08-21-2016, 03:12 PM
Name: Katie
Trailer: ParkLiner 2013
Posts: 56
We're still very happy with our Parkliner, especially since we haven't seen another model that has the interior height to accommodate taller folks.
We looked at Casita, Scamp, and Escape and none of those could beat the combination of 15 ft length, actual queen bed and 6'5" if not 6'6" standing head room inside.
If Escape could have matched that combination we would have been all over it, especially since we live on the west coast.
08-22-2016, 08:05 AM
Name: Robert
Trailer: Shopping
North Carolina
Posts: 34
Comparable Pricing
Originally Posted by Mike Magee
Snoozy's price is up there already, too. So PL is comparable to several mfrs.
Thanks Mike Magee for making that point! Parkliner campers are now priced in line with the "competition". ALL RV manufacturers have to make some profit or they cease to be manufacturers. All Parkliner has done is take a hard line look at the costs of producing one of the highest quality fiberglass campers in the marketplace. All manufacturers have to do it periodically.
08-22-2016, 02:43 PM
Senior Member
Name: Walter
Trailer: 2017 Escape 17B
SW Virginia
Posts: 2,263
I agree. If they had a separate black holding tank I'd order another one tomorrow.
Past owner of 1995 13' Casita, 1994 16' Casita, 2012 Parkliner, 2002 17' Bigfoot.
08-24-2016, 04:06 PM
Name: Sandra
Trailer: Parkliner SOLD November 2017
South Carolina
Posts: 84
Parkliner single tank
Originally Posted by WaltP
I agree. If they had a separate black holding tank I'd order another one tomorrow.
So why are you set against having 1 tank to hold both the grey water and the black water? Don't you have to dump both of them anyway? I would think that the macerating toilet grinds the 'waste' up like a blender, and combining it with the grey water, it would pump out easily?
I haven't bought one yet, but will be ordering one soon. This will be my first RV, so I'm just curious as to what is so bad about not having 2 separate tanks.
08-24-2016, 06:04 PM
Senior Member
Name: Walter
Trailer: 2017 Escape 17B
SW Virginia
Posts: 2,263
Grey water can be safely dumped almost anywhere. I often just dump it in my field/yard. And in some states you are asked to dump grey water in a specific spot at your site to water the foliage. Can't do that with black.
Past owner of 1995 13' Casita, 1994 16' Casita, 2012 Parkliner, 2002 17' Bigfoot.
08-24-2016, 06:09 PM
Name: Sandra
Trailer: Parkliner SOLD November 2017
South Carolina
Posts: 84
Single tank
Originally Posted by WaltP
Grey water can be safely dumped almost anywhere. I often just dump it in my field/yard. And in some states you are asked to dump grey water in a specific spot at your site to water the foliage. Can't do that with black.
Since you have to dump a black tank anyway, why not dump a combined grey and black tank?
08-24-2016, 07:41 PM
Senior Member
Trailer: 92 16 ft Scamp
Posts: 11,756
Originally Posted by Sandy54
Since you have to dump a black tank anyway, why not dump a combined grey and black tank?
As some one who does a lot of camping without hook ups I would also never want a combo tank for several reasons.
The big one is that even when dry camping I rarely use up the black tank capacity - no were nearly as fast as I will use up the grey tank capacity. I can go a pretty long time without needing to drain the black tank.
It is very simple to drain your grey tank into a portable tote using a short garden hose (which you would not be able to do with the black tank waste) and take it someplace they allow you to dump it. Some places have designated spots for tenters to dispose of their dish water etc. Depending on where you are camping you may even be permitted to dump your grey water (assuming it does not have much if any kitchen waste mixed in it) around the local trees that are in need of watering. The odds of being allowed to do that with black tank waste mixed in are slim to none for obvious reasons!
With my old Scamp I often camped for a week or more without hook ups & only ever needed to drain my grey water and never my black tank.
When you have two separate tanks at the dump station - you first dump the black tank and then the grey water tank - that process rinses/cleans out the dump hose of the black tank waste. If you have black water and grey water mixed you are going to have to use a separate water system after dumping to clean out your dump hose. If your dumping at a place that does not have a separate water hose (dumped at a number of dump stations that do not) for rinsing out the slinky hose you are stuck with putting a dirty smelly slinky hose back into the storage spot in the trailer. Hope the weather is not to warm so the smell of it does not get to you or the waste cakes on it to the point you have a problem cleaning it out well once you get to a location you can.
