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Old 04-24-2016, 10:50 AM   #21
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Name: Tom
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Several mentioned using water filters. May I suggest that when you use a water filter, that you flush it out for a second or two when using it. The moist inside of water filters that have trapped the stuff they are supposed to trap can be a great place for bacteria to grow. Some of you may recall what pioneers in covered wagons kept in their water buckets. A silver quarter, and they always made sure it was from 1964 or before, because those are 90% silver. Silver has great antimicrobial properties. Two or three silver dimes should work, but I would never put a dollar bill in my water jug.
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Old 04-24-2016, 11:09 AM   #22
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Originally Posted by Tom 72 View Post
Several mentioned using water filters. May I suggest that when you use a water filter, that you flush it out for a second or two when using it. The moist inside of water filters that have trapped the stuff they are supposed to trap can be a great place for bacteria to grow. Some of you may recall what pioneers in covered wagons kept in their water buckets. A silver quarter, and they always made sure it was from 1964 or before, because those are 90% silver. Silver has great antimicrobial properties. Two or three silver dimes should work, but I would never put a dollar bill in my water jug.
Hmmm, for covered wagons, wouldn't that be closer to 1864?
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Old 04-24-2016, 11:52 AM   #23
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Good answers all. We also carry a few gallons of home water for drinking then refill when we get a campground with good tasting water. Also took Brita when we camped to California, just to make sure, comfort levels and all that when on the road.
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Old 04-24-2016, 12:03 PM   #24
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Water tanks

It is close to impossible to completely drain a water tank in any RV. I always install a deck plate in the top my water tanks. This allows me to access the inside of the tank to suck out any remaining water using a shop vac and to wipe the inside of the tank with a cloth. When I'm finished the cleaning and sanitizing, I wipe the tank dry and let it air out for an hour or so and then screw the deck plate back on.
I have installed 3 plates in three different trailers. It requires that you cut a 6" hole in the tank top. I have always bought used trailers and you would be amazed at the scum you'll find in the tank when you cut the hole in the top.
I winterize my water system with compressed air. I find it hard to believe that folks actually use propylene glycol in their water system. I always use a water filter on the hose end when filling my tank or hooking up to pressurized water.
I drink the water that comes out of the faucet!
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Old 04-24-2016, 12:33 PM   #25
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Originally Posted by starbrightsteve View Post
It is close to impossible to completely drain a water tank in any RV. I always install a deck plate in the top my water tanks. This allows me to access the inside of the tank to suck out any remaining water using a shop vac and to wipe the inside of the tank with a cloth. When I'm finished the cleaning and sanitizing, I wipe the tank dry and let it air out for an hour or so and then screw the deck plate back on.
I have installed 3 plates in three different trailers. It requires that you cut a 6" hole in the tank top. I have always bought used trailers and you would be amazed at the scum you'll find in the tank when you cut the hole in the top.
I winterize my water system with compressed air. I find it hard to believe that folks actually use propylene glycol in their water system. I always use a water filter on the hose end when filling my tank or hooking up to pressurized water.
I drink the water that comes out of the faucet!
I "actually" use propylene glycol in my trailer's water system.
I worked at a plant that produced propylene glycol , their largest customers were food companies. I also worked at a folding carton company that made boxes for medical devices and feminine products. They used propylene glycol as a coolant because it was non toxic. I tried getting by with just blowing out my lines and come Spring I had to repair several split lines / fittings .
Millions of gallons of RV antifreeze are used annually without issue.
I live in an area where we experience 30 below Zero F temps in the winter. If I lived in a tropical climate like Florida ,Texas or Iowa ,
blowing out the lines may suffice.
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Old 04-24-2016, 12:47 PM   #26
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I'm a fire lookout in Oregon and I'm required to bring in water every week for my survival. It's the single most important resource I have. I think the same can apply to camping, somewhat. You can get by without a lot of things, but water is not one of them.
I use the 10 gallon tank that came with my Scamp, taking it out and cleaning it once a year with bleach. I also use 2- 2 1/2 gallon jugs : Reliance Products Aqua-Pak 2.5 Gallon Rigid Water Container : Camping Sanitation Supplies : Sports & Outdoors
that I keep in the back of my truck or in the lookout. I can handle the weight and the spout works well. And... they're made by our nice friends north of the border! I'm too old and my legs are too damaged to carry a 5 gallon jug any more (or "cubbie", for those in the know). I fill up in town, drinking the same water that the people of La Pine or Bend drink. And they seem to be pretty good, healthy folks,...for the most part.

Hydrate! Any way you can.

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Old 04-24-2016, 01:04 PM   #27
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As a rule we always have a case of bottled water with us in our tow vehicle. If the water is suspect we drink bottled water. At least to us the water tank water does not have an odor or taste. We do not put antifreeze in our trailer, if think we're going to be in freezing weather ( a rare event) we run a small electric heater to prevent freezing.

We always keep our water tank half full and replenish when ever it drops. If we can we replenish with city water, it always contains a little chlorine though we do carry a collapsible water refill container (3 gallon I think).

