04-29-2013, 06:04 AM
Junior Member
Name: Helga
Trailer: (formerly owned) trillium
New Jersey
Posts: 5
good morning David
my 74 13" trillium is green on the outside.( looks original) if gaucho is bunk beds. they were there. I took them out. will make permanent bed in rear. It's too much of an awkward lift to keep moving the table up and down. heater is out. My husband made pots/pans storage space and wood door in it's place. frig seems to work. We closed off door under front where porta potty was.
i just talked to someone yesterday about a white paint job to match my '08 Rav 4
i plan to make my own awning. I felt a little overwhelmed last week . It seemed like there was too much to do and patience is not my strong quality. Iplan to post before & after pictures by the end of the month.
Any suggestions on how to get old weather stripping off door.
04-29-2013, 09:48 AM
Senior Member
Name: Dave W
Trailer: Trillium 4500 - 1976, 1978, 1979, 1300 - 1977, and a 1973
Posts: 6,936
Originally Posted by Helga in NJ
Any suggestions on how to get old weather stripping off door.
I hear that Goo Gone works, but I have not had to do that job yet.
04-29-2013, 09:57 AM
Senior Member
Name: Dave W
Trailer: Trillium 4500 - 1976, 1978, 1979, 1300 - 1977, and a 1973
Posts: 6,936
Originally Posted by Min
I tend to think that mine is one of the "older" ones. It has a front gaucho, the fridge has been removed. I pulled the heater because it had started to rust out on the bottom.
Both the front and rear windows are one piece plastic. There is no window in the door, or above the stove/sink area.
Needless to say, I need to figure out a replacement for both front and back windows. They are both cracked!
There is no awning.
Min, Your trailer is truly a museum piece. As I have said, I think you trailer number, 136, is actually 13-6, or the sixth Trillium ever built. I am glad that you are putting the effort into restoring it. All the 1971, or earlier trailers had similar front and back windows. Also only two opening louvers on the side jalousy windows, as opposed to three, in later trailers. I will ad your trailer to the next revision of the list, as serial number, 13-6.
04-29-2013, 11:27 AM
Senior Member
Name: Dave W
Trailer: Trillium 4500 - 1976, 1978, 1979, 1300 - 1977, and a 1973
Posts: 6,936
Exterior (first digit) and Interior (second digit) Colours
1 (Black) = Colonial White (for Francesca)
2 (Green) = Green
3 (Orange) = Orange
Floorplans (third digit)
1 (Blue) = Front Gaucho
2 (Red) = Front Dinette
3 (Purple) = Front Bath
Min:.............13-6........'69?:Front Gaucho
O2sat:...........13-74.......'71?:Front Gaucho
David Tilston:...13-2300*609.'73?:Front Gaucho *2300 = imaginary
Referral:........13-614......'73?:Front Gaucho (C-channel Frame)
Referral:........13-1301321..'74: Front Gaucho
Referral:........13-1201409..'75?:Front Gaucho
Helga in NJ:.....13-1201479..'74: Front Gaucho
indigodave:......13-2202178..'74: Front Gaucho
Richard Hayes:...13-2202093..'74: Front Gaucho
Unknowen:........13-2202779..'75?:Front Gaucho
Francis C:.......13-1102833..'75: Front Gaucho
Martins HeirCon:.13-1102981..'75: Front Gaucho (Feb '75)
trilliumdon:.....13-2203889..'72?:Front Gaucho
Booker B..:......13-1104446..'76: Front Gaucho
Reid Larsen:.....13 1104528..'78?:Front Gaucho
msinger919:......13-2204603..'76: Front Gaucho
Randy Bishop:....13-1104633..'76: Front Gaucho
michael 01:......13-2204850..'76: Front Gaucho
Randy Bishop:....13-1105016..'76: Front Gaucho
Noreen Bradshaw:.13-1105085..'79?:Front Gaucho
Tot Breher:......13-1105687..'78: Front Gaucho
David Tilston: ..13-1105688..'77: Front 1/4 Bath
Spanke:..........13-2205863..'78: Front Gaucho
Larry C Hanson:..13-1105953..'78: Front Gaucho
ndquiltlady:.....13-1106227..'79: Front full bath
Thinh:...........13-1116743..'80: Front Gaucho (almost dinette)
pogophile:.......13-1126837..'80: Front Gaucho (????)