Last but not least - its is not easy if not impossible to really clean out the inside of a portable tote after it has been used for black water! Prefer not having a stinky portable tote in my vehicle or my trailer.
08-24-2016, 08:04 PM
Senior Member
Name: Walter
Trailer: 2017 Escape 17B
SW Virginia
Posts: 2,263
Thanks Carol. You even came up with some good reasons I hadn't thought of.
Past owner of 1995 13' Casita, 1994 16' Casita, 2012 Parkliner, 2002 17' Bigfoot.
08-24-2016, 09:11 PM
Senior Member
Trailer: 92 16 ft Scamp
Posts: 11,756
LOL do not get me started on my concerns with the use of a macerating toilet
Hope the trailer has a real big fresh water tank to keep that puppy actually working!
08-24-2016, 10:45 PM
Senior Member
Name: Lyle
Trailer: Scamp 16, previously Scamp 13
Posts: 739
Originally Posted by floyd
True, so now I can't buy a new car since it is so chock full of crap I don't want and its all "FREE" (for only twice the money).
That was already the case, to some extent, back in 1996 - the last time I bought a brand new vehicle. I wanted an S-10 pickup without a radio since I always installed an aftermarket stereo system. The ONLY way I could get one without a radio was to get it without a rear bumper as well. That made no sense to me, and the dealership couldn't explain it except - that's they way it is.
08-25-2016, 07:41 AM
Senior Member
Trailer: No Trailer Yet
Posts: 1,704
Do what you feel Sandy..it will be your trailer. Camping is one entity in life that you REALLY have to experience to understand it's pleasures coupled with its nuances, aggravations, etc. Ask me how I know!
With that said, dumping your tanks is one of the worst things of RVing. Some will get on here and argue about use public restrooms...yada yada. But without my bathroom, I would not own my Scamp...period. But it does come with a price but one that I've been MORE than willing to pay for the past 6 yrs. You go to a bathroom and it's full what do you do; or one that's so nasty... well you get the picture.
Dumping your own tank is an experience. But just let me give you my opinion- that I'm VERY glad to be able to hook my hose up and dump the grey tank last. We shake the hose to help remove any residual waste left in there by the black tank. Carol so aptly mentioned that IF you have to dump one tank and it's seweage included and there's no way to wash the hose out....well..... I suggest you leave water in your FRESH tank to try and flush it out the best you can When dumping. Meaning...shut off the valve, run in some fresh water into the tank and dump again.
IF you have to dump at a dump station- and I've run into this alot at Piney- and you have a line behind you, then running fresh water and re-dumping...well I'm trying to help you see where we're coming from.
One FINAL suggestion- IF you go with one tank, use ODORLOS chemical in your tank only! It neutralizes the waste and stops the smell. I learned this the hard way and Floyd put me on to the ODORLOS and now I will not even consider anything else (unless it's a chemical equal to it).
Good luck and happy camping with whatever your decision.
Originally Posted by Sandy54
So why are you set against having 1 tank to hold both the grey water and the black water? Don't you have to dump both of them anyway? I would think that the macerating toilet grinds the 'waste' up like a blender, and combining it with the grey water, it would pump out easily?
I haven't bought one yet, but will be ordering one soon. This will be my first RV, so I'm just curious as to what is so bad about not having 2 separate tanks.
08-25-2016, 07:54 AM
Senior Member
Name: Walter
Trailer: 2017 Escape 17B
SW Virginia
Posts: 2,263
At the risk of repeating myself too often, like I said before. I think the Parkliner is a superior trailer, except.... redesign with a separate black tank and I'll order one tomorrow, even if they keep that ridiculous macerating toilet.
Past owner of 1995 13' Casita, 1994 16' Casita, 2012 Parkliner, 2002 17' Bigfoot.
08-25-2016, 08:13 AM
Name: Sandra
Trailer: Parkliner SOLD November 2017
South Carolina
Posts: 84
Thanks for your input
Thanks - That's what Tom Bass at Parkin error told me, to flush the hose with the water in the fresh water tank. I will be aware of the lines. If the line is really long, I'll either wait till everyone is done, or take it to a Flying J near my house to dump the tank.
08-25-2016, 10:06 AM
Senior Member
Trailer: 92 16 ft Scamp
Posts: 11,756
Originally Posted by Sandy54
Thanks - That's what Tom Bass at Parkin error told me, to flush the hose with the water in the fresh water tank.
