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Old 07-28-2012, 10:26 PM   #101
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Trailer: 1986 U-Haul CT13 ft
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A hearty welcome from another Play Pac owner and another Paul.
Cannot wait to see pix of your newest addition. I haven't yet begun refreshing my latest Play Pac as I spent all of my time closing out the renovation and sale of my last one. I will post a rebuild thread of the old one simply to offer any info that might be of use, and I can't wait to start a fresh thread for all I wish to do with our current Play Pac as we attempt to restore it to its original working condition.

Either way lets keep sharing - and as you might have guessed, the best info for your particular problem may be answered by the owner of a different egg. It's what makes this place so great.

Again, welcome, and please post some pix when you can. The more I research the Play Pac, the more I am convinced I have never seen two that were made exactly alike!
All the best,
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Old 07-29-2012, 05:08 AM   #102
Name: Paul
Trailer: Play Pac Hitch Hut
Posts: 30
This is going to be interesting! My wife already has a lot of suggestions.
She wants me to build a set of drawers in the back middle up against the wall under the window. Of course we will be sleeping, not on a double bed but the singles on the sides. Still thinking about that. The roof sag may be the most daunting task. I had mulled over the idea of cutting the entire roof off leaving about six inches all around and starting over. I don't think it would be that hard but my wife doesn't think it is a good idea. I haven't seen two alike either. Mine came with Flames coming up from the bottom all around and fake bullet holes variously placed on the body. I scraped a bullet hole of and discovered where a rock had spider webbed the gel coat. Not going to pull any more off just yet. will sendpics soon.
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Old 07-29-2012, 02:03 PM   #103
Name: Paul
Trailer: Play Pac Hitch Hut
Posts: 30

Here are some pix of the PP with all of its acquired " character".
Attached Thumbnails
DSC07769.jpg   DSC07770.jpg  

DSC07772.jpg   DSC07773.jpg  

DSC07774.jpg   DSC07775.jpg  

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Old 07-29-2012, 02:27 PM   #104
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ooooh the possibilities!
Donna D.
Ten Forward - 2014 Escape 5.0 TA
Double Yolk - 1988 16' Scamp Deluxe
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Old 07-29-2012, 05:11 PM   #105
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Paul, there aren't a lot of options on where an AC can go and I see you are down in KY. Before you build those drawers you may want to think about that. My AC went right where your drawers are going. You can still mount something over the AC though.

My ceiling problem was because the fiberglass was so thin up there it really couldn't take the weight of the dome. I had it repaired in TN and they did a great job. It was at a boat shop and they jacked up the roof and put a piece of wood in and fiberglassed over it. I don't know if I posted photos or not.

I didn't have a fresh water tanks so that is added and also a pump and all new water lines. My floor was rotted in places and that had to be repaired and it's now covered in vinyl planks and looks good.

I bought new water fixtures and also upgraded to 30 amp and new converter.

I still have a ways to go - gotta paint and scrub, need screw cover insert line stuff and also the glazing rubber for windows.

A Playpac sold recently that had extensive work done and I kept the photos and I can send you those also. Just send your email to me privately if you want them.
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Old 07-30-2012, 09:23 AM   #106
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You are on fire! couldn't resist ... those flames are classic indeed. I am constantly surprised by what folks have done to these little beasties over the years. My last Play Pac was once painted orange and purple on the interior and they painted right over the dome! I spent one full day buffing out the dome cursing those crazy hippies!

Anyway, you have a really neat Hitch Hut there. I really appreciate you posting the photos. They tell so much of the story. The first thing I noticed and was excited to see was the little column that runs from the spice cabinet up to the ceiling. It's exactly what I plan to do with the Play Pac I just bought. The door sag is about an inch or more at the bottom and I had the exact same problem with the one I just sold. The column I built for that one was quite a job but it nearly erased the door sag. Regarding your roof sag - that's a new one for me. I think I can see it in one of your photos. I think your idea is quite possible but your wife also has a good point ... cutting the original roof off and replacing might fix the sag but lead to other structural issues. Camilla's suggestion repair to her roof sag sounds like a winner.

Looks like your ensolite has done a pretty good job of hanging in there, literally. Mine was removed so I am guessing it came unglued. I really like your cushion covers - is that vinyl or something? They look pretty tough.

Hard to tell but it looks like a couple of switches right under the left side of the kitchen counter? For lights or the pump? I see you have hot cold water spigots so do you have the hot water heater too then? Looks like you have the option of adding an icebox or fridge in the old icebox spot.

Sorry for all of the questions but these things are too much fun and when another one comes along ...
Do you have the shower too? looks like your old converter is gone. Still have mine and it works but I took it out and wow ... It's ancient and a little dangerous ... some of the wiring has the cloth and not rubber insulation - old! Do you plan to add a new converter? I also found out I have the electric brakes in mine and just need a brake controller for my truck to make them work. You might have them too ...
The floor rot is common and most just cut out the affected area and replace. Seems its almost always by the door which makes me think its either the result of the door sag allowing water in through the opening or a leaking icebox.

