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Old 01-20-2018, 06:05 PM   #21
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Originally Posted by LindaandPat View Post
We had to do some business in our county and after took a drive to see have far the fires were . We were on the 101 and went as far as Carpinteria . We went and checked out the State beach campground there . Spent so much time camping there with the kids . Hadn't been there in years because noticed the camping fees had really climbed . Drove through the whole campground and still want to cry . The campground is dying . Vegetation is gone . Needs lots of work . Homeless are using the campground . Talked to a campground host and he said ranger just drives through . No security to speak of . None , you are on your own . So many maintence problems , bathrooms , beach taking over because ground unstable , some beach campsites moved back for safety. We won't be staying there any time soon . Pat
If the beautiful area you describe has deteriorated, It certainly can't be from a lack of revenue.
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Old 01-20-2018, 06:35 PM   #22
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Name: Tom
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There are safe places in Mexico, and there are safe ways to travel there. An example would be caravans along carefully selected routes.

That said, there are many places I wouldn't boondock in the U.S. and certainly places in Mexico. The drug cartels and gangs are not imaginary. Travel informed.

By the way, in many U.S. campgrounds bears are the greater risk.
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Old 01-20-2018, 07:32 PM   #23
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In my experience, overnighting at Walmart has been much scarier.

"They were from Chicago, St. Louis, Philadelphia and Boston. They said they never go out at night and have to be on their guard everywhere they go."

May well be true in those towns, here in the mountains of Western NC, in a town of 10,000, we walk everywhere, any time of day.
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Old 01-20-2018, 09:12 PM   #24
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As far back as I can remember, Mexico has always been perceived as dangerous. In places it is, but I've never seen it. I spent six months there on my boat and travelled down past Puerto Vallarta on the mainland side. Then a number of other trips by car, camper and motorcycle to Baja.

I have never felt threatened there. Always had fun and always had a lot of respect for the Mexicans. All interaction with officials has been fine. Common folks are easy to engage in conversation and very friendly.

A lot of folks see a system they aren't used to there and call it a problem, or they don't take the time to understand the culture. It's too bad.

There are little issues about visas and fees, but none of it ever amounts to a big deal. Coming back into the US, as a US citizen, is where the real problems can show up.

Baja seems more relaxed and maybe safer than the mainland. But the mainland has wonderful, fun and historic towns where all members of the community come out to the Malecon in the evenings to eat, play music and socialize. Before I went, I heard many times that you never want to be out on the highway at night in Mexico. Very dangerous. Turns out it's because of free range animal herds spending time on the warm road, not other possible problems.
I only exaggerate enough to compensate for being taken with a grain of salt.
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Old 01-21-2018, 12:02 AM   #25
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I a sure am glad to hear that people are scared of me because I am camping solo. That has got to be the best way for me to stay safe (and for you to stay safe too)

Now I am going to be sure not to wash and comb my hair often or worry about having some dirt on my clothes. I am going to let my car and trailer stay dirty looking instead of clean and pretty.

Did any of you ever consider that it can be advantageous to look like someone you don't want to camp next to because it keeps trouble away? No of course you don't think that way, but they do. They don't want you camping next to them either.
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Old 01-21-2018, 12:30 AM   #26
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Originally Posted by Joanne1967 View Post
As a solo camper, this sort of thing makes me sad.
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Old 01-21-2018, 08:36 AM   #27
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there is a campground in st. Louis that is almost downtown. I don't camp there but my neighbor does for a train show never any problems. to me its scarey!

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Old 01-21-2018, 09:09 AM   #28
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Originally Posted by RV Doctor View Post
Hi Marilyn.
They were from Chicago, St. Louis, Philadelphia and Boston. They said they never go out at night and have to be on their guard everywhere they go. So I asked the question: “Why do so few Americans come here but the ones who do just LOVE it”?
These very reasonable and kind people all feel that with high crime rates, violence of all kinds directed at good people and what it brings coupled with the media constantly reporting an air of “fear” has made people fear leaving home, fear to travel and fear to go out at night.

