Raz and I took a rather serendipitous westerly ride from Vermont to Arizona and back again during Sept. and Oct.. We saw several Casitas & Scamps ... and one
Sept. 18th at Graham Cave State Park in Missouri: a
Casita heading to a bison roundup at Custer.
Sept. 22nd around 9:20 a.m. on rt. 50 in Coaldale, CO: a Scamp.
Sept. 22nd around 2:00 p.m. on rt. 50 in Delta, CO: two Casitas ... one parked, the other not
Sept. 25th at 10:50 a.m. on rt. 24 heading east through Capitol Reef: a
Sept. 25th at about 1:00 p.m. on rt. 12 north of Escalante, UT: a Scamp with a Jeep tug (I think that was the only time I was quick enough to note the tug, too!).
Sept. 25th at Kodachrome State Park near Bryce Canyon in UT: THREE Casitas, but no one home.
Sept. 26th noonish leaving the Grand Canyon north rim area: a Casita.
Sept. 27th around 7:30 a.m. leaving the Jacob Lake, AZ, area: a Burro!
Sept. 28th around 1:00 p.m. heading west on I-40 near exit 339: a Scamp.
Sept. 28th at Bluewater Lake State Park, NM: a Scamp owned by a fellow who bought the same Scamp 3 times

Sept. 29th at 11:05 a.m. at mile post 235 on I-40 just west of Santa Rosa, NM: a Casita with a tug that looks suspiciously like our very own
RV Sue and Her Canine Crew!
Sept 29th (forgot to note the time) on I-40 heading west out of Tucumcari, NM: a Scamp.
Oct. 1st (no times again) on I-40 in Arkansas: 2 Casitas heading west.
Oct. 2nd at mile post 230 of I-40 in Arkansas: a Casita heading west
Oct. 3rd at Piney Campground in The Land Between the Lakes in TN: THREE Scamps with truly delightful owners at the pre-rally
Oct. 5th at mile post 115 on I-40 in NC: a Casita.
I'm pretty sure the Casitas won the numbers game on this trip!
What fun!