unknown:..........45-1100180..'76?:Front Gaucho
Mikmay:...........45-1100477..'76: Front Gaucho
Randy Bishop:.....45-1100483..'78: Front Gaucho
Randy Bishop:.....45-1100661..'78: Front Gaucho
Chris McVeigh:....45-1100711..'78: Front Gaucho
Francesca Knowles:45-1100758..'78: Front Gaucho
Scot M:...........45-1100893..'78: Front Gaucho
LucilleL:.........45-1100902..'78: Front Gaucho
Randy Bishop:.....45-1100914..'79: Front Gaucho
David Tilston:....45-1100980..'78: Front Gaucho
David Tilston:....45-1101043..'78: Front Gaucho
Referral:.........45-1101073..'78?:Front Full Bath
Referral:.........45-1121172..'79: Front Dinette (assumed)
Reid Larsen:......45-1101273..'79: Front Gaucho (almost dinette)
Rick G:...........45-1111316..'80: Front Dinette
Roy in TO:........45-1111339..'79: Front Gaucho (almost dinette)
Randy Bishop:.....45-1131567..'80: Front Full Bath
Noreen Bradshaw:..45-1121733..'81: Front Dinette
Kathy & Doug Roach:.55-3300052
Janice M:...........55-3300098
nick c:.............55-3320142
OscarD:.............JU3300160...'79: Front Gaucho
Current 1300
Roger C H:..........1T9BV131695(S?)948127..'08 Front?
04-29-2013, 12:37 PM
Senior Member
Name: Francesca Knowles
Trailer: '78 Trillium 4500
Jefferson County, Washington State, U.S.A.
Posts: 4,670
Wow- all names are linked to the Owner profiles!
You da man, David!
...............  ..................
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04-29-2013, 02:40 PM
Senior Member
Name: Dave W
Trailer: Trillium 4500 - 1976, 1978, 1979, 1300 - 1977, and a 1973
Posts: 6,936
Originally Posted by Francesca Knowles
Wow- all names are linked to the Owner profiles!
You da man, David!
I had an idea to link the trailers to their profiles as well, but that will wait till the next revision.
05-03-2013, 12:19 AM
Senior Member
Name: Dave W
Trailer: Trillium 4500 - 1976, 1978, 1979, 1300 - 1977, and a 1973
Posts: 6,936
Also for the next revision.
Note that the date sticker says 1973, where I would call this a 1974, as does the owner.
05-03-2013, 10:50 AM
Senior Member
Name: Francesca Knowles
Trailer: '78 Trillium 4500
Jefferson County, Washington State, U.S.A.
Posts: 4,670
Originally Posted by David Tilston
If the date sticker says 1973, why is it being called a 1974?
...............  ..................
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05-03-2013, 11:33 AM
Senior Member
Name: Dave W
Trailer: Trillium 4500 - 1976, 1978, 1979, 1300 - 1977, and a 1973
Posts: 6,936
Originally Posted by Francesca Knowles
If the date sticker says 1973, why is it being called a 1974?
I am glad that you asked this question. Everything I use to date a Trillium says that this is a 1974, (in this case the shape of the logo, and the claim of the owner). Many of the 1973 features are there as well: single door closet, large gutter around the hatches in the seats.
I suspect that the date of manufacture sticker is exactly that. As Rodre said, they made them quite a bit before they sold them. I would have to change all the years of each of the trailers to match the manufactured date sticker, which is on a small minority of the trailers. This would imply that Martins HeirCon's trailer may be a 1976, according to the date convention that I am using. I am really hoping this will become much more clear as more serial numbers are listed.
I had an idea to add an options time line as well. To identify in what years various features appeared. Like:
When did the furnace style change?
When did the over head shelves become an option, (in either fibreglass, or aluminum and wood)?
What year were what model fridges installed?
When did the front dinette fibreglass become standard?
This is just in the planning stages. I don't even know what format I will use.
05-03-2013, 11:41 AM
Senior Member
Name: Francesca Knowles
Trailer: '78 Trillium 4500
Jefferson County, Washington State, U.S.A.
Posts: 4,670
I asked because I thought this thread is meant at least in part to help decipher what the numbers mean, in which case it seems important to me that they be entered exactly as printed on the sheet. The anomalies mentioned could be simply noted.
Since we still don't know what all the numbers mean, it seems possible that an explanation might eventually emerge. The key to the anomalies themselves might even be revealed!
