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Old 07-09-2017, 10:52 PM   #1
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Red face Stuff you bought and wish you hadn't

OK I got dissed for posting stuff that is high end and probably only used in those giant motorcoaches... usual suspect critics I rekkin'

But it does bring to mind what you have bought and figured out you'd never use it or just a coupla times?

Why did you ditch it?

We travel light and try to not pack stuff we don't use.
Been pretty successful not cramming things in our new egg.

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Old 07-10-2017, 12:02 AM   #2
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High end ?


That stuff wasn't high end, it was (mostly) junk. It was the kind of stuff suckers buy off 3am infomercials. I think you were dissed for just reposting a link from the bottom of the page if I read it right.

Anyway.... on to your question....

My only regret was the popiel pocket fisherman !
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Old 07-10-2017, 12:12 AM   #3
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You can take at least 10 of the items from the other thread "15 Awesome Tools" and those are my items for this thread.
I tossed them because they took up space, and/or added useless weight, and were only good for one purpose, and some weren't very good for that purpose.
Which reminds me, there was a "free" table at the last Escape rally. A Cobb cooker sat there most of the afternoon. I'm not sure if anybody ever took it. There are several threads on this forum where people rave about the Cobb cooker, but apparently nobody at the rally wanted it.
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Old 07-10-2017, 12:15 AM   #4
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Yah junk.

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Old 07-10-2017, 02:51 AM   #5
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Originally Posted by John Williams View Post
High end ?


That stuff wasn't high end, it was (mostly) junk. It was the kind of stuff suckers buy off 3am infomercials. I think you were dissed for just reposting a link from the bottom of the page if I read it right.

Anyway.... on to your question....

My only regret was the popiel pocket fisherman !
If you still had the original box that the pocket fisherman came in, it would be worth a few bucks on Ebay today .
Most of the items in the info commercials look fairly good.....until you Google reviews from folks that bought them.
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Old 07-10-2017, 03:40 AM   #6
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But it does bring to mind what you have bought and figured out you'd never use it or just a coupla times? [/QUOTE]

That's kind of a loaded question as you don't say if you're asking of repair items or say a 10 piece set of pots and pans. In over 30 years I've eliminated a lot of things as the rigs got smaller from the class C & A MHs. Everyone has different ideas of camping, I boondock and carry only the bare minimums. I will toss this out for a chuckle as some may have similar stories. My ex took a few things out of the rig once to rum them through the dishwasher. I went on a "guys weekend run" and ended up heating up some soup in the coffee pot on the stove cuz that was all there was left. That's pretty minimal and worked well .
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Old 07-10-2017, 04:01 AM   #7
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Most the stuff we get we use but sometimes I see a deal I can not refuse....
I think the New $400 Port-a-potty with the removable waste tank, the type that manufactures are putting in campers now, with a hatch door to get out tank, I got for $75....How could I not buy it.....Been down the basement covered with a towel for 2 years....Never used....
Hmmmm $75 hmmm could have stayed another 7 nights camping in the National Forest...right near the bathroom.
Who want to buy it???
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Old 07-10-2017, 07:20 AM   #8
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Decorative stuff, like throw pillows, tins, glamper stuff of all kinds. I do not have a lot of storage so these things are going. Decided to only take what is needed. However I do take several different size tarps in my car and have never regretted that.
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Old 07-10-2017, 07:50 AM   #9
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Originally Posted by John Williams View Post
High end ?


That stuff wasn't high end, it was (mostly) junk. It was the kind of stuff suckers buy off 3am infomercials. I think you were dissed for just reposting a link from the bottom of the page if I read it right.

Anyway.... on to your question....

My only regret was the popiel pocket fisherman !

As a teenager in the 1970s, I wanted one of those Pocket Fishhermen rods. It wasn't long before I was back to using my Zebco 33!

LOL, your comment took me back to the mid 70s!!!

Take care,

Laura & Dean | '05 Casita 17' FD | ‘24 Chevrolet Colorado Z71 in Glacier Blue Metallic & RSI SmartCap EVOa | '09 Kia Borrego Limited V8 2WD (December, ‘15 to August, ‘24 - 164,000 miles (purchased with 83,000 miles), visited 15 states, towed 35,000 miles, 13 mpg towing plus/minus 1 mpg).
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Old 07-10-2017, 08:05 AM   #10
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I had already learned this lesson in a different context before I bought the trailer. When our first kid was born, I was a sucker for every baby gadget imaginable. Our first road trip (not camping) we completely filled a minivan with baby stuff. Most of it got used once or twice- mostly to try it out, not because it was really needed- and eventually sold at a yard sale for pennies on the dollar. There's a lesson there about too much space...

One camping purchase does come to mind. For our first trip in the Scamp I bought a 5' fold-in-half table. Campground picnic tables worked fine then and since, and it took up too much room, so it stays parked in the shed now.

