YUP the two trailer shells are Escapes advertising signage. They occasionally need to be taken to the shop to be revamped as the cows like to play with them - there was up until last year a shell of the Escape 5th wheel out there as well but I think the cows did a big number on it!
Saw what I think was a Casita at 2:30 PM today between Siloam Springs, Ark.
and Tontitown, Ark. heading East on Hiway 412. I was heading West. The markings
were blue to me.
Now that I'm starting to spot them here, I'm assuming the snow birds are migrating.LOL
North Oregon Coast...In Warrenton Costco parking lot... Saw a nice combo of a white Suburban(?) towing a cute ~16ft(?) BigFoot trailer.
...keep your one good eye peeled for us at that Costco. We frequent Warrington at least once yearly, especially to take part in their July 4th parade...!
Apended pic is of us staging for the parade 2 cars behind the Mayors float driven by some car people friends of ours, Sonny an Diane.
...keep your one good eye peeled for us at that Costco. We frequent Warrington at least once yearly, especially to take part in their July 4th parade...!..Sonny an Diane.
Yea fun times that parade. & We were right next door to Sonny and Diane for ~20 years with the kids growing up. We've probably met if you've visited them at their home on Anchor.
Yea fun times that parade. & We were right next door to Sonny and Diane for ~20 years with the kids growing up. We've probably met if you've visited them at their home on Anchor.
...so then this scene should be very familiar to you???
...so then this scene should be very familiar to you???
YUP...from our back porch!
from right up about where i took this picture of our TACO back in ~2010...
The elk finally got the last of the plums from those lower trees to the left of the cars in your picture. Sonny just planted some new fruit trees just up the hill with lattice to fend off all but the most stubborn _visitors_.
Saw what looked to be a 16' Scamp with a side bath, parked at Zion, 10/25/13 Friday afternoon around 2:00. Mentioned to my better half that is exactly the model we're going to get. I should have pulled in for a closer look. It looked great though!
Saw a pair of 16/17' Casitas today. May or may not have been traveling together. They were less than a quarter mile apart, westbound on I-30 near mile marker 51 in SW Arkansas. Around noon or a little later. Didn't see the tow vehicles well enough to identify. Wife & I were returning from a teardrop gathering at Lake Bistineau SP. LA. We were eastbound on I-30 driving a red Toyota Tacoma 4-dr towing a silver teardrop...
I seen a Casita with silver/ gray van TV, south of Athens, Al. Parked in overnight spot Swan Creek Mobilehome / RV park. Too late to say hello 11:00 pm.