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Old 09-23-2012, 03:12 AM   #1
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Name: Walter
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In Dec. '2008 we bought a used 13' Casita--loved it. Then in Aug., 2010 we upsized to a Casita 16'SD to accommodate one grandchild---love it even more.
Now we need to accommodate a second child but want to stay small and fiberglass. Casita doesn't offer anything suitable unless we give up the bathroom----N O WAY!!!
We've been thinking of a 17' Escape, but the thought of hauling it back from British Columbia to Virginia is kinda daunting.
Yesterday we drove to NC (about 3 hrs) to look at a new brand, a Parkliner.
Only about 15 made so far, but growing.
It has a very nice arrangement for adding a bunk bed when needed and is more roomy than our Casita. Surprisingly it's only 15' long, but a few inches wider and much taller (6'4" inside).
Take a look. It's quite nice. A lot of thoughtful design features.
One apparently unique feature. All cabinets and pedestals are fiberglass molded to the fiberglass body rather than riveted on later. The 200lb guy hung all his weight off one of the overhead cabinets and bounced up and down. Don't try that with your Casita or Scamp.
One thing odd I'm not sure I like, but probably not a deal breaker--It has a single, combined black and gray water waste tank. Any comments?

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Old 09-23-2012, 06:00 AM   #2
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Hi Walt, welcome to FiberglassRV

You're lucky, we have several Parkliner owners here. They'll be the ones to answer your specific-to-Parkliner questions. However, I don't see a problem with combined tanks as long as the total capacity is good. When you dump into a sewer, you still dump both... it's not like gray water goes one place and black water another.

Let us know how it goes
Donna D.
Ten Forward - 2014 Escape 5.0 TA
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Old 09-23-2012, 06:00 AM   #3
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I have looked at them on the net and I really like them. I don't think the combined gray/black tank would break the deal for me you just need to be a little more water/wast careful so you don't fill it up.
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Old 09-23-2012, 06:04 AM   #4
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Thumbs up Parkliner

I don't know the pro's & con's of one tank, as I have only had port-a-potties in the two 13' Scamps we've owned, but the Park Liner is one brand that I would really like to see in person (it's a long way from Arizona). It appears to be so well thought out, versatile, roomy, very well made, and has lots of storage. From the pictures I've seen, if I had any grand-children to take camping, this would be the trailer for us. Hope you'll soon be a proud pioneer owner of a very new brand of trailer.
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Old 09-23-2012, 06:11 AM   #5
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"We've been thinking of a 17' Escape, but the thought of hauling it back from British Columbia to Virginia is kinda daunting."
Are you kidding, that would be the ideal camping trip. I was so excited planning my trip there when they offered me a deal on delivery. They will deliver and they had one coming to NC and here to Pennsylvania so they reduced the cost. Check with them they will and can deliver. The nice thing about Escape is they will customize the interior anyway you want, 2 bed areas, 2 dinette areas, one of each. Parkliner maybe too new to do any customization and they maybe still working out the kinks. Saw one in Tennessee.
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Old 09-23-2012, 07:10 AM   #6
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The owner of Parkliner is open to customization. The basic layout is pretty fixed I'd guess. To get everything in that small a space and still have it feel so roomy is quite a good design and would be difficult to change. He has already agreed to several customizations if we do order. Adding 12 volt outlets (pretty simple, I know), adding an auxiliary fresh water tank to increase capacity (not so simple, requiring relocating the water pump), adding a bathroom sink(this one he tried for someone else and it's really a nice, SS sink. He's really a stickler on only doing things that he thinks will enhance the looks, and feel. The design of the new sink requires additional fiberglass molding so it looks, and is, built in, not just tacked on). He will likely add all those to his already extensive options list, like dual batteries, screen door, bunk, folding table,....

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Old 09-26-2012, 10:21 AM   #7
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If you go to their website and fill in the contact request form with "customer inquiry info packet request" you will get a PDF file to look at the nice fabric choices. And of course a PDF brochure.
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Old 09-26-2012, 11:41 AM   #8
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Our trip down to see it last weekend and discussions with the maker, convinced us and we ordered one yesterday, with almost all the options. It'll be our first new trailer after two used and loved Casitas.
We expect to pick it up in late October.
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Old 09-26-2012, 01:27 PM   #9
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did you add the macerator toilet - if so how did it impact the washroom space
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Old 09-26-2012, 02:02 PM   #10
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Congrats on ordering your new trailer. We just picked ours up this weekend an enjoyed hauling it home.

Haven't had a chance to do full debrief of our two nights but just wanted to second that they accommodate special requests. We requested the bathroom sink, and LEDs, and he was very accommodating.

It's really designed so well and suits our little family of four quite nicely.

