Originally Posted by Iowa Dave
I believe I will continue to stand by my recommendation to use a third party escrow account if the deposit structure that was proposed remains the policy. Ten grand is a lot of money and personally, I don’t need anything bad enough to hang it out on a promise to deliver without some kind of security or collateral.
At 15 years old, working for my dad in the gas station a “customer” needed fuel but had no money.
My dad offered to give him $5.00 worth of gas (about 15 gallons back then) in exchange for his jack and spare tire. He’d done that before and he had sold jacks and tires in the past after the 30 day payment receipt came due. I questioned him on this policy and he looked straight at me and said “people will lie to you”. And I Never forgot it.
Like it or not Voltaire will back me up in this. He said
“I may not agree with what you say but I will defend with my very life your right to say it.”
So like it or not , I don’t care.
And by the way, I’ve never said a negaive thing about the quality or dependability of a little snoozy,
Iowa Dave
Well-said! The $10K non-refundable deposit was a bit too intense for me, based on what I've read. Some other manufacturers are asking for this much, and even more (i.e. Armadillo). I went with the
Casita. The Snoozy profile does look cool!