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Old 04-16-2011, 06:21 AM   #21
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Since we are all adult and working out a problem!
To save space in the P-P's holding tank.....!

FWIW: Toilet paper and urine tend to fill a small holding tank faster than solids do. Put the "wiping" paper into the Porta Potty and "dabbing" paper into a plastic bag next to the toilet.

A large neck GATOR AID bottle for mens liquids works well. Empty the bottle into the campground's toilet or sewer when necessary.

Takes a long time to fill a 5 gallon tank with solids.

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Old 04-16-2011, 06:28 AM   #22
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I did that one trip and regretted it.

All the solids just sat in a pile on the bottom and was a lot of work to clean out.

Bill K

Originally Posted by Kip in Ga. View Post
Since we are all adult and working out a problem!
To save space in the P-P's holding tank.....!

FWIW: Toilet paper and urine tend to fill a small holding tank faster than solids do. Put the "wiping" paper into the Porta Potty and "dabbing" paper into a plastic bag next to the toilet.

A large neck GATOR AID bottle for mens liquids works well. Empty the bottle into the campground's toilet or sewer when necessary.

Takes a long time to fill a 5 gallon tank with solids.

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Old 04-16-2011, 08:10 AM   #23
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Originally Posted by SherryNPaul View Post
I don't know what brand of cassette toilet Li'l Snoozy plans to use, but Thetford makes one model where the cassette (tank) has wheels and a handle. Inside the trailer bathroom, it looks just like the standard model, according to the photos on their website.
A gallon to recharge the chemicals would likely be a lot. In the cassette toilet we used in a rental, the tank wasn't that wide. The pint Matt suggested would likely be more than plenty to disperse chemicals across the bottom of the tank.
I know this sounds "icky," but you could instruct the girls to put tp in a small covered wastebasket to save more room in the tank, and make everything easier for you. Urine is actually almost sterile...
Use the campground facilities whenever possible. You may find that the five gallon tank may last longer than you think.
TP in the wastebasket, that is good training in case the girls ever travel to some of the more distant nations in their lifetimes. When in Peru on mission trips, the group had to do this in the hotels because their plumbing would have clogged with TP. Their drain pipes are more narrow and the locals are all used to the routine of disposing of the TP separately.
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Old 04-16-2011, 08:21 AM   #24
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All Excellent ideas/suggestions. I had no idea folks had gotten so creative with this issue, lol. That was one thing I hated about our other cassette was sometimes the paper would get globbed up for some reason and no matter how much water I shot in there it wouldnt come out so with a gloved hand I'd have to reach in and pull it all out. I plan to enforce the same rule as before which is no solids in the potti unless it's an emergency or there are no facilitites. And whoever does the solids gets to clean out the potti unless it's my little one of course. I'll look for one of those small trashcans with a foot pedal so no hands have to touch the lid.
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Old 04-16-2011, 09:37 AM   #25
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Personally I don't care for the suggestion of dumping down a campground toilet. Only because some ya-hoooooooooooo makes a mess and leaves it for the next guest/campground employee's/etc to clean up. But I understand you have to do what you have to do. (Personally I don't use public toilets anyway, so ..........)

Though I don't agree with some methods of disposal suggested, I do have an idea that I have found to be the best solution for odor/paper control. I understand that many people use other means for disposing of toilet tissue. But years ago, I read about putting Calgon Bath Salt's in the black water tank. Since switching over to this method over the Tank chemicals, I have found that emptying the Blank tank a much easier job. No mounds of solids etc. I was told because the Bath Salts are a water softner they break down and soften the waste. (It works for the Black tank but cant imagine it wouldn't work for your PP just as well)

For the Black tank I put in a cup or so in the toilet after dumping along with a gallon of water (for your PP, I wouldn't use this much of either) But since I have to add a little water after each dump I put the Bath Salts in with it. Never since changing over to this method have I smelled an odor. EVER! And since I have rv'ed for 40+ years and spent many a trip smelling the Blue Chemical for miles and miles, as well as in the campsite, the benefit of not having that chemical smell around is the biggest plus. Especially on a hot day! (GAG!)....

Again, I can't imagine why it wouldn't work for your PP. You will just have to figure out how much of the bath salts to use. As others have suggested with the tank chemical, I would think you would want the Bath Salts/Water to cover the bottom of your PP. Again, I don't know how much to tell you. But it's worth a try to find out.

There will be nay-sayers, and that is fine. This method has just worked for me. Since I bought the Casita I have never used chemical. With our other rv's I did and dumping was often a struggle as well as the chemical smell is enough to make me find a different solution. Good Luck!

For the record, I don't use Calgon Brand anymore, I use Vasiline Intensive Care http://www.medshopexpress.com/986363.html I buy it at Wallie World. It's cheaper........
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Old 07-25-2011, 12:06 PM   #26
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Portable Toilet Question

When we used the porta-potti with our camper a few years back I had a strict "liquid only" rule because I had to do some very unpleasant clean up the first time it was used for other purposes. As we are contemplating a porta-potti again, and we are older, and may need to use it for emergency solid waste, I was wondering if any of you have tried using a spray-on soap solution on the bowl sides before use to stop things from sticking around and *hopefully* flush a bit more thoroughly.
Sorry this is a bit of an icky question, but it's better to ask it here when you can't see my blushing face.
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Old 07-25-2011, 12:27 PM   #27
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l empty every morning. The one time I left it go a day because of little use, it stank! even with the green stuff.

