I forgot to let everyone know that we picked up our new 2013
Scamp 13 from the plant in Backus on October 29. Woo hoo !! Love it.
We towed it the 1,100 miles back to our home in Tennessee with no problems. It pulled great behind our 2011 Toyota Sienna. No swaying. Fuel economy varied between 13 and 17 mpg depending on speed and wind conditions. I would say the overall average will be 15 mpg at 65-70 mpg. I'm thrilled because my old TV and trailer got 8 mpg (!) so I have now cut my fuel usage in half.
By the way, I now see how the Scamps can be pulled by 4 cylinder vehicles. Hardly knew it was back there.
So what's my next move?
Go camping, even if it's the back field at our place. Already planning a trip to Florida in February. And get some foam padding for sleeping on. Those new cushions are HARD !! Also need to figure our something for a
light and simple canopy or
Regards, Steve
PS - Equipment is "standard option package" plus.... extra overhead storage cabinets, extra interior
lighting, gray water tank, AC, electric
brakes, and FantasticFan. No heat and no
awning. Keep it simple.