Overall it's a great little project. Sure theres work to be done, but it's amazing what just a good deep cleaning inside and out will do. I hope you keep us posted with your work on this one.

Camilla, it's great to hear you stuck with yours! I thought at one point you were done with it. It sounds like you really have gotten going on all those things you wanted to do. I am looking to replace my converter - can you offer a recommendation and also how you mounted it? I don't think you posted photos of the work you mentioned above. Can you post those too? Anything helps!

And for both of you - if you have any additional photos I am always more than happy to 'collect' them. They help me with ideas as to how I might do something differently, better, or even that I haven't thought of, etc. feel free to PM or email me. Likewise if you would like more photos of my previous work let me know!
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Old 07-30-2012, 03:41 PM   #107
Name: Paul
Trailer: Play Pac Hitch Hut
Posts: 30
What does it have?

To answer your questions;

The switches are for a pump. It also has an on demand water heater
under the sink.
I think I will go with the Camilla fix for the roof. Less invasive. Camilla,
if you would, please post pix of your fix or PM them.
The cushions are vinyl but my wife pointed out that they may be too hot
too sleep on. I like it frigid when I sleep. About 67 is a good start.
We will install a fridge and not an icebox. Converter is also under sink.
I took your advice and looked underneath. There are electric brakes!
I Will restore them in the future but for now it is not necessary. I tow with a
mechanically restored Astro van. It doesn't even know the PP is there.
When I discovered the brakes, I noticed a waste pipe protruding through the floor. Being curious, I looked at the " porta potty " and discovered it can be used both as a portable and have a waste hose also.
I am remodeling our house right now so taking a little time to work on the
PP will be a pleasure and a break. All suggestions WELCOME!
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Old 07-30-2012, 06:32 PM   #108
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Paul, I sent you pictures in a couple of emails last night. Maybe they are in your spam folder? Let me know.
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Old 07-30-2012, 11:52 PM   #109
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Great info Paul. Hot water heater under the sink? I gotta see that! Mine has the original and it's HUGE - under the bench and likely pretty heavy. Would also like to know what kind of converter you have if that's not too tough to find out.

Your info about the waste protrusion has me most interested though. I was looking under mine and also saw something sticking out under the bathroom. It was a plastic grey elbow of ABS PVC thats threaded (hose diameter) and I realized its connected to the drain for the shower so I can hook up a portable grey water tank. But I have never heard of a waste tube for a porta potty! Too cool. Would love to see pics/ know more. I just bought an old but never used cassette toilet and can't wait to install it as I create our micro dream bath

I know you are busy with your house work so never a hurry to respond or post photos etc. those are nice-to-haves but certainy not mandatory!

I think Camilla was writing to you but can't be sure so from now on with two Paul's owning Play Pacs - when we are in the same conversation, i'll sign off as - Paul C.

Thanks again for all of the great info Paul. As usual, it has me more confused than ever but even more excited! Their motto should have been "no two alike!" Talk again soon.
- Paul C.
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Old 07-31-2012, 01:00 PM   #110
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Originally Posted by Paul Chet View Post

I think Camilla was writing to you but can't be sure so from now on with two Paul's owning Play Pacs - when we are in the same conversation, i'll sign off as - Paul C.
- Paul C.
Paul C I did send him some photos. I really want to see what you will do with that cassette toilet! I didn't think there was enough room on the outside there to install one. Send pics!

My Playpac didn't have the bath/shower but it will one day!
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Old 07-31-2012, 03:05 PM   #111
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Thanks Camilla - mystery solved!
dont hesitate to send me pix too .. i literally have folders for each person that i know has a Play Pac and any associated photos. its my little reference library that i use right before i think about doing something stupid ... like pretending i am an RV tech!

The cassette was a really surprise addition since I sure as heck couldn't afford a new one (ouch they are expensive), but i found a nice fella in Boise who sent me an older but perfectly working one for a hundred bucks - shipping included. couldn't say no to that.

it actually DOESNT fit ... but logic has never stopped me before.
however, i figured out to make it fit (its about 1 1/2" too tight in there), i will cut a hole matching the dimensions of the cassette bench (cross-section) into the bathroom/cabinet wall under the sink. its mostly air space/ storage under the sink and i can afford to make that modification. i will just frame the needed extra two inches of depth around the hole i cut, and reuse the cut out piece on the end of the framing to cover the (square) hole and seal that all up once i get the cassette fitted in there. nice and easy right?

its worth it to me since i was getting tired of trying to get our little porta potty in and out through the door - and as you know there isn't much room in our closet/baths! i also really like the idea of 5 gallons vs 2 gallons - means fewer un-fun trips to the dump station.

its a little ways off as i still need to buy the hatch door (if anyone has a spare to sell, let me know) which will ironically cost me as much as the whole cassette did, but still - i got a great deal. i will be posting photos of course, its just in busy season for work and fixing up the Play Pac is on hold with work travel.
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Old 07-31-2012, 03:22 PM   #112
Name: Paul
Trailer: Play Pac Hitch Hut
Posts: 30
PP repair

Camilla i did receive the pix and links. All very useful. I will gather as much info before ripping and tearing. I have told several customers that I have a sawsall and I am not afraid to use it. Paul C if you could send pix that would be helpful.