Rest stops have toilets that can be used. I am always careful to pour carefully so as to not make a mess.
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Old 07-25-2011, 03:26 PM   #28
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Has any one ever considered going to a compost toilet. It is much easier to deal with and easier to dump.Nature's Head Composting Toilets - The environmentally sustainable waterless toilet for Your Boat, RV, Cabin, Big Rig, Barn, Workshop, or Yurt! This one is very pricey but it is the best I have found.
There is the five gallon bucket and kitty litter or peat moss option also.
Or you can go as far as composting. The Humanure Handbook - Center of the Humanure Universe
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Old 07-25-2011, 03:50 PM   #29
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Here is what I use and it work's just fine.


Bill K

Originally Posted by reeves99 View Post
When we used the porta-potti with our camper a few years back I had a strict "liquid only" rule because I had to do some very unpleasant clean up the first time it was used for other purposes. As we are contemplating a porta-potti again, and we are older, and may need to use it for emergency solid waste, I was wondering if any of you have tried using a spray-on soap solution on the bowl sides before use to stop things from sticking around and *hopefully* flush a bit more thoroughly.
Sorry this is a bit of an icky question, but it's better to ask it here when you can't see my blushing face.
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Old 07-25-2011, 03:58 PM   #30
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Originally Posted by reeves99 View Post
When we used the porta-potti with our camper a few years back I had a strict "liquid only" rule because I had to do some very unpleasant clean up the first time it was used for other purposes. As we are contemplating a porta-potti again, and we are older, and may need to use it for emergency solid waste, I was wondering if any of you have tried using a spray-on soap solution on the bowl sides before use to stop things from sticking around and *hopefully* flush a bit more thoroughly.
Sorry this is a bit of an icky question, but it's better to ask it here when you can't see my blushing face.
Hi Phil

I have a strict rule about my porta-potty, too- Other than a little flushing water when needed, nothing goes in it that didn't pass through a human first!
I've found that paper is the biggest nuisance- it doesn't want to "flush", and it doesn't want to come out.
All paper is disposed of separately.
And other-er-solids are "deposited" ONLY when there's enough liquid in the bowl to carry them down. I don't usually have a "sticky" problem that way...
I also use powdered borax for odor control, and it helps a lot!

Hope this helps

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Old 07-25-2011, 04:27 PM   #31
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I was wondering if any of you have tried using a spray-on soap solution on the bowl sides before use to stop things from sticking around and *hopefully* flush a bit more thoroughly.
Phil, you can put toilet paper in an X around the bottom of the bowl before using the porta potty which makes flushing easier. And you can use a dish soap bottle with a little dish soap filled with water to squirt a strong stream of water to remove any residue on the side of the bowl.

Roger, as environmentally unfriendly as it is, the ONLY product that I have found that keeps the odor down for 3 days is the Thetford blue toilet chemical with formaldehyde. Especially in hot weather. Otherwise the stench is unbearable.
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Old 07-26-2011, 07:17 AM   #32
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Originally Posted by Roger C H View Post
l empty every morning. The one time I left it go a day because of little use, it stank! even with the green stuff.

Rest stops have toilets that can be used. I am always careful to pour carefully so as to not make a mess.
As stated above, I much prefer dealing with a Porta-Potty than the camper Toilet. Well....I did!

After a couple of camping trips I wanted to remove our factory toilet and replace it with the Porta-Potty but the wife said NO! She was afraid something would go wrong and the toilet might not go back properly at resale time or whatever. So the first camping trips we had the P-P sitting in the shower floor. The door will close and the space is usable, but tight. So we decided to use the factory toilet for summer and the P-P for winter, when the camper is winterized. Still didn't want to deal with solids whether in the P-P or the Camper toilet.

Here is what we have found that works for the two of us! And I'm really having fun writing this!

This works with our P-P and the camper toilet. When a "solid" deposit is in order, Place 3 grocery bags inside one another, or use a good strong and thick trash bag. Place them in the toilet with the carry handles hanging over the rim, on the sides. The toilet "seat" sitting on the handles will keep the bags from collapsing into the toilet. Make the deposit including the paper. Tie off the top of the bags and drop them in the trash or empty the bag into a campground toilet at your convience.


1. Deposit only solids in the bags.

2. Use a flat lid from a Cream cheese container, cool whip container or most any of those throw away things. Place it in the bowl before inserting the bag. This will keep the bag from getting in any standing water.Be sure to remove it for "wet" activities.