In theory thats a good solution BUT if you have been camping someplace off the grid the odds are not in your favour to actually have much if any fresh waster left in your tanks to do that!
08-25-2016, 10:27 AM
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Trailer: No Trailer Yet
Posts: 1,704
There's pro's and con's to everything. If I'm running that close, I will head home anyway or go get more water.
Originally Posted by Carol H
In theory thats a good solution BUT if you have been camping someplace off the grid the odds are not in your favour to actually have much if any fresh waster left in your tanks to do that!
08-25-2016, 12:09 PM
Senior Member
Trailer: 92 16 ft Scamp
Posts: 11,756
Originally Posted by Darral T.
There's pro's and con's to everything. If I'm running that close, I will head home anyway or go get more water.
Your right. Do not get me wrong I am not dumping on the trailer  in fact very HAPPY to see that the manufacture is back in Biz and that we have yet another FG trailer option once again.
Simple pointing out to someone who is new to trailers & who has asked why some of us who have been using trailers for years would not want a combo black/grey water system.
I appreciate that someone new to trailers might be lead to believe that by having only one tank valve to open up at the dump makes it easier and faster when in fact the opposite may be true.
Most trailers that have separate black and grey tanks have the valves for both coming off the same slinky hose connection point. So opening up one and then the other is a net time of about 5 seconds or less. Scamp is the only FG trailer I am aware of that requires you to move the slinky hose from the black water connection to the fresh water connection but having been there, done that, I know that is not a big time consumer either - once you have done it a few times - about 30 to 45 additional seconds to do.
Those who have 15-20 gallons of soapy water in their grey water tank to rinse the slinky hose out with, do not need to take the extra time to rinse it with fresh water every time they dump - especially if there is a long line up. And they are certainly not going to sit around and wait on a busy Sunday afternoon for the line up at the dump to disappear so they can take the extra time to rinse out their slinky hose. They are also probable not going to go home because they do not have enough water onboard to rinse out their slinky hose at the dump! If I am out of fresh water and want to stay were I am for another day I will as you suggest go and fill a 5 gallon water container and man handle it into the water filler. If I had a combo system and wanted to make sure I had enough fresh water onboard to rinse out the slinky hose the next day I would need to go out and haul back 4X that amount of fresh water.
Simple put I am a bit of a sceptic in regards to just how much fast and easier a combo system is at the end of the day to deal with
08-25-2016, 01:35 PM
Senior Member
Name: Walter
Trailer: 2017 Escape 17B
SW Virginia
Posts: 2,263
A side comment here, suggested by Carol's note. On all my trailers I've done what I consider one of the most helpful mods of all. I've installed a takeoff line from the city water input line to the fresh water tank, with a valve that lets me fill the tank from the city water inlet when I plan to camp without a water hookup. No more schlepping 5 gal cans back and forth. I can fill up at home if necessary, or preferably closer to the campsite. The best is at many National Forest Campgrounds that don't have hookups but provide one or more potable faucets around the campground.
Past owner of 1995 13' Casita, 1994 16' Casita, 2012 Parkliner, 2002 17' Bigfoot.
08-25-2016, 05:40 PM
Name: Sandra
Trailer: Parkliner SOLD November 2017
South Carolina
Posts: 84
Originally Posted by Carol H
LOL do not get me started on my concerns with the use of a macerating toilet
Hope the trailer has a real big fresh water tank to keep that puppy actually working!
The Parkliner has a 15 gal Fresh Water tank and a 30 gal Waste Water tank. I think I'll have enough water to rinse the stinky slinky.
I don't plan on boondocking very often, and when I do, it will only be for a few days at a time. I can always dump at the local Flying J.
08-25-2016, 05:53 PM
Senior Member
Trailer: 92 16 ft Scamp
Posts: 11,756
Originally Posted by Sandy54
The Parkliner has a 15 gal Fresh Water tank and a 30 gal Waste Water tank. I think I'll have enough water to rinse the stinky slinky.
A 15 gal tank is going to get you by for a few days but personally would not expect to have much if any left in the fresh tank to flush anything out with.
Out of curiosity did they give you any indication regarding how much water you will need to flush each time the macerating toilet is used in order to generate a heavy enough water flow/pressure for the toilet to do its thing?
08-26-2016, 08:48 AM
Name: Sandra
Trailer: Parkliner SOLD November 2017
South Carolina
Posts: 84
I'll be taking with them tonight and will ask. Thanks for your input.
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