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Old 06-20-2014, 08:41 PM   #2841
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Name: Steven
Trailer: 1985 Scamp
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Saw two scamps in two different driveways in Glenwood Springs, Colorado. A 16 and 13 footer. Then a fifthwheel scamp in Rifle Colorado in a car wash just last week. Three in one weekend!
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Old 06-21-2014, 12:03 AM   #2842
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Trailer: Casita
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Saw a Surfside parked at a small man made lake in ND, called Tolna Dam. It was along highway 15 near Tolna, ND. Stopped and talked with them. They were from Minot, ND. Hadn't had the unit too long. It was a 79 I think. They had gotten it recently for only $1300. Steal. Told them about the FB website.
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Old 06-21-2014, 08:31 AM   #2843
Melanie B in NC's Avatar
Name: Melanie
Trailer: Lil Snoozy "Marigold"
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I am impressed by the way you folks can tell one little trailer from the next. Our Lil Snoozy is pretty obvious, but I can't tell the type of the others when we pass by on the highway so quick. All I can tell is "little squarish trailer". Hopefully, with time and experience we will be able to identify each one. I guess the main problem is we have not seen any of the close up - just passing by on the road. I am too busy telling my DH to "pay attention to the traffic and stop ogling the trailer"! Our experience in campgrounds (only since late last fall) has been limited to big rigs (those monster Class A) and lots of big Class C, etc. We have seen a few smaller stick builts (is that the correct term). But no Casitas, Scamps, etc. Are they all in Florida and out west?
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Old 06-21-2014, 08:56 AM   #2844
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Originally Posted by Melanie B in NC View Post
I am impressed by the way you folks can tell one little trailer from the next. Our Lil Snoozy is pretty obvious, but I can't tell the type of the others when we pass by on the highway so quick. All I can tell is "little squarish trailer". Hopefully, with time and experience we will be able to identify each one. I guess the main problem is we have not seen any of the close up - just passing by on the road. I am too busy telling my DH to "pay attention to the traffic and stop ogling the trailer"! Our experience in campgrounds (only since late last fall) has been limited to big rigs (those monster Class A) and lots of big Class C, etc. We have seen a few smaller stick builts (is that the correct term). But no Casitas, Scamps, etc. Are they all in Florida and out west?
Me too! I can only tell when I see a name I know is an egg, and I sure don't know all of them. I'm also always amazed nobody ever sees us, but I guess it is really only a few folks (relatively) that frequent this forum, and there's not that many eggs on the road at any given time?


2012 ParkLiner #006
2013 4wd 4 door F150 3.5L Ecoboost with 9200# tow package
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Old 06-23-2014, 09:19 PM   #2845
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Name: Adrian
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Saw a 13ft Scamp behind a red Forester with Colorado plates, just west of Marquette MI eastbound on Hwy 41 about 5:30 today.
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Old 06-23-2014, 10:24 PM   #2846
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Originally Posted by Melanie B in NC View Post
I am impressed by the way you folks can tell one little trailer from the next. Our Lil Snoozy is pretty obvious, but I can't tell the type of the others when we pass by on the highway so quick. All I can tell is "little squarish trailer". Hopefully, with time and experience we will be able to identify each one. I guess the main problem is we have not seen any of the close up - just passing by on the road. I am too busy telling my DH to "pay attention to the traffic and stop ogling the trailer"! Our experience in campgrounds (only since late last fall) has been limited to big rigs (those monster Class A) and lots of big Class C, etc. We have seen a few smaller stick builts (is that the correct term). But no Casitas, Scamps, etc. Are they all in Florida and out west?
When you go to RV resorts you're going to see large expensive RVs, when you go to National Forests and National Parks you'll see smaller, less expansive trailers. No hookups usually mean smaller RVs.
Byron & Anne enjoying the everyday Saturday thing.
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Old 06-24-2014, 12:02 AM   #2847
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Name: Mark
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Light green 13' trillium pulled by a dark grey SUV. Heading east on highway #1 in Vancouver BC around 11am today.
1969 Boler
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Old 06-24-2014, 08:02 AM   #2848
Trailer: 1981 Trillium 5500
Posts: 51
Tiny Perris Pacer (couldn't read logo above front window - very faded). Parked at remote campground in Prewett, Montana. Saw it 6/22/14. Unit all cream color, little round rear lights. Nobody home.
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Old 06-24-2014, 11:42 AM   #2849
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Just saw an Escape fifth wheel headed west on l-40, east of Asheville, NC
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Old 06-24-2014, 11:46 AM   #2850
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Name: Frank
Trailer: 2012 ParkLiner #006
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Cool. Asheville is such a beautiful community. We really need to get down there one of these days!

I will be towing 006 to Gibsonville Friday & Saturday the 18th and 19th of July, so I'll get to see some of NC. We were at the Outer Banks back in May.

