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Old 02-26-2017, 05:10 PM   #1
Name: Bill
Trailer: Casita Independence
Posts: 90
Roto molded coolers - thoughts

Any suggestions on a roto molded cooler.
1. Yeti
2. Engle
3. Pelican
4. Artic
5. Igloo Sportsman

Best bang for the buck is what I am looking for
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Old 02-26-2017, 05:33 PM   #2
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My Coleman can go about 3 days. If you anticipate being out in the boonies where you can't get ice for a long period, then you'll need something better.

Yeti has a big reputation, and the price shows how proud they are of it. I don't know much about the others.
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Old 02-26-2017, 05:46 PM   #3
Name: Bill
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I am checking into Artic and hoping that it won't water down the food for a 5 day excursion.

That is the hope. I wanted to know what type of coolers that fellow FGRV's have experience with.
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Old 02-26-2017, 06:28 PM   #4
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Put the food in containers with locking lids. Meats, butter and cheese go in these. Cans and closed bottles can get wet.
And, do not drain the cooler until you're done with camping. Most people will not read the instructions that come with their cooler, but my Coleman said not to drain. The melt water is almost as cold as ice, so you'd just be disposing of cold.
What happens to the hole when the cheese is gone?
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Old 02-26-2017, 06:50 PM   #5
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I like my Coleman 70 qt. 5-day Xtreme, $45 at Walmart. For the price it's the best of several I've had. Five days is stretching it. Three-four is more like it, depending on ambient temperature. That's with 20 pounds of ice cubes, $2 at Costco. Block ice lasts longer, but cubes, with greater surface area, keep it colder. I always bring meat to grill. By freezing it before the trip, it helps keep the chest cool. Cook it in the order it thaws.
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Old 02-26-2017, 07:00 PM   #6
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I think Jon's Coleman came out on top in tests at The Sweethome.
I use The Wirecutter and Sweethome to check out nearly everything.
The Best Hard Cooler | The Sweethome
What happens to the hole when the cheese is gone?
- Bertolt Brecht
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Old 02-26-2017, 07:11 PM   #7
Name: Bill
Trailer: Casita Independence
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I will check out "the best hard cooler.."

Anyone have a rotomold?
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Old 02-26-2017, 07:21 PM   #8
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You need to explain what a roto mold cooler is and why method of manufacture would matter.
What happens to the hole when the cheese is gone?
- Bertolt Brecht
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Old 02-26-2017, 08:17 PM   #9
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I said I would never pay that much for a cooler (Yeti). I was in Sam's Club and they had a 20 qt. Igloo Sportsman for $99 so I gave it a try. I was so impressed two weeks later I went back and bought the 55 qt. model for $199. (now on-line for $179)
I only drink water so I keep the smaller cooler in my truck filled with bottles of water. It's 100 mi. to Costco or any whse. club and we use the larger one for frozen grocery transport mostly. When making the seasonal migration we pre-cool the cooler and pack the freezer frozen stuff in the coolers and the next day everything is frozen solid.
I have left ice in the 20 qt. for 4 days in the summer and there was still some solid ice inside but I did not open the cooler very much. One note with the Sportsman is the model number is the qt. capacity not so with the Yeti. The earlier 20 qt. Sportsman models had a metal handle, mine and the newer ones have a plastic handle. I do wish I had the metal handle.
I still would not pay the price for a Yeti. But the Sam's Club/ Sportsman deal is a fair price. At one time Sam's sold the 70 or 75 qt. model but they no longer do. At first I thought I wanted the larger model but if fully packed I could not lift it by myself, the 55 qt. is all I can deal with.
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Old 02-26-2017, 08:43 PM   #10
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I got my YETI 20 for Christmas, so it was FREE!!
(Minus the cost of raising my wonderful daughter who married a guy who ended up running a hardware store!)
The cooler is the best I have ever seen. With the icemaker (a gift from the aforementioned daughter) we had no need to buy ice for the entire five week trip to southern Florida.
My Igloo cooler is an OVEN in comparison!

