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Old 04-23-2019, 11:40 AM   #1
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Post Hymer Touring GT owners & resources thread

Looks like the Hymer GT owners club is going to be a pretty small group. Hymer NA's bankruptcy has halted production. And even if the Rapido SAS takeover bid goes through, there's no telling if they'll resume production or offer anything in the way of support. We're on our own.

I'm hoping we can use this thread to share info and resources. Also meet each other and maybe plan a get together or two. I'll edit this first post to add relevant links as needed.

If you're a Hymer owner, current/former employee or anyone with info and resources, please share. (Euro built Eriba folks welcome too.)


Our 2019 Hymer Touring GT 550

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Old 04-23-2019, 05:37 PM   #2
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Nice looking trailer, do you have any interior photos?
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2009 Escape 19 (previous)
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Old 04-23-2019, 07:54 PM   #3
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Originally Posted by Jim Bennett View Post
Nice looking trailer, do you have any interior photos?
Coming soon.
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Old 04-24-2019, 10:19 AM   #4
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OCJohn,my friend just purchased a year old Hymer van. He also is suffering the loss of company support as well as loss of warranty. He has told me that there is a forum for Hymer owners that has provided him with much needed help. I assume they also have the TT section, although that may not be. I looked at your trailer last Fall at the Pomona, Ca RV show. Quite interesting!
Too bad about the bankruptcy.
Good luck with your unit and Happy Camping!

Former Casita owner.
If you have a choice, Please buy, "Made in America"
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Old 04-24-2019, 12:29 PM   #5
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Thanks Mark. Please post a link or the name of the group if possible. I’ve seen a few of them on Facebook, but they appear to be mostly UK or Euro owners.
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Old 04-24-2019, 12:53 PM   #6
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Originally Posted by OCJohn View Post
Thanks Mark. Please post a link or the name of the group if possible. I’ve seen a few of them on Facebook, but they appear to be mostly UK or Euro owners.
here is the only site I found. It is a Facebook group and I don't use FB by choice but my friend Andrew swears br the forum/group and how helpful they are.


Former Casita owner.
If you have a choice, Please buy, "Made in America"
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Old 05-01-2019, 12:52 PM   #7
Name: Michael
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OCJohn, sorry that you and your fellow owners have to go through this.

Hymer has a good reputation in both motorhomes and towed vehicles in Europe. I'm sure it didn't occur to many that the Hymer NA entity would be in jeopardy of going bankrupt.

We've been fortunate enough to have traveled within Europe many times. We often wondered why the high quality lightweight trailers we saw there were not available in the U.S. I thought the decision to produce the Touring GT in the U.S. was the beginning of having more of those choices available to us here.

Reading the Rapido SAS press release, it sounds like possible positive news for owners of Roadtrek Class B vans. It also sounds to me as not holding out much hope of support for Touring GT owners.

Wish you and other Touring GT owners all the best.
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Old 05-01-2019, 01:19 PM   #8
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Hymer Europe bought Roadtrek in Canada 3 years ago. Roadtrek became a Hymer North America. Added some Hymer Europe product to the North American production and was ready to introduce the trailers. Hymer Europe bought by Thor and just before closing found financial irregularities at Hymer NA. Hymer NA excluded from the deal. The Hymer Europe product lines were only licensed to Hymer NA and were excluded from the spin out of Hymer NA. It is likely now up to Thor if they want to reintroduce Hymer European brands including the trailer to North America through one year of their brands. Airstream producing the Nest but out sourcing the Fiberglass work.
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Old 05-01-2019, 03:59 PM   #9
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Originally Posted by pedalmike View Post
Reading the Rapido SAS press release, it sounds like possible positive news for owners of Roadtrek Class B vans. It also sounds to me as not holding out much hope of support for Touring GT owners.
I read it the same way and don't hold much hope for the trailers going back into production. That said, I assume there's a fair amount of trailer parts inventory left over. If Rapido SAS has no use for it (as I expect) they will likely sell it as a lot to someone else. Hopefully an RV parts/salvage outfit.

If anyone reading this is a former Hymer NA employee, it would be great to hear from you. Please send me an IM if you don't feel like posting publicly.
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Old 05-05-2019, 05:27 PM   #10
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Originally Posted by OCJohn View Post
Coming soon.

Now that you have had your Hymer for a while, can you provide a short list of your likes and dislikes? We are very interested in the Hymer (yes, realize that they are out of production).

