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Old 08-12-2008, 07:39 PM   #81
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Attachment 15137

Here's a picture of the rare 15 ft Boler.
I wasn't even aware of it until I saw someone talking about it with Brian on the Bolerama forum.
Mabee he can shed more light on it as to year, mfg plant etc.
I could have sworn (!#$%^#$) there was some pics of this trailer in our albums. (15').. guess I'm wrong. hummm maybe they're on one of my computers somewhere... guess I should look
Donna D.
Ten Forward - 2014 Escape 5.0 TA
Double Yolk - 1988 16' Scamp Deluxe
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Old 08-12-2008, 08:28 PM   #82
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james kent's Avatar
Trailer: Boler 1984
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Hi Donna
Inproportionate number of pictures of 17 ft Bolers to number of 13's.[only one]. I believe that there were more 13's built than all others.
There are no pictures of the 16 1/2 square Boler and no pictures of the 1500 series. Also All the 1700 pictures are western made with the curved door. The Earlton models had a flat door and the interior is different.

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Name:	Fall_Pics_003_1.jpg
Views:	82
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ID:	15144
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Old 08-29-2008, 11:16 PM   #83
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Roy in TO's Avatar
Trailer: 1972 Boler American and 1979 Trillium 4500
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It appears that there is another addition to the list,
1977-1981 the el macho produced by Land & Sea International, Santa Clara, CA
as indicated by this discussion:
Which shows photo's and an ad from Donna's archives
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Old 08-29-2008, 11:44 PM   #84
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Adding in 1972 - (1985?) Love Bug , built by Tri Fab
Possibly another offshoot of the short lived boler American based on timing.
Roger H indicates they were built in Tripoli, IA
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Old 09-15-2008, 10:48 PM   #85
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Trailer: 1974 Boler and 1988 Bigfoot
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I could have sworn (!#$%^#$) there was some pics of this trailer in our albums. (15').. guess I'm wrong. hummm maybe they're on one of my computers somewhere... guess I should look

Well I was just at a glass meet in Fort Langley and there was a 15 footer there, I also have been reading all the discusion about the Boler history It started in 1968 and they were first all the others are copies ,not to hard to figure out Canada Eh...
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Old 09-15-2008, 10:55 PM   #86
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Trailer: 1974 Boler and 1988 Bigfoot
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Well I was just at a glass meet in Fort Langley and there was a 15 footer there, I also have been reading all the discusion about the Boler history It started in 1968 and they were first all the others are copies ,not to hard to figure out Canada Eh...
Well I could be wrong about the 15 footer ,but it had this wierd door????? but the BOLER,S were still first.....Go Canada GO...
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Old 09-18-2008, 10:41 AM   #87
Trailer: 1992 Scamp 13 ft
Posts: 55
*Edit - well that didn't work It all lined up nicely in the editor. I will have to see if I can get it exported to pdf or something similar.

*Edit 2 - Here is a screenshot for now of the spreadsheet

Here is another way to look at it

Click image for larger version

Name:	HistScreen.jpg
Views:	156
Size:	139.0 KB
ID:	15745

The first grouping is the original Boler owned and their franchises. The End Year is 1973 because that is year Boler was sold to Neonex.

The second grouping is Boler American and its descendants. Scamp indicates their role on their website and some deductive reasoning can be applied. Scamp states that Boler American went out of business late in 1972, they produced around 130 units in 1972, if they started in January as the Boler article states then the majority of units were Boler American. Eco and Love Bug both started in 1972 as well and I assumed a similar story to Scamp. They made Boler Americans, when Boler American failed, they decided to use the molds they had and came up with new names.

The third grouping is Boler after Neonex bought the company. One of the articles at Bolerama talked about Neonex's plan to close the Winnipeg location and consolidate manufacture in Calgary in 1975. I didn't find any Bolers older than 1973 manufactured at Peace River so I am wondering if that facility closed in 1973 after the purchase?

The last 2 groupings are Perris and Casita. There are quite a few stories floating around about the 'birth' of Casita but there is proof that units were produced in Backus so Casita in Texas became 3rd generation so to speak. Perris has a couple of possibilities. If Eco only managed a year or so (I don't think I have seen one newer than 73?) than maybe the molds were bought or moved to California and that is what Perris used? Or maybe Perris ended up with one of the missing 2 molds discussed in the Boler article?

Pretty interesting stuff. Lots of holes after Neonex though that might be able to be filled in.
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Old 09-18-2008, 11:47 AM   #88
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If you are including Boler clones then the Tote'n Tarry should probably be included. It looks to be made from the same molds.
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Old 09-18-2008, 12:23 PM   #89
Trailer: 1992 Scamp 13 ft
Posts: 55
If you are including Boler clones then the Tote'n Tarry should probably be included. It looks to be made from the same molds.
I think the Minit and Pla-Mor II look like Boler molds as well. The timeframe fits as 1971-1972 seems to be when the molds proliferated.
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Old 09-18-2008, 01:11 PM   #90
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Earlier in this thread I posted my B1300 is a 1979 made in Earlton.
1979 Boler B1300 | 1987 Bigfoot 5th Wheel | 1988 Bigfoot 5th Wheel | We officially have a collection!
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Old 09-18-2008, 05:01 PM   #91
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I have a 1981 Boler Delux that was mfg. at the Earlton plant.I have the original receipt for the purchase price of $6800.00.
Attached Thumbnails
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Old 09-19-2008, 07:14 AM   #92
Trailer: 1992 Scamp 13 ft
Posts: 55
Here is a timeline view. I did update with latest posts. So 1982-1983 for Earlton/Midhurst move is sometime in there.

