Serial numbers on a Trillium - Page 37 - Fiberglass RV
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Old 01-11-2022, 05:37 PM   #721
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Name: Dave W
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I look forward to your thread.
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Old 01-14-2022, 04:33 PM   #722
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Name: Peter
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Information on Rebuilding a Trillium or Boler Trailer.

Hi my name is Peter, I Used to tell some of you different things about RV'ing or send you trailers for sale in Canada but someone here did not like that and made it impossible for me to load pictures.
Your US Dollar in Canada kills our Canuck Buck all the heck and gone, our dollar against your dollar is around a 60 to 70 cent loss where as your dollar can be anywhere a $1.20 to $1.35 greater,s0 when shopping in Canada you can save a lot of money and if you have to take a Taxi up here they have to pay you the differnce less 5 cents on each dollar to transfer your money back to Canadian in the Bank.
Now Dave told me that I cannot email info to you Folks that I have to to a special Link so here goes on the info someone was looking for:I your going to be RVing from say 30 year olds then you should buy one Lithium 12V battery, you will be surprised at all the Benifits your going to get from that battery. But too get to what someone was asking the place to go for RV stuff is: Get Away RV and they are located at 33743 King Road, Abbotsford, BC toll Free is: 1-888-807-7878, if calling from Abbotsford area their Primary #604-853-0381 you might still have to put a 1 in front of the number. Hours as far as I can figure out are Monday to Friday 8:30AM to 5:30PM, Saturday 9AM tp 5PM. This company has been in Business since 1972 and they have 5 stars or 100% from their reviews. They sell or offer New and Used stuff for everyone, not sure if they sell Lithium Batteries? A few years ago my furnace reached the area where new parts were not available so I had to break down and get a new Furnace, which cost me just under $500 which I jumped at. I bought that Furnace at Get Away RV, picking up my New Furnace I got a chance back then to see all the wonderful parts they sell such as fridges, stove's sink's everything you would need to re-outfit and old trailer or build a brand new trailer or RV as I cannot name all the good items. The only language they speak here is English, I hope this has helped those looking for stuff in Canada as like I said your dollar is worth way more than ours, that goes for buying new RV's to. Your will have to excuse my spelling or typing mistakes as I whiz along at 45 works a minute faster than my computer goes as right now I'm having sight problems from my right eye which makes my left eye over work. I have a pressure problem in my right eye amongst other problems with it and I'm going to get Glasses so I can read a book once again as I have had this problem since 2018, dealing with a lot of different Eye doctors being a American one in Anchorage the first time but for him to fix it would of cost me $50,000 US dollars or more where as at home it was Free but would take a bit longer. When in Anchorage AK we did the ER there they they sent me to a Cple of specialists and that was not cheap in all I was looking at around $10,000 for about 20 minutes work.
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Old 03-14-2022, 03:48 PM   #723
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Name: Dave W
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Another, "Random immage" find:


Actually two of them:

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Old 03-14-2022, 04:40 PM   #724
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I have this 5500 (serial 55-3320125) listed in my registry. It's a "Deluxe" model.
Owner listed as "Skittles", from Surrey, BC.
Not sure if the inscription came from a FGRV member here or a Facebook group member.
Owner mentioned the trailer originally had orange stripes.
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Old 03-15-2022, 02:47 PM   #725
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Name: Dave W
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Another find:
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Old 03-16-2022, 01:28 AM   #726
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David Tliston

My Husband is not there mentally to answere anything these days as he had a small stroke & Lost some of or all of his memory.
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Old 05-08-2022, 03:08 PM   #727
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Thanks to Paul Barrett

The cabinet directly above the front gaucho is the work of Trillium / Outback. Likely, so is almost everything else.

Text from the ad:
Colour Green Year 1976
Attached Thumbnails
13-2204948-01.JPG   13-2204948-02.JPG  

13-2204948-03.JPG   13-2204948-04.JPG  

13-2204948-05.JPG   13-2204948-06.JPG  

13-2204948-07.JPG   13-2204948-08.JPG  

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Old 05-20-2022, 11:12 AM   #728
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Another random picture find:
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Old 06-06-2022, 08:06 AM   #729
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Trillium 1300 Year?

Hi - I realize this thread is 7 years old but I just purchased a trillium 1300 and am wondering if anyone can help me figure out what year it is?