Thank you!

Jenny F.
Loveland, OH
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Old 05-07-2019, 10:06 AM   #11
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Originally Posted by Ferris5 View Post
Now that you have had your Hymer for a while, can you provide a short list of your likes and dislikes?
Unfortunately we have not been able to take it out again since towing it home (1500miles) from the dealer. So I'm not yet truly familiar with it. On first impression, build quality isn't as tight as I'd hoped. It's still better than what much of the RV industry considers passable. I've done enough woodworking, race car fabrication and upholstery to know what good craftsmanship is, but maybe it's unrealistic to expect that from the RV industry in general. Still, I had high hopes... One of the overhead cabinets will not stay latched. Another cannot be opened with the top down because of interference with the a top latch. The TV fell off it's mount (thankfully onto the bed) while towing. And the toilet lever jammed the first time I used it. (Possible I just didn't know what I was doing, but I have yet to investigate fixing it...) I assume all of the above can be sorted out with adjustment or slight modification. I just haven't gotten to it. There are obvious gaps in the weatherstripping on the fiberglass top. It's nothing catastrophic since the design generally discourages leaks, but still something I'd like to "make right." Etc.

A couple of people thinking about buying a Hymer have messaged me looking for info to support their instincts or their optimism. To them I would say, Know Thyself. Are you the type who would own an old British car because you love it and you're willing to deal with its "issues"? Or do you take your own pillow to every hotel and frequently send restaurant food back to the kitchen because it's not the way you ordered or expected?

In general, I'd say most people might be better off with something tried and true like a Casita or Escape. But my wife and I fell in love with the Hymer the moment we saw it. (Especially the KING bed!) When we learned they were ending production, that there were deals to be had, but that we'd be on our own without factory support – we went for it. We were up for the challenge to have something different. But I cannot say that would be a good decision for everyone. Hopefully it will be for us.

I'll have a better feel for it by winter.

PS: Looking at RV Trader just now, six of the seven GTs listed are a little below what we paid (with AC/microwave/TV options). Pretty good value for us fix-it/DIY types.
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Old 05-07-2019, 10:13 AM   #12
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I did take our Hymer to the scale a couple weeks ago.
2760lbs – empty trailer w/ dry tanks
240lbs – tongue weight.

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Old 05-07-2019, 07:44 PM   #13
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Originally Posted by OCJohn View Post

A couple of people thinking about buying a Hymer have messaged me looking for info to support their instincts or their optimism. To them I would say, Know Thyself. Are you the type who would own an old British car because you love it and you're willing to deal with its "issues"? Or do you take your own pillow to every hotel and frequently send restaurant food back to the kitchen because it's not the way you ordered or expected?


I'll have a better feel for it by winter.

PS: Looking at RV Trader just now, six of the seven GTs listed are a little below what we paid (with AC/microwave/TV options). Pretty good value for us fix-it/DIY types.
John, I think I like the way you are thinking! Good luck on this project, I hope to see more posts from you. But, please, please, don't tell my wife that I still pine for a pop-top trailer. We've attained a certain harmony here, and I don't want to disturb the firmament.
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Old 05-07-2019, 07:56 PM   #14
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Originally Posted by Civilguy View Post
But, please, please, don't tell my wife that I still pine for a pop-top trailer. We've attained a certain harmony here, and I don't want to disturb the firmament.

If by pop-top you mean a tent trailer, it occurs to me that I never did have to wash and wax that thing.
Attached Thumbnails
Tent trailer.jpg  
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Old 05-07-2019, 08:06 PM   #15
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Hymer Touring GT owners &amp; resources thread

LOL... When I experience an episode of 3’itis, Rx is washing and waxing my 13’ Scamp, followed by a 2-day course of ibuprofen. Treatment lasts 6 months or so.
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Old 05-08-2019, 08:48 AM   #16
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Originally Posted by Civilguy View Post
Good luck on this project, I hope to see more posts from you.
Count on it.
But, please, please, don't tell my wife that I still pine for a pop-top trailer.
Is the Escape 21 short on headroom? (Honest question. I've never been inside one.)
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Old 05-08-2019, 11:27 AM   #17
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Originally Posted by OCJohn View Post
Unfortunately we have not been able to take it out again since towing it home (1500miles) from the dealer. So I'm not yet truly familiar with it. On first impression, build quality isn't as tight as I'd hoped. It's still better than what much of the RV industry considers passable. I've done enough woodworking, race car fabrication and upholstery to know what good craftsmanship is, but maybe it's unrealistic to expect that from the RV industry in general. Still, I had high hopes... One of the overhead cabinets will not stay latched. Another cannot be opened with the top down because of interference with the a top latch. The TV fell off it's mount (thankfully onto the bed) while towing. And the toilet lever jammed the first time I used it. (Possible I just didn't know what I was doing, but I have yet to investigate fixing it...) I assume all of the above can be sorted out with adjustment or slight modification. I just haven't gotten to it. There are obvious gaps in the weatherstripping on the fiberglass top. It's nothing catastrophic since the design generally discourages leaks, but still something I'd like to "make right." Etc.