...............  ..................
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05-03-2013, 01:30 PM
Junior Member
Name: lloyd
Trailer: trillium 4500
Posts: 6
I recently bought a 1977 4500 trillium. s/n 45-1100427 it has the front bunk beds, all appliances in good shape. found in a farm yard in Nebraska. only had to pay $500.00 for it. in just a couple weeks I've learned a lot on this site. thanks
Lloyd Cox
05-03-2013, 01:32 PM
Senior Member
Name: Dave W
Trailer: Trillium 4500 - 1976, 1978, 1979, 1300 - 1977, and a 1973
Posts: 6,936
Originally Posted by Francesca Knowles
I asked because I thought this thread is meant at least in part to help decipher what the numbers mean, in which case it seems important to me that they be entered exactly as printed on the sheet. The anomalies mentioned could be simply noted.
Since we still don't know what all the numbers mean, it seems possible that an explanation might eventually emerge. The key to the anomalies themselves might even be revealed!
I don't think there are any anomalies. Trillium had a large stocking program. They made trailers before they were ordered. They probably added any required options as they sold each trailer. I once worked for a gas field compressor manufacturer that did the same thing. It kept the employees busy in the slow season.
What do you suggest? Should the numbers reflect the year that the owners claim, the year that the trailer was purchased? Or the year that the trailer was manufactured? If you told this person that the year of their trailer was 1973, you would be at odds with every other owner who bought in the same year. I think I will keep it as the year sold, the year that the owners would believe it to be. Otherwise, would require too much speculation for the trailers that don't have this sticker, (most of them). The note added will be the date on the manufactured sticker. There are only two that have that data so far.
05-03-2013, 01:38 PM
Senior Member
Name: Dave W
Trailer: Trillium 4500 - 1976, 1978, 1979, 1300 - 1977, and a 1973
Posts: 6,936
Originally Posted by lloyd
I recently bought a 1977 4500 trillium. s/n 45-1100427 it has the front bunk beds, all appliances in good shape. found in a farm yard in Nebraska. only had to pay $500.00 for it. in just a couple weeks I've learned a lot on this site. thanks
Lloyd Cox
Lloyd, First, let me say that other than inheriting, you have made the best deal I have yet heard of. If your trailer is in good shape, it would sell for around $5000 in Calgary. Ummm.... if I do my math correctly, that would be ten times what you paid for it.
Now, your mission, should you choose to accept it, is to post pictures of your trailer. I would appreciate it if you link from this thread to where ever you post those pictures. Your trailer will be added to the list in the next revision.
05-03-2013, 01:46 PM
Junior Member
Name: lloyd
Trailer: trillium 4500
Posts: 6
i'll get some pics up soon. when my wife and I left this farmhouse with this fiberglass house in tow we could not believe how lucky we got. it hadn't been used since 2000 and someone took great care of it.
05-03-2013, 01:48 PM
Senior Member
Name: Dave W
Trailer: Trillium 4500 - 1976, 1978, 1979, 1300 - 1977, and a 1973
Posts: 6,936
Originally Posted by lloyd
i'll get some pics up soon. when my wife and I left this farmhouse with this fiberglass house in tow we could not believe how lucky we got. it hadn't been used since 2000 and someone took great care of it.
I'm not normally a jealous person, but.....wow.
05-04-2013, 10:32 PM
Senior Member
Name: Dave W
Trailer: Trillium 4500 - 1976, 1978, 1979, 1300 - 1977, and a 1973
Posts: 6,936
05-07-2013, 09:00 PM
Junior Member
Trailer: 1979 Trillium 4500
Posts: 13
Here's another 4500. My trailer is the front bench, wish it was a dinette. the serial # is 45-1121592.
05-07-2013, 09:21 PM
Junior Member
Trailer: 1979 Trillium 4500
Posts: 13
oops.... that serial number is for a 4500 I wanted to buy (and it was the front dinette). My trailer # is 45-1100329.
05-07-2013, 10:01 PM
Junior Member
Name: tom
Trailer: trillium
british columbia
Posts: 3
trillium s/n's
I have a trillium trailer 1300 built in 1973 , s/n 13-120-1133, I think it's all original, all louvered windows ,front bunks, and a rm183 fridg. everything works fine, it has a square tubular frame with no rust. and the u/c is torsion bar and rides fine. green inside , ivory outside. when did they start manufacture?
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