05-12-2016, 09:23 AM
Senior Member
Name: Jim
Trailer: Scamp
Posts: 312
Offender or victim?
You do have to allow for the possibility of near sighted, depth perception-challenged yahoos who insist on driving their vehicles two feet across the front yellow line, reducing the space available for the driver on the other side, that could be the case here Those clowns don’t stop until the yellow line is right next to their driver’s door or they think they will feel the yellow line when it’s time to stop! I'm of the opinion that they all go to Golden Corral to practice their technique.
Also, it appears the guy in the navy blue truck solved the height problem by installing much smaller wheels. That can effect a mess of electronic sensor readings, but hey, he probably likes seeing the speedometer maxed out and still not get a speeding ticket.
05-12-2016, 09:38 AM
Senior Member
Name: Henry
Trailer: BigFoot
Posts: 1,313
I like my 2011 Toyota Tundra double cab. Only issue is the gas tank is too small. Also would like diesel. I have had many trucks, and much prefer the new ones; better running, better quality, better amenities, and fun to drive. I doubt that I will ever own another small truck.
In 1975 I bought a Dodge van new, immediately customized it, then upon completion, took a month off work and went out west with my girl friend. Could not get the heater to work in the mountains. Very uncomfortable. Twisted the knob this way and that way, got under the dash to check it out...no heat.
Great van otherwise. Got home and that fall when it started to get cold sold it to a friend (yes, I told him about the heater). A week later he told me the heater worked just fine, plenty of heat. I asked how he fixed it. He said he pulled the knob out.
Who knew?
05-12-2016, 10:03 AM
Senior Member
Trailer: 92 16 ft Scamp
Posts: 11,756
Originally Posted by floyd
I'm 6 ft tall and I refuse to own a truck which is soo tall that I can barely see into the box, let alone reach into the box for something.
If they don't bring back the Ranger, I'll be driving my 2001 for another 15 years.
I guess Floyd that a GM truck with a step built into the bumper is not a an option for you?
05-12-2016, 10:28 AM
Senior Member
Name: Walter
Trailer: 2017 Escape 17B
SW Virginia
Posts: 2,263
If you are talking about pickups as a TV, what kind of towing capacity are you wanting?
My Ridgeline has a capacity of 5,000 lb, plenty for most eggs up to 17', and has driving, seating, and handling characteristics of a medium SUV. I've really never wanted a pickup, but this is a satisfactory compromise for me.
Past owner of 1995 13' Casita, 1994 16' Casita, 2012 Parkliner, 2002 17' Bigfoot.
05-12-2016, 10:33 AM
Trailer: 2009 19 ft Escape / 2009 Honda Pilot
Posts: 6,283
I loved my Pilot for towing my Escape 19, but now getting the 5.0TA I needed a pickup. I would have loved something smaller, but the issue is not at all the tow capacity, but the payload, and with a dry 600 lb pin weight, along with the passengers and cargo, it quickly adds up.
2017 Escape 5.0 TA
2015 Ford F150 Lariat 3.5L EcoBoost
2009 Escape 19 (previous)
“Most folks are about as happy as they make up their minds to be.” — Abraham Lincoln
05-12-2016, 10:39 AM
Senior Member
Trailer: 2004 13 ft Scamp Custom Deluxe
Posts: 8,531
Originally Posted by Jim Bennett
Vehicles today overall provide WAY more ease of use and efficiency. It is a good thing for progress, or we would be all still driving Model T's. 
I'm not a Luddite when it comes to technology, but I do resent the ersatz technology provided by electronics which has completely stifled any progress in real mechanical improvements and taken the driver out of the equation.
Electronics are an important element (still overused) in engine control technology but the rampant and excessive use of electronics for peripherals is nothing short of obscene.
A vehicle should do the same exact thing with the same input every time, and drivers should go back to learning how to drive and paying attention to the task at hand.
The least that should be done is for each manufacturer to offer a vehicle based on good mechanical engineering without a big screen digital windshield and dozens of electronic substitutes for competence, both their's and the driver's.
