Ok, when do you know you're "hooked"? - Fiberglass RV
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Old 09-12-2008, 09:39 PM   #1
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Carolyn Patterson's Avatar
Trailer: 16 ft U-Haul VT / 2004 GMC Safari
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Ladies... Gentlemen... I have a confession to make...

It's now official...I am "HOOKED ON FIBERGLASS!!"

I'll TRY to make this brief...

My neighbor (yes the one that makes wonderful breakfasts from her camping kitchen as explained in another thread) and I went to dinner tonight as the DH's were working late. Over dinner, she told me that she had found a house out further in the country that had a trailer 'just like mine' and asked if after dinner would I want to go take a look at it - said she had spotted it while driving home from camping last weekend.

So we head out, it's after 7pm, getting 'kinda' dark - driving down this country road with nothing but corn fields on either side for miles...she keeps saying "It's along here somewhere..." I asked "In a corn field??" She replies "Noooo in someone's front yard..." So we keep looking. I'm excited to see another Fiberglass trailer as I haven't seen many in this area, yet I'm thinking this is going to be something else because now wayyyyyyyyyy WAIT!! "THERE IT IS" she says!!

Lo-and-behold, in the front yard of someone's home ... there sits A Trillium!! (Thanks to all of those who have posted pictures of theirs) I'm excited..My heart racing... "OMG Janice, I wonder if it's for sale!!" I'm thinking to myself "How am I going to ask my husband to buy another trailer??" So here we are, pulled off to the side of the road, staring at this trailer...when a young guy comes walking out of the house...

"Are you lost?" He says... We laugh, "No, we're just looking at your trailer.." my neighbor replies "She (pointing to me) has one of those...well not like that..." she continued. I said "It's a Trillium isn't it??" His head flips back, and laughs "I have people stop here all the time asking if it's for sale, and you're the first person who knew what kind it was...and it's almost dark out!!" We laugh, and he says "Wanna come see the inside??"

My neighbor and I screamed with excitement "Can we?" "Sure! Come on!! the owner says!

I was so excited...couldn't believe we 1) were spying on this house with a Fiberglass RV in the driveway...2) was hoping it was for sale even if I already have a trailer...3) that this stranger was going to let us look INSIDE his trailer!!! WHOOO HOOO!!

So with flashlight in hand, this gentleman guides us to his trailer...Ok, I gotta ask - I'll figure out the finances later...."Do you want to sell it???" He says much to my dismay "No way, I LOVE this thing!!" Ok, so it needed a bath, but as he, my neighbor and I sat inside with nothing but a battery operated coleman lantern lit, he gives us "the tour" just like any proud Fiberglass trailer owner would... It was very sweet....

After about an hour and oh, 15 minutes of sitting inside this stranger's trailer talking about his trailer, my trailer, and telling him about "FiberglassRV.com" we finally had to leave.....

Does this mean I'm "hooked" when even my neighbor is 'scouting' egg trailers for me to go and see - when we stake out a house looking at the trailer, and when the owner comes walking out to ask if we need help, first thing I want to ask him is if his trailer is for sale when I already have one???

I am in Hook, Line and Sinker.....
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Old 09-12-2008, 10:18 PM   #2
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After about an hour and oh, 15 minutes of sitting inside this stranger's trailer talking about his trailer, my trailer, and telling him about "FiberglassRV.com" we finally had to leave.....

I was going to say, you are hooked when you go out and sit in your trailer in the garage or driveway.. I think you are past hooked when its a stranger's trailer in HIS driveway- you are being fried up in the pan! But at least he was home. This can only get worse...

"Hi, My name is Bobbie, and I'm a Fiberglass RV Addict."
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Old 09-12-2008, 10:40 PM   #3
Frederick L. Simson's Avatar
Trailer: Fiber Stream 1978 / Honda Odyssey LX 2003
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"Hi, My name is Bobbie, and I'm a Fiberglass RV Addict."
Hi, Bobby!
Hi, Carolyn!

My name is Frederick, and I am a Fiberglass RV Addict.

My employer allows me to store my Fiber Stream behind the building at work at no cost. While my co-workers are all at the side of the building smoking, I take my coffee out back and just admire my trailer. When the supplies get low in the employee's lounge, I will raid my stock of coffee filters, or creamer from the trailer, to get us thru the day until the shipping clerk can make a Costco run. I commiserate with the Sales manager who used to store his boat back there too, until he sold it this year. He is impressed with my trailer backing skill. My boss is on my email list for pictures of my camping trips. If I have a bad day, with a difficult customer, they know they can find me afterward, back there in my happy place.
Frederick - The Scaleman
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Old 09-12-2008, 10:46 PM   #4
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It's now official...I am "HOOKED ON FIBERGLASS!!"