We all know there are bad people everywhere. In Europe, in Chicago, in St. Louis, in Boston, in Philadelphia and yes, in Mexico also.
I have been travelling by RV in Mexico for fifty years and covering every part of the country. In all that time and tens of thousands of miles, have NEVER had any fearful or dangerous times!
To say that the entire United States is dangerous, to say that the entire states of Illinois, Missouri, Pennsylvania and Massachusetts are dangerous and to say that the entire Cities of Chicago, St. Louis, Philadelphia and Boston are all dangerous is ridiculous. It is no different in Mexico also.
I’m including some pictures of being out on the town last night. Everyone having a great time and no fear or danger in sight!
As an example , The Minnesota Vikings are playing in Philadelphia
today . Many people from Minnesota wish to travel to Philly to see the football game thusly the local media feels compelled to give travel advice.
Such as
1) Don't wear any Viking apparel in public especially if there is a crowd (mob ) in the area .
2) Don't confront / taunt Eagle fans directly
3 ) Don't look Eagle fans in the eye , it antagonizes them.
4) Don't count on local law enforcement to protect you.
5) If the Eagles lose go directly to your hotel room
6) If the Vikings win avoid celebrating in public.
7) ETC

These comments were not made in a joking manner .
This type of thing perpetuates the idea that where I live is safe but every place else is a jungle

**I have gone to Green Bay Wi to watch the Packers play at Lambeau Field. That was truly a scary experience and one of the few times I wish I had a conceal carry permit.
Beer was a large contributing factor in the crowd becoming violent **
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Old 01-21-2018, 09:13 AM   #29
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Two years ago we were at a County Park and the lone neighbour would put out about 12 powerful LED lights which surrounded his area. They were pointed to his RV. He put these out at dusk and ran them until dawn when they were put away.
He said it was so he could see “the animals approaching his site”. Two and four legged animals!
Sometimes drugs can lead to Paranoia!
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Old 01-21-2018, 09:19 AM   #30
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Steve. Are you kidding? Warnings for football fans? That is sad indeed!
No wonder why so many want to watch on TV.
Go Vikings!
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Old 01-21-2018, 09:25 AM   #31
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good lord seriousl?

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Old 01-21-2018, 09:26 AM   #32
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I have ran into these clowns its just grin and bear it and cuss night! seems there are clowns everywhere!!

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Old 01-21-2018, 09:29 AM   #33
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Originally Posted by steve dunham View Post
The State of Wisconsin cut out all the funding for state parks, layed off Rangers and Park staff plus cut funding to local law enforcement . The State wanted local law enforcement to patrol the parks in place of the laid off Rangers. The counties said no , saying they did not have the funds to do there assigned duties plus additional duties .
So now one of our favorite State Parks is self registration ' and only has park staff during the day on Monday to Friday during the Summer plus no nightly patrols . Guess what , the park has now turned into party central for the local kids and the park facilities are slowly but surely going to HELL. When sometime in the future it is totally destroyed we can sell it to a private developer for 10 cents on the dollar

Yes, Wisconsin switched over to a self-sustaining State park model and we are just starting to see the effects. I remember many years ago when our kids were young we stayed at a private campground for a family gathering. We had no idea that the place would be full of all night parties, no patrols, a free for all. Everyone slept off the day to get ready for another go around. With that experience we stuck to the great state parks we had in WI. Fast forward to now and our last few experiences show how quickly things can change.

We always enjoyed a stay at one of the best WI parks, Peninsula State Park and went back last year. We found the bathrooms/showers very outdated, disgusting, and the sites turned to mud from the rain on the first day. They had not been re-graveled in many years. We were booked for 4 days but couldn't step out of the camper as it was all mud, so left in two. Another park, Potawatomi had a long time ranger who kept strict quiet hours and made the place feel really safe, especially for kids. She retired last year and yes, there are no more rangers patrolling. And yes, we could feel an uptick of what people around us were doing later into the evening.

Besides all that the user fees are through the roof and going up again. The price for out of state campers is nearly on par with a hotel stay. What many forget is the revenue brought in because of the parks. That is unseen and not accounted for, the fact that people come and spend money in your community because of the parks. I highly suspect the master plan is to run them down and say "See, they don't work, let's privatize them".
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Old 01-21-2018, 09:30 AM   #34
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tony saying this in jest you don't have any of these sorts in Canada. right?

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Old 01-21-2018, 09:43 AM   #35
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Originally Posted by RV Doctor View Post
Steve. Are you kidding? Warnings for football fans? That is sad indeed!
No wonder why so many want to watch on TV.
Go Vikings!
Go to the Internet and look at "NFL teams with the worst fans? and Philly and several other teams are always in the top five.
Last week an upset Eagles fan punched a police horse and a police officer .
Remember the TV show "Fresh Prince of Belair"
Will's Mom sent him to Belair to get away from the gangs in Philly before he ended up dead.
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Old 01-21-2018, 09:50 AM   #36
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Originally Posted by Vtec View Post
...I highly suspect the master plan is to run them down and say "See, they don't work, let's privatize them".
That is sad indeed, but let's not confuse privatization (i.e., contracting out management while retaining public ownership of the land and infrastructure) with selling out lock, stock, and barrel for private development.

Both can happen to public lands and parks, but the later is truly tragic and short-sighted.