A couple of people thinking about buying a Hymer have messaged me looking for info to support their instincts or their optimism. To them I would say, Know Thyself. Are you the type who would own an old British car because you love it and you're willing to deal with its "issues"? Or do you take your own pillow to every hotel and frequently send restaurant food back to the kitchen because it's not the way you ordered or expected?

In general, I'd say most people might be better off with something tried and true like a Casita or Escape. But my wife and I fell in love with the Hymer the moment we saw it. (Especially the KING bed!) When we learned they were ending production, that there were deals to be had, but that we'd be on our own without factory support – we went for it. We were up for the challenge to have something different. But I cannot say that would be a good decision for everyone. Hopefully it will be for us.

I'll have a better feel for it by winter.

PS: Looking at RV Trader just now, six of the seven GTs listed are a little below what we paid (with AC/microwave/TV options). Pretty good value for us fix-it/DIY types.
Thank you for your honest and thorough reply. My husband is a DIY type so, many smaller items are no problem to tackle. I was overjoyed by the size of the bed and that you can sleep and get out of bed without stepping over your partner!
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Old 05-08-2019, 12:33 PM   #18
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Originally Posted by OCJohn View Post
Is the Escape 21 short on headroom? (Honest question. I've never been inside one.)
No, the headroom in the Escape is fine. I just prefer something smaller than the wife does, particularly while towing.

Broadly speaking, "wind resistance" goes up as the square of speed, so doubling your speed results in four times the resistance from your vehicle, and likewise towed objects.

Although the Escape is certainly far from the worst offender among RVs, I tend to mutter that it's like deploying a parachute behind the tow vehicle. The squared off form, including the lack of substantial tapering on the back end, contribute to the issue. We formerly had a smaller, lighter, and more rounded Casita. The difference is palpable.

So, I like the Compacts and other units with canvas pop-tops. But, I like the dear wife more.
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Old 05-08-2019, 01:01 PM   #19
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Originally Posted by Ferris5 View Post
Thank you for your honest and thorough reply. My husband is a DIY type so, many smaller items are no problem to tackle. I was overjoyed by the size of the bed and that you can sleep and get out of bed without stepping over your partner!
Happy to help. Please stay in touch if you end up buying one!
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Old 05-08-2019, 02:08 PM   #20
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Originally Posted by Civilguy View Post
No, the headroom in the Escape is fine. I just prefer something smaller than the wife does, particularly while towing.

Broadly speaking, "wind resistance" goes up as the square of speed, so doubling your speed results in four times the resistance from your vehicle, and likewise towed objects.
You sound like a Boeing engineer. (Or a Bonneville racer.) But I hear you. Our first and only other trailer was a Benroy style teardrop towed behind a Honda 91 Honda Civic. Even the Hymer feels huge in the wind compared to that.

I went thru some 45mph cross winds between Del Rio TX and El Paso while bringing it home. Having towed it only two days before that, I didn't know the tongue weight, have much feel for it's polar moment or how apt it is to tail-wagging. So I was extra careful. It did fine between 55-60, but the aero profile is definitely noticeable. Texas Interstate speed limits were beyond my comfort zone. I'd hate to go larger without adding mass. And I hate adding mass.

Our Ford Exclusion diesel is overkill for the Hymer and it's about time to cull it from the herd. The dream is to tow it with our Buick TourX (aka Opel/Vauxhall Insignia...) like they do overseas. But GM hasn't rated it for towing in the US, so I need to research all the issues before doing that here. A Ford Flex EcoBoost would be a more appropriately sized tug. We just don't need another car payment at the moment.

My wife and I are both over 6-ft., so the Hymer's headroom and king bed were huge selling points for us. Towing it with the Buick would just be icing on the cake. We'll see.

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