01-08-2015, 05:01 PM
Senior Member
Name: Dave W
Trailer: Trillium 4500 - 1976, 1978, 1979, 1300 - 1977, and a 1973
Posts: 6,936
Ummm.... Bill...
I can't read that. On your registry, it looks like the serial number is 13-1202737? Is that correct? Some pictures of the trailer would be good too.
01-08-2015, 07:33 PM
Junior Member
Name: Bill
Trailer: 25B21RB Bigfoot & 4500 Trillium
British Columbia
Posts: 7
That's correct Dave, Will add pictures once I have some more.
03-09-2015, 04:15 PM
Senior Member
Name: Dave W
Trailer: Trillium 4500 - 1976, 1978, 1979, 1300 - 1977, and a 1973
Posts: 6,936
04-05-2015, 10:20 PM
Junior Member
Name: Marvin
Trailer: Trillium
Posts: 6
just registered
Have had a 4500 Trillium # 45-1101109 for a couple of years parked in my driveway outside Boston MA. It had a bathroom at one time, but the porta potty was removed and the outside vent was closed. Now, there is a dinette in front, a mattress in back, and a lot of work still to be done. My next step is to remove all the extra pots, pans, chairs, milk crates, etc and take it to the recycling area to weigh it. Maybe, just maybe it will come in under 1500#. Last year had no usage due to illness but the previous year we took it to eastern NY and later to Cape Cod with my stick shift Element, the only minor problem was the rear tire air pressure being quite low coming back from the Cape.
The person I bought it from cleaned it up, put on a Pergo floor, put on a new front triangle with a 2" receiver, replaced the axle and it now has electric brakes. He also did something to the belly seam as a 4" +/- band of interior elephant skin is removed all around and not replaced. Haven't figured out what to do about that yet.
This was the first egg I had seen that was for sale, although I had stopped and talked to a few Canadians who were towing theirs in the lower 48.
Cheers and ciao.
04-06-2015, 09:03 AM
Senior Member
Name: Dave W
Trailer: Trillium 4500 - 1976, 1978, 1979, 1300 - 1977, and a 1973
Posts: 6,936
I am honored that your first post is in my thread. Welcome to the site. No offense to those who love their front bath Trilliums, but with no shower, I just can't see the point. A front dinette is way more useful. I would love to see pictures.
A 4" wide gap in the Ensolite is going to be tough to cover. Too bad you don't have the Ensolite that he took off, but it would probably be in small pieces anyway. All I can think of is that he was trying to stop a leak in the belly band. This is a common problem in the land of winter. Water gets into the socket formed by metal plates that hold the belly band on. Then successive cycles of freeze, and thaw open that socket up, till it leaks on the inside of the trailer. How I dealt with it is detailed here:
You might try getting a strip of new Ensolite:
Ensolite IUO Peel and Stick --- 1 yard (13.875 sq ft) - RAAMaudio Inc.
Then paint it with a matching colour. The seams could be hidden with a paint-able calk, or use the same T molding that the rest of the trailer has.
04-06-2015, 10:12 PM
Junior Member
Name: Marvin
Trailer: Trillium
Posts: 6
Hi Dave
Thanks for the quick response and advice on ensolite. Although I have been an avid reader of these posts, the Trillium will have to wait for better warmer weather. But, it is in line after my finishing the master bath, a closet, and other things my wife and I will prioritize. It seems that an egg is like a boat in that it can be a black hole of 'things to do' to throw money at. Although the site has its own list, I've been going through my FGRV downloads from the past couple of years, saving the pertinent parts, and putting them in my own folder for possible 'things to do'. Happy trails.
ps-Mary F said that you did not get this as it was an email reply not through FGRV
04-15-2015, 10:43 PM
Junior Member
Name: Heather
Trailer: Trillium
British Columbia
Posts: 8
Another Trillium for the List if You'd Like
Hi Dave,
Just bought my Trillium here in BC a couple of weeks ago. Really enjoyed looking at your list of Trilliums and trying to figure out where mine fits! I will send photos in a day or two but for now the 'Recreational Vehicle Specification Nameplate' page that I found in the closet says Model 13' trillium Serial No
13 295. My registration says it's a 1972. It has a front gaucho and is the avocado green color inside but has been painted over. Seems to be in very good condition but it does have a leak above the left rear window...cause yet to be fully explored. Thanks very much for this thread and the list you are compiling!