I probably would never have bought them on my own, but I really like'm!
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Old 02-26-2017, 09:38 PM   #11
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I received an RTIC 20 (pronounced Artic) cooler for Christmas. It's a YETI knock off and purchased from the RTIC inventory. (YETI sued [successfully in Federal court] and RTIC lost.) "Over built - Not over priced" I expect my RTIC cooler will keep a block of ice for a week, even opening the lid multiple times a day!
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Old 02-26-2017, 10:03 PM   #12
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We purchased a YETI about 6 years to be able to do the RUBICON trail with our Jeep Club. We needed something that not only could keep things cold for 5 days, but it had to have a seal that would not leak out the ice water when bounced around at extream various angles, and had to keep the food safe from bears. It was the only cooler at the time to have held up to the company of bears for two hours. It worked out very well in all accounts (we did not have any bears THAT time).
Dave & Paula
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Old 02-27-2017, 10:12 AM   #13
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I have two YETI's and I love them. I got rid of all my old Colemans and other less well made coolers. Yes, they are expensive, but like most things, you get what you pay for. Just my 2 cents.
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Old 02-27-2017, 10:31 AM   #14
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I have both Yeti and RTIC coolers (multiple sizes). I cannot tell the difference in the quality of construction nor performance. I only by RTIC now.
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Old 02-27-2017, 10:36 AM   #15
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You should add Esky (by Coleman), Bison, Ozark Trail (Walmart's recent entry) and probably at least a dozen others to your list. This market is really in flux right now; go to the Alibaba site and search 'roto molded coolers'. The Chinese 'knockoffs' are coming and it will be interesting to see who will be able to keep costs down while maintaining some semblance of quality control.

I have and regularly use three brands of roto molded coolers; a Pelican 45, a Yeti 35 and an Ozark Trail 73 plus two injection molded Coleman Xtremes (40 & 52). The Pelican is around five years old, the Yeti three and the O/T a year (it was given to me in exchange for serving on their consumer advisory board).

With the same care - pre-chilling, block ice, frozen foods where possible, minimal opening, out of direct sun, etc., the Xtremes will keep ice nearly as long as any of the premium units. The real advantage of roto molded coolers is their durability; hinges usually run the full length of the lid, latches and drains are sturdier and they're obviously thicker with a much denser foam. Consequently, they're a significantly larger and heavier for the same capacity. Replace the plastic hinges and latches on a Coleman Xtreme with steel versions and you'll have a decent cooler that will keep ice almost as long as a roto molded unit at 1/5 the price and weight BUT they will not hold up to the same level of abuse and rough handling.

As to which roto molded is best, based on the three I own, I like the latches on the Pelican as they're much easier open or close especially with gloves on and I think they have the best handle design. The drain on the Ozark Trail is nice because I can attach a garden hose to empty it without taking the cooler out of the truck and it comes with a wire basket which is an option on most other brands. They seem to be committed to this product as a large number of cooler accessories were presented at our last round table discussion. I also know the O/T folks monitor many of the off-road message boards and are extremely responsive to criticisms and suggestions (a jeep board poster mentioned the built-in bottle opener caused the neck to break on some brands of beer and there was a no charge retro fit solution available in less than a month). Yeti has the best fit and finish and name recognition and you get a cool sticker for the rear window of your truck.

If money were no object, I'd go with the Pelican but feel the Ozark Trail is the best value (keeping in mind my relationship with them). These were in short supply at one time but I think most Walmarts have them in stock now so go take a look. As others have suggested, be aware the model designation does not indicate the actual capacity for some mfrs. I'll add that for casual use like tailgating we use the Xtremes; the others are just too heavy.

