Perhaps I will call on Monday. It is a good way from us and I would like an appointment so the trip would not be wasted or inefficient. I guess I come from a work environment where dropping in without an appointment would not get you past the door (I was the one keeping out the uninvited representatives - my nickname was "The Junkyard Dog"!). So I guess we will call on Monday and see what can be arranged if we do not hear from Mr. Mickle in the meantime. Thanks for the encouragement to keep pursuing this. I read about difficulties on another thread by people trying to get in contact with the
Parkliner facility. We were hoping this outfit was more professional and responsive (they are probably busy and get lots of emails - our request may have gotten lost in the crowd). Oh, well - it is probably good to have a bit of a delay to slow us down in our enthusiasm - this is a LOT of money to consider spending for a product and activity we have never participated in.