Originally Posted by TomK
Ray, so you were the one who alerted me of the short table. Sorry I couldn't remember who posted that originally. I'm really glad you weighed back in. As far as the bed goes; we think ours will stay a bed for the most part. We'll be using it with a mattress topper, and it will be cumbersome to set-up and take down every day. We'll try out the short table a time or two in the beginning, just to see how it works, but if we think we need a bigger one, it will be modded.
We didn't notice the shorter standard rear overhead cabinets. Your added shelf idea is a good one. I want to mount a TV on the closet using a swinging, telescoping type mount to watch in bed, or swing around toward the front to watch from the couch. That gap might help with that.
There was some earlier discussion about the width of the closet. You cleared that up. Twelve inches isn't as narrow as I thought. Curious why they put two doors on it, instead of one larger door? It would seem more accessible and versatile with a bigger door. Might look at that for a future mod.
Finally, I want to thank you for the pictures! We went up there last January to see them and forgot all the little details your pictures showed. Ours is configured very close to yours. Linoleum, splash guard for the sink, rear side cabinets, blue(?) cushions, larger bed, etc. We added A/C when our daughter and SIL moved to FL and gave us all the excuse we needed to start snow birding. We'll be looking at your pictures until we pick ours up on 4 August. Can't wait!
Hello there. This is my first post at this site, because there is something I actually know a little something about! When we recently placed an order for a 13' standard
Scamp our salesman said they could modify the two little cupboards (near the door) into one large cupboard with a very large door (I have seen pictures of modifications for this online), for $450, but it was not possible to install at time of original build. We would need to make an appointment with the service department and may not be able to have it done at the same time as pick-up. Strange but true. It seems that
Scamp would build them all with a large cupboard, standard, as it would sell more people on being able to utilize the 13' in many practical ways. Anyhow, it is not a structural issue. Thank you all for your posts!! This has been such a great way for me to learn about my little dream Scamper.