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Old 02-27-2017, 10:57 AM   #16
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Name: Patti
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Love my Yeti but it is heavy so I have to load it after it is in the Jeep. One thing that helps me keep it cold is a reflectic cover I made. Also reflectic insert for other cooler.
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Old 02-27-2017, 11:28 AM   #17
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Old 02-27-2017, 11:42 AM   #18
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Name: Roger
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I'm going to toss in my nickels worth. I too am shopping for a cooler. Most likey I will buy an Igloo 45 qrt at Costco.
With regards to ice, I would like some advice. I recently discovered cubical jars made from BPA free plastic. They are marked on the bottom with either PET or PETE. They are wide mouthed. The rice I buy comes in a 1 qrt size. When frozen, this is a 2 pound block. The mixed nuts I bought from Costco came in a 2 qrt size which makes a 4 pound block of ice.
I have used them in my home fridge during power outages and the ice has melted some, so they transfer heat fairly well.
The 2 big advantages is the shape which allows them to be stacked and fit well in coolers and the wide mouth which allows refilling with ice cubes from the local market when caught short. And the water is drinkable.
Has anybody used these or have an opinion regarding their usefulness?

Roger the Lodger
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Old 02-27-2017, 11:50 AM   #19
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Name: Pat
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Originally Posted by Al & Cindy K View Post
You should add Esky (by Coleman), Bison, Ozark Trail (Walmart's recent entry) and probably at least a dozen others to your list. This market is really in flux right now; go to the Alibaba site and search 'roto molded coolers'. The Chinese 'knockoffs' are coming and it will be interesting to see who will be able to keep costs down while maintaining some semblance of quality control.

I have and regularly use three brands of roto molded coolers; a Pelican 45, a Yeti 35 and an Ozark Trail 73 plus two injection molded Coleman Xtremes (40 & 52). The Pelican is around five years old, the Yeti three and the O/T a year (it was given to me in exchange for serving on their consumer advisory board).

With the same care - pre-chilling, block ice, frozen foods where possible, minimal opening, out of direct sun, etc., the Xtremes will keep ice nearly as long as any of the premium units. The real advantage of roto molded coolers is their durability; hinges usually run the full length of the lid, latches and drains are sturdier and they're obviously thicker with a much denser foam. Consequently, they're a significantly larger and heavier for the same capacity. Replace the plastic hinges and latches on a Coleman Xtreme with steel versions and you'll have a decent cooler that will keep ice almost as long as a roto molded unit at 1/5 the price and weight BUT they will not hold up to the same level of abuse and rough handling.

As to which roto molded is best, based on the three I own, I like the latches on the Pelican as they're much easier open or close especially with gloves on and I think they have the best handle design. The drain on the Ozark Trail is nice because I can attach a garden hose to empty it without taking the cooler out of the truck and it comes with a wire basket which is an option on most other brands. They seem to be committed to this product as a large number of cooler accessories were presented at our last round table discussion. I also know the O/T folks monitor many of the off-road message boards and are extremely responsive to criticisms and suggestions (a jeep board poster mentioned the built-in bottle opener caused the neck to break on some brands of beer and there was a no charge retro fit solution available in less than a month). Yeti has the best fit and finish and name recognition and you get a cool sticker for the rear window of your truck.

If money were no object, I'd go with the Pelican but feel the Ozark Trail is the best value (keeping in mind my relationship with them). These were in short supply at one time but I think most Walmarts have them in stock now so go take a look. As others have suggested, be aware the model designation does not indicate the actual capacity for some mfrs. I'll add that for casual use like tailgating we use the Xtremes; the others are just too heavy.

We have for a couple years now if we are going to be in hot weather and on the road for awhile , a 35qt Pelican . Love the handles and latches . Real sturdy and metal stainless hinges and latches . high quality refrigerator seal in lid . It is very heavy , it rides in truck . Less money then the yeti . really don't care for the rubber latches on their Yeti cooler . for the Pelican also found on amazon a stainless container for meats that sits on top rail inside cooler . Don't need to worry about water in meats . It will keep for about 10 days at least. If weather is cooler not in the 100"s we just use regular igloo"s . We always bring a cooler and what that is depends on the weather . Pat
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Old 02-27-2017, 01:50 PM   #20
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Name: Mike
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Originally Posted by Scamp- View Post
Any suggestions on a roto molded cooler.
1. Yeti
2. Engle
3. Pelican
4. Artic
5. Igloo Sportsman

Best bang for the buck is what I am looking for

Whatever you buy, try lining the inside with double bubble. It does make a difference.
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