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Old 11-17-2015, 11:27 AM   #41
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Originally Posted by P. Raz View Post
I came close to buying a Scamp deluxe. The cabinets are all wood ( no faux wood, veneer, etc.), Happy shopping, Raz
I bought a new Scamp 13 Deluxe in 2014 and my experience is different than many of the folks here. Maybe mine was made on a Monday morning. While the Red Oak is beautiful, much of it is veneer covered particle board. The cabinet doors and cabinet frames are solid Oak, but the sheet goods (cabinet and door panels), bath door, cabinet sides are all particle board with a thin veneer covering. I wish they would use veneer covered plywood instead for weight savings, stronger screw holding and durability.

My Scamp has no true fine woodworking, but lots of staples, screws and rough edges. I spent a couple of hours going over cabinet openings with sandpaper to eliminate knuckle scraping sharp edges and replaced the heavy plastic coated particle board table top and range cover with Oak plywood for beauty and weight savings.

That said I believe this is pretty much standard quality for the low-end RV industry. And it works well enough for most folks.

On the other hand 20K miles later, the wood is warm looking and beautiful and I would buy it again. YMMV. It is easy to romanticize our eggs and mostly that is justified. Just know what you are getting.

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Old 11-17-2015, 11:35 AM   #42
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Name: Frederick / Janis
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Thanks John Michael for that post. Good, honest, fair and insightful information.
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Old 11-17-2015, 02:37 PM   #43
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Originally Posted by John Linck View Post
I bought a new Scamp 13 Deluxe in 2014 and my experience is different than many of the folks here. Maybe mine was made on a Monday morning. While the Red Oak is beautiful, much of it is veneer covered particle board. The cabinet doors and cabinet frames are solid Oak, but the sheet goods (cabinet and door panels), bath door, cabinet sides are all particle board with a thin veneer covering. I wish they would use veneer covered plywood instead for weight savings, stronger screw holding and durability.

My Scamp has no true fine woodworking, but lots of staples, screws and rough edges. I spent a couple of hours going over cabinet openings with sandpaper to eliminate knuckle scraping sharp edges and replaced the heavy plastic coated particle board table top and range cover with Oak plywood for beauty and weight savings.

That said I believe this is pretty much standard quality for the low-end RV industry. And it works well enough for most folks.

On the other hand 20K miles later, the wood is warm looking and beautiful and I would buy it again. YMMV. It is easy to romanticize our eggs and mostly that is justified. Just know what you are getting.

I haven't looked closely at your particular Scamp, but I am aware that you make fine toys from various woods and that you know your wood materials very well.
On my Scamp Deluxe, the main bulkhead is made from a a stabilized MDF material which is laminated on one side and veneered on the other
The cabinet sides are MDF and veneered on both sides. The cabinet fronts are solid oak , as are the door frames which surround oak plywood.
I can find no particle board on any part of my interior and I certainly had no knuckle scraping sharp edges.
I can't make any claim to insight, but I am trying to be honest and fair.

I think that the bulkhead and cabinet sides are superior to most veneered plywood due to the proven stability of the MDF core of the panels used in this construction, and it has proven to be an excellent material for retention of fasteners.
The veneers on my trailer are industry standard thickness, at least they are as thick as the veneers available when I too built a couple of plywood tabletops for my trailer. My stove cover is made from 1/4" oak plywood with solid oak sides
Short of a custom built multi million dollar Prevost, I have seen nothing high end which actually compares, Certainly better than Airstream for example.
Now I understand that you were responding to P Raz' comment which was not completely correct but then...
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Old 11-17-2015, 05:05 PM   #44
Name: Bob
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13 Deluxe

Of us the 13 foot Deluxe is about more than the wood, it's about having a separate dinette and a larger separate bed. And ,yes, the birch looks nice.

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Old 11-18-2015, 09:03 AM   #45
Name: Bill
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Very well said Floyd!
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Old 12-04-2015, 10:44 AM   #46
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Hi Frederick
Did you see this one in Wisconsin
Scamp camper
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Old 12-04-2015, 01:27 PM   #47
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Originally Posted by John Linck View Post
I bought a new Scamp 13 Deluxe in 2014 and my experience is different than many of the folks here. Maybe mine was made on a Monday morning. While the Red Oak is beautiful, much of it is veneer covered particle board. The cabinet doors and cabinet frames are solid Oak, but the sheet goods (cabinet and door panels), bath door, cabinet sides are all particle board with a thin veneer covering. I wish they would use veneer covered plywood instead for weight savings, stronger screw holding and durability.

Well I'm shocked. When we were interested the salesman said the deluxe was solid wood. I stand corrected.

I agree, veneer plywood would be better than MDF. I had some MDF in a previous trailer. It got wet and expanded. Not good. Raz
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Old 12-04-2015, 02:03 PM   #48
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I suppose it's all relative… My mother visited recently in her brand-new RoadTrek Class B. One of the (several) issues I helped her deal with was a loose cabinet door. One of the hinges had pulled loose in a shower of wood pulp and revealed that under the surface laminate was low density particleboard. Not even the MDF used in my economy-class Scamp. Heavy, thick (in an RV type that places a premium on space), and, as demonstrated, poor screw-holding ability. And this is an RV that, even discounting the value of the van chassis, costs several times as much as a Scamp Deluxe.