While I'm on my rant...
There is no excuse for the excessive charges for the electronics which are used in these new vehicles. The profit margin at point of sale is often in the thousands of percentile range.
In the repair shop the abuse starts all over again and the buyer is once again the victim.
One example...
I recently witnessed a Knock Sensor replacement on a Scion. The dealer wanted $1200 dollars for the job including over $200 for the part plus labor.
They had just moved the sensor from the front corner of the head to INSIDE of the intake on the back of the head.
The part should be around $15 at retail (like other makes)with about 2 minutes labor if it was properly located.
The example was an actual part replacement. Many others are simple programming applications for which thousands of dollars are charged to provide a few pennies worth of product.
05-12-2016, 10:50 AM
Senior Member
Trailer: 2004 13 ft Scamp Custom Deluxe
Posts: 8,531
Originally Posted by Carol H
I guess Floyd that a GM truck with a step built into the bumper is not a an option for you? 
Ford also offers such stupid bandaids for poor design. All that proves is that they acknowledge the problem but refuse to fix it.
Of course you could build them even taller if you provide rocker mounted escalators for access to the box and the cab.
Just think of the poor bastard stuck on the escalator halfway up when the battery fails! Of course he would still have his smart phone to call for the rescue squad before starving to death ( providing he could get some towers!) 
Of course there is always the logic of 110 pound woman driving a 6000 pound truck to the store for a one pound loaf of bread...
05-12-2016, 11:03 AM
Senior Member
Trailer: 92 16 ft Scamp
Posts: 11,756
Originally Posted by floyd
The least that should be done is for each manufacturer to offer a vehicle based on good mechanical engineering without a big screen digital windshield and dozens of electronic substitutes for competence, both their's and the driver's.
The good news is as I discovered after having recently using a courtesy car is that many of the extra features can be shut off. I found the one that generated a red flashing light on the instrument panel anytime you came remotely close to the side line on the road to be very annoying and distracting particularly when driving on narrow back road at night! :lout talked to the service manager about it and he indicated it was one that people most frequently ask to be turned off.
The other good news is that you are not permitted to use many of the electronic/automatic features when taking your drivers licence. So new drivers do need to know how to actually do it the old fashion way  When taking a drivers test they can not use the auto parking assistance, No use of the back up camera (they need to turn their head around and look), No depending on the light in the side mirror to tell you if someone is in your blind spot before changing lanes (still got to turn their head and look). There may be more no no's when taking a drivers test regrind the use of electronics.
05-12-2016, 11:10 AM
Senior Member
Name: Randy
Trailer: 1980Trillium 1300
Posts: 373
Shiny ball waiting for U.
On the hw, when some kid roaring his/her flashy sport car-like here I am the king of the road, get out of the way-....I just take my time and driving gently BY LAW. When approaching my rear bumper, the kid recognizes the..shiny ball of grumpy old man's car, he better keeps his safe distance or change other lane, unless he wants a steel..y punch in his front bumper...Lol
05-12-2016, 11:16 AM
Trailer: 19 ft Escape
Posts: 72
Pardon Me… Your Behind is Showing
I don't know, I like all the modern technology in my new truck. Previous trucks I have owned consumed much more fuel, produced far less HP and torque, rode like they had no suspension, required much more servicing (who remembers rebuilding carbs, changing points, adjusting timing and rockers etc.)
Not to mention the size of an older crew cab with an 8' box that took 3 football fields to turn and the stopping ability of drum brakes.
I'll take the comfort and convenience of my new truck any day. For the rest I'm sure driving an older Lada for awhile will bring you around. [emoji6]
05-12-2016, 11:31 AM
Senior Member
Trailer: 2004 13 ft Scamp Custom Deluxe
Posts: 8,531
Originally Posted by Doug P.
I don't know, I like all the modern technology in my new truck. Previous trucks I have owned consumed much more fuel, produced far less HP and torque, rode like they had no suspension, required much more servicing (who remembers rebuilding carbs, changing points, adjusting timing and rockers etc.)
