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Old 09-06-2022, 11:53 AM   #261
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Originally Posted by Dmitry View Post
I read your story on the preceding pages. It does sound like a pyramid scheme to a degree, but many manufacturers are requesting a rather sizable deposit (some state that it’s non-refundable); maybe even more are asking for a 5 figure deposit than those that don’t…this appears to be a normal business practice today. We’re you able to recoup some of the $10,000, or wrote it off your taxes?

I wouldn’t call the reincarnation of the Lil Snoozy into Snoozy II anything short of a miracle. One day the shop is shuttered, and in six months they are back in the game, perhaps with some of the previous actors taking over.
I do not think it was a scheme. I think their business model killed them. Snoozy had no control over their supply. If the boat or fiberglass company got too busy, they put the Snoozy orders on hold.
PLUS, you could submit custom orders. Which held up other people's campers. They were building one at a time. I was shown an engineer had submitted his own plans for what he wanted to be done to his Snoozy. It added several weeks to the build time.

My CPA wrote it off over 3 years.

Check the other Fiberglass Trailers & check out the deposit & if it is non-refundable. This will give you an idea of what is normal.
We decided on Snoozy because it was a 6-hour drive vs. driving to Texas for the Casita.
We ended up driving to Texas anyway & spent the whole summer on the road. This is when we found out it is nice to have propane for cooking, hot water & fridge.

As others have stated, go with an established company.
Been with my sweetheart since 1969
2015 Chevy Colorado & 2019 Casita owner
If I won the award for laziness, I would send somebody to pick it up for me.
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Old 09-06-2022, 04:12 PM   #262
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I once read that Studebaker Avanti and Chevrolet Corvette bodies were contracted to the same company. GM was larger, so their orders took priority. Hence the demise of the Avanti. I also was once told that Studebaker management thought that there was more profit to be made outside of automobile manufacturing.
2021 Nissan Pro 4X. 2020 Scamp 19’ Deluxe.
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Old 09-06-2022, 07:05 PM   #263
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Originally Posted by Dmitry View Post
The miraculously-fast revival of Lil Snoozy and its reincarnation into Snoozy II (was there a Chapter 7 filing, and did those who gave their checks to Mr. Mickle receive at least some money back?) gave me hope of looking into ordering one. The communication with the new manager (a friendly person, and enthusiastic!) has produced a build sheet, and the new price is about $35,000, considering various options. The new company also requires a $10,000 down payment, same as the deceased Lil Snoozy did, and kept. This gives me some pause; granted, this is not a unique request. For instance, a highly-regarded teardrop maker Camp-Inn requires a 30% down payment, but the nature of their work is option-laden, where almost every one of their trailers is somewhat unique. Whereas here it's not the case. What are your thoughts?
I have ordered many new cars and one new fiberglass trailer and NEVER put down more than $500 in earnest money.
Most were simply a signature on a build sheet with an exact "due upon delivery" amount.
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Old 09-06-2022, 07:10 PM   #264
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Originally Posted by Dennis mn View Post
I once read that Studebaker Avanti and Chevrolet Corvette bodies were contracted to the same company. GM was larger, so their orders took priority. Hence the demise of the Avanti. I also was once told that Studebaker management thought that there was more profit to be made outside of automobile manufacturing.
Studebaker was dying long before the Avanti, its just too bad they bailed out Chrysler instead (a few years later of course)
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Old 09-07-2022, 04:37 AM   #265
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Originally Posted by Dmitry View Post
The miraculously-fast revival of Lil Snoozy and its reincarnation into Snoozy II (was there a Chapter 7 filing, and did those who gave their checks to Mr. Mickle receive at least some money back?) gave me hope of looking into ordering one. The communication with the new manager (a friendly person, and enthusiastic!) has produced a build sheet, and the new price is about $35,000, considering various options. The new company also requires a $10,000 down payment, same as the deceased Lil Snoozy did, and kept. This gives me some pause; granted, this is not a unique request. For instance, a highly-regarded teardrop maker Camp-Inn requires a 30% down payment, but the nature of their work is option-laden, where almost every one of their trailers is somewhat unique. Whereas here it's not the case. What are your thoughts?
Have you decided yet what you want to do?
Been with my sweetheart since 1969
2015 Chevy Colorado & 2019 Casita owner
If I won the award for laziness, I would send somebody to pick it up for me.
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Old 09-07-2022, 06:56 AM   #266
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Name: Dmitry
Trailer: 2023 Casita Spirit Deluxe on order.
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Originally Posted by jgilliam1955 View Post
Have you decided yet what you want to do?
Still undecided. I do have a budget in mind. The camping season is nearing the end, and I want to see if more "almost new" trailers will go on sale. The Covid buyer remorse is what I'm hoping for. Or we can just put an order in for a new Casita, before the next price increase is announced.
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Old 09-07-2022, 07:05 AM   #267
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Originally Posted by Dmitry View Post
Still undecided. I do have a budget in mind. The camping season is nearing the end, and I want to see if more "almost new" trailers will go on sale. The Covid buyer remorse is what I'm hoping for. Or we can just put an order in for a new Casita, before the next price increase is announced.
Do it TODAY! I read the 2023 orders are almost gone. Then the price increase will apply to the 2024 orders. Wish you the best.
Any Fiberglass trailer you order may be a year build time.
Been with my sweetheart since 1969
2015 Chevy Colorado & 2019 Casita owner
If I won the award for laziness, I would send somebody to pick it up for me.
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Old 09-07-2022, 08:44 AM   #268
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Name: Dmitry
Trailer: 2023 Casita Spirit Deluxe on order.
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Thank you for the price increase warning! We'll sit down tonight and play with the Casita options. The big decision is bath or no bath. Being tent campers, obviously the bath was not a point of contention. In fact, for some strange reason, I get up at night more often when I'm sleeping in my bed at home. But it would be nice to have the bathroom option, no doubt!
We are quite adamant about not dealing with pump stations, black water hoses and such, having seen others work those on the campground. Somehow, for me it means crossing the irreversible imaginary line.
Possibly a porta-potty with a biodegradable bag will do it.

