You are on fire! couldn't resist ... those flames are classic indeed. I am constantly surprised by what folks have done to these little beasties over the years. My last Play Pac was once painted orange and purple on the interior and they painted right over the dome! I spent one full day buffing out the dome cursing those crazy hippies!
Anyway, you have a really neat Hitch Hut there. I really appreciate you posting the photos. They tell so much of the story. The first thing I noticed and was excited to see was the little column that runs from the spice cabinet up to the ceiling. It's exactly what I plan to do with the Play Pac I just bought. The door sag is about an inch or more at the bottom and I had the exact same problem with the one I just
sold. The column I built for that one was quite a job but it nearly erased the door sag. Regarding your roof sag - that's a new one for me. I think I can see it in one of your photos. I think your idea is quite possible but your wife also has a good point ... cutting the original roof off and replacing might fix the sag but lead to other structural issues. Camilla's suggestion repair to her roof sag sounds like a winner.
Looks like your ensolite has done a pretty good job of hanging in there, literally. Mine was removed so I am guessing it came unglued. I really like your cushion covers - is that vinyl or something? They look pretty tough.
Hard to tell but it looks like a couple of switches right under the left side of the kitchen counter? For
lights or the pump? I see you have hot cold water spigots so do you have the hot water heater too then? Looks like you have the option of adding an icebox or
fridge in the old icebox spot.
Sorry for all of the questions but these things are too much fun and when another one comes along ...
Do you have the shower too? looks like your old converter is gone. Still have mine and it works but I took it out and wow ... It's ancient and a little dangerous ... some of the wiring has the cloth and not rubber insulation - old! Do you plan to add a new converter? I also found out I have the electric
brakes in mine and just need a brake controller for my truck to make them work. You might have them too ...
The floor rot is common and most just cut out the affected area and replace. Seems its almost always by the door which makes me think its either the result of the door sag allowing water in through the opening or a leaking icebox.
Overall it's a great little project. Sure theres work to be done, but it's amazing what just a good deep cleaning inside and out will do. I hope you keep us posted with your work on this one.
Camilla, it's great to hear you stuck with yours! I thought at one point you were done with it. It sounds like you really have gotten going on all those things you wanted to do. I am looking to replace my converter - can you offer a recommendation and also how you mounted it? I don't think you posted photos of the work you mentioned above. Can you post those too? Anything helps!
And for both of you - if you have any additional photos I am always more than happy to 'collect' them. They help me with ideas as to how I might do something differently, better, or even that I haven't thought of, etc. feel free to PM or email me. Likewise if you would like more photos of my previous work let me know!