distinguish the difference in this circumstance! 
You really can't discard a perfectly good CRT today,you can't sell it, or give it away, heck even the garbage man won't take it! You must PAY someone to haul the ignominious thing away!
And what does that someone do with that CRT? Probably smashes it to bits and throws it in his trash.
Back to the topic at hand. The Scamp19 (5th wheel or whatever) does not preclude the use of the truck bed. My tripod stabilizer travels there, a big cooler, wood scraps for setting up on uneven or soft ground, water bladder(s), lawn chairs, the landing gear crank, etc. One thing to watch out for is the monster wind storm created in the bed by any kind of 5th wheel (here we go again!) trailer. Anything light must be secured, or it will be lost - I know. Also, no long, loose ends of ropes or straps!
As far as the size of the loft bed, I would recommend to find someone who would let you climb in their Scamp 5th (no wheel) bed and spend a few minutes to try it on for size. I'm 5'10" and I had to get used to it, but no big deal now.
One possible negative: it is high and will not fit in a garage, whereas the smaller Scamps without the AC on top might fit.
01-28-2018, 01:29 AM
Senior Member
Trailer: 89 Scamp 16 ft
Posts: 275
Maybe a little contrary to this post, we're hoping a *benefit* of the Scamp 5er is the loft bed. We like the looks of the deluxe because it makes the bed a little private. Plus, we like the taller front bathroom because the man of the house is about 6'2". We're also hoping the loft bed will be a little more comfortable than our 16' dinette bed. Does anyone have thoughts on this?
Maybe more to the point: can anyone measure the largest rectangle that fits in their deluxe 5er loft bed?
And of course, we'd love to see (and lay in) a Deluxe 5er if there are any floating around northern Utah!
LUCINDA 1989 Bigfoot 5th Wheel | Steve, Rosemary, Maude Pod & Tripawd Hope
'Glass trips: Moab 03/10 * The Swell 5/26/11 * Antelope Island 12/21/11 * Strawberry Res 6/12 * Whitney Res 6/14 * Uintahs 7/15 * East Fork of Black's 6/16 * St Mary-Ennis-Lava 6/18
01-28-2018, 05:31 AM
Senior Member
Name: Carl
Trailer: 2015 Escape 5.0TA
Posts: 1,749
Originally Posted by Steve and Rosemary
Maybe a little contrary to this post, we're hoping a *benefit* of the Scamp 5er is the loft bed. We like the looks of the deluxe because it makes the bed a little private. Plus, we like the taller front bathroom because the man of the house is about 6'2". We're also hoping the loft bed will be a little more comfortable than our 16' dinette bed. Does anyone have thoughts on this?
Maybe more to the point: can anyone measure the largest rectangle that fits in their deluxe 5er loft bed?
And of course, we'd love to see (and lay in) a Deluxe 5er if there are any floating around northern Utah!
I am 5’9” and when I laid on my back in the 19 deluxe’s loft, my head touched on one side and my toes on the other. At 6’2” you will have to sleep somewhat
”curled up.” There are two potential downsides to the deluxe’s loft configuration other than length. First, the person sleeping away from the stairs has to crawl over the person nearest the stairs if they have to get up in the middle of the night. Second, air flow to the loft is impeded by the lack of openness. This can somewhat be alleviated by installing a small wall fan near the staircase. I recall seeing a mod where someone installed a couple of registers and vent pipe with a fan in the pipe over the bathroom. There is a cabinet above the bathroom that opens into the sleeping area. It can get warm and/or stuffy up there. It could be an issue if you are camping where it gets hot and you want to use A/C if it is one of the options you have installed in the trailer.
Sorry, can’t give you the dimension you request. Hopefully, a current Scamp 19 owner can provide that.
01-28-2018, 06:20 AM
Senior Member
Name: Jon
Trailer: 2008 Scamp 13 S1
Posts: 12,306
Originally Posted by Steve and Rosemary
...Maybe more to the point: can anyone measure the largest rectangle that fits in their deluxe 5er loft bed?
I believe- perhaps an owner car verify or correct- the maximum dimensions are about 60" front-to-back by 76" left-to-right. The front corners are curved, so to get a perfect rectangle you 'd have to eliminate 6-8" of width, leaving a gap along the edge of the mattress toward the front of the trailer. A full-size mattress might fit, assuming it's flexible enough to get up the stairs, past the bathroom enclosure, and into that space.
Your best bet, as someone said, is to get inside one for yourself. Numbers don't tell the whole story. Realize it's a smaller-than-queen-sized space closed in on 3-2/3 sides. Some love it, while others find it confining. I hope someone nearby will offer a look-see. If not, Scamp may be able to set you up through their referral program- wouldn't hurt to call. Or visit a rally (iffy, as 19D's are not all that common), or wait for a used one to come on the market near you.
If the Escape 5.0TA is bigger than you want, you could also wait for a used 5.0 Classic to come up for sale. The loft holds a longways standard queen, no crawl-over and full 80" length. In my mind it's a better arrangement for a taller person.
01-28-2018, 07:01 AM
Senior Member
Name: bob
Trailer: 1996 Casita 17 Spirit Deluxe; 1946 Modernistic teardrop
New York
Posts: 5,474
Wasn't there some discussion a while back about axle mount problems on the Scamp 19. Tearing loose or cracking at the axle to frame point maybe ??
01-28-2018, 07:44 AM
Senior Member
Name: David
Trailer: Escape Trailers
Posts: 213
Originally Posted by Jon in AZ
Biggest downside in my mind is the loft is set up for transverse sleeping. The standard can be modified for longways sleeping but not the deluxe due to the bathroom location.