04-15-2015, 10:53 PM
Senior Member
Name: Dave W
Trailer: Trillium 4500 - 1976, 1978, 1979, 1300 - 1977, and a 1973
Posts: 6,936
Heather, I am grateful that you have chosen to add your trailer to the list. 295 is an early one. Does it have two pane side windows and non opening front and rear windows? Is the door latch round? Oh, I can hardly wait for pictures. That range of serial numbers is poorly represented in the list.
I guess I gotta face it. Time for a new list.
04-15-2015, 11:18 PM
Junior Member
Name: Heather
Trailer: Trillium
British Columbia
Posts: 8
Hi Dave.
The side windows are three paned and the front and rear windows do open. The door latch is round and it still works!
Thanks again!
04-15-2015, 11:53 PM
Senior Member
Name: Dave W
Trailer: Trillium 4500 - 1976, 1978, 1979, 1300 - 1977, and a 1973
Posts: 6,936
Yeah, those were good door latches. Simple too.
04-16-2015, 04:48 PM
Senior Member
Name: Dave W
Trailer: Trillium 4500 - 1976, 1978, 1979, 1300 - 1977, and a 1973
Posts: 6,936
04-17-2015, 01:16 PM
Senior Member
Name: Dave W
Trailer: Trillium 4500 - 1976, 1978, 1979, 1300 - 1977, and a 1973
Posts: 6,936
04-19-2015, 03:06 PM
Senior Member
Name: Claire
Trailer: 1978 Trillium 4500
British Columbia
Posts: 326
Dave, I may have missed it, but how can you tell if the dinette at the front is original or added in later?
Island Bolers and Friends on Facebook
04-19-2015, 11:57 PM
Senior Member
Name: Dave W
Trailer: Trillium 4500 - 1976, 1978, 1979, 1300 - 1977, and a 1973
Posts: 6,936
Claire, The main way to tell, is how the table is mounted. Trillium mounted it to a fibreglass liner that attaches to the bottom of the window frame, and to the benches, I assume, (I have never seen one in person). This allowed them to attach the table, without putting any holes in the shell. The liner looks like the fibreglass that is at the back of the trailer, that the rear dinette table mounts to.
A good example is this very late model 1300:
They used the same piece of fibreglass on the 4500.
04-20-2015, 11:59 AM
Senior Member
Name: Lyndsay
Trailer: 1975 Trillium 1300
Posts: 144
1975 trillium 1300
Sorry it took so long
When I registered the trailer was originally listed as a 15 ft trailer which is not the case so I have since changed that.
Lilly The Trilly - 1975 Trillium 1300
04-20-2015, 05:39 PM
Senior Member
Name: Claire
Trailer: 1978 Trillium 4500
British Columbia
Posts: 326
Originally Posted by David Tilston
Claire, The main way to tell, is how the table is mounted. Trillium mounted it to a fibreglass liner that attaches to the bottom of the window frame, and to the benches, I assume, (I have never seen one in person). This allowed them to attach the table, without putting any holes in the shell. The liner looks like the fibreglass that is at the back of the trailer, that the rear dinette table mounts to.
A good example is this very late model 1300:
They used the same piece of fibreglass on the 4500.
Thanks David, that was helpful. So our dinette was original though the table has been rebuilt. I was not sure as our right bench has been modified as per the pictures below, so that the port-a-potty can be used without moving it.
Island Bolers and Friends on Facebook
04-20-2015, 06:08 PM
Senior Member
Name: Claire
Trailer: 1978 Trillium 4500
British Columbia
Posts: 326
Hi again. Do not know if I ever gave you the serial number etc. Here it is in case I did not.
Island Bolers and Friends on Facebook
04-21-2015, 08:59 AM
Senior Member
Name: Dave W
Trailer: Trillium 4500 - 1976, 1978, 1979, 1300 - 1977, and a 1973
Posts: 6,936
Thank you Claire!