There's a nice town park nearby with fishing lake, riparian habitat, thermal springs, hiking and equestrian trails, picnic ramadas, playgrounds, and sports fields. The land is National Forest Service and operated as a town park under permit. The NFS wanted out of managing the parcel because it was an island separated from the bulk of the forest. To keep the park they insisted the town had to pay the full market value of the land (as it would bring for development) to keep the park. There were plans afloat to sell a portion for development to finance the rest. Not sure what the current status is because we have moved to a neighboring town, but for now at least, the park is still there and being maintained by the town.
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Old 01-21-2018, 09:59 AM   #37
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Originally Posted by Vtec View Post

Yes, Wisconsin switched over to a self-sustaining State park model and we are just starting to see the effects. I remember many years ago when our kids were young we stayed at a private campground for a family gathering. We had no idea that the place would be full of all night parties, no patrols, a free for all. Everyone slept off the day to get ready for another go around. With that experience we stuck to the great state parks we had in WI. Fast forward to now and our last few experiences show how quickly things can change.

We always enjoyed a stay at one of the best WI parks, Peninsula State Park and went back last year. We found the bathrooms/showers very outdated, disgusting, and the sites turned to mud from the rain on the first day. They had not been re-graveled in many years. We were booked for 4 days but couldn't step out of the camper as it was all mud, so left in two. Another park, Potawatomi had a long time ranger who kept strict quiet hours and made the place feel really safe, especially for kids. She retired last year and yes, there are no more rangers patrolling. And yes, we could feel an uptick of what people around us were doing later into the evening.

Besides all that the user fees are through the roof and going up again. The price for out of state campers is nearly on par with a hotel stay. What many forget is the revenue brought in because of the parks. That is unseen and not accounted for, the fact that people come and spend money in your community because of the parks. I highly suspect the master plan is to run them down and say "See, they don't work, let's privatize them".
The Governor of Wisconsin in both speeches and printed articles has stated " It is not the government's responsibility to provide recreational opportunities for the public " . He believes that if parks and state lands cannot support themselves then they should be sold to private concerns.
Their latest proposal is too require people who hunt public forest land to buy a $35 park sticker even though non of the money will go to the DNR or the State Parks. . The public comments have been negative to this proposal but that hasn't had much effect on the powers that be.
I fear that my grandchildren will not have the outdoor opportunities that I've had.
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Old 01-21-2018, 10:06 AM   #38
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In Alberta there is a lot of Provincial Parks which have loosely banned Alcohol. And for weekends and long weekends and holidays there is an outright alcohol ban.
What happens when these bans are up is that the drinkers, drug takers and fighters go to the recreation areas. Basically BLM areas. They can be extremely dangerous with up to hundreds of mainly young males hell bent for a wild weekend.
I get calls for emergency RV work in these areas and won’t attend. A friend who is an RCMP member says they won’t go in with less than four, two man cars. Some of their members have been seriously hurt by these losers.
As always, it’s not all people but alcohol and drugs get things fired up.
In 1988 we were on Galeano Island. It was early June. The local RCMP were patrolling regularly. Two weeks previous there was a couple camped in their VW van. A group of graduates who were drunk and stoned attacked this couple repeatedly. The girl was raped over 65 times and they beat the guy within two breaths of his life. They pushed their van down the rocks into the ocean. This was long before cellphones. A concerned boater radioed the Coast Guard and over a dozen RCMP came in by helicopter to save the couple.
Alcohol and drugs changes people for the worse!
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Old 01-21-2018, 10:06 AM   #39
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Steve, we can only hope that the current boom in RV's and tenting will expose a new generation to the benefits of a healthy and affordable state park system. Their votes can change the tide.
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Old 01-21-2018, 10:27 AM   #40
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Originally Posted by Jon in AZ View Post
Steve, we can only hope that the current boom in RV's and tenting will expose a new generation to the benefits of a healthy and affordable state park system. Their votes can change the tide.
Unfortunately the " What's in it for me? " crowd has taken control of our country.
This was driven home to me recently . Our local school was closed because of high asbestos in the air , numerous leaks causing mold issues , an unsafe boiler , high lead content in both the drinking water and paint. and a failing plumbing system
( The school was built in 1918)

Many opposed building a new school and suggested things such as

1) Open the windows for better ventilation and let the asbestos out.
2) The kids could bring water from home
3) Furnish the kids with dust masks
4) I don't have any kids in school so why should I pay or care
5 ) If the bathrooms are bad have the kids dig an outhouse.

When they finally forced the school to close, the locals wanted to bus the kids to a neighboring towns and shove the problem and cost onto someone else .
They all could afford to drive to school board meetings in brand new $50,000 pickup trucks and to head to the bar after the meeting but they can't afford to educate their own children.
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