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Old 02-12-2019, 12:59 PM   #21
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Name: Henry
Trailer: BigFoot
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Talked again to the finance manager, who stated he is also the sales manager and service manager. This is turning into a nightmare. He maintains we cannot buy it at the stated offer without financing through him. I told him his best rate is much higher than what we can get at our savings and loan, and we don't want to finance for 8 years, three at max,, and besides we don't even really need to finance at all. The salesman, after this discussion still says we do not have to finance through them at the last offered price.
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Old 02-12-2019, 02:31 PM   #22
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Originally Posted by Rzrbrn View Post
Talked again to the finance manager, who stated he is also the sales manager and service manager. This is turning into a nightmare. He maintains we cannot buy it at the stated offer without financing through him. I told him his best rate is much higher than what we can get at our savings and loan, and we don't want to finance for 8 years, three at max,, and besides we don't even really need to finance at all. The salesman, after this discussion still says we do not have to finance through them at the last offered price.

Sounds like the all-in-one Finance/Sales/Service Manager and his salesman need to have a conversation. (Secret #1: they won't, because they have their sales protocol chiseled in stone). For them, it's just business. For your part, well, it's just business, too. They NEED to know you're willing to walk away if they can't (or won't) work it out between themselves.

Tell them you're dismayed with the lack of communication you've thus far experienced and to get back to you with their final, "out the door" offer. Tell them you've already arranged financing and that you intend to use your source. No further negotiation on that topic will be discussed or entertained.

At some point they will have to decide if they really want your business or not. (Secret #2: They want your business.)

Knowledge is Power

Meanwhile you can talk with the BF dealer in Montana that apparently has a brand new 25 listed at the Not-Yet-Fully-Negotiated, Out-the-Door "sale price" of $53,900. It's quite likely that both trailers are comparably equipped so there is no net difference between the two - except the $6000 difference in their online "Sale Price."

So, who can't use an extra $6K right out of the chute? (BTW: the GA dealer doesn't need to know you have little interest in driving to Montana.)

Here's an excellent primer on RV negotiation from a guy who knows his stuff:
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Old 02-13-2019, 05:10 AM   #23
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Do the deal and refinance it through your bank.
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Old 02-13-2019, 06:45 AM   #24
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That was my thought, too.

Is there a prepayment penalty clause? I thought those were outlawed decades ago, but not sure whether there are loopholes. Assuming there’s no prepayment penalty, then their intransigence seems misguided. Only drawback may be a higher interest rate from your lender, since it’s then technically a used trailer. And of course the extra hassle.

Whatever you decide, do let Bigfoot know about your experience with this dealer. They have a vested interest in customer satisfaction and perhaps some leverage, though realistically not much, being a small volume product line.
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Old 02-13-2019, 11:27 AM   #25
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Originally Posted by Rzrbrn View Post
We own a 17' Casita Spirit Deluxe and I much prefer the "direct from factory+ marketing scheme. But in order to get a Big Foot I have to buy from a dealer. I can't see buying one out west, I want to set it up and stock it at home, then drive west. We did go to Apache dealership just south of Portland, OR a couple of years ago and tried to check the BF out. They did not have any to walk thru but we did see a truck camper.

The Oliver Elite II is just too small and for us not much of a step up. The BF is. We were going to buy an Airstream but the BF wins out over even that trailer.
I suspect the Bigfoot is the better choice, but that's just because I feel the same after looking at the other alternatives over the last year or two.

Apache in Tacoma has a 25B25RQ listed for $55,480 today and I anticipate they have flexibility to go lower. I don't know if the options are the same though. I expect the prices on the east side of the country will reflect higher transport costs from the factory.

I expect you've considered this, but I'll mention that you could put all your gear into a UHaul one-way trailer rental and then enjoy the trip back home with the Bigfoot.

Or, you'll just have to figure out another decision. Keep us posted.
~ “It’s absurd to divide people into good and bad. People are either charming or tedious.” Oscar Wilde ~
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Old 02-13-2019, 11:37 AM   #26
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Name: Henry
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Did not think about renting a U haul. If this does not go through we may very well do that. Very interesting idea.

The thing is we don't need a loan. We stated this a couple of times up front. We would consider a short term loan at low interest rates, but the dealership insists on quoting an 8 year loan. We run spread sheets breaking out the interest and principal, so we know what is happening.
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Old 02-13-2019, 12:10 PM   #27
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They won’t take cash?
Do the 8 year loan and then pay it off.
Right off interest paid as a second home.
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Old 02-13-2019, 12:17 PM   #28
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Name: Henry
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Originally Posted by mszabo View Post
They won’t take cash?
Do the 8 year loan and then pay it off.
Do a spreadsheet and break out the interest and principal. The first year you pay about $2300 just in interest. So essentially just add this to the price of the unit you are buying. That is the real price. And that is if you pay off the loan at the end of the first year.