UPDATE: On Casita website, the new, 2024 prices are listed as starting at $32,694. Perhaps I should give them a call, to see if we can still get in on the 2023 wagon (no pun intended).
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Old 09-07-2022, 10:51 AM   #269
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Originally Posted by Dmitry View Post
Thank you for the price increase warning! We'll sit down tonight and play with the Casita options. The big decision is bath or no bath. Being tent campers, obviously the bath was not a point of contention. In fact, for some strange reason, I get up at night more often when I'm sleeping in my bed at home. But it would be nice to have the bathroom option, no doubt!
We are quite adamant about not dealing with pump stations, black water hoses and such, having seen others work those on the campground. Somehow, for me it means crossing the irreversible imaginary line.
Possibly a porta-potty with a biodegradable bag will do it.

UPDATE: On Casita website, the new, 2024 prices are listed as starting at $32,694. Perhaps I should give them a call, to see if we can still get in on the 2023 wagon (no pun intended).
You’ll find Casita a harder resell down the line without a bathroom. Most buyers in that class expect it. The loss in resale value likely will be greater than the added cost of the deluxe over the standard.
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Old 09-07-2022, 11:40 AM   #270
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Originally Posted by Jon in AZ View Post
You’ll find Casita a harder resell down the line without a bathroom. Most buyers in that class expect it. The loss in resale value likely will be greater than the added cost of the deluxe over the standard.

Lack of a bathroom/shower in a 13-footer isn't a deal-breaker, simply because space is in such short supply in a trailer that small.

However, in a 16-17 foot RV, most prospective buyers would regard it to be a glaring omission.
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Old 09-07-2022, 04:00 PM   #271
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A bathroom is a great option. We have taken a shower in there when needed. Most of the time, we use the park showers.
It is no big deal tempting the tanks. I used to worry about it but once done, I wondered what I was worried about.

When camping, it is better to have something & not use it, than need something & not have it.

As others have said, your resale value will be lower with no bathroom.
Look at the sale price of used Casitas.
Been with my sweetheart since 1969
2015 Chevy Colorado & 2019 Casita owner
If I won the award for laziness, I would send somebody to pick it up for me.
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Old 09-07-2022, 04:37 PM   #272
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Originally Posted by Dmitry View Post
The miraculously-fast revival of Lil Snoozy and its reincarnation into Snoozy II (was there a Chapter 7 filing, and did those who gave their checks to Mr. Mickle receive at least some money back?) gave me hope of looking into ordering one. The communication with the new manager (a friendly person, and enthusiastic!) has produced a build sheet, and the new price is about $35,000, considering various options. The new company also requires a $10,000 down payment, same as the deceased Lil Snoozy did, and kept. This gives me some pause; granted, this is not a unique request. For instance, a highly-regarded teardrop maker Camp-Inn requires a 30% down payment, but the nature of their work is option-laden, where almost every one of their trailers is somewhat unique. Whereas here it's not the case. What are your thoughts?

It was terrible what happened with Lil Snoozy. We are very happy with our 2014.

The new company has no connection with Michele or anyone from Lil Snoozy. I don’t know why they left the name. They are owned by the trailer company that made the frame for Lil Snoozy.