2012 ParkLiner #006
2013 4wd 4 door F150 3.5L Ecoboost with 9200# tow package
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Old 06-24-2014, 12:11 PM   #2851
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Saturday 6/21, saw a Casita (looked to be 16') being pulled by a white TV heading south into Clifton Forge as we were headed north to Douthat SP.
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Old 06-25-2014, 11:22 AM   #2852
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Originally Posted by Melanie B in NC View Post
I am impressed by the way you folks can tell one little trailer from the next. Our Lil Snoozy is pretty obvious, but I can't tell the type of the others when we pass by on the highway so quick. All I can tell is "little squarish trailer". Hopefully, with time and experience we will be able to identify each one. I guess the main problem is we have not seen any of the close up - just passing by on the road. I am too busy telling my DH to "pay attention to the traffic and stop ogling the trailer"! Our experience in campgrounds (only since late last fall) has been limited to big rigs (those monster Class A) and lots of big Class C, etc. We have seen a few smaller stick builts (is that the correct term). But no Casitas, Scamps, etc. Are they all in Florida and out west?
Melanie, we're with you. We can count the fiberglass eggs we've spotted on one hand. Very rare here in the midwest too. I can tell the difference between Bolers, Trilliums, Scamps, Casitas, U-hauls and Burros, but only because I've seen so many pictures on this forum. Most of our long distance driving is on Interstates. Maybe most folks stick to back roads and two lane highways? If you look at the locations listed below the avatars, it would seem like a high percentage are out on the left coast, especially the PNW and the western Canadian provinces. By this time next year we'll have a couple rallies under our belt and will hopefully be better different trailers.

Speaking of avatars, We like yours a lot. Is that a Rattie? Could be a Toy Fox Terrier. Can't tell by the little picture. We have a Mini Rat Terrorist and are looking forward to taking her camping. Have fun.

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Old 06-25-2014, 11:32 AM   #2853
Melanie B in NC's Avatar
Name: Melanie
Trailer: Lil Snoozy "Marigold"
Posts: 92
TomK - my avatar is Charlie (AKC Half-A-Harley) - a Toy Fox Terrier - 5 1/2 pounds. It is true that Rat Terriers look very similar - the ears are a bit different and they are a big bigger. I like your name Mini Rat Terrorist - the terrier component adds quite an edge to their personalities. We have taken Charlie with us on all trips since he arrived here 2 years ago (he was age 1 year at that time). He does great except any situation involving another dog - the "terrorist" part comes out then. So we avoid them as much as possible. He fits well in a Snoozy and would be a good size for any of the FGRV units. We must go to one of the egg rallies before too long in order to get a really good fix on all these types of FG campers. I would like to be able to say: Hey, there goes a Casita (or Scamp, etc).!
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Old 06-25-2014, 12:48 PM   #2854
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Name: Tom
Trailer: Scamp 16
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I'm hoping after we pick our Scamp up, we'll start spotting more fiberglass trailers. Did you ever notice how many cars you spot just like your's when you get a new one?

Our Rattie, Piper is 3 y.o. and weighs 8 lbs. She appears taller and thinner than yours and runs like the wind. She is afraid of smaller dogs and tries to fight larger ones. I'd send you a picture, but I'm afraid when everyone saw how cute she was, it would totally hi-jack this thread and I would get in trouble.

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Old 06-25-2014, 12:56 PM   #2855
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Trailer: 2012 ParkLiner #006
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You guys are funny. We have a 2 year old Schnoodle (Buckley), who goes everywhere with us. He's all of about 14#s. In this pic he's helping Gail drive our F150 hauling the ParkLiner weekend before last to Allegany State Park (NY). He's a great companion!

2012 ParkLiner #006
2013 4wd 4 door F150 3.5L Ecoboost with 9200# tow package
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Old 06-25-2014, 03:13 PM   #2856
Melanie B in NC's Avatar
Name: Melanie
Trailer: Lil Snoozy "Marigold"
Posts: 92
Maybe we need to start another thread with our furry friends pictures and an explanation of what type of camper we have. Someone has probably already done this. I don't wnat to get my knuckles rapped for pulling this one off topic. (By the way, snoodles are great dogs). Back to sightings of campers!!
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Old 06-25-2014, 04:21 PM   #2857
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Saw a Casita being pulled by a red or burgundy pickup with a cap going south on I-87 in NYS south of Albany between the New Baltimore and Catskill exits about 4:10 this afternoon. That is a beautiful stretch of highway, as it goes through the northern Catskills.

2012 ParkLiner #006
2013 4wd 4 door F150 3.5L Ecoboost with 9200# tow package
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Old 06-28-2014, 09:41 AM   #2858
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Just saw a Scamp 13 headed west on I-90 just west of Buffalo towed by a black SUV.

2012 ParkLiner #006
2013 4wd 4 door F150 3.5L Ecoboost with 9200# tow package
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Old 06-30-2014, 07:24 AM   #2859
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Yesterday we saw another Scamp 13 being pulled by a red SUV. This time we were heading east on I-90, and saw them heading west about 60 miles west of Albany about 2:50 p.m.

So two days on the road, at least 10 if not 12 hours (mostly I-90), I saw only two eggs...

2012 ParkLiner #006
2013 4wd 4 door F150 3.5L Ecoboost with 9200# tow package
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Old 07-01-2014, 06:13 PM   #2860
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Name: Peter
Trailer: Escape
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Saw a scamp standard 19 being towed by a silver dodge Dakota at Walmart on Arsenal St in Watertown NY. Second time I've seen it in about a week.

Sent from my iPhone using Fiberglass RV
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