VIN 13-1105697

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Old 06-06-2022, 12:07 PM   #730
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Originally Posted by Sam McCleave View Post
Hi - I realize this thread is 7 years old but I just purchased a trillium 1300 and am wondering if anyone can help me figure out what year it is?

VIN 13-1105697

Seven years! How the time flies.

My 1977 Trillium has the last four digits of 5688. Yours is only 9 higher. I'd say that 1977 is a good bet.
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Old 06-06-2022, 12:33 PM   #731
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Trillium 1300 year?

Originally Posted by Sam McCleave View Post
Hi - I realize this thread is 7 years old but I just purchased a trillium 1300 and am wondering if anyone can help me figure out what year it is?

VIN 13-1105697


Thank you!! I actually just got back from the licensing office and did a vehicle info check and you're right, it's 1977. Same vintage as me
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Old 06-08-2022, 07:59 PM   #732
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Name: Duane
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Serial numbers on a Trillum

Hi I just viewed the post on 1977 Trillums serial No.s my 1300 has a final four digets of 4007 titled as a 1976 in Nova Scotia. I do have a friend with a 1975 1300 (sorry I don't now the serial number) his has the electrical cord on the door side & mine is on the cupboard side. was this change made in 1976? Using the 5997 serial minus the 4007 serial on mine would indicate that 1990 were built in that period during 1976-77 . Does that seem to be a reasonable production for 2 years. There may be someone who can shed some light on this but to me I would think the serial numbers continue on consecutivly during that build time. Two different plants were used. I wonder if the 2 locations used the same series of serials . I know now why mine has the serial number stamped on the frame, a previous owner confirmed for me that he stamped the frame when the closet door was replaced and the paper sheet was gone along with the fiber board door from the factory. I did some research at the point of sale when the trailer was sold new and found the name of the original owner who bought it . For over 20 years it was on a seaside lot in the summer and not towed anymore than 10 miles a year to set it up. A very nice gentleman who is 88 years old was pleased to know his old Trillum is still in use today. He asked me if the doors he made were still there and I told him I made new ones of oak . These Trillium trailers are a bit of a mystery in some areas , I'm very glad to be able speak to the Gentleman on the phone who solved a mystery about my 1300. I will ask my friend what his serial number is on the 1975 ,I don't think he will object to my request.
I will enjoy my camper for as long as I can regardless ! Enjoy yours too ! Duane in New Brunswick
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Old 06-09-2022, 08:36 AM   #733
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Originally Posted by getaway1 View Post
Hi I just viewed the post on 1977 Trillums serial No.s my 1300 has a final four digets of 4007 titled as a 1976 in Nova Scotia. I do have a friend with a 1975 1300 (sorry I don't now the serial number) his has the electrical cord on the door side & mine is on the cupboard side. was this change made in 1976?
I have never noticed a Trillium with the electrical cord on the road side. I would speculate that the AC breaker is under the furnace in that case.
Originally Posted by getaway1 View Post
Using the 5997 serial minus the 4007 serial on mine would indicate that 1990 were built in that period during 1976-77 . Does that seem to be a reasonable production for 2 years.
Seems reasonable to me.
Originally Posted by getaway1 View Post
There may be someone who can shed some light on this but to me I would think the serial numbers continue on consecutivly during that build time. Two different plants were used. I wonder if the 2 locations used the same series of serials .
The factory moved at some point. I don't think Trilliums were made in two places at the same time. I have opperated under the assumption that the serial numbers for each model of Trillium were sequental.
Originally Posted by getaway1 View Post
I know now why mine has the serial number stamped on the frame, a previous owner confirmed for me that he stamped the frame when the closet door was replaced and the paper sheet was gone along with the fiber board door from the factory. I did some research at the point of sale when the trailer was sold new and found the name of the original owner who bought it . For over 20 years it was on a seaside lot in the summer and not towed anymore than 10 miles a year to set it up. A very nice gentleman who is 88 years old was pleased to know his old Trillum is still in use today. He asked me if the doors he made were still there and I told him I made new ones of oak . These Trillium trailers are a bit of a mystery in some areas , I'm very glad to be able speak to the Gentleman on the phone who solved a mystery about my 1300. I will ask my friend what his serial number is on the 1975 ,I don't think he will object to my request.
I will enjoy my camper for as long as I can regardless ! Enjoy yours too ! Duane in New Brunswick
It's nice to have this kind of history on your trailer.
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Old 07-14-2022, 10:07 PM   #734
Name: Jamie
Trailer: Trillium
Posts: 44
I have a 1978 Front Gaucho Trillium 1300. My memories would have put it a couple of years earlier but it's apparently a 78! 13-1105935
Original equipment doesn't indicate that it has a furnace but actually it does have one. Everything else on the form looks right. I know the original owners, my grandparents, its been in my family 3 generations.
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Old 07-26-2022, 08:18 PM   #735
Name: Jamie
Trailer: Trillium
Posts: 44
Adding pictures with more info -

