07-14-2009, 09:38 PM
Junior Member
Trailer: Oliver Legacy
Posts: 6
Going north to Eureka, CA today, two Casitas and one Bigfoot passed us going North. Missed towed vehicles. Guessing they are heading to Oregon to the Rally.
07-14-2009, 10:38 PM
Senior Member
Trailer: 1981 13 ft Scamp / Nissan Titan
Posts: 1,852
The Stealth Scamp has slipped through again!!!
We've been enroute to the Oregon Gathering since June 26th from PHX to San Diego and all the way up the coast and no one has spotted us! Three plus years, 10K miles and the cloaking device I installed is working great.
Sightings from tomorrow thru next week don't count as everyone will know where we're at. After that, catch us if you can!
07-15-2009, 08:38 AM
Senior Member
Trailer: 2002 16 ft Scamp
Posts: 614
Saturday, July 11 & Sunday, July 12 - Trillium (I think) at NPS Frisco campground; Never did see the owners
Sunday, July 12
13' Scamp ("Escape Pod" lettered on rear) on Hwy 64 in Manteo, NC. Played follow the leader for 125 miles to Tarboro, NC
07-16-2009, 05:21 PM
Trailer: Bigfoot Rear Queen 25 ft
Posts: 346
July 13th we were heading east on 12 toward Yakima and a Casita was pulled over to the side west bound. We honked.....they waved back as we passed.
July 13 between Yakima and Pendelton on 84 a variety of scamps about 1 hour apart. We waved....It occured to us that all our sightings must have been heading to Bandon, Oregon.
July 15th Salt Lake KOA a Casita w/Florida plates. Owner not around....
We are currently at Bryce Canyon Cannonville KOA...maybe we'll have some more sightings in the next 5 days or so..
Happy trails
07-16-2009, 10:55 PM
Senior Member
Trailer: 2005 13 ft Scamp
Posts: 193
July 14, highway 96 or maybe highway 3 (been several days so I don't remember just where I saw it) a cute, shiny bright blue fiberglass named "Little Joe" which looked shorter than my 13' Scamp. It was parked. No other vehicle near by. Never have seen such a short fg trailer. Margaret in NW California
07-18-2009, 11:27 PM
Senior Member
Trailer: Scamp 16 ft Side Bath
Posts: 705
Thursday, 7/16 - Montana SR200, spotted an eastbound Casita 16 and white pickup with camper shell - then ...
US Hwy 87 just west of Lewistown, MT - another eastbound Casita; D said the tug was an H3 ... I thought it was one of those snazzy new Jeeps - either way, it was flashy! Sorry you had to endure that UGLY road construction! We 'flashed' and waved at both rigs ... and wondered why they were heading AWAY from all the fun at Bullard's Beach?
L 'n D
“Imagination is everything. It is the preview of life's coming attractions.” A. Einstein
07-20-2009, 12:01 AM
Junior Member
Trailer: 1973 Compact Jr
Posts: 1
Sunday, July 19, at about 11AM, I spotted a small ?Bigfoot? going North on US 101 near Carpinteria, CA. It was molded fiberglass, shiny, white, with a blue stripe on the side. Since we got our Compact Jr I've been watching the road for other trailers our size. I didn't catch the tow vehicle. It's the first one I've seen!
07-20-2009, 10:55 AM
Senior Member
Trailer: Fiber Stream 16 ft
Posts: 382
Friday, July 17. 3:05pm on Mission Street in Santa Cruz, CA. 17' Bigfoot with tan hard shell spare tire cover.
Tom - '79 Fiber Stream
There is no such thing as an all black cat.
07-20-2009, 12:40 PM
Senior Member
Trailer: 1972 Boler American and 1979 Trillium 4500
Posts: 5,141
White and green 13' boler parked at a garage on Dundas West near Runnymede just a few blocks away from Boler Avenue here in Toronto.
Editing to add Monday July 20.