Not to mention the size of an older crew cab with an 8' box that took 3 football fields to turn and the stopping ability of drum brakes.
I'll take the comfort and convenience of my new truck any day. For the rest I'm sure driving an older Lada for awhile will bring you around. [emoji6]
05-12-2016, 11:43 AM
Senior Member
Name: Jon
Trailer: 2008 Scamp 13 S1
Posts: 12,302
Originally Posted by Scamper Jim
You do have to allow for the possibility of near sighted, depth perception-challenged yahoos who insist on driving their vehicles two feet across the front yellow line, reducing the space available for the driver on the other side, that could be the case here Those clowns don’t stop until the yellow line is right next to their driver’s door or they think they will feel the yellow line when it’s time to stop! I'm of the opinion that they all go to Golden Corral to practice their technique.
Also, it appears the guy in the navy blue truck solved the height problem by installing much smaller wheels. That can effect a mess of electronic sensor readings, but hey, he probably likes seeing the speedometer maxed out and still not get a speeding ticket.
You're right, Jim, about the number of people driving larger vehicles who don't quite know where the ends are- or care! However, if someone else is improperly parked to the extent that you cannot properly park, the right thing to do is find another spot. Two wrongs…
BTW, the tires and wheels were stock and so was the suspension. It's just a really, really big truck- 3500-series, 4x4, dually, crew cab, 8' bed- that dwarfs the tires.
Please don't misunderstand. I meant this to be a diversion, not a rant. In a world of ISIS, mass shootings, natural disasters of all kinds, and, of course, the American presidential election  , I know there are more important things to worry about! Banter about less consequential things is an escape of sorts. At least when I can't be out camping!
Originally Posted by floyd
...What really bothers me though is that the new vehicles are little more than smart phones with wheels. Nobody seems to care about the mechanicals anymore, they simply want to know how many "apps" they can get on the big screen dash.
… I just went for a drive tonight in my 1995 Mustang. It did just, and only just, what it was told.... What a pleasure!
Floyd, we rented a Chrysler 200 last year, and it was a good thing my wife was with me. I could not even do something as simple as adjust the temperature without her help navigating the touch screen menus. I believe we're on the cusp of making a choice between driving and surfing. I know which my kids would rather do. Better hang onto that Mustang!
05-12-2016, 11:47 AM
Trailer: 2009 19 ft Escape / 2009 Honda Pilot
Posts: 6,283
Originally Posted by floyd
Yes, yes he is.
But, I completely agree with him. I have driven pickups my entire adult life, as working in construction has made them a necessity. I can't think of one feature in the new trucks I would give up to replace with what is now considered old technology. My 2015 F150 has more bells and whistles then I wanted, but buying when they were clearing at year end last year did not see a lot of choice, and I paid WAY less than something with less features that was a year newer.
The design of new trucks is being driven by customer demand, and the manufacturers are delivering. This does not mean that they are for everyone, and I too know of a bunch of folks that have them 'just because'.
2017 Escape 5.0 TA
2015 Ford F150 Lariat 3.5L EcoBoost
2009 Escape 19 (previous)
“Most folks are about as happy as they make up their minds to be.” — Abraham Lincoln
05-12-2016, 11:53 AM
Trailer: 2009 19 ft Escape / 2009 Honda Pilot
Posts: 6,283
Originally Posted by Jon in AZ
Please don't misunderstand. I meant this to be a diversion, not a rant.
Floyd, we rented a Chrysler 200 last year, and it was a good thing my wife was with me. It was impossible to navigate the touch screen menus to do something as simple as lowering the temperature while driving. I believe we're on the cusp of making a choice between driving and surfing. I know which my kids would rather do. Better hang onto that Mustang!
This really is a first world kinda dilemma, isn't it?
With all the new vehicles I have had since my 2008 Honda Pilot, the simple press of one button located front and centre on the steering wheel allows me to set any temperature, fan speed, or other climate change vocally. I can also change music, dial and answer my phone with the press of the one button too. I find this way safer than looking at the dash at all. Could I do without...certainly, but I would prefer not to.