We are going to try to get in some form of camping condition soon so we can enjoy the PP this fall. Mechanical comes first then super inspection and a thorough cleaning and removal of the flames. The owner before last took it to motorcycle events and georgia "dawg" stuff. Hence the fancy decor. Our cats have also inspected it but no real interest.

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Old 07-31-2012, 03:24 PM   #113
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Hatch door? What hatch door? What do you need? Will your cassette be accessed from the exterior? You have a brand and model I can look up?

PM me your email and I'll send pics. You probably already have them though.

I still want a two or three way fridge...

You know the Shasta compacts have the same layout as our Playpacs but have much more storage areas. If you do a google search on Shasta Compact then click on the images tab you'll find lots of pics. Their fridge is larger and located to the left of the sink up high so most of the fridge is actually in the bathroom but up high enough and to the rear so the room is still usable. Check it out.
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Old 08-01-2012, 12:31 PM   #114
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The hatch door is the whole reason i got it! you are right - it allows for access from the exterior. no more dragging the potty through the PP - i can take the waste container out from the outside, dump it, hose it down whatever, then shove it right back in and be done with it. of course, they conveniently sell the hatch door separately - and its not cheap, but still, since i got such a great deal i am happy about it.

my co-wokrer just bought used shasta with the exact kitchen layout you described. i like reaching up to the fridge not down, but i will say - the cool thing about the placement in our Play Pacs is that i can reach in to the icebox from outside when the door is open w/o actually going inside. we do that a lot on trips. PM sent!

and Paul - PM me your email and i'll send you a bunch of shots of my work, projects, etc.
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Old 08-01-2012, 06:32 PM   #115
Name: Paul
Trailer: Play Pac Hitch Hut
Posts: 30

Today I trimmed out a window and caulked everything for paint. I installed a towel ring , double bath towel bar, curved shower curtain rod, and waited for the electrical inspector for an apartment I finished wired. (electrician, somewhat retired )
Unfortunately none of this on the PP. Paul, I did receive your pix, very informative. From the dome back it appears that your roof is somewhat trayed. Did this result from the boards installed for the roof sag or is it supposed to be there? my ports potty is a Penta Potty sold by sears. It has a handle for carrying to empty and the aforementioned waste connection that goes through the floor. Not as fancy as a cassette but will do for now. It was made by Thetford. I am trying to retrain my roof by propping it up a little at a time so it doesn't crack. When i get it somewhat straight I will repair it. I have a couple of inches to go. paul w
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Old 08-01-2012, 08:05 PM   #116
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Originally Posted by Paul west View Post
. I am trying to retrain my roof by propping it up a little at a time so it doesn't crack. When i get it somewhat straight I will repair it. I have a couple of inches to go. paul w
Paul, I am getting both Paul's all mixed up now. Did I send you a pic of my roof? The fiberglass was so thin up there they could just pop their fingers right thru it. There was no sign anything had been done to it so it came that way. Have you removed your ensolite from the ceiling to see what you have? It may be way, way thin like mine was.
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Old 08-01-2012, 08:13 PM   #117
Name: Paul
Trailer: Play Pac Hitch Hut
Posts: 30
PP roof

I have not removed the ensolite yet. i am trying to get the roof back int its original position first. It is sagged pretty bad. The sag seems to center around the roof vent. It may have been leaking. This is biggest job on thia Pp
Paul w
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Old 08-02-2012, 06:54 AM   #118
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Originally Posted by Paul west View Post
.... my ports potty is a Penta Potty sold by sears. It has a handle for carrying to empty and the aforementioned waste connection that goes through the floor. Not as fancy as a cassette but will do for now. It was made by Thetford paul w
Do you--or does anyone--know of a similar setup with a porta potti with a waste hose option? We have a 13' Boler and our summer project is to remove the front bench and install a small 2-person dinette with a potti under the bench closest to the door.
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Old 08-02-2012, 08:41 AM   #119
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Originally Posted by Paul west View Post
I have not removed the ensolite yet. i am trying to get the roof back int its original position first. It is sagged pretty bad. The sag seems to center around the roof vent. It may have been leaking. This is biggest job on thia Pp
Paul w
Paul, mine had a sag that was really deep -six inches down or more. If you would like I can get you the phone number of the place that fixed it and you can talk to the guy and see what he did to prop mine up.
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Old 08-02-2012, 07:40 PM   #120
Name: Paul
Trailer: Play Pac Hitch Hut
Posts: 30
roof sag

Camilla you did send the number for the people who repaired your roof.
I have not had time to call them to find out what they did.
There was a post about my porta potty that has a waste dump valve as well as the carry tank. I have not seen another like it.
i don't think it would be to hard to put a valve in a portable toilet. Makes me want to experiment. My porta potty was made in the seventies by Thetford and marketed by Sears. They actually still have a very few parts for them on their web site.
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