How much do new 16' Scamps cost? - Fiberglass RV
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Old 11-01-2016, 06:49 PM   #1
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How much do new 16' Scamps cost?

I've been looking at the classifieds for over a year, and find myself wondering how much a new 16' Scamp, layout #4 or #6, would cost. . .I went to the website today but couldn't find any prices, just the directions to call them for prices. . .

I imagine someone on this forum would know the answer (ballpark figure). . .

Tonie Welch
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Old 11-01-2016, 07:16 PM   #2
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Every one is going to be different based on the options you are after.

Best to ask Scamp to send you the current price list.

It is important point to note when looking at various trailers that some trailers come with a long list of standard features in their base price while others have many features many will want to order but they are optional items not included in the base price.
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Old 11-01-2016, 08:10 PM   #3
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Name: Lyle
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Yeah, you need to have Scamp send you a price list because many of the options that you will want are extra.

For a ball park figure, from the price list that they gave me in Sept of this year:

Layout 4 with no additional options: $13,695, Layout 6 with no options: $14,095.

Layout 4 with the Standard option package is $15,795. Layout 6 with the Standard option package is $16,195.

The "Standard Option Package" includes: Shower and Toilet, City Water, 1.9 cubic foot refrigerator, Group 24 Battery, Gravel shield (if applicable), Screen door, Side Cabinets, Cabinet over sink, Window over range, Silverware drawer, Gas hot water heater, 12 volt pump, Grey water tank, 10" electric brakes.

Deluxe Option Package (with wood cabinets) is $19,995.

Other items you will want such as Air Conditioning, Awning, Furnace, etc are at an additional charge. Just call them up and get a price list. They are very friendly folks and will help you out with all your questions. My experience with them is that they do not engage in high pressure sales techniques and do not deluge you with sales pitches once they have your info, so don't worry about that.
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Old 11-01-2016, 08:12 PM   #4
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Originally Posted by Carol H View Post
Every one is going to be different based on the options you are after.

Best to ask Scamp to send you the current price list.

It is important point to note when looking at various trailers that some trailers come with a long list of standard features in their base price while others have many features many will want to order but they are optional items not included in the base price.
Thanks, Carol. I do realize that. . . Just wondering if the basic 4 or 6 (with bath/shower) might not cost much more than some of the used Scamps for sale out there. . . which are usually located far away, and are sold by the time I get to the ad. . .

I know one of the negatives of buying new is waiting for it to be produced. . .

Thanks for the reply. I appreciate it.
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Old 11-01-2016, 08:17 PM   #5
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Thanks, Lyle! I appreciate the figures! I will call them tomorrow. . .

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Old 11-02-2016, 05:07 PM   #6
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Name: Ruth
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I like the idea of ordering a new Scamp but afraid the off-gassing would take a long time, maybe a year? Anyone have experience with that. We are both very sensitive, so it would definitely be an issue for us to buy new.
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Old 11-02-2016, 08:49 PM   #7
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Originally Posted by TWelch View Post
I've been looking at the classifieds for over a year, and find myself wondering how much a new 16' Scamp, layout #4 or #6, would cost. . .I went to the website today but couldn't find any prices, just the directions to call them for prices. . .

I imagine someone on this forum would know the answer (ballpark figure). . .

Tonie Welch
You might want to check out the new Casita's. Many of the options on a Scamp are already on the Casita. Furnace, A/C with heat strip, bathrooms, fiberglass cabinets with wood doors, etc. When we looked at Scamps we were a lot more impressed with the Casita quality. Not sure of the prices on them now but was better than Scamp when we bought one new. Plus from what we've heard the Casita has better foam seats. This is just another option for you.
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Old 11-05-2016, 06:16 PM   #8
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Originally Posted by TWelch View Post
I've been looking at the classifieds for over a year, and find myself wondering how much a new 16' Scamp, layout #4 or #6, would cost. . .I went to the website today but couldn't find any prices, just the directions to call them for prices. . .

I imagine someone on this forum would know the answer (ballpark figure). . .

Tonie Welch
I just got a 1982 16' Scamp on ebay for $4400 I was very excited to get it at that price... needs some work but I am all over that for sure the biggest expense will be a new Axel as the existing one does not allow the tires to wear properly. Also it did not have a tilet in it and we just installed a a new one also have removed the old fresh water tank and moved it to the front of the trailer (outside ) on the the hitch with a new aluminum cover...Once the New axel is installed I will undercoat the entire bottom as the OEM epoxy board is soft in some locations and we have had to replace it..... Updating the lighting with new LED's and very excited for my first road trip... If anyone knows the original plumbing for the toilet on this vintage that would be great as I can not see how it could have been piped into the black water tank due to its location in front ( driver side) and the tank in the back...
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Old 11-06-2016, 05:19 AM   #9
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Originally Posted by TWelch View Post
I've been looking at the classifieds for over a year, and find myself wondering how much a new 16' Scamp, layout #4 or #6, would cost. . .I went to the website today but couldn't find any prices, just the directions to call them for prices. . .