I know the GM for Snoozy 2. Shaun is a stand up guy who delivers a superior product. He just drove from South Carolina to Iowa to fix a problem for a customer. They have built and sold around 70 units so far. Like all the FG builders they are backed up a few months.
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Old 09-07-2022, 05:31 PM   #273
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Originally Posted by Dmitry View Post
I wouldn’t call the reincarnation of the Lil Snoozy into Snoozy II anything short of a miracle. One day the shop is shuttered, and in six months they are back in the game, perhaps with some of the previous actors taking over.
Snoozy was designed by Alan Smoak. Alan created Smoakin Concepts, a company to produce the Snoozy. As he retired, he turned it over to his kid who rapidly ran out of money.

jgilliam was not the only one to lose his money.

To my recollection, the Snoozy II is now produced by Wesco, aka WC Mfg. & Specialty Co. Inc., or a company with shared ownership. Wesco existed before Smoak started making trailers.

Wesco Trailers - Serving the Marine Industry Since 1954. - Home

Wesco builds galvanized boat trailers. Wesco also incidentally produced a small number of trailers for Alan's Snoozy. That's why the Snoozy's galvanized metal trailer frame looks like a boat trailer.

Bits and pieces of the history of all this has been posted previously here and in several other forums.

If you decide to write a check, it would be a service to others to post here how the experience goes for you.
~ “It’s absurd to divide people into good and bad. People are either charming or tedious.” Oscar Wilde ~
~ “What the human being is best at doing is interpreting all new information so that their prior conclusions remain intact.” Warren Buffett ~

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Old 09-07-2022, 05:51 PM   #274
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Originally Posted by Dmitry View Post
We are quite adamant about not dealing with pump stations, black water hoses and such, having seen others work those on the campground. Somehow, for me it means crossing the irreversible imaginary line. Possibly a porta-potty with a biodegradable bag will do it.
We came from backpacking and car-camping backgrounds. Our first trailer was a teardrop.

Once we had the teardrop, we started looking at larger trailers. I read the horror stories about the black-tank flush and stinky-slinky hose-failures. I read the complaints about leaks, mold, failing refrigerators, failing water pumps, failing water heaters, failing everything it seemed.

I told my wife I didn't want any of that mechanical and plumbing "stuff". A comfortable bed, an ice chest, and a large fresh-water container would serve our needs just fine, TYVM. However, it turned out that the wife was not in total agreement with this "Spartan" philosophy.

Now we travel for weeks at a time in an Escape 21 enjoying the benefits of a solar system, refrigerator, freezer, cooktop/oven, water heater, and furnace that have operated without fail under extreme temperatures and at extreme altitudes. We even have a TV and DVD player that we have watched a few times over the years.

I drain the gray tank, and more recently urine from the black tank, with a dedicated, dark-gray garden hose. We have traveled seven weeks without refilling the two 11-lb. propane tanks on the tongue.

It's working for me. As far as equipment failures go, I'll cross that bridge when I come to it.

God bless wives and their foolish opinions, especially when they are right.
~ “It’s absurd to divide people into good and bad. People are either charming or tedious.” Oscar Wilde ~
~ “What the human being is best at doing is interpreting all new information so that their prior conclusions remain intact.” Warren Buffett ~

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Old 09-07-2022, 07:53 PM   #275
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Originally Posted by oldwave View Post
Like the old Woody Guthrie Song: "Some men rob you with a 6 gun, but more with a fountain pen"
An FBI friend of mine once said that if a man were to rob a bank with a gun he would get about $1500 and 20 years. If he uses a pen he gets about $150,000 and a suspended sentence.
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Old 09-08-2022, 07:15 AM   #276
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Name: Dmitry
Trailer: 2023 Casita Spirit Deluxe on order.
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Originally Posted by jgilliam1955 View Post
Do it TODAY! I read the 2023 orders are almost gone. Then the price increase will apply to the 2024 orders. Wish you the best.
Any Fiberglass trailer you order may be a year build time.
How true you were! Some good karma is coming your way!
Casita has no mention of the 2023 units on the website, just the 2024. I called and spoke to a forthcoming gentleman named Jonathan Willis, who appraised me of the fact that there were only three 2023 17' Deluxe Casitas left, all three in the Spirit configuration. I promptly put a $2,000 deposit on one. It should be ready in early October 2023. I have the time to "build" the options, but Mr. Willis advised to do it sooner than later.

Based on your collective recommendations we decided to go with the wet bath! Broke the news to my wife upon return home from work. We are looking forward to it!
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Old 09-08-2022, 07:59 AM   #277
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Good call and great decision!