2017 Escape 5.0 TA
2015 Ford F150 Lariat 3.5L EcoBoost
2009 Escape 19 (previous)
“Most folks are about as happy as they make up their minds to be.” — Abraham Lincoln
05-12-2016, 12:09 PM
Senior Member
Name: Jon
Trailer: 2008 Scamp 13 S1
Posts: 12,302
Originally Posted by Jim Bennett
This really is a first world kinda dilemma, isn't it?
With all the new vehicles I have had since my 2008 Honda Pilot, the simple press of one button located front and centre on the steering wheel allows me to set any temperature, fan speed, or other climate change vocally. I can also change music, dial and answer my phone with the press of the one button too. I find this way safer than looking at the dash at all. Could I do without...certainly, but I would prefer not to.
LOL… you're right!
But I still prefer the simplicity and reliability of the old three-dial mechanical climate control system. And I love having an excuse to ignore phone calls because I am driving. I guess it's my "behind" that's showing!!!
05-12-2016, 12:17 PM
Trailer: 2009 19 ft Escape / 2009 Honda Pilot
Posts: 6,283
Originally Posted by Jon in AZ
But I still prefer the simplicity and reliability of the old three-dial mechanical climate control system. And I love having an excuse to ignore phone calls because I am driving. I guess it's my "behind" that's showing!!! 
For me in my business, whether I like it or not, customers demand I be in contact, and for that I do like the hands free phone systems.
My 2013 F350 has very few bells 'n whistles, bluetooth and cruise control being about it. It has the 3 knob climate control, and that works fine. I do miss setting a temperature and forgetting about it, instead of always adjusting the output temperature to suit changing conditions.
2017 Escape 5.0 TA
2015 Ford F150 Lariat 3.5L EcoBoost
2009 Escape 19 (previous)
“Most folks are about as happy as they make up their minds to be.” — Abraham Lincoln
05-12-2016, 12:23 PM
Trailer: 19 ft Escape
Posts: 72
Originally Posted by floyd
Dispite what Jim B said, thanks Jim.
No I don't think of myself as old so much, just not stuck in the past. [emoji6]
05-12-2016, 12:41 PM
Senior Member
Trailer: 2007 19 ft Escape 5.0 / 2002 GMC (1973 Boler project)
Posts: 4,149
Originally Posted by Doug P.
I don't know, I like all the modern technology in my new truck. Previous trucks I have owned consumed much more fuel, produced far less HP and torque, rode like they had no suspension, required much more servicing (who remembers rebuilding carbs, changing points, adjusting timing and rockers etc.)
Not to mention the size of an older crew cab with an 8' box that took 3 football fields to turn and the stopping ability of drum brakes.
I'll take the comfort and convenience of my new truck any day. For the rest I'm sure driving an older Lada for awhile will bring you around. [emoji6]
Hi: Doug P... Pardon me... Your age is showing!!! 
Alf S. North shore of Lake Erie
05-12-2016, 12:46 PM
Trailer: 19 ft Escape
Posts: 72
Originally Posted by Alf S.
Hi: Doug P... Pardon me... Your age is showing!!!
Alf S. North shore of Lake Erie 
Thanks Alf, I knew I could count on you :-)
05-12-2016, 01:41 PM
Senior Member
Trailer: 2004 13 ft Scamp Custom Deluxe
Posts: 8,531
Originally Posted by Doug P.
Dispite what Jim B said, thanks Jim.
No I don't think of myself as old so much, just not stuck in the past. [emoji6]
If not stuck in the past, you might know that nobody has had points in over 40years or carburetors in over 30years, hydraulic lifters have been around for much longer than either.
Basic engine controls are not the issue anyway, its the accommodation of distracted driving or maybe its more like a virtual driving game... but you only get one life and no reset.
I do like electric power steering, just not all the apps they've attached to it.
Wretched excess as opposed to appropriate application in electronics is the real problem... I just bought a new laundry set, they seem to be like a couple of smart alec whiny eccentric robots from Hitchhiker's Guide.
This is much better....
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