Originally Posted by Jamie June View Post
I have a 1978 Front Gaucho Trillium 1300. My memories would have put it a couple of years earlier but it's apparently a 78! 13-1105935
Original equipment doesn't indicate that it has a furnace but actually it does have one. Everything else on the form looks right. I know the original owners, my grandparents, its been in my family 3 generations.

I have a 1978 Front Gaucho Trillium 1300. My memories would have put it a couple of years earlier but it's apparently a 78! 13-1105935
That number is the same as the one on the outer black plate that says " seller certifies to compliance this insignia remains property of the state of California Department of housing and community development"

There is another number to the left of the serial number on that tag. The number on the Oval "Electrical Plumbing Heating RVIA" tag outside is also a different number. Original equipment doesn't indicate that it has a furnace but actually it does have one that is the same Duo therm that everyone else had, if they had a heater, and we have the original manual for it. Everything else on the form looks right. I know the original owners, my grandparents, its been in my family 3 generations.

Quoting my own message to add a few pics with the info. Please feel free to merge the posts or delete one.
Attached Thumbnails
Door info.jpg   Trillium outer insignia.jpg  

IMG_2992.jpg   IMG_2964.jpg  

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Old 07-27-2022, 08:42 AM   #736
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Jamie, You have a very well equipped Trillium, kitchen window, shelves front and back, furnace, fridge, converter, fall prevention bar, all the options I think.

Thanks for providing the serial number. It is not readable in the picture. The RVIA number is not significant. Tom Young, (a former Trillium executive) says that they had a bin of them that they just pulled from at random.
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Old 07-27-2022, 12:30 PM   #737
Name: Jamie
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Originally Posted by David Tilston View Post
Jamie, You have a very well equipped Trillium, kitchen window, shelves front and back, furnace, fridge, converter, fall prevention bar, all the options I think.

Thanks for providing the serial number. It is not readable in the picture. The RVIA number is not significant. Tom Young, (a former Trillium executive) says that they had a bin of them that they just pulled from at random.

Yeah sorry not a great pic esp when it downsized but it's kind of hard to read in real life too! The number on the outside plaque is the same number. Nothing has really been upgraded on the camper since new, just kept operable. The original upholstery was, I think the brown plaid. Just trying to learn how everything works and make sure it's basically safe and will try to figure things out from there and upgrade/uppdate as needed. All I've done so far is replace the curtains from that pic and it's a big improvement already!
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Old 07-28-2022, 10:33 PM   #738
Name: Jamie
Trailer: Trillium
Posts: 44
Just wanted to share the ad my granddad saved!

Originally Posted by David Tilston View Post
Jamie, You have a very well equipped Trillium, kitchen window, shelves front and back, furnace, fridge, converter, fall prevention bar, all the options I think.

Thanks for providing the serial number. It is not readable in the picture. The RVIA number is not significant. Tom Young, (a former Trillium executive) says that they had a bin of them that they just pulled from at random.

My granddad saved the ad for the Trill he bought in CA almost exactly 44 years ago! It actually listed the last numbers as the serial #! I'll scan the sales brochures soon, they are pretty cool too.
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Old 08-01-2022, 03:35 PM   #739
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4500 circa 1978

new to me 4500
# 45-1100188
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Old 08-02-2022, 08:19 AM   #740
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Originally Posted by BPS View Post
new to me 4500
# 45-1100188
Thanks Bill!

Please also post pictures of the trailer. Ten or so would be fine. The original point of this thread was to assist people in identifying the year of their Trillium by the serial number. However, it is also helpful to tie that to pictures as well.

You trailer is about the 188th 4500 built.
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