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Old 09-08-2022, 04:14 PM   #278
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Originally Posted by Dmitry View Post
How true you were! Some good karma is coming your way!
Casita has no mention of the 2023 units on the website, just the 2024. I called and spoke to a forthcoming gentleman named Jonathan Willis, who appraised me of the fact that there were only three 2023 17' Deluxe Casitas left, all three in the Spirit configuration. I promptly put a $2,000 deposit on one. It should be ready in early October 2023. I have the time to "build" the options, but Mr. Willis advised to do it sooner than later.

Based on your collective recommendations we decided to go with the wet bath! Broke the news to my wife upon return home from work. We are looking forward to it!
Thank you for your kind words. Can you please email my wife & let her know I was right once? LOL

Look at this website. We ended up having them do some work when we picked up our Casita.

This is a store

Download the Casita book. IT IS AWESOME!
The Casita forum has some good reads.

As you know, these forums are awesome. I have been helped more than once.
We spent the 2020 summer on the road in our Casita. Someone on the forum asks me for help on the hot water heater. I opened up my Casita Owners Guide. I was able to text them the information they needed.

One suggestion others have stated is to get the lift kit. It makes it easier when draining your tanks.

After you get your Casita do home work on a AC Soft Start. There are two companies. Micro-Air Soft Start & SofStart.
We had a 3500 Generator & it would get an overload running the AC.
Plus the AC would thump & scare me when it cut on.
The Soft start changes the starting AMPS from 54 to 15. The thump went away & I was able to change to a duel Fuel 2000-watt Champion Generator. We park the Casita in our backyard & can use a regular circuit to run the AC. My wife uses it as an office sometimes.
SoftStart company has a new plug & play combination surge protector & Soft Start.

Running the generator on propane will run the AC & run for 17 hours.

Congrates on your order & that's enough information for now.
Been with my sweetheart since 1969
2015 Chevy Colorado & 2019 Casita owner
If I won the award for laziness, I would send somebody to pick it up for me.
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Old 09-26-2022, 08:50 AM   #279
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Name: Shaun
Trailer: Snoozy II Camper
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Wow, this post has really gone all over. I would recommend some of you doing some reading before you post your nonsense. If any of you have any questions you are more than welcome to contact me as well. I am the GM/ Part Owner who came over from the trailer company, Wesco (that also lost a tremendous amount of money dealing with Lil Snoozy) and started Bardak R.V. We are doing business as Snoozy II because we needed the Lil Snoozy Community to help us figure out our build of the Snoozy II so that's why we decided to dba Snoozy II. We had to build something more than what they built so tore several Lil Snoozy's apart. There is a ton of knowledge in the old units and the customers are even better. We also didn't get a book so we had to rely on several Lil Snoozy's to figure out how to make our unit. We received a building, property and some busted up up molds so we had to teach ourselves what to do. I must say from unit #1 we have built a much different camper than what Lil Snoozy built. We have built over 74 units to date from blood sweat and tears and will continue to do so.

I feel horrible for what happened to the people that trusted Lil Snoozy with their deposit money and have tried to help as many people as we could. I understand some of the comments here as well but our model requires a $10k deposit and you are going to get a camper if you give us a deposit. You are going to get a way better camper than what most would get as well. I have met a few of the people that are posting on this thread and have talked with several of you on the phone as well. We support the fiberglass communities and have been to several of the rally's that do not include us but we still helped. Please make sure you know what you are talking about before you post opinions or ridiculous comments. Again I am available for questions anytime and look forward to any way I can help this community in the future. We have received many accolades and achieved many accomplishments to date so we are doing something right. If it's not for you I understand but our proof is in the pudding. If you would like a tour of our facility simply give me a call. Shaun 803-600-4412
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Old 09-26-2022, 11:28 AM   #280
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I believe I will continue to stand by my recommendation to use a third party escrow account if the deposit structure that was proposed remains the policy. Ten grand is a lot of money and personally, I don’t need anything bad enough to hang it out on a promise to deliver without some kind of security or collateral.

At 15 years old, working for my dad in the gas station a “customer” needed fuel but had no money.
My dad offered to give him $5.00 worth of gas (about 15 gallons back then) in exchange for his jack and spare tire. He’d done that before and he had sold jacks and tires in the past after the 30 day payment receipt came due. I questioned him on this policy and he looked straight at me and said “people will lie to you”. And I Never forgot it.

Like it or not Voltaire will back me up in this. He said
“I may not agree with what you say but I will defend with my very life your right to say it.”
So like it or not , I don’t care.
And by the way, I’ve never said a negaive thing about the quality or dependability of a little snoozy,
Iowa Dave
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