09-10-2014, 10:19 AM
Senior Member
Trailer: No Trailer Yet
Posts: 701
Originally Posted by David Tilston
Well, I am of two minds on the "issues" pictures.
I know what you mean. In any case, I can forward any details and my opinion to whoever wants, and I'm sure any prospective buyer would see the same issues I did, as everything was pretty obvious. I don't think the seller is trying to hide anything, I didn't ask much about the trailer because I could go and look at it myself, but I'm sure the seller would have honestly answered any questions prior to a visit.
This trailer will probably sell anyway, it's just that for me it would require too much work and investment to bring it to where I want it. Not a bad trailer, but IMO too expensive for what it is.
It is not this trailer that is up for sale for the 2nd time, it's this other one, listed by error as a "Trillium 550":
Roulotte Trillium 550 | caravanes de parc | Laval / Rive-Nord | Kijiji
Didn't look at it as it is over my budget.
09-11-2014, 03:35 AM
Senior Member
Trailer: No Trailer Yet
Posts: 701
Looking at my photos, I'm 99% certain that 55-3320073, that I just visited, is this same trailer:
1980 19' Trillium 5500 trailer | Aylmer, QC, Canada | Fiberglass RV's For Sale
It was for sale for $5400 two years ago, and the guy who bought it now wants $7500 for it. Not sure what he's done to it to increase the value that much, but here are the "issues" we found when we looked at it:
-no hot water heater (removed by owner).
-Shower drain plumbing removed and left open (look down the drain and you see the ground under the trailer)
-Damage in one corner of the shower stall (might be leaking, or maybe not)
-no water pump.
-Original range/oven removed, replaced by cooktop (no oven). Space where the oven was simply left open (no cabinet door, no shelves).
-missing cabinet doors below the sink.
-thin plywood with light oak finish nailed on top of the original dark wood finish pretty much everywhere to cover it up. Looks nice on pictures, but botched job IMO.
-This oak finish has damage at many places (worn out, scratches, peeling, damaged/missing edges). Not clean!
-screen door missing. Hinges holes covered with aluminium tape.
-aluminium door frame is broken in the lower left corner.
-fiberglass cracked near where the door frame is broken (stress point I guess). Crack as been patched with something in the past (unsuccessfully).
-front rock guard is falling apart, some aluminium pieces looked broken.
-owner says it rides on new tires, but they actually are old car winter tires, not ST or LT tires.
-Ensolite unglued from wall below just about every window (water damage?). Some plywood strips were screwed around the window frames to hold it back (same thin "oak finish" plywood used all around)
-laminate partially unglued from tables and countertop.
-evidence or water leaks (stains) at many places, even on the "new" plywood finish, and some of it where the cabinets meet the ceiling.
-floor covered with plywood inside all dinette seats. Impossible to check the original floor for condition, and this "new" plywood has water stains at some places.
-the entire belly band has been sealed with some unknown caulking (silicone?).
-Black water tank replaced and now held in place under the trailer by some lengths of electric wires twisted around the frame (!) and some home-made metal straps screwed directly in the fiberglass under the trailer with wood screws.
09-11-2014, 10:04 AM
Senior Member
Name: Dave W
Trailer: Trillium 4500 - 1976, 1978, 1979, 1300 - 1977, and a 1973
Posts: 6,936
Ummm... those are some BIG issues. Since leaks appear to be present, the floor, under the plywood, is likely rotted. This implies a complete gut job.
09-19-2014, 03:05 PM
Senior Member
Name: Dave W
Trailer: Trillium 4500 - 1976, 1978, 1979, 1300 - 1977, and a 1973
Posts: 6,936
14 Entries
Exterior (first digit) and Interior (second digit) Colours
1 (Black) = Colonial White (for Francesca)
2 (Green) = Green
3 (Orange) = Orange
Floorplans (third digit)
1 (Blue) = Front Gaucho
2 (Red) = Front Dinette
3 (Purple) = Front Bath
Kathy & Doug Roach:.55-3300052
Barrett family:.....55-3320072
Janice M:...........55-3300098
V. Bainbridge:......55-3300116
nick c:.............55-3320142
Tomp38:...........JU3300076...'79: Front Gaucho?
Terranovafox:.....JU3300119...'79: Front Gaucho
Bee in Canada:....JU-3300143..'80: Front Gaucho
OscarD:...........JU3300160...'79: Front Gaucho
Current 1300
Roger C H:..........1T9BV131695(S?)948127..'09 Front Dinette
09-19-2014, 07:26 PM
Junior Member
Name: Marnie
Trailer: Trillium 4500 Deluxe (with toilet and sink)
British Columbia
Posts: 4
Here is another 4500 to add to the list.
