Scamp 13' Deluxe vs Standard - Fiberglass RV
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Old 11-14-2015, 03:38 PM   #1
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Name: Frederick / Janis
Trailer: Previously Scamp 13 2002,2016. Scamp 16 on order
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Scamp 13' Deluxe vs Standard

I've gone back and forth in my mind a hundred times. I've tried very hard to see the value of the Deluxe. Very much like the look of the hardwoord cabinetry and really, really love the front dinette, which is not available in the standard 13. But my goodness. The $3000 difference in price is very hard to justify and I've checked the numbers over and over again.

In the end, it's just gonna come down to the front dinette and how much I'm willing to pay it, I reckon. For those not familiar, the basic big bed standard 13', with the option package (includes some nice things) is $10,395.

The Deluxe, with that same option package, big bed and wood cabinetry is $13,395.

$3000 difference.
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Old 11-14-2015, 04:25 PM   #2
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In my Escape 13 I've got the equivalent layout of the Scamp Deluxe and I really like having a front dinette. You can check out my profile pics.
Best wishes!

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It's not the size.....
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Old 11-14-2015, 05:13 PM   #3
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Originally Posted by bpfick View Post
I've gone back and forth in my mind a hundred times. I've tried very hard to see the value of the Deluxe. Very much like the look of the hardwoord cabinetry and really, really love the front dinette, which is not avail cable in the standard 13. But my goodness. The $3000 difference in price is very hard to justify and I've checked the numbers over and over again.

In the end, it's just gonna come down to the front dinette and how much I'm willing to pay it, I reckon. For those not familiar, the basic big bed standard 13', with the option package (includes some nice things) is $10,395.

The Deluxe, with that same option package, big bed and wood cabinetry is $13,395.

$3000 difference.

I came close to buying a Scamp deluxe. The cabinets are all wood ( no faux wood, veneer, etc.), a bigger bed, and the dinette. There was no bigger bed on the standard at the time. In the end I bought a different brand with fiberglass furniture. Since then I've come to prefer it. In regard to the standard Scamp, many use TV trays or do a little cutting to install a front dinette. For 3k I'm sure there is a solution. Happy shopping, Raz
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Old 11-14-2015, 06:20 PM   #4
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If you are influenced by the warmth of wood, the deluxe interiors are really much more pleasant to be in.

I had a Burro 17' years ago with no wood at all and particle board doors. I likened being inside the Burro to being inside a refrigerator. It was very clean, but very sterile.

I've had a couple of 13' and a 16' side dinette standard, and a 16' and 19' deluxe over the years. The standards are pretty sterile too. I much preferred the deluxes, but either will keep the rain out if that's all you're after.
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Old 11-14-2015, 07:45 PM   #5
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Love my Scamp13D. To say that they are comparably equipped is a bit deceptive.
Like a base Camry vs Lexus ES350, or a base Fusion vs LincolnMKZ.

The Scamp Deluxe Cabinet shop build quality is unsurpassed in the RV industry.
The cost difference is less than the difference spent on 30 nights in a motel.
Our 13D has paid for its entire cost several times in motel savings and we still have the pleasure, comfort and value after eleven years. The quality is remembered long after the cost is forgotten.
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Old 11-14-2015, 08:07 PM   #6
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Name: Frederick / Janis
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I was hoping you'd post, Floyd. The cabinetry is "deluxe", of that there is no doubt, but everything else would appear to be the same. Same frame, running gear, shell, door, windows, and all internal gear, except for those wood cabinets.

Also, You must stay at nicer motels than I do for 30 nights to cover $3000. hahahaha

Just trying to crunch the numbers and figure it out, that's all. I really do want a deluxe.
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Old 11-14-2015, 08:11 PM   #7
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Originally Posted by bpfick View Post
...I really do want a deluxe.
Life is short.. get what you want.

