Dear fellow enthusiasts:
I am wondering if there is a participant on the forum that has experience /background with foam and could investiage options for installation and repairs of foam for our
fiberglass rigs.
I am investigating options for insulating my 1972 compact junior that appears to have never had insulation. History concerning Bolers suggests that the first Bolers had no insulation and then when issues of condensation arose the manufacturer used Ensolite.
Spending some time on the internet it appears that Ensolite is now the product of Armacell which looks like a company that has grown out of Armstrong World Industries. It also appear that Ensolite was a product of RBX industries that was bought by Armacell.
There is a wide range of products under the ensolite name and it appears to be governed by techical details I do not understand. One data sheets suggested that products might be available with one skin or two. This question comes up periodically in discussions.
Also Monmouth products is on the net suggesting that they have rubber based products that can compete which ensolite and "Rubatex".
I am wondering if there is some one who has a background or experience with foam who would be willing to explore for the benefit of the rest of us the products that might be out there , whether ensolite or something else that meets our needs for new instalations and repairs.
If there isn't I am prepared to confess my ignorance and make some inquires but some one with experieince may know the right questions to ask and interpret the answers they receive.