04-06-2006, 06:11 PM
Senior Member
Trailer: 1994 Lil Bigfoot and 1967 Traveleze Royal Traveler
Posts: 184
Today at 0640 in Vancouver, WA, Southbound on I-5 stuck in the pre-rushhour slowdown just north of the I-5 Bridge: A late-model Bigfoot, probably a 17.5', behind a fullsize red pickup.
That's a little vague, but I was merginng northbound, dodging an idiot, and spotting the egg across 6 lanes of traffic. At the time I was pretty impressed with myself.
04-10-2006, 12:54 PM
Trailer: 1994 19 ft Scamp 19 ft 5th Wheel
Posts: 62
Did you have your new 5th Wheel Scamp in Tucson on Sunday, March 30th on Eastbound Broadway at Harrison Road. You were driving a 4-door white pickup, and I really admired the shiny finish on your fiver.
Especially since I was on my way to work on mine, and boy, does it need spiffing up after setting for a while.
Hope you enjoyed your desert visit.
Judy N
04-11-2006, 12:33 PM
Junior Member
Trailer: 2003 19 ft Scamp 19 ft 5th Wheel Deluxe
Posts: 8
We just returned from a trip through the midwest from IL to TX and then TN. On the way down to TX we saw 2 fivers. Then while parked at the KOA in West, TX (just north of Waco) we saw 2 more fivers drive by on northbound I-35. Had a lovely visit with a Casita owner while at the KOA there and they toured our 5er. On the way to TN from TX we sighted yet another 5er on the interstate.
Then while visiting the Chattanooga area we saw 3 more Scamps and Casitas. These were seen while taking in the sights through our binoculars and no vehicles were with the trailers. We also gave 3 more tours of the 5er while in Chattanooga. Wish we had been able to identify vehicles but all sightings were so brief we never could tell what kind or color of vehicle was pulling the fivers. But what great fun to see so many of us out there.
Debbie and Glen
04-11-2006, 07:38 PM
Trailer: 1978 Boler 13 ft
Posts: 74
this morning in the walmart parking lot in Athens, AL I saw a 70's boler from Canada (couldnt tell where).
it was being pulled by a crown vic or something like that.
sorry i didnt get all the info.......it was 530 AM and i think i was still waking up.
04-11-2006, 08:44 PM
Trailer: Boler 13 ft 1972
Posts: 79
1970 Boler from Ontario parked near us at a KOA in Savannah, Georgia. Two nice folks we met up with, checked out each others renovations, and agreed that fiberglass was great. They didn't know about fiberglass rv, so we clued them in. I hope to see them in the forums soon.
04-12-2006, 08:54 AM
Senior Member
Trailer: 2004 Bigfoot 17 ft ('Beastie')
Posts: 564
Spotted a Casita in CA yesterday, doesn't happen to me very often. I beeped and waved, but I think they thought I was harassing them. Newer 17 behind a white Tundra with a topper and Nevada plates going south on 49 between Jackson and Angels Camp. I think they were probably trying to escape the rain.
04-12-2006, 10:31 PM
Junior Member
Trailer: 1977 Trillium 13 ft
Posts: 13
I was driving highway 8 from Steelville, MO to Potosi and spotted a 16' Scamp
04-18-2006, 10:48 AM
Junior Member
Trailer: 1979 14 ft Surfside
Posts: 18
We saw a 13' Scamp (looked like an older model) towed by a small-ish pick up truck on Sunday, April 16, heading up Camino del Rio in Durango, CO--it was very exciting, because other than our little guy, this was the first time we have seen one out in the wild!
04-21-2006, 10:52 PM
Trailer: 87 Casita Liberty Deluxe (restored)
Posts: 38
Today in Fredricksburg,TX saw a mid 80's 16' Casita with a canoe over white pickup.
04-22-2006, 02:48 PM
Senior Member
Trailer: 1985 17 ft Burro
Posts: 135
At around 3:30pm a 13' Burro pulled by a small dark gray pickup with cab, going North on 23 in/through/past Hartland, Michigan. Hello!
04-23-2006, 08:01 PM
Trailer: Casita Deluxe
Posts: 45
Today in Reno, Nevada... on I-80W - A van pulling a small Boler - I tried to speed up to wave, but you got off Exit 3
Hope you're having a fun and safe trip!!!
04-24-2006, 12:10 AM
Trailer: Fiber Stream 1978 / Honda Odyssey LX 2003
Posts: 8,225
As I was towing my Fiber Stream west on I-10, east of Tucson, AZ, someone merged right behind me headed west also, towing a 16' Scamp.  Then we fell in behind a Military convoy going 50 mph.  I passed them doing 55 mph, but you stayed behing them.