I personally prefer the appearance and function of the standard fiberglass interior. In my perfect world, Scamp would change the mold for the front bench to notch out the footwell/porta-potty garage, with a molded-in ledge for a bridge. Then they could offer either layout- bunks or dinette- in standard form. Of course, I could do the mod myself, but how much nicer if it were convertible from the factory.
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Old 12-04-2015, 02:45 PM   #49
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Originally Posted by Jon in AZ View Post
I personally prefer the appearance and function of the standard fiberglass interior. In my perfect world, Scamp would change the mold for the front bench to notch out the footwell/porta-potty garage, with a molded-in ledge for a bridge. Then they could offer either layout- bunks or dinette- in standard form. Of course, I could do the mod myself, but how much nicer if it were convertible from the factory.

Yeah, I'd like a 15' Trillium with a queen size bed. I bet you get yours before I get mine. Raz
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Old 12-04-2015, 08:55 PM   #50
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Originally Posted by P. Raz View Post
Well I'm shocked. When we were interested the salesman said the deluxe was solid wood. I stand corrected.

I agree, veneer plywood would be better than MDF. I had some MDF in a previous trailer. It got wet and expanded. Not good. Raz
So when should I expect my bulkhead wall to fail? So far its eleven years and well over a thousand showers. I think they made good choices of materials.
Heck, I wonder sometimes if I should be more concerned about my own longevity than my Scamp's. My veneer appears to be loosing some of its luster already...

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Old 12-04-2015, 09:01 PM   #51
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Neil Young. Love it!
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Old 12-04-2015, 09:11 PM   #52
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How can it have been that long ago?
Crosby, Stills, Nash, and yes, begrudgingly, even Young.

LOL, yeah, we're the old farts now.

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Old 12-05-2015, 05:45 AM   #53
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Originally Posted by floyd View Post
So when should I expect my bulkhead wall to fail? So far its eleven years and well over a thousand showers. I think they made good choices of materials.
Heck, I wonder sometimes if I should be more concerned about my own longevity than my Scamp's. My veneer appears to be loosing some of its luster already...
The chickens may be coming home to roost

"The Future of MDF

Concern about the harmful vapors of urea formaldehyde from MDF board and its lack of resistance to moisture has caused researchers to take action to create a better product. Currently, one of the additives being considered for MDF is chicken feather fiber, which will lessen MDF's absorptive qualities."

As for Mr. Young, it's repay not repaint

Oh, and there's a bathroom on the right. Raz
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Old 12-05-2015, 08:32 AM   #54
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Whew! Glad I bought used and had to take the Scamp I could find "as is".. I do know a couple of things though. I may have paid a $1000 or so too much for my Scamp for the condition it was in and the repairs needed right off (axle, refrigerator, A/C, etc.). But that cost and my labor for the repairs is of no concern to me after the use and enjoyment we have gotten out of the Scamp already.
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Old 12-05-2015, 09:15 AM   #55
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Name: Wendy Lee
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I just feel so thankful for my little Scamp 13 standard. It was meant to be and meant for me. Two wonderful human beings helped make it a reality for me, and one is a regular contributor here. I wanted a deluxe originally, but I love the sofa/bunk bed and I can sleep cozy and have my adult children or friends take the dinette bed.

She's a cracked egg from her past boo boo, but all the more reason for me to love my Shrimp Scampi. And I could come up with the money. Every time I look at her I smile, and when I left her cozy for storage this year I kissed her door.

Yeah, I'm weird, I know.

Sent from my iPhone using Fiberglass RV
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Old 12-05-2015, 09:16 AM   #56
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Yes indeed! My old 1978 Scamp 13 is looking more and more like it was a great buy...even though it came disassembled!

Click image for larger version

Name:	A Scamp Old both dinette seats-loose 3-11-15 S.gif
Views:	19
Size:	159.2 KB
ID:	91000

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Old 12-05-2015, 09:33 AM   #57
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Originally Posted by Bill Nolen View Post
Yes indeed! My old 1978 Scamp 13 is looking more and more like it was a great buy...even though it came disassembled!
I vaguely recall we told you so at the time...

You have been so persistent and good-humored about all the issues you have had to address. Can't wait to see the end result...

Wait... what am I thinking??!! There never really is an end, is there?... just stages of progress!
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Old 12-05-2015, 10:42 AM   #58
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Originally Posted by Jon in AZ View Post
I vaguely recall we told you so at the time...

You have been so persistent and good-humored about all the issues you have had to address. Can't wait to see the end result...

Wait... what am I thinking??!! There never really is an end, is there?... just stages of progress!
Thanks Jon for the kind words!

If there had not been kind and helpful people like you on this Forum, I'd given up long ago! With your help it's been a fun project.

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Old 12-05-2015, 11:08 AM   #59
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Originally Posted by P. Raz View Post
The chickens may be coming home to roost

"The Future of MDF

Concern about the harmful vapors of urea formaldehyde from MDF board and its lack of resistance to moisture has caused researchers to take action to create a better product. Currently, one of the additives being considered for MDF is chicken feather fiber, which will lessen MDF's absorptive qualities."

As for Mr. Young, it's repay not repaint

Oh, and there's a bathroom on the right. Raz
You heard repaint? Hardly sounds like a Mr. either
Yes the bathroom is on the right as you enter the trailer,behind that laminated MDF bulkhead which shows no sign of deterioration after almost a dozen years of heavy use.
So you read that they are going to improve an already great product, or is it just the myth of harmful vapors?

So that leaves my original question....
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Old 12-17-2015, 06:49 PM   #60
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Name: Frederick / Janis
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2002 Scamp trailer 13ft

Is it just me or is this unit under market priced? We recently sold our Scamp 13', of the same 2002 year, but it was a standard. It fetched a grand more than this asking. Seems strange to me. This deluxe cost a whole bunch more than a standard when purchased. What do you all make of this? What are your thoughts?
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