Carolyn, I can't believe I just read your post at 12:12 am in Columbus, Ohio while watching Geraldo Rivera get swept away by Hurrican Ike. You think your'e hooked? I don't even own one and all I do is check this ridiculous web site for more information on FGRVs. Ironically, I have been searching and researching eggs for about 6 weeks now and finally decided on a Trillium....no, not an old one but a new one out of the U.S. and as of yesterday I found out that they are now going to make them in British Columbia by the manufacturers of Escape Trailers.I am ordering one sight unseen since I feel that my exhaustive search led me there. Besides, it's the official wild flower of Ohio and trillium grow in our backyard.

I would have freaked to have seen your Trillium on a country road. I have NEVER seen an egg except by referral (a Scamp and a Casita). I just love them too. I am even crazier over the ones in Europe especially in Holland but I could never afford one.

Our habit, (my wife's and mine) really started when we began backpacking years ago. Now that we are turning 60, we figure we better get out of that mountain tent and crawl into something a little bigger, warmer and easier to set up. We aimed our sight on a 16ft. Bambi. So cute! Then we came to our senses and realized that we could not afford one. To keep the dream alive we settled on a TAB teardrop trailer but then we realized it had no toilet and my head would hit the roof getting out of bed. Besides, why pay an extra $4000 to a dealer? Then I dug deeper. There had to be something out there for us to crawl into that was small, had a toilet and some headroom. Alas, I found the world of FIBERGLASS!!!!!!! To make a longggggggg story short.....I found myself at Tom Young's door in California, a guy who helped make Trilliums in the 70's back in Markham, Ontario. He has merged with Escape (as of yesterday) and I plan on buying one this coming summer after we head out to Nevada to pick it up.

The only other Trillium I know of in this state is in Dayton and this weekend we will ask this guy if we can see it. A model 1300 from the 70's.

I have been posting a lot lately and I will continue to do so until this addiction wears off. There is a rally in Waynesville near Dayton/Cinncinatti next weekend and we may go to see some eggs up close. I am hoping there will be some other than Casitas and Scamps. We'll see.

Anyway, blown away by your post since I can relate to you so well and can you believe it, your'e from Ohio. My son is coaching football at Hudson High tonight near Akron.

Remember, you are not alone and by the way....I love U-hauls....double wall construction right?? The guy in Dayton has a Trill and a U-Haul. Maybe we should form our own club in Ohio after we get ours!!

Before I go.....where is this Trillium that you saw near the cornfield?...I want to see it too!!!

So long for now....maybe we will cross paths one day....Lloyd in Buckeyeville....Beat the Trojans!!!
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Old 09-12-2008, 10:57 PM   #5
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Um...hold on to your hat!

I'M GOING TO THE EGG RALLY IN WAYNESVILLE next weekend!!! Before I got to the end of your posting, knowing you're from Columbus - was going to post and tell you about the "Fall Gathering" - If you can believe this, I was invited by a Casita owner who lives near by who stores their trailer at the local fairgrounds - I had emailed her last year asking about her trailer, before I bought MY U-HAUL from someone 10 miles from my home! At any rate, we've never met - only have this "Fiberglass addiction" in common.

If you do come to the Gathering, it appears I'll be the only U-Haul there from what I'm being told - no other "odd eggs" besides Casitas have made reservations - so, if you want to come and see a 16ft U-Haul VT - 1 of only 5 (that we know of) floating around....I'll be there Thursday - Sunday and would just LOVE giving you the tour....

Come visit and discuss your addiction with other known addicts.

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Old 09-13-2008, 06:40 AM   #6
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I too am hooked, but we were not able, due to schedules, to attend a rally this year. Would love to be there and see another UHaul VT, Carol. Ours visited your state this summer. We camped at Zanesville Caverns on our vacation in August.
My addition manifests itself by constantly looking for new things for the trailer. Kevin and I always hit the camping stores to see if we need anything else. Myself, I watch catalogs and department stores for more camper decorating ideas. The UHaul has probably increased the number of catalogs I get that sell things I can use to decorate with by 200 percent. Just a few weeks ago, I replaced the silverware with a different set that matches better. And I found matching serving pieces at an antique store on vacation in West Virginia. Last summer, we looked and looked while antiquing for a matching fry pan and finally found a frypan and a pot with a lid that fit both.

And now we have matching UHaul jackets, hats, shirts, patches, pins, VT toys, and even a tricycle (Kevin bought it, not me! . Our kids are mid-20s with no grandkids!).

