A few years ago, I was a victim of a mugging type assault. While I was walking (for exercise), about 3 blocks from my house, I was shot at point-blank range with a
Paintball Gun. The perpetrator came up from behind and shot me in my left temple. The pain was intense! (I now know what a "10" on my Dr.'s pain chart feels like) The plastic paintball shattered, knocking my glasses off my face, ricocheting shards of plastic into my left eye, causing immediate blindness. I could feel thick liquid on my face, but I couldn't see my hand in front of my face. I yelled, "I've been SHOT, call 9-1-1!". The police and paramedics were on scene in 4 minutes.
One of the officers asked if there were some way to notify Robert, and thankfully, I was able to tell her. Now, I can stop worrying about not being able to...
P.S. The eye has healed, with full vision returned...