Click image for larger version

Name:	Untitled.jpg
Views:	202
Size:	74.5 KB
ID:	15763
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Old 10-26-2008, 10:39 AM   #93
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Trailer: Eco Featherlite 1970 (Circa)
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Speculation on Bolers descendants, spin-offs and knock-offs abound o' plenty...I do know that loads.... okay perhaps a small bunch of ECO owners are out there. Knowing this, from being on your web-site off and on for the past 7 years. I know they were built in Aurora Neb. by Century Manuf. in the early 70's. There was some very interesting history behind the family of brothers whom started the Co. I own an ECO FeatherLite 1970 13', I have put it side by side Bolers and see very few disimilarities. Perhaps when the Canadiens were bringing the mold south to Wichita...they stopped at a truck stop in Aurora... You know these Nebraskans...saw an opportunity to build "hot tubs" instead. Well... the California image of hot tubs didnt fly in that "neck" of the woods and with the plans in hand decided to continue... putting wheels on 'em. and the story goes.... 'round n' round jeff isaacson

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Old 10-26-2008, 11:13 AM   #94
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Speculation on Bolers descendants, spin-offs and knock-offs abound o' plenty...I do know that loads.... okay perhaps a small bunch of ECO owners are out there. Knowing this, from being on your web-site off and on for the past 7 years. I know they were built in Aurora Neb. by Century Manuf. in the early 70's. There was some very interesting history behind the family of brothers whom started the Co. I own an ECO FeatherLite 1970 13', I have put it side by side Bolers and see very few disimilarities. Perhaps when the Canadiens were bringing the mold south to Wichita...they stopped at a truck stop in Aurora... You know these Nebraskans...saw an opportunity to build "hot tubs" instead. Well... the California image of hot tubs didnt fly in that "neck" of the woods and with the plans in hand decided to continue... putting wheels on 'em. and the story goes.... 'round n' round jeff isaacson
Jeff, Brian added the Eco in this prior post: Eco added, didn't want you to think we'd left you out
Donna D.
Ten Forward - 2014 Escape 5.0 TA
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Old 10-27-2008, 06:14 PM   #95
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Trailer: Eco Featherlite 1970 (Circa)
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Jeff, Brian added the Eco in this prior post: Eco added, didn't want you to think we'd left you out prob...thanx for the great work...ji
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Old 01-06-2009, 11:46 PM   #96
rudock1's Avatar
Trailer: Perris Pacer 13 ft 1985 / 2002 Mazda B3000 Dual Sport
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It appears that there is another addition to the list,
1977-1981 the el macho produced by Land & Sea International, Santa Clara, CA
as indicated by this discussion:
Which shows photo's and an ad from Donna's archives
Just last week, we were camping at Sunset Beach (Monterey Bay, CA) and one of these "El Macho" trailers made by Land N' Sea Craft was sitting two sites over! The owners, Nick and Colleen from Idaho, bought it new in 1975. They said their first TV was a Datsun 1300 and they traveled with two kids. Since 1975 they said they have been in all the lower 48 states, Canada and Mexico. I liked the way Nick said, "I took it everywhere, I've never left it behind!"

Here are a few photos I took for this Boler history project and posterity:

Click image for larger version

Name:	1975ElMacho_1.JPG
Views:	118
Size:	183.3 KB
ID:	17446

Click image for larger version

Name:	1975ElMacho_2.JPG
Views:	84
Size:	93.0 KB
ID:	17447

Click image for larger version

Name:	1975ElMacho_3.JPG
Views:	71
Size:	110.2 KB
ID:	17448

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Old 03-01-2009, 01:16 AM   #97
Trailer: Boler
Posts: 38
Should this be added to the timeline?
1978 Trek 1300;mode=linear
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Old 05-26-2009, 03:56 PM   #98
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I did a little research on Ray Olecko's patents and on the Boler trademark registration which I incorporated into these two articles:

A Boler Timeline

A Brief Boler History

I tried also to straighten out some errors that I found on other Boler history sites (most based on McColl's Bolerama site) and to simplify the timeline from this thread.

Hope I didn't introduce more errors than I fixed. If anybody spots something, let me know and I will edit the articles.

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Old 05-26-2009, 08:38 PM   #99
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Hope I didn't introduce more errors than I fixed. If anybody spots something, let me know and I will edit the articles.
From your article:
A couple of derivatives, the Casita and [b]the Burro, are still in production as a modernized Bolers in various lengths and configurations, at prices up to ten times the $1400 cost of the 1968 Boler.

Burro ended production sometime in 2000. It's website just refuses to die.
Frederick - The Scaleman
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Old 05-26-2009, 09:03 PM   #100
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Trailer: 1979 13 ft Boler and 1987 Bigfoot 5th Wheel
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From your article:
A couple of derivatives, the Casita and [b]the Burro, are still in production as a modernized Bolers in various lengths and configurations, at prices up to ten times the $1400 cost of the 1968 Boler.

Burro ended production sometime in 2000. It's website just refuses to die.
Should be Scamp, not Burro.
1979 Boler B1300 | 1987 Bigfoot 5th Wheel | 1988 Bigfoot 5th Wheel | We officially have a collection!
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