07-20-2009, 11:00 PM
Trailer: Fiber Stream 1978 / Honda Odyssey LX 2003
Posts: 8,225
Sunday, July 19: As I was leaving the Oregon Gathering and heading toward Portland on I-5 North:
Bigfoot 21 (Rear Bed) northbound
Casita 17 northbound
Monday, July 20: As I was leaving Portland and heading east on I-84 toward Boise, Idaho:
3 Casita 17's all heading westbound
Frederick - The Scaleman
07-21-2009, 08:26 AM
Junior Member
Trailer: 1979 Surfside / 2006 Suzuki Grand Vitara
Posts: 15
On Sunday, we spotted a 19' Escape leaving Vernon, BC Perhaps fleeing the fires in Kelowna. We would have loved to chat with them and their new rig.
07-22-2009, 08:23 PM
Trailer: 19 ft Scamp 19 ft 5th Wheel
Posts: 53
Deep Creek Campground in North Carolina there is a fiberglass trailer been there about 2 days
07-22-2009, 09:39 PM
Senior Member
Trailer: 2009 Trillium 13 ft ('Homelet') / 2000 Subaru Outback
Posts: 2,222
Monday, July 20, 2009, saw a Bigfoot in the Covington, WA WalMart parking lot. They had all their curtains drawn, maybe taking a snooze. We parked next to them about 5:15pm to walk over to the post office to get our mail after returning from E Washington where is was 100°F. Darn PO closed at 5pm - my tax dollars at work!
Note to admins: Maybe we could lop a few years off this thread?
A charter member of the Buffalo Plaid Brigade!
Whether you think you can or think you can't, you're right.
07-23-2009, 12:33 AM
Senior Member
Trailer: Scamp 16 ft Side Bath
Posts: 705
Wed, 7/22 - Great Falls, MT around noon-ish - spotted a Casita 16 towed by white pickup with camper shell heading east on 10th Avenue. Hoped to find 'em camped in the KOA when we returned to the park - no luck. Hope they're having fun! L 'n D
“Imagination is everything. It is the preview of life's coming attractions.” A. Einstein
07-23-2009, 11:16 AM
Senior Member
Trailer: Eggcamper 2007 ('Wolf's Lair')
Posts: 329
Friday July 17 early afternoon:
Little Joe spotted parked by the city park in Kremmling, CO. Tow vehicle was a gray SUV or small pickup. (I spent a lot of time walking around the Little Joe but didn't pay much attention to the TV.) We had lunch in the park and hoped the owners would show up so I could ask them about the Little Joe.
This looked like a brand new unit although it had perm Colorado plates. I was very impressed with the robust looking frame and general quality of fit and finish.
07-24-2009, 12:10 AM
Senior Member
Trailer: Former Burro owner and fan!
Posts: 9,015
All between the 20th and 23rd of this month:
Hannigan Meadow Campground, AZ. a Beachcomber. (First one I have seen in person!)
In a junkyard, Eagar Az, just south of the 180/260 split, a 13 foot Burro (Have I mentioned this one before?)
Very Nearby that, in a storage yard, a 17 foot Casita
07-24-2009, 11:24 AM
Senior Member
Trailer: No Trailer Yet
Posts: 1,578
ON I-40 in Gallup, NM
July,22 colorado plates. Full size green chevy truck.
Spagetti tire on the back.
Anyone know who? Thanks.
07-25-2009, 02:31 AM
Junior Member
Trailer: 2001 16 ft Scamp
Posts: 10
Friday July 24. Gig Harbor, WA in toll lanes for Narrows Bridge. A 13' Boler? towed by a maroon Nissan Pickup
07-25-2009, 06:08 AM
Junior Member
Trailer: 1983 13 ft Burro
Posts: 27
Eggs towed by my office window Thursday July 23, Tupper Lake, NY
1 Scamp
1 Boler
1 Casita.
(Needless to say it was a little difficult to concentrate!)
We had a wonderful, though too short, weekend with our Burro, in Westport, NY. It was the first camping excursion with our three dogs,(1 Border Collie and 2 Pembroke Welsh Corgis). Alot of fun ad no leaks, though we did have a couple of significant downpours.
07-26-2009, 04:39 PM
Senior Member
Trailer: 1972 Boler 13 ft
Posts: 207
Today July 25
Saw a white and green 13' Boler pulled by a white van around 4:30 on Hwy 6 between Mount Forest and Arthur.
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