Buy a Weis Craft Factory Direct at:
Lightweight Trailers - Compact Travel Campers - Weiscraft Trailers
PESLUE is the "Best" fiber optic trailer manufacturer in the business. I have spoken with them at the 2016 NATDA yearly trade show about purchasing one empty for RV conversion and they were certainly interested in the concept of RV conversion and would sell a completed "empty" trailer to a customer. They were not interested in doing RV conversions themselves as their commercial business kept them busy.
Given the pricing Pelsue quoted to me at that time (about $12,000) for a complete empty trailer with a few items to help with a RV conversion I believe you could easily convert a Pelsue trailer to an RV to compete with the Weis Craft RV trailer mentioned above given the Weis Craft RV trailer base selling price of $18,500.
Here is a post from "Mark" at Pelsue from 2009:
Old 04-22-2009, 06:16 PM #7
Mark Niksic
Junior Member
Trailer: *Pelsue
Posts: 1
Hi, I stumbled on your website doing research on another trailer of ours and found this thread. The trailer in the photo is an ATT fiberoptic splicing trailer made by our company. If you see one out there check out the
vin and you will see it is made by the Pelsue Company here in Englewood Colorado. We manufacture these for ATT and other telecom companies such as Verizon and Qwest. We mold the bodies in Lamar Colorado and also have an assembly plant there as well. In addition to the trailer in the photo which is our Fiberlite POD we have an 11' foot long bodied trailer that is 6" wider and 6" taller that has a side door as well. This is a new trailer, the FiberliteXL will be available this summer.
Currently we manufacture these for construction and utility company use but have been asked if we would consider making them available for RV's or even produce an RV. That is something we are considering now and doing some research to help finalize a decision. In fact, that is how I found your great website.
Several years ago the first trailers we prototyped the idea to the phone companies with was a Weiscraft trailer. That trailer, while very good was too small for our needs. We then built our own set of 4 molds to our spec which resulted in a larger unit that had greater reinforcement and greater glass thickness for everyday duty consisting of off-road use behind construction trucks. Our trailer rides on an all aluminum frame and has a place for up to a 7KW genset out front. It can be fueled by either (2) 40 lb LPG bottles or an underbelly 20gallon, gasoline or diesel fuel tank.
I know Marty and Weisecraft and they are very fine people who make a great
fiberglass camper with the Li'l Joe. They too are here in Colorado.
I hope this answers your question even though I was almost a year late in answering.
Mark Niksic
Vice President
Pelsue Company
Here is the post from 2009 from which the above was stolen!