I stopped myself from buying an orange pig at Toys are Us last night (You know, the kind that move and oink that they put outside the store.) to have in the UHaul at the next rally we make it to. It does not match the Southwest decor of our UHaul. But, let's see, there is an orange pig on ebay. If I give it a Southwest-styled collar, it will match, right? And I can put one of our UHaul patches on it!

I also did not buy an orange sweater at Carson, Pirie, Scott last night, so I could match my trailer, because at 80% off, it was still over 100 dollars! But if I go back in a couple of weeks, it might be marked down even more, right?


1988 Bigfoot Silver Cloud, "The Egg Carton"
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Old 09-13-2008, 07:00 AM   #7
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Hey, Carolyn was that the Trillium located out on Rt. 18? I have seen one in someone's backyard, in passing, on the way from Newton Falls. I think it was Rt. 18. Terry R
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Old 09-13-2008, 10:02 AM   #8
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This one was in Rootstown...Tallmadge road maybe?? Intersection of 44 and whatever the road is the Fire Department is on - that cross road. Then down a few miles....The guy was very, very nice...I couldn't believe it... We're new to this area, and are just amazed how nice everyone is (my husband says "Even the girl a Taco Bell is nice!!) so if some of you who read my story thought we were nuts for sitting in a 13'ft trailer talking to a stranger, we didn't think anything about it - I'm greatful we live in such a nice area of Ohio...

Counting the days til the Gathering!! This rain is putting black streaks on my nice clean trailer UGH!! But we need it...(the rain, not the black streaks).

Hmmm, Route 18...someone's backyard....Hmmmm Gotta find that one!!!

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Old 09-13-2008, 10:38 AM   #9
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LOL................. Yep................. And from what I can gather from our trips since buying the Casita, so are a lot of other people. Basically every gas station, rest stop, Market, etc we stopped at on our travels brought out the fiberglass addiction in strangers. I gave more tours, than I can remember. One day we hit the road early and of course thats the day, a bunch of people wanted to look inside. ( I hadn't made the bed!) I warned them, it was messy....................... They didn't care they just wanted to get inside. I can't imagine how much attention a older fiberglass gets, cause our's is a 2007, I am sure the vintage get ton's of lookie lou's. Some people just pop in and look, others want as much info as you can give them. I always direct them to this web-site, to feed their addiction. Enjoy! Robin
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Old 09-13-2008, 12:18 PM   #10
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My friends and family think I should go to Fiberglass Anonymous.

I'm currently thinking about changing the electrical connection. Cutting the electrical cord from the convertor and attaching it to an outlet on the side of the Scamp. Then adding the proper plug to the remaining cord. At the same time taking off the electrical door that I had added and changing it to a larger access door. What this does is give me access to the storage compartment from the outside. Plus, I would put the electric cord and it's extension in the compartment along with chocks, misc wood ramps and water hoses.

I'm just having a hard time getting myself to cut such a large hole in the side of my Scamp. As usual I'll probably think on it for a year or two. If I decide not to do this project and leave well enough alone I''ll just add all the stuff to my other items I've purchased for my Scamp and never used. Who knows some day when I need some extra cash I'll open an RV parts store.
Joy A. & Olive
and "Puff", too
2019 Ram Longhorn
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Old 09-13-2008, 02:13 PM   #11
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Hey Joy,

How many of those 15 or 30 amp adapters did you find that will be in your RV sale shop?

Fred and I couldn't quite picture your new possible mod. Will just have to wait til you do it and post pictures.

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Old 09-13-2008, 05:12 PM   #12
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I'm on my way to test drive an 06 Dakota and possibly sell my Liberty.

Don't need a different TV.
Don't need any additional expenses.
Wouldn't do it under normal circumstances.
But it will be so much easier to pull our Baby and go Scamping!

Pleeeaaaaseeeee Help Me......
Scamp Owners International
2015 Escape 19 & 1997 Scamp 19
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Old 09-13-2008, 06:14 PM   #13
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Hi: All... I know the "Hooked Look". Eyes wide... grin wide... bent slightly at the waist and approaching at the speed of light (lest we pull away). It happens in every parking lot we tug thru!!! "Excuse me mind if I have a look at your trailer"??? "Never seen one like that before"!!! "Wow it's so streamlined"!!!stroke...stroke.
Yep their "Hooked".
Alf S. North shore of Lake Erie
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Old 09-14-2008, 07:58 AM   #14
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When driving, do you look behind old barns to see if there's a FG there?
You're hooked.
Do you look to see if there's an egg in someones driveway or yard?
You're hooked.
Do you strain your eyes to see if that's an egg a mile ahead of you?
You're hooked
Do you smile and wave frantically when you pass another egg?
You're hooked.
Do you knock on a door and ask to look at an egg?
You're hooked.
When you walk past yours, do you reach out and touch it?
You're hooked.
Do you wash and polish it more than your car?
You're hooked.
Is the inside cleaner and neater than your house?
You're hooked.
Do you talk about it with ALL of your friends?
All the time?
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Old 09-14-2008, 08:18 AM   #15
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Trailer: Casita 17 ft Spirit Deluxe 2007
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Carolyn, I am sure that is the same one, Tallmadge road is 18, I think, and it would have been right about the area you are describing. It was in the back when I saw it.