We purchased a 2011 Std. Scamp 19, camped close to the factory our first night, and had a some overnight rain. I am 5'11 and awoke the next morning with damp sheets at my feet. We returned to the factory where they replaced the leaking window. I'm a side sleeper so the length of the sleeping area wasn't generally a problem until I stretched out and then I noticed my feet pushing against the window. I don't know how the 6'4 guy handles it, but we soon installed an actual full-size mattress oriented back to front, which can't be done with the deluxe. It was a bit of a jury-rigged system, but it worked much better for us than the original.
While being able to stand up in the front bath would have been nice, I think we would have found the enclosed loft claustrophobic as well as too short. The stairs are certainly nicer than the standard's ladder.
We purchased a 2014 Escape 5.0TA, which I'm reluctant to call a 5th-wheel as we covered over its kingpin with an Andersen adapter and use their Ultimate hitch. We feel this setup has all of the attributes of a 5th-wheel plus, though we do have to deal with the dreaded safety chains.
If we were starting over today, we would go directly to the Escape. When the value of the features it offers that Scamp doesn't, the pricing isn't that much different from the 19 Deluxe. We enjoyed our Scamp, but like the Escape much more.
Good luck with your search,
01-28-2018, 08:08 AM
Senior Member
Trailer: 2007 19 ft Escape 5.0 / 2002 GMC (1973 Boler project)
Posts: 4,149
Originally Posted by Stretcher
We purchased a 2011 Std. Scamp 19, camped close to the factory our first night, and had a some overnight rain. I am 5'11 and awoke the next morning with damp sheets at my feet. We returned to the factory where they replaced the leaking window. I'm a side sleeper so the length of the sleeping area wasn't generally a problem until I stretched out and then I noticed my feet pushing against the window. I don't know how the 6'4 guy handles it, but we soon installed an actual full-size mattress oriented back to front, which can't be done with the deluxe. It was a bit of a jury-rigged system, but it worked much better for us than the original.
While being able to stand up in the front bath would have been nice, I think we would have found the enclosed loft claustrophobic as well as too short. The stairs are certainly nicer than the standard's ladder.
We purchased a 2014 Escape 5.0TA, which I'm reluctant to call a 5th-wheel as we covered over its kingpin with an Andersen adapter and use their Ultimate hitch. We feel this setup has all of the attributes of a 5th-wheel plus, though we do have to deal with the dreaded safety chains.
If we were starting over today, we would go directly to the Escape. When the value of the features it offers that Scamp doesn't, the pricing isn't that much different from the 19 Deluxe. We enjoyed our Scamp, but like the Escape much more.
Good luck with your search,
Hi: Stretcher... Our Downside of the Scamp 19 turned into an upside when the factory caught fire. The folks we got our 5.0 Escape from were forced to search for another trailer to take to Alaska. Our lucky day... but not so lucky as the day we picked up our 2014 Escape 5.0TA.
See ya in Sebring?
Alf S. North shore of Lake Erie
01-28-2018, 09:01 AM
Senior Member
Name: Jon
Trailer: 2008 Scamp 13 S1
Posts: 12,306
Originally Posted by mary and bob
Wasn't there some discussion a while back about axle mount problems on the Scamp 19. Tearing loose or cracking at the axle to frame point maybe ??
Yes. There was a recall that affected some years. If you buy a used Scamp 19 from one of the affected years, I would have it inspected. Don't recall the exact years, sometime in the 00's I think. Not new ones.
Here is one of several threads on the topic:
It's my understanding Scamp will pay for a repair, though I would negotiate for a cost share on a whole new axle if it were me.
01-28-2018, 10:43 AM
Senior Member
Trailer: 2004 13 ft Scamp Custom Deluxe
Posts: 8,531
Originally Posted by Paul O.
And what does that someone do with that CRT? Probably smashes it to bits and throws it in his trash.
Back to the topic at hand. The Scamp19 (5th wheel or whatever) does not preclude the use of the truck bed. My tripod stabilizer travels there, a big cooler, wood scraps for setting up on uneven or soft ground, water bladder(s), lawn chairs, the landing gear crank, etc. One thing to watch out for is the monster wind storm created in the bed by any kind of 5th wheel (here we go again!) trailer. Anything light must be secured, or it will be lost - I know. Also, no long, loose ends of ropes or straps!
As far as the size of the loft bed, I would recommend to find someone who would let you climb in their Scamp 5th (no wheel) bed and spend a few minutes to try it on for size. I'm 5'10" and I had to get used to it, but no big deal now.
One possible negative: it is high and will not fit in a garage, whereas the smaller Scamps without the AC on top might fit.
Believe me, I have been in every corner of every size and type Scamp ever made.
I'm 6'0" and 66 YO.
But that made me think of a drawback to the Deluxe 5'er, it is a little difficult to get A/C into the loft. One cure is to have an exhaust fan/vent in the loft to let heat out and draw cold air from below. It also works well to keep the loft cool when boondocking.
A ducted fan or even just a fan mounted near the door will solve the problem also, since it is only a bit of a problem.
01-28-2018, 12:10 PM
Senior Member
Name: Paul
Trailer: '04 Scamp 19D, TV:Tacoma 3.5L 4door, SB
Posts: 1,854
We use the AC rarely, and it bothered me more that the heated air could not find its way up to the loft at all. I have two 12V computer power supply fans mounted above the bathroom door and they push the air to the loft through the open door of the storage compartment. A thermal switch, (make on hot - such as used on kitchen kick-space heaters) is mounted on the furnace exhaust. It turns them on after about a minute of heating and turns off about 5 minutes after the the furnace stops. Reasonably low power draw, and a big improvement in comfort.
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