Frederick - The Scaleman
04-30-2006, 08:46 AM
Senior Member
Trailer: 2005 17 ft Casita Freedom Deluxe
Posts: 315
It was a goood week for Egg spotting. 27th April on I95 south at the VA-NC line a Castia from NJ Then As i was leaveing Little Talbot island I stumbled by Linda And Dick Freed out campting with thier Scamp on the trip back to PA.. as i was leaveing them i spotted the roof top of a Trillum 1300 tuck away in the trees after a short walk i found Caolyn and Terry Brophy from Onterio playing the part fo your l ocal campground host. They had not head of this site before our meeting. They are going to give Emily a go this July.
Nice trip except for the skeeter and horse fly bites and the 3rd orginial goodyear blowing out
17 months 3 dead goodyear might be worth a second trip to Cananda to buy another Towmax tire lol
05-07-2006, 07:06 AM
Senior Member
Trailer: 1991 16 ft Casita Freedom Deluxe
Posts: 250
I attended the Hosstraders Hamfest at the Hopkinton fairgrounds in NH on Friday and Saturday. I saw a 13' Scamp and a 16' Scamp there - were they board members?
73 DE Lee KB1GNI
05-08-2006, 09:10 PM
Senior Member
Trailer: 2005 13 ft Trillium Outback
Posts: 282
I've been out and about and found some travelors.
May 5th I spotted a 17' Casita east bound on I40 in Arkansas at MM 238 at about 1PM.
May 6th I hit a small jackpot. I snuck up on Gary (said he is on the forum), wife, and 2 fur kids on their way home with their new 16' at the east bound rest area on I20 at mm 608 in Texas. As I was pulling out of the rest area there was a 16' in hte west bound rest area. Latter in the day I spotted a West bound 17' Casita on I20 at mm 73 in Louisiana.
2005 Trillium Outback w/ 30" tongue extension
1989 Award 730, 30'
2003 PT Cruiser
1998 K2500 Chevy Silverado 6.5 Turbo Diesel, 4X4, ext cab, short bed
05-12-2006, 10:46 AM
Senior Member
Trailer: Scamp 16 ft Side Bath
Posts: 705
 Hi Everyone - it is wonderful to have (more) consistent access to the 'net & therefore, this great Forum!
May 11th - Interstate 80 east of Reno, NV (around Patrick) - nice shiny Casita w/dark green (I think) tug headed EB. Hope you're having a good trip!
Had a pretty good list of sightings during our winter travels in the Southwest, but when unpacking began, it got lost in the mountain of 'stuff' disgorged from our 10 ft. house!
Hope Spring has sprung wherever you are, and wish everyone safe travels & wonderful memories. Looking forward to our trip to Bullard's Beach in July!
Regards, L 'n D
“Imagination is everything. It is the preview of life's coming attractions.” A. Einstein
05-12-2006, 12:06 PM
Senior Member
Trailer: Boler (B1700RGH) 1979
Posts: 5,002
My first Scamp! (in real life, not just photos)
At an Edmonton-area Safeway supermarket on May 11: a Scamp 13'; behind a Honda Element with a Thule roof box and a New York license plate. With the roof box, the tug is taller than the trailer!
I chatted briefly with the owner, who bought the trailer new recently and had already been from New York, through the south via Texas, up the west coast to British Columbia, deep into the BC interior (Prince George), and across the Yellowhead highway into Alberta.
Scamps are relatively rare around here, and probably in Canada in general. On the other hand, while there are probably dozens of 13' Bolers and Trilliums in the Edmonton area, the Scamp owner had never seen one.
1979 Boler B1700RGH, pulled by 2004 Toyota Sienna LE 2WD
Information is good. Lack of information is not so good, but misinformation is much worse. Check facts, and apply common sense liberally.
STATUS: No longer active in forum.
05-18-2006, 08:33 PM
Trailer: 1993 13 ft Scamp Custom Deluxe (a true 'Dream House'!)
Posts: 99
On May 7th, we had a glimpse of a Scamp 16' in VIDALIA, Ga! You know - Thuh unyun capitl ah thu wurl.
Imagine our surprise! (of course, we were there with our Scamp, too!  )
Anyone here?
05-19-2006, 08:42 PM
Senior Member
Trailer: 1972 Boler American and 1979 Trillium 4500
Posts: 5,141
10 + hrs. on the road today 2 pick up our first egg. Not a single sighting
05-20-2006, 07:14 PM
Senior Member
Trailer: Outfitter Caribou 6.5 ft Truck Camper
Posts: 212
Right here in Imperial Beach, CA---spotted a Trilluim parked by the estuary ---the south strand. Tow vehicle---dark green Lincoln Town Car, California License Plates and plate holder from Hemet.
Was it you
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