Happy camping!
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Old 09-26-2012, 02:07 PM   #11
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Yes we did. The trailer we got to see had the toilet and we got to do a "dry shower". It was fine; about as nice as our Casita shower, but maybe a little less cramped. The higher ceiling than our Casita shower was definitely nicer for me.
BTW, the optional sink is in the back wall, over the toilet, so it does not impact the shower at all. And with the toilet, the porta potty cubby makes a great laundry locker.
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Old 09-26-2012, 02:10 PM   #12
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I didn't order the LEDs, only because I wasn't sure they were bright enough and wanted to explore other types. How did you find them? I installed a different type in our Casita and we like them fine.
Do you have the Lumens specs on yours?
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Old 09-26-2012, 02:14 PM   #13
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Mimi Lee. I think it must have been your trailer we got to see Saturday. Obviously we liked it. And I gather you were the motivation for the owner to design the sink installation. Thank you for that. We consider it a must have also.
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Old 09-26-2012, 02:40 PM   #14
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OK, all you PLT owners, how is the bed? I have visited and stretched out on the nice foam, but haven't actually tried sleeping all night, of course. Would this 60 something couple want a memory foam topper? And yes, MIMI, let us know how you like the LED lights. Also, we go back and forth about porta potti vs. toilet. Pros and cons of each? So eager to get it all decided and ordered.
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Old 09-26-2012, 04:53 PM   #15
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I hope they make a go with the Parkliner and stay in business.We want one real bad but just can't manage it at this time. We were thinking about a Casita because of the larger bed but when we saw this one we knew we had to have it. We think in a year we will be ready but in the meantime we are enjoying reading about them and seeing all the pictures. Would like to see where a Tv would mount.
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Old 09-26-2012, 05:09 PM   #16
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I didn't ask about the TV because that's not of interest for us. But My sense is he'll be around for awhile. A new startup in a weak economy, growing slowly and only in response to demand and carefully training employees. And a very good product. I think at least in the short term his prospects are very good.
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Old 09-26-2012, 07:36 PM   #17
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You're welcome for the sink Walt. It was a deal maker/breaker for us, and I was delighted how accommodating they were to the request and very pleased with how he addressed it in his design.

The combined tank also gave us pause, but obviously we got over it and bought it anyways. The Hepva traps and anti-backflow valves on all the drains gives peace of mind. And after the two nights, I agree 100% with Donna and Kirkman. It's all goes the place anyways, so their is a benefit in that you only have to drain one tank vs two when its time to dump. BUT, you really do have to be mindful of total capacity. (more on that when I post my debrief )

Sorry I can't confirm the specs on the LEDs, Chandler ordered and installed them for us, I'm sure he can give you the specs. The three lights above the sofa seating, above the sink and in the bath are LEDs. I found them bright enough and like that they didn't give off extra heat. The center overhead light wasn't changed out and instead was a standard incandescent bulb.

Regarding the bed, the foam is very nice and comfortable. I'll preface the next comment, that all four of us slept shortways on it (parents sleep better not worrying about a tyke falling out of bunk bed) so it may be a different experience for most. While the foam was nice firmness, not hard, supportive but not too squishy, the decorative rolled edges where the cushions meet not so comfortable to sleep on. The first night in a sleeping bag, I didn't feel those seams. The second night was warm and I ended up out of the bag and was very aware of them. However,the edges are running the other direction when sleeping normal direction so again, when we get the safety rail addressed I may have a different opinion

We got the fixed toilet, it was a tough decision and we waffled alot, mostly due to the combined waste water tank, not because of space savings. PRO: There is convenience factor. Just one waste tank to deal with and it's always ready to go. Having used that closet for a clothes hamper, I have to say, I am glad I don't have to flip that door and lug that potti out of that chamber to go and get up and shove it back in afterwards. And lug it out, disassemble to dump. Con: But when its a stored away PortoPOtty you have more leg room, and potty stays dry in closet. Less water utilization and hence waste water volume (remember limited waste holding tank / 4ppl). And there is something the mind likes about keeping bio waste separate though, I admit.

Tried to get all the question I saw pop up on the thread, hopefully got em all. Hope to see some fellow Parkliners on the road!
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Old 09-26-2012, 07:58 PM   #18
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Great response post. thank you.
Background on the waste system. Our Casita came with a 13 Gal. grey tank and 8 gal. black tank and I replaced the grey with a 40 gal grey tank. So total the Parkliner comes in a bit better total than the standard Casita, but a lot below my modded one. Obviously I've decided to live with that, since I've ordered. One major disadvantage about the combined tank is that the grey tank can be dumped on the ground in many places with no harm, even i my back yard. That's not true of the combined tank.
I'm hoping Chandler can give me the model numbers of the incandescent bulbs, and/or the fixtures so I can research a good LED replacement myself. I've done that on both my Casitas and it really helps when boondocking, as we often do.
I had earlier replaced all the p-traps with Hepvos on my Casita, so I know the great benefit they offer. When I learned Parkliners had already done that I was really impressed.
Regarding the bed, we'll probably get a topper pretty quickly, but may try a fiber one this time, rather than memory foam. Much less expensive, and doesn't trap the heat.
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Old 09-26-2012, 08:40 PM   #19
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with boondocking do you think the 12 Volt 20Amp flush rating will drain the battery too fast?

it the toilet flush as loud as the water pump or Less/more? Just curious about night time. Thanks. (and more important congrats on your purchase!)
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Old 09-26-2012, 11:39 PM   #20
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Name: M
Trailer: Influx
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The fresh water pump is a low hum. The toilet flush makes the normal swoosh then a hum a tad louder than the pump. But that pump that takes the shower and sink water out-- that one is loud and awkward- like a person wearing a mic slurping down a bowl of noodles! We were weirded out!
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