We often travel to places where there's a water boil order, though we find the locals hardly ever boil the water. Ginny is careful about it, not so much in my case. Neither of us have gotten ill.
Norm and Ginny

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Old 04-24-2016, 01:22 PM   #28
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Propylene glycol is also used in various edible items such as coffee-based drinks, liquid sweeteners, ice cream, whipped dairy products and soda. Vaporizers used for delivery of pharmaceuticals or personal-care products often include propylene glycol among the ingredients.
Propylene glycol - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
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Old 04-24-2016, 01:31 PM   #29
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I use bottled water for me, wife, cats and dogs. At ten cents a bottle on sale from CVS it's good protection from Montezumz.
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Old 04-24-2016, 01:44 PM   #30
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Originally Posted by librarianocnj View Post
I use bottled water for me, wife, cats and dogs. At ten cents a bottle on sale from CVS it's good protection from Montezumz.
My dog drinks out of the lake , puddles and the toilet.
I am not sure he is sophisticated enough to appreciate bottled water . Come to think of it neither am I .
I never associated New Jersey with Montezuma's revenge but now I know that if I ever get to New Jersey to avoid drinking the water.
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Old 04-24-2016, 03:27 PM   #31
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There is no need to sanitize fresh water tank. Just fill it with campground water from time to time. It will kill all bacteria :-)
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Old 04-24-2016, 04:03 PM   #32
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I use on board water from the tank for hand and dish washing as it is usually filled when in camp. I also carry a separate 20 litre jug of home water for coffee, cooking and tooth brushing. I have never trusted the local park supply as a drinking source unless it has been boiled.

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Old 04-24-2016, 04:04 PM   #33
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Originally Posted by kirkman View Post
Just wondering how many of us have a separate drinking water containers.
It seams no mater what I do I can't seem to get the funky taste out of my on board tank.
I have done the bleach siting for a couple hours to the fill drain repeat.
If you have a trick that really works I'd appreciate it. If I was full timeing I would be caring extra water all the time but for weekend trips it would be nice to not have to.
How are you flushing your fresh water system?. Many small rinses are better than one or two big rinses.
First, when you drain the antifreeze, tilt the tank down towards the drain. In our Scamp the tank drain is at the front. I lower the hitch jack as far as it goes.
The filler inlet is at the top rear. I run my garden hose in there. then give it six or more short flushes, each time letting it drain as much as possible. (there is always a small amount of liquid in the tank because the drain connection is up off the very bottom. You may be able to jack up or block up the left side to get more water out.)
Now, return the trailer to level. Fill it with fresh water. Then pump water thru the lines to all taps, until the pink stuff, and funny taste is gone.
Hook up your hose to the city water connection and flush those lines.

Even with all that, we often carry a couple gallon jugs of drinking water from home, or the store.
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Old 04-24-2016, 04:06 PM   #34
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How many have a separate drinking water

We just use our onboard water, run it through a Brita water filter and have never had any problems.

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Old 04-24-2016, 04:10 PM   #35
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After growing up drinking "sure kill punch" from The Schuylkill River in Philly, I vowed never to drink bad tasting water again. ��
Gordon and Anne
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Old 04-24-2016, 04:52 PM   #36
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I guess that's what killed my ancestors at an early age, not drinking bottled water, think maybe?

I don't drink bottled water most of the time, when I do have bottle of paided by the bottle water, the bottle is refilled either from the tank for campground water supply, if there is one. Then put into the fridge to get cold for drinking later. In MHO carrying bottled water is waste of space.

FYI-the water in campgrounds is tested at least once a year. My water generally gets a Clorax treatment once a year. I filter all water going into my tank at home or campgrounds. And above all I'm not of the paranoid community.
Byron & Anne enjoying the everyday Saturday thing.
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Old 04-24-2016, 05:24 PM   #37
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I se this thread has drifted away from my original question.....LOL Witch does not surprise me.
It was any good way to get rid of the taste of the antifreeze.

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Old 04-24-2016, 08:05 PM   #38
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Originally Posted by kirkman View Post
I se this thread has drifted away from my original question.....LOL Witch does not surprise me.
It was any good way to get rid of the taste of the antifreeze.

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You are saying that you put anti-freeze in the tank? You will probably have to keep flushing the tank. You could try adding some baking soda. And then don't put it in again. No reason to ever have anti-freeze in your tank.

If it was just in the lines, same thing: Keep flushing. We, however, always buy gallons of water while on the road. Doesn't cost that much and no problem if the water in the area could bother you from being different from your home water. Right now we are in a place that flooded and the water was already questionable before we just had some flooding. We never have to care about the water quality for drinking or the taste because we never use it from the tank for that.
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Old 04-24-2016, 08:43 PM   #39
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Water hose

I always use the water from my tank. I found if the water tastes bad it usually is from the hose or from just poor tasting water from where I last filled it. I filter the water as it goes in the tank. Use it straight from the tap at home, if I want it sanitized as it has chlorine from the city.
Alas our water here is very good, I am lucky and would not drink it from any where from the southern states without a recommendation from a local.
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Old 04-24-2016, 08:55 PM   #40
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We carry a 20 litre container for use outside at the cook station ( picnic table ). I've got four more of these at home for the big earthquake. Change out the water twice a year and add a few drops of bleach. Nobody will be complaining about how the water tastes, or that supper is jellied chicken out of a can.
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