i have a
lite house. its the same mold as the
little joe and its awesome. I'm 6' tall and i have head room. also the bed is slightly larger than a queen size bed. it tows amazing. i took it up a 11% grade with tons of tight curves and it was fantastic. i did a ton of research and jumped at the chance to get a
lite house. It fit all of my needs. since the door is flat you don't have all the sag issues etc. mine is a 1994 and it feel new. the only thing i found that was different on the
little Joe is the tire placement outside the shell and the cabinets above the bed area. both are nice improvements. also the trailer is the same width as a standard car or small pickup. So you can take it through tight spots no problem. I highly recommend them, the mold is perfect shape and size. On the outside you think how could that be comfortable but on the inside it feels huge. And for me bed size is the most important. with the
scamp we would have had to sleep in separate areas since we both are tall and like our space when we sleep. Also they do make one with a forward bathroom. but we have come to realize that we don't need one nor do we want to mess around with one. As for the quality of sleep... wow, quiet and the best part about the whole trailer is because of the slant in the front window you can look out at the stars while you doze off to sleep!!!!