I have to get off here because we are getting the Casita all ready to head out. We will either start out after my husband gets home from work Wed., doubtful, or very early Thursday morning. We will be hitched and ready to go on Wed., either way.

I too, am counting the days. I keep my grandkids a lot and we have not been able to go much this year. Terry R
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Old 09-14-2008, 09:33 AM   #16
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I don't even have a trailer yet, and I am hooked!! Since I found all of this, it's all I think about, I am driving my boyfriend crazy (so he says) but he gets the same way about computer stuff so we are just evening out
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Old 09-14-2008, 11:49 AM   #17
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Nancy, I have the bright yellow one that I purchased in Bemidji, MN ready for sale. I finally found it in the Jeep when I was somewhere out in Wisconsin. Obviously being bright yellow didn't help.
Joy A. & Olive
and "Puff", too
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Old 09-14-2008, 12:58 PM   #18
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What's even worse than a fiberglass trailer addiction, is having that plus an old VW addiction! We spend every trip looking for trailers and old VW Beetles, buses, and pick-ups. Makes for fun trips... "Oh, there's one! One what? Should we turn around to look again? Do you think it's for sale?"


Proud owner of a 16' UHaul VT, 2003 VW Eurovan, 1999 VW Beetle, 1969 VW Beetle, 1968 VW single cab pick-up and more parts than you should ever stuff in a garage!
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Old 09-14-2008, 02:18 PM   #19
Gilles D's Avatar
Trailer: Casita Spirit Deluxe 17 ft 2001
Posts: 65
When driving, do you look behind old barns to see if there's a FG there?
You're hooked.
Do you look to see if there's an egg in someones driveway or yard?
You're hooked.
Do you strain your eyes to see if that's an egg a mile ahead of you?
You're hooked
Do you smile and wave frantically when you pass another egg?
You're hooked.
Do you knock on a door and ask to look at an egg?
You're hooked.
When you walk past yours, do you reack out and touch it?
You're hooked.
Do you wash and polish it more than your car?
You're hooked.
Is the inside cleaner and neater than your house?
You're hooked.
Do you talk about it with ALL of your friends?
All the time?

Yes to almost all question ! But It's getting worse...I try to find a egg for my step brother and another one for my son (He have no car and no driving license yet!) I just mist a Trillium 4500 in good condition ($2500) doooooooo! And... maybe another one for the fun to restore and reselling it
I know I need medic...
Gilles & Josy
Casita 2001 17 SD
"The EGGxile"
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Old 09-18-2008, 08:43 AM   #20
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Yes I have a problem......
the waving frantically at another FG on the road ..yes thats me
waxing the trailer...yup
There is a Scamp sitting down the road from me at a boat storage place. The first time I had seen a scamp befor I owned mine. So of course me, I go down there ask about it and am told NO not for sale/get in line everyone wants this one. Fast forward a few months i find my own Scamp and as I am fixing my door realize I can't remember how the hinge setup goes back together so I go down the road to the boat place and the boat guy lets me take a few refrence pictures...he kinda looks around..."ya wannna look inside"...OH MY GOSH DO I EVER so we sneak a peek inside.
So fast forward again a few months and I see the little Scamp returning from an adventure, so I decide to follow him back to the boat storage place ...he was not a fellow fiberglasser and as we were talking about different features I said oh I remeber that from yours...he kinda looks at me and then of course I have to explain that I was doing major renovation to my trailer so the boat guy let me peek in not so sure he was amused by that...so I am doing a quick backtrack and lavished him with praise becasue if I hadn't had this trailer for reference I would have been up a creek...that seemed to appease him.

My husband doesn't care to camp, but the other day I get a call from him and he says "I see one"..me all puzzled..... see what...... him " a trailer its a casita with air conditioning and a blue stripe." me OH okay...him...aren't you going to post that in the sightings board on your forum? so even thou he doesn't care to camp he's a good trailer spotter
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