I told the dealership up front we were not looking to finance. I don't want or need to take out a loan.

They are putting us through this in the hopes that we will take out a loan so they can make a few more bucks.
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Old 02-13-2019, 01:40 PM   #29
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Could you not take the loan and immediately turn around and pay it off? But truthfully, after all that they are putting you through, I would be hard pressed to give them my hard earned money.
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Old 02-13-2019, 02:00 PM   #30
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Name: Henry
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Well, we just bought it. Whew, talking to the finance/sales manager was an ordeal...but it is water under the bridge now. Picking it up Feb 19
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Old 02-13-2019, 03:36 PM   #31
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Any final update? How did you end up paying for it?

Now, on to years of enjoyment!
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Old 02-13-2019, 03:42 PM   #32
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Well, congratulations are in order then!

Yes, Henry, that was your 500th forum post!

Oh, and I guess you also own a fine new travel trailer too.

I've seen you over on the Airforum where I occasionally lurk. I guess I like the silver twinkies for their aesthetics and their old-school aluma-rivet vibe. But, there's nothing like molded glass for practical.

I hope your new Bigfoot turns out to be everything you wish for!
~ “It’s absurd to divide people into good and bad. People are either charming or tedious.” Oscar Wilde ~
~ “What the human being is best at doing is interpreting all new information so that their prior conclusions remain intact.” Warren Buffett ~

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Old 02-13-2019, 04:37 PM   #33
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Name: Henry
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Thanks Mike.

Kevin, we just paid cash, no loan.

We were about to buy an Airstream, which is why I had pre approval for a loan from our Savings and Loan. I just happened to come across the BF when I was trying to gauge AS dealers while looking for deals or sales. Of course I knew about BF but did not realize they were now expanding into the eastern USA. I MUCH prefer BF to AS, although AS is pretty tricked out. To be honest we prefer the molded cabinets of the Casita and Oliver, but the Casita(what we currently have) is 90% of what the Oliver is and much less expensive, so never considered a move to the Oliver. Neither is quite big enough however. The BF is less susceptible to hail and hopefully strong enough for a full sized man to walk on the roof... I just realized I did not ask anyone about that. Oh well too late now...

Also BF uses off the shelf materials for the most part whereas AS has a lot of unique to AS parts, which means hard to get and expensive.
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Old 02-13-2019, 04:50 PM   #34
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Atleast you got the discounts, that’s the important thing. I hate it when someone tries to jack you around.
Welcome to the BF family. You will ��❤️ It!
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Old 02-13-2019, 04:54 PM   #35
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Name: Henry
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Thank you Mike
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Old 02-13-2019, 05:15 PM   #36
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Congratulations! I agree with your assessment of AS vs. BF. The extra insulation and double pane windows will be really nice in both hot and cold weather. The $30-40K or so you saved will buy a lot of gas and camp sites.

After our last vehicle purchase, I felt like I needed a shower. Do what you need to do and move forward.

Happy travels!
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Old 02-13-2019, 06:27 PM   #37
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Name: Bruce & Kathryn
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Congratulations! I walk on our BF 25RQ roof no worries. I have done a bunch of mods (as I did to our Ollie), mainly things my wife wanted but a few of what I consider improvements. This trailer has great bones, and real step up for liveabilty. Enjoying Florida right right now.
“Tomato Man”
Buce, Kathryn & Oscar the pug
Bigfoot 25 RQ
Towed by 2018 Chevy High Country Duramax
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Old 02-13-2019, 07:14 PM   #38
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Bruce Olive
Now the modding fun starts! My wife thinks that is the main reason we bought the BF.

I am having the dealership install a micro air easy start.
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Old 02-13-2019, 07:59 PM   #39
Name: Karen
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Unfortunately this year, interest on loans for Travel Trailers are no longer deductible, only the Class B, C, A type motorhome loans are.
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Old 02-13-2019, 08:28 PM   #40
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Originally Posted by Rzrbrn View Post
Well, we just bought it. Whew, talking to the finance/sales manager was an ordeal...but it is water under the bridge now. Picking it up Feb 19

Well then, major kudos to you! No doubt everyone is happy. Time to load up and take 'er somewhere beautiful. That's what it's all about. Congrats on the buy and persevering to get what you really wanted. I'll flash my lights and wave if we happen to pass each other on some lonely highway. We're off this spring to BC Canada and perhaps Alaska to boot, just for the heck of it!

Onward! Tallyho!


I saw Bigfoot in the wood,
Just a shadow where he stood,
A giant standing in the dark,
Vanished without leaving a mark.

Howling, knocking, crashing thru trees,
A shiver up my spine and a knock in my knees,
People say I am as crazy as you can get,
What I saw I'll never forget.

If you find yourself alone in the trees,
Smelling some flowers and enjoying the breeze,
You may sense that you're not alone,
But right in the middle of Bigfoot's home.

© Timothy McGuire
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