I imagine someone on this forum would know the answer (ballpark figure). . .

Tonie Welch
We bought a new 2014 scamp 16' side dinette/front bath/AC/Furnace/ HWH/ I guess most options other then awning for 16.500 give or take a few dollars. I Think they went up about a thousand dollars for this year's model. Good Luck, Carl
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Old 11-06-2016, 05:43 AM   #10
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Originally Posted by ml92760 View Post
...If anyone knows the original plumbing for the toilet on this vintage that would be great as I can not see how it could have been piped into the black water tank due to its location in front ( driver side) and the tank in the back...
The tank at the back is the grey water tank. The original Sealand toilet used by Scamp sits right on top of its black tank inside the trailer. On Scamps, the two tanks have separate drain outlets. They are not interconnected.

This is the set-up in a side bath layout. The front bath is the same except it's farther forward.
Click image for larger version

Name:	Scamp Toilet.jpg
Views:	25
Size:	12.3 KB
ID:	101063
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Old 11-06-2016, 09:40 PM   #11
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Name: Steve Robison
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Buying used is definitely the way to go. I see so many 2-3 year old scamp's for sale that people just want to get rid of either because their payments are too high or they found out you can buy a used 25 footer with slide outs for the price of a 16 foot Scamp.

If you buy new make sure you are 100 percent positive you will be keeping it for 10+ years or it'll just be a waste.
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Old 11-07-2016, 07:38 AM   #12
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Originally Posted by Bluetang99 View Post
Buying used is definitely the way to go. I see so many 2-3 year old scamp's for sale that people just want to get rid of either because their payments are too high or they found out you can buy a used 25 footer with slide outs for the price of a 16 foot Scamp.

If you buy new make sure you are 100 percent positive you will be keeping it for 10+ years or it'll just be a waste.
You must be fairly new to the all-molded-towable world. There are many, many reasons people sell their trailers from declining health to loss of jobs to retirement needs. There are few that sell because they want something with slides and seams.
Donna D.
Ten Forward - 2014 Escape 5.0 TA
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Old 11-07-2016, 08:37 AM   #13
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Originally Posted by Donna D. View Post
You must be fairly new to the all-molded-towable world. There are many, many reasons people sell their trailers from declining health to loss of jobs to retirement needs. There are few that sell because they want something with slides and seams.
The reason I bought was to use the tow that I had. being retired for the last 10 years, costs had to be trimmed, that meant one car for both of us and had to be fair on gas. To buy a 25' stickie with slides, a much larger tow would have to be used. That means car payments, wife does not want to drive around town in a truck, b/c she has to step in and out, that is hard for her. So we would need two cars, two ins. payments, two insp., repairs on two cars, garage space for two cars. And for what, we are always together. So that is my reason and every body wants to see my scamp wherever we go, but nobody shows me their stickie. CARL
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Old 11-07-2016, 11:03 AM   #14
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Originally Posted by Bluetang99 View Post
Buying used is definitely the way to go. I see so many 2-3 year old scamp's for sale that people just want to get rid of either because their payments are too high or they found out you can buy a used 25 footer with slide outs for the price of a 16 foot Scamp.

If you buy new make sure you are 100 percent positive you will be keeping it for 10+ years or it'll just be a waste.
Here is the thing about Fibreglass trailers they do not depreciate at the same rate as that 25' trailer with slide outs do, so you will rarely see a fire sale for the reasons you suggest. I would suggest the sales you see for 2 year old Scamps are for very different reasons than suggested. More often than not it is due to one party in the family deciding they are not big on camping and or the trailer is to small to keep everyone in the family happy ;-)

As far a depreciation of a fiberglass trailer goes I purchased several years ago a 16 year old 16' Scamp for the same price it sold new for - I know as all the original sales and order documents came with it. I used it for 7 years and although I spent money on it updating a number of items, I still sold it for a fairly decent profit.
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Old 11-09-2016, 05:18 PM   #15
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Originally Posted by RuthAnn View Post
I like the idea of ordering a new Scamp but afraid the off-gassing would take a long time, maybe a year? Anyone have experience with that. We are both very sensitive, so it would definitely be an issue for us to buy new.
Because of my wife's sensitivity I was very concerned with off-gassing when we bought our new EggCamper. Although we could smell it, my wife wasn't bothered by it - I guess that she just wasn't sensitive to the fiberglass, glues, etc. used. When be bought our new Escape we had the same good experience. This is the same woman who refuses to stay at many hotels because of the cleaners and scents used. I wonder if there could be some way for you to spend an hour or two in one just to see if or how it affects you.
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