04-23-2015, 03:06 PM
Name: Tom
Trailer: Trillium
British Columbia
Posts: 70
Trillium Vin #
I maybe a little late on this but, I have a 1300 and I am just buying a 4500 trillium.
Vin -#1 is 13-1126750 , (1980) front gaucho ,almost dinette.
Vin - #2 is (45) - 11353839 (1979) front and rear dinette. with a 2 burner stove. Note : the speck sheet is now missing and the registration # dose not list the # 45 on it  . It was imported into BC from another province
Originally Posted by David Tilston
OK, I have tried to link to all sources of information.
Tot, what are the odds, Your 1300 was apparently built just before my trailer. 5687 vs. 5688.
Confirmed michael 01's floor plan by phone call.
Exterior (first digit) and Interior (second digit) Colours
1 (Black) = Colonial White (for Francesca)
2 (Green) = Green
3 (Orange) = Orange
Floorplans (third digit)
1 (Blue) = Front Gaucho
2 (Red) = Front Dinette
3 (Purple) = Front Bath
David Tilston:...13-2300*609.'73?:Front Gaucho *2300 = imaginary
Referral:........13-614......'73?:Front Gaucho (C-channel Frame)
Referral:........13-1301321..'74: Front Gaucho
Referral:........13-1201409..'75?:Front Gaucho
Helga in NJ:.....13-1201479..'74: Front Gaucho
indigodave:......13-2202178..'74: Front Gaucho
Richard Hayes:...13-2202093..'74: Front Gaucho
Francis C:.......13-1102833..'75: Front Gaucho
Martins HeirCon:.13-1102981..'75: Front Gaucho (Feb '75)
trilliumdon:.....13-2203889..'72?:Front Gaucho
Booker B..:......13-1104446..'76: Front Gaucho
Reid Larsen:.....13 1104528..'78?:Front Gaucho
msinger919:......13-2204603..'76: Front Gaucho
Randy Bishop:....13-1104633..'76: Front Gaucho
michael 01:......13-2204850..'76: Front Gaucho
Randy Bishop:....13-1105016..'76: Front Gaucho
Noreen Bradshaw:.13-1105085..'79?:Front Gaucho
Tot Breher:......13-1105687..'78: Front Gaucho
David Tilston: ..13-1105688..'77: Front 1/4 Bath
Spanke:..........13-2205863..'78: Front Gaucho
ndquiltlady:.....13-1106227..'79: Front full bath
Thinh:...........13-1116743..'80: Front Gaucho (almost dinette)
pogophile:.......13-1126837..'80: Front Gaucho (????)
unknown:..........45-1100180..'76?:Front Gaucho
Mikmay:...........45-1100477..'76: Front Gaucho
Randy Bishop:.....45-1100483..'78: Front Gaucho
Randy Bishop:.....45-1100661..'78: Front Gaucho
Chris McVeigh:....45-1100711..'78: Front Gaucho
Francesca Knowles:45-1100758..'78: Front Gaucho
Scot M:...........45-1100893..'78: Front Gaucho
LucilleL:.........45-1100902..'78: Front Gaucho
Randy Bishop:.....45-1100914..'79: Front Gaucho
David Tilston:....45-1100980..'78: Front Gaucho
David Tilston:....45-1101043..'78: Front Gaucho
Referral:.........45-1101073..'78?:Front Full Bath
Referral:.........45-1121172..'79: Front Dinette (assumed)
Reid Larsen:......45-1101273..'79: Front Gaucho (almost dinette)
Rick G:...........45-1111316..'80: Front Dinette
Roy in TO:........45-1111339..'79: Front Gaucho (almost dinette)
Randy Bishop:.....45-1131567..'80: Front Full Bath
Noreen Bradshaw:..45-1121733..'81: Front Dinette
Kathy & Doug Roach:.55-3300052
Janice M:...........55-3300098
nick c:.............55-3320142
OscarD:.............JU3300160...'79: Front Gaucho
Current 1300
Roger C H:..........1T9BV131695(S?)948127..'08 Front?
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