I bought it just over a month ago and it's my first travel trailer. I am the third owner I believe, with the owner before me having owned it for 30 years.
I thought it was a 1979, but looking at your list, it must be a 1978.
VIN taken from the insurance papers is 4511000929. Whatever paper may have been attached to the back of the closet door is long gone.
Details, since there seem to be so many curious people
- butter yellow interior
- toilet (avacado green) with port to the outside and hose stored in rear bumper
- front sink (molded butter yellow fiberglass)
- folding jump seat between toilet and front sink
- bi-fold door enclosing toilet and opening to create private "bathroom" space
- fridge - Dometic RM26E
- furnace - Duo-Therm 65512-002
- over the dinette shelves on 3 sides (back has doors that close, sides are open)
- drawers under the port side dinette seat
- dining table with a removable leaf you can use to make it bigger or smaller
- cutlery drawer in dining table
- two propane tanks
- electric brakes
- 1 7/8" ball hitch
I do have the owners manual (with the green cover) in French and English. I also have 3/4 of a vintage Trillium promotional brochure. I could add either of these to the document library if asked.
09-22-2014, 09:23 AM
Senior Member
Name: Dave W
Trailer: Trillium 4500 - 1976, 1978, 1979, 1300 - 1977, and a 1973
Posts: 6,936
Originally Posted by mstrong
Here is another 4500 to add to the list.
I bought it just over a month ago and it's my first travel trailer. I am the third owner I believe, with the owner before me having owned it for 30 years.
I thought it was a 1979, but looking at your list, it must be a 1978.
VIN taken from the insurance papers is 4511000929. Whatever paper may have been attached to the back of the closet door is long gone.
Details, since there seem to be so many curious people
- butter yellow interior
- toilet (avacado green) with port to the outside and hose stored in rear bumper
- front sink (molded butter yellow fiberglass)
- folding jump seat between toilet and front sink
- bi-fold door enclosing toilet and opening to create private "bathroom" space
- fridge - Dometic RM26E
- furnace - Duo-Therm 65512-002
- over the dinette shelves on 3 sides (back has doors that close, sides are open)
- drawers under the port side dinette seat
- dining table with a removable leaf you can use to make it bigger or smaller
- cutlery drawer in dining table
- two propane tanks
- electric brakes
- 1 7/8" ball hitch
I do have the owners manual (with the green cover) in French and English. I also have 3/4 of a vintage Trillium promotional brochure. I could add either of these to the document library if asked.
Sounds like a 4500 Deluxe with a front bathroom. I will add your trailer to the next revision. Could you please post pictures?
Is the fridge an RM26E, or RM36E?
Does the window in the door open?
Does your trailer have brakes?
The documents you offer are appreciated, but I believe they are already there.
10-07-2014, 03:38 PM
Junior Member
Name: Phil & Margot
Trailer: 1982 Boler 17' 2002 Honda Odyssey. Replaced with a 2010 Odyssey
Ottawa, Ontario
Posts: 27
We bought ours about 2 months ago and I don't see it on your list.
It's a 1980 - 4500 with the front bunks.
Serial # is 45-1121667
To err is human, to moo is bovine
10-07-2014, 04:02 PM
Senior Member
Name: Dave W
Trailer: Trillium 4500 - 1976, 1978, 1979, 1300 - 1977, and a 1973
Posts: 6,936
Originally Posted by Philsie
We bought ours about 2 months ago and I don't see it on your list.
It's a 1980 - 4500 with the front bunks.
Serial # is 45-1121667
Phill, In your avatar, which one are you?
Also, please post pictures of your trailer. I would love to flesh out the later years of Trillium production, (I think 1981 is the last year). Yours would be the second last 4500 in the list.
The pictures I am requesting are:
Outside, front and one side.
Outside, back and the other side.
Inside, from the front to the back, floor to celing.
Inside, from the back to the front, floor to celing.
Inside, kitchen, floor to celing.
Inside, closet, , floor to celing.
Inside, data sheet that should be on the inside of your closet.
And any details of the appliances you want to share. Think data plates. I am especially interested in the converter that should be in the dinette side of the kitchen.
Yeah, I am kinda high maintenance.