Prayers for Paris.
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Old 11-14-2015, 08:54 PM   #8
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If you prefer it and can afford it, get the deluxe; you'll probably get the extra money back if you ever sell it. But if the extra $3K is enough to cause problems or keep you from camping as much, get the standard and get out there camping.
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Old 11-14-2015, 09:11 PM   #9
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Name: kootenai girl
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I have had a Scamp 13 regular and deluxe.
I still miss the deluxe, everytime I went in it made me smile. It felt more luxurious than the regular Scamp even though as you point out it is 'just' the cabinets.
They both did the job but the deluxe has a special place in my heart and whenever I see one for sale (especially the front dinette which I didn't have) I want one again.
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Old 11-14-2015, 09:54 PM   #10
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Name: Frederick / Janis
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Originally Posted by Mike Magee View Post
If you prefer it and can afford it, get the deluxe; you'll probably get the extra money back if you ever sell it. .
Actually, in hawking these Scamps for almost a year and noting carefully what prices are fetched, it would actually be to my advantage to be the buyer, rather than the seller of a late model deluxe, from what I have observed. Hope does spring eternal that such a late model deluxe unit will surface.
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Old 11-14-2015, 11:20 PM   #11
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Originally Posted by bpfick View Post
I've gone back and forth in my mind a hundred times. I've tried very hard to see the value of the Deluxe. Very much like the look of the hardwoord cabinetry and really, really love the front dinette, which is not available in the standard 13. But my goodness. The $3000 difference in price is very hard to justify and I've checked the numbers over and over again.

In the end, it's just gonna come down to the front dinette and how much I'm willing to pay it, I reckon. For those not familiar, the basic big bed standard 13', with the option package (includes some nice things) is $10,395.

The Deluxe, with that same option package, big bed and wood cabinetry is $13,395.

$3000 difference.
My question to you is how much time to you think you'll spend inside the trailer. We've had the Standard with the Standard bed and fiberglass cabinets and front bunk beds for 10 years. We camp close to 6 months out of 12, winter camping is usually minimum of 3 months and be longer. Other than sleeping not a lot of time is spent inside.
Byron & Anne enjoying the everyday Saturday thing.
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Old 11-15-2015, 12:04 AM   #12
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Originally Posted by bpfick View Post
I was hoping you'd post, Floyd. The cabinetry is "deluxe", of that there is no doubt, but everything else would appear to be the same. Same frame, running gear, shell, door, windows, and all internal gear, except for those wood cabinets.

Also, You must stay at nicer motels than I do for 30 nights to cover $3000. hahahaha

Just trying to crunch the numbers and figure it out, that's all. I really do want a deluxe.
Last time I stayed at a motel was about 4 years ago in a remote small town along I-55 in the South. It was Holiday Inn Express. The bill was $114. The "Bed Occupancy Tax" was $14.
The average night in my Scamp over the last 11 years has cost $8.
Any motel under $75+ tax is unfit for my wife to stay "Inn".
Lets say you are a better shopper than I and you could average $78 including tax. That would mean it would take 42 days to get the Deluxe along with the extras which come with it. That's only one night per year over the life of the camper or 4 nights per year over ten years.
Plus you would still have the residual value of the option of more than half of the cost in resale value after ten years. I say that as someone who has brokered the sale of countless numbers of Scamps over the last decade or so.

My Scamp has been perhaps the single most extravagantly expensive toy I have bought in my lifetime and it broke even in cost and use after only about two years.

200 nights at only $50 is $10000. At $75, you will have paid for your Scamp with every option you want in just that same number of nights and still have your Scamp worth thousands and thousands of dollars instead of a hand full of worthless motel receipts. Either way the memories are yours to keep!.

One more point... if you buy a new car today at $30,000 what will it be worth in 10 years... or even 5?

Think twice , buy once, and get your Scamp made the way you want it in every detail including extra 110V and12V outlets and lights where you want them.
I am a fan of every Scamp in every form and options due, to their unsurpassed durability and value.
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Old 11-15-2015, 12:17 AM   #13
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Originally Posted by floyd View Post
I am a fan of every Scamp in every form and options due, to their unsurpassed durability and value.
Why is that?
What happens to the hole when the cheese is gone?
- Bertolt Brecht
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Old 11-15-2015, 07:45 AM   #14
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Scamp 13' Deluxe vs Standard

1. I do not find the standard interior "sterile." Between the rat fur, cabinet doors, upholstery and colorful area rug we put on the floor, there are plenty of soft surfaces and plenty of ways to make any trailer feel cozy and home-like.
2. Wood cabinets will not increase your enjoyment of the places you visit. Most of the time you are in the trailer you are asleep.
3. If you are even a little handy, it is not difficult to convert the front sofa into a front dinette, and for far less than $3000. You will have to cut brand new fiberglass, though! If you do decide to go this route, you might want to work with Scamp on having the front cushion made in 3 or 4 sections to facilitate the conversion.