3. Turn on the bathroom fan before the performance begins! Our bathroom door doesn't fit air tight on the hinge side so the fan drawns air through there. And the bath window cracked a half inch or so is helpful. Our BR fan is small but works great with this setup. Doesn't work so good, to control odor, if the door is left open. With the door closed, fast moving air coming across the front and from behind seems to work best for us. Once the bag is sealed any odor that may be remaining is instantly gone. Nothing noticabe goes into the camper when the door is opened.

So a water hose works great to drain both camper tanks, as there are no solids to deal with. When done draining just unscrewing the hose from the camper and lifting that end empties it. No hateful slinky hose to deal with. I have a couple lengths of garden hose that can be connected if necessary. Liquids only, in a P-P make that chore a lot less painful too!

4. Installed a shut off valve in the toilet's supply line so the flush water can be adjusted for the bare amount of water needed to flush liquids.

5. If our camp site doen't have a sewer connection and the tanks need to stay shut off, a couple of ounces of Clorox deal with urine odor in the black tank pretty well.

We don't shower in the camper so we don't have much gray water. We do take along a wheeless 5 gallon blue tank just in case something needs draining, but haven't had to use it yet.

Have fun!

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Old 07-26-2011, 08:44 AM   #33
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Hi, Kip

But why no #2?
Without paper in the potty, everything that comes out when I dump mine is liquified...

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Old 07-26-2011, 09:52 AM   #34
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Happy Bowl

Bill & Sharon
Excellent suggestions! Just what I was looking for. I think either idea is much better than the Wag Bag solution.
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Old 07-26-2011, 10:12 AM   #35
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To eliminate porta-potty odor we put a bit of Mr. Clean (liquid cleaner) in with the first "flush". Tried other options that failed miserably then got this tip from a friend. We use our porta-potty only for liquids and even then only at night; since there's so little in the tank and the Mr. Clean keeps things odorless we don't have to dump until we leave a campground after 2-3 days! Never an odor! Even dumping is painless! Will learn how well this still works after 2-year-old gets out of diapers.
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Old 07-26-2011, 10:19 AM   #36
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Oh, we do flush the tp. Use a fair amount of flushing water to keep the bowl clean (3-4 "pumps").
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Old 07-26-2011, 10:21 AM   #37
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Anybody have any special technique for shaving seconds off what we call "The Porta Potty Dash"?
I've got my emptying sprint down to about 45 seconds, I think.
That's from the door of the "dumpsite" to capped and back outside...

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Old 07-26-2011, 10:28 AM   #38
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Just a question about adding bleach to black tanks or porta potties.

I've read several posts on different boards where people say they add bleach to black tanks or porta potties.

I was taught that ammonia and bleach combined to create deadly chlorine gas. Since urine turns to ammonia, wouldn't adding bleach create a dangerous combination?

During hurricane seasons, I've also read articles that say not to add bleach to toilet bowls when there is no water to flush for the same reason.
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Old 07-27-2011, 05:05 AM   #39
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Originally Posted by Francesca Knowles View Post
Hi, Kip

But why no #2?
Without paper in the potty, everything that comes out when I dump mine is liquified...

Hi Francesca,

Possibly it is because we have gotten older, that the apperance of liquified "solids" dumping from a P-P tends to unsettle the stomach a bit!
Then the washing and rinsing at the end of the trip to get it clean and sanitized just "seem" to kind of take some of the fun out of the memories.

You are right about the paper! Like most folks, we used the toilet like we were at home, when we were camping at commercial parks and were on sewer. And the trailers were a lot higher off the ground than these FG jobs. So we had good drainage and plenty of time to flush and rise the Black tank before leaving the camp ground. The kids grew up and lost interest in camping and so did we. So 20+ years later we tried camping again out of our long G20 Chevy van and got a Porta-Pottie. Quickly found that we needed to "conserve" usage, or fool with the thing every day.

Got our 03 Casita and found it real close to the ground offering problems when not being on a sewer line and having to use the state park's only dump station. And honestly the "Slinky" was getting on my last nerve! So back to the P-P. We could dump it there and clean it good when we got home.

Actually we went through the thought process of using the toilet for both liquids and solids but not putting paper in there. "Dabbing" paper was already being put into a bag just to save space in the P-P. However, "wiping" paper can have a lingering ordor. So it needs to be taken outside and put in the trash or to the camp restroom at first opportunity.
It made sense to put the solids and "that" paper in the same bag and dispose of it. Made the dumping of the P-P a lot less "painful".

As stated above we have gone back to the camper toilet for summer use as it can drain through a water hose, with no solids and no SLINKY to contend with.

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Old 07-27-2011, 05:29 AM   #40
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Originally Posted by Sharon G View Post
Just a question about adding bleach to black tanks or porta potties.

I've read several posts on different boards where people say they add bleach to black tanks or porta potties.

I was taught that ammonia and bleach combined to create deadly chlorine gas. Since urine turns to ammonia, wouldn't adding bleach create a dangerous combination?

During hurricane seasons, I've also read articles that say not to add bleach to toilet bowls when there is no water to flush for the same reason.
Hi Sharon,

I've never considered that! It makes sense. Thanks for the tip.

Think we will try Darnelle's idea of Mr. Clean. That would be a cleaning agent as well as odor control.

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