10-07-2014, 04:44 PM
Trailer: 2009 19 ft Escape / 2009 Honda Pilot
Posts: 6,282
Dave, did you add the one I picked up to the list? Just did not see it on your last revision you posted. 13-2204788
2017 Escape 5.0 TA
2015 Ford F150 Lariat 3.5L EcoBoost
2009 Escape 19 (previous)
“Most folks are about as happy as they make up their minds to be.” — Abraham Lincoln
10-07-2014, 05:26 PM
Senior Member
Name: Dave W
Trailer: Trillium 4500 - 1976, 1978, 1979, 1300 - 1977, and a 1973
Posts: 6,936
10-08-2014, 02:50 PM
Junior Member
Name: Phil & Margot
Trailer: 1982 Boler 17' 2002 Honda Odyssey. Replaced with a 2010 Odyssey
Ottawa, Ontario
Posts: 27
Ah David, prolly not the best choice of avatars. MAybe now I can put one more trailer friendly.
As for spec plates:
Central Power Pack
Model cp-20
s/n is either T159 or 1159. Couldn't get far enuf away for my old eyes to read it.
Again couldn't read the name & s/n on the plate but name on the thermostat is Hydro Flame
Model RM 360 Gas/ Electric
No s/n that I could find
Ceiling Fan and awning. Can't figure out how to mount the awning. I think it has been McGivered.
All appliances work on gas and or 120v/12/
To err is human, to moo is bovine
10-08-2014, 03:33 PM
Senior Member
Name: Dave W
Trailer: Trillium 4500 - 1976, 1978, 1979, 1300 - 1977, and a 1973
Posts: 6,936
Phil, Nice trailer!
Your furnace is different then all the earlier 4500 Trilliums. It is a forced air model, all the previous years used a gravity furnace. That is, no fan. CSA determined that the surface temperature was too high on these. This forced all trailer manufactures to abandon them. Yours would likely put out more heat. The old furnace was below the closet. I would like to see what they did with that space on your trailer. I would think they would put a door there.
Thanks for the pictures, your trailer will be on the next version of the list.
10-08-2014, 03:37 PM
Senior Member
Name: Dave W
Trailer: Trillium 4500 - 1976, 1978, 1979, 1300 - 1977, and a 1973
Posts: 6,936
Your Awning probably slides into the metal groove above the door. Typically it is a rope sewn into the awning edge that attaches to the trailer. The rope is threaded into the grove. I would have a better idea if you post pictures.
10-09-2014, 12:08 PM
Junior Member
Name: Phil & Margot
Trailer: 1982 Boler 17' 2002 Honda Odyssey. Replaced with a 2010 Odyssey
Ottawa, Ontario
Posts: 27
Yes the heater puts out a LOT of heat. Good thing is it will also work on 12v (if you have a good battery I guess...I still have to pick up a deep cycle)
Interesting about the fan. I've included a pic of the closet with a swing out cubby near the door. I guess the rest is taken up with wheel well. Inside the closet is a door latch type thing that I couldn't figure out until I realized the table has a leaf and that is where you store it.
I've also included a clearer pic of the door sheet.
To err is human, to moo is bovine
10-09-2014, 12:14 PM
Junior Member
Name: Phil & Margot
Trailer: 1982 Boler 17' 2002 Honda Odyssey. Replaced with a 2010 Odyssey
Ottawa, Ontario
Posts: 27
Originally Posted by David Tilston
Your Awning probably slides into the metal groove above the door. Typically it is a rope sewn into the awning edge that attaches to the trailer. The rope is threaded into the grove. I would have a better idea if you post pictures.
Mine has a roller with something to slide into the groove. The poles are supposed to attach to the other end of the awning when it is pulled out and sit on brackets on the bottom of the trailer so you're not bumping into poles on the ground. Trouble is I can't figure how to attach the poles to the pull-out part. I think something is missing or has been changed.
To err is human, to moo is bovine
10-09-2014, 01:32 PM
Senior Member
Name: Dave W
Trailer: Trillium 4500 - 1976, 1978, 1979, 1300 - 1977, and a 1973
Posts: 6,936
If you pull up on the swing out cubby, the bottom will pull out. Then you can see inside that area, It is quite large. You might want to think about putting a door on it. Or you can just remove the cubby when you want to access it.
I have never used that kind of awning, but it is possible that the roll out part is what gets connected to the arms.
10-09-2014, 02:40 PM
Junior Member
Name: Phil & Margot
Trailer: 1982 Boler 17' 2002 Honda Odyssey. Replaced with a 2010 Odyssey
Ottawa, Ontario
Posts: 27
Nope I tried that as well.
Anyway thanks for all your help and info.
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To err is human, to moo is bovine
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