On the other hand,
4. I agree with Floyd that the quality of the wood cabinetry is excellent and durable. If that's something you will appreciate and enjoy over the years, you should consider it added value.
5. Consider the value of your time as well as the expense of converting the front sofa to a dinette in the cost equation.

And most important,

6. Have you toured both standard and deluxe Scamp 13s? In a decision like this, there's nothing like firsthand experience.
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Old 11-15-2015, 08:13 AM   #15
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Name: Frederick / Janis
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Yes, we actually purchased a 2002 standard 13' recently and have been preparing it for our winter get-a-way. It took some work to repair/fix/tweak/clean/restore/customize everything. This was after shopping for almost a year.

In our experience, there is litle to no "re-sale" residual. A early 2000 13 will bring $6000 if top notch with or without the oak/birch cabinets. A/C, awnings, and full baths are primary on people's value assessment and pricing. Wood or no wood, red decals or gold decals, he pricing is remarkable similar, at that re-selling point. Just saying.

So, in the end, the wood is about personal enjoyment and taste and asthetics, really. That's my perspective anyhow. Do I still shop for the deluxe, late model Scamp? You bet I do!!!

Still would like to have it.
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Old 11-15-2015, 08:52 AM   #16
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Hi, I was going to buy the Deluxe when i bought new in 2014. When it got down to the final ordering stages i backed out and went with the standard. I figured being a woodworker for years it would not be hard for me to convert the doors to wood and not be limited to just oak and birch. Well when I picked it up i was impressed with the cherry stained doors. Going over a year now and I find them to look very nice and easy to care for. So they are staying and i saved $3000. Carl
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Old 11-15-2015, 09:19 AM   #17
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Scamp 13' Deluxe vs Standard

Originally Posted by bpfick View Post
...In our experience, there is litle to no "re-sale" residual. A early 2000 13 will bring $6000 if top notch with or without the oak/birch cabinets. A/C, awnings, and full baths are primary on people's value assessment and pricing. Wood or no wood, red decals or gold decals, he pricing is remarkable similar, at that re-selling point. Just saying...
Really hard to say, since after 15 years, condition is the single greatest factor in resale value, and since there are relatively few deluxes that come up for sale, and since there is no way to know what any trailer actually sold for.

But taking your assessment at face value, $3000 amortized over 15 years works out to $200/year. Are your enjoyment of the wood cabinets and the convenience of the front dinette layout worth that much to you?
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Old 11-15-2015, 09:39 AM   #18
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Originally Posted by bpfick View Post
Yes, we actually purchased a 2002 standard 13' recently and have been preparing it for our winter get-a-way. It took some work to repair/fix/tweak/clean/restore/customize everything. This was after shopping for almost a year.

In our experience, there is litle to no "re-sale" residual. A early 2000 13 will bring $6000 if top notch with or without the oak/birch cabinets. A/C, awnings, and full baths are primary on people's value assessment and pricing. Wood or no wood, red decals or gold decals, he pricing is remarkable similar, at that re-selling point. Just saying.

So, in the end, the wood is about personal enjoyment and taste and asthetics, really. That's my perspective anyhow. Do I still shop for the deluxe, late model Scamp? You bet I do!!!

Still would like to have it.
Limited experience can result in false conclusions, the fact is that resale value of the deluxe is consistently higher commensurate with its original cost.
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Old 11-15-2015, 09:52 AM   #19
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Originally Posted by Glenn Baglo View Post
Why is that?
Why is what?
It would seem that your answer is included in your quote...
Its due to their unsurpassed durability and value."
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Old 11-15-2015, 10:03 AM   #20
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Consider the actual amount of extra fiberglass you get when you buy a Scamp16, is 3ft of extra space worth more than a deluxe interior? Only the buyer knows that answer.
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