Whoever said "Better to have it and not need it than to need it and not have it" was a salesman and a liar.
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Old 07-10-2017, 09:23 AM   #11
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If the $400 portapotti was a cassette toilet, that was a good deal. What I'd really like to find is a similar item that doesn't require removal from a cupboard or space to empty but removes from the front instead of the side.

Anyway... what I bought. I actually only used the Bal leveler a couple of times, could have done without that. Maybe if I boondocked more. Though I won't call it junk, just not as useful for me.

I bought a Kelty awning-thing made for cars. Turned out to be a pain to set up, don't even know where it is now.

I bought cheap set of cookware. Not at all nonstick and hard to clean. Quit using those.

Suction handles I was going to put on the outside of the Campster. Not sure I ever even had them in the right place to try them.

Hanging tent for my canopy. I do still like this- I just don't use it. I also have screen walls for the canopy that have never been out of the package (if the bugs are that bad I'm not going.)

Mostly not gimmicky things, but things I hoped would solve a problem and didn't, or that others have used and found extremely useful and I didn't have the same need for them.

Re: Cobb grill. Sounded good to me until I heard about cleaning it. I'm not a great cleaner anyway so anything that is not rinse and put away is a problem. I never bought one since luckily I read about cleaning it first.
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Old 07-10-2017, 09:45 AM   #12
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Stuff I bought that I wish I hadn't?


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It doesn't work. It's been proven that the water never flushes the tank, just the sewer line. You get a nice visual that the water is clean, so you assume the tank is rinsed. No it's not.

A useless gadget that gives users a false sense of security.
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Old 07-10-2017, 09:53 AM   #13
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My wife recently showed me an interesting saying... "We spend the first 2/3 of our life accumulating stuff and the last 1/3 trying to get rid of it" LOL

When we considered finally moving back to the U.S. after 24 years of living and working in Central America we thought we had downsized a lot. After our relocation angst/hesitation passed and we finally decided it was time to head back a year later we still filled a 20" container! Living in the Third World with limited resources still serves us well for Scamping. With a one way 3 hour drive though the jungle to go grocery shopping every few weeks you either had essentials or not. We gave up worries about extras, or forgotten items very quickly as one learns it is easy to live with the basics.

Having said that we seem to have accumulated a lot of stuff for Scamping, but carefully consider each item. We are leaving the Foreman Grill behind in the future- no counter space to use it or sink space to clean it.
Conservation biologist specializing in bats. Now stepping aside from paid $ bat work and just Escaping, painting and mentoring grad students
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Old 07-10-2017, 11:00 AM   #14
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Name: Henry
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Bought a large triangular metal cap that moves the manual tongue jack back a bit so my truck tail gate could be open when hitched, installed by Little House Customs. Took it off. Now use Jack e Up instead.

BAL 28050 Light Trailer Tire Leveler. Too heavy and cumbersome now use the Andersen Leveler.

Bought and installed the Orbital Machine Works Overtank platform. Works OK but reduces my turning radius too much. Dinged my bumper. Would not buy again.

Bought Honda 3000is, which sits on the OMW Overtank platform noted above. Should have bought the 2000 and would not had to have the Overtank for it. Don't use it much, as in have had it for 3 years, has run maybe 5 hours. But it does the job very, very well when needed while boondocking.

Volcano Grill. Much too bulky. Used one time. Now just sits in my garage taking up space.

EZ up canopy. 10x10. Heavy to put up. Should have just a tarp with two poles.

A Gizmo that requires a hole be drilled into the side of the black water tank, this thing permanently inserted and used to wash out the inside of the tank. Never installed it. Don't need it.

A number of other things, but I'm getting too depressed to go on...
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Old 07-10-2017, 11:46 AM   #15
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Mine was 2 of those pillow backrests with the little arms that prop you up when sitting up on the bed watching TV. Did use them once and hauled them around for a year before deciding they fit better at the local goodwill store.
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Old 07-10-2017, 11:56 AM   #16
Name: Derek
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Everything new need to have two uses...

Love this thread. Aren't we all guilty as charged? I come from 23 years of living and cruising on a 40' sailboat. Living space equivalent to a 26' Airstream. And yes we were besieged with all the magazine adverts for time and work saving gimmicks. Finally my wife and I laid the law down. If a new non-safety related item was on the 'to buy list' then that item had to have two uses. WOW does that every whittle away the list! No more retail therapy here.
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Old 07-10-2017, 02:51 PM   #17
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Stuff you don't nned

The tool box I carry contains enough tools to repair an aircraft carrier. I am affraid to weigh the thing.

And then there is the question my wife loves to ask is do you have the skill set to do all these repairs? I wave my 8 pound torque wrench in the air and reply with a smile, of course, why else would I have all these tools.

In our Casita one would never ask about all those decorative items taking up space, that is if they want a prepared meal for the rest of the trip.

I might review the tool box again and toss one of those extra screw drivers out.Then I'll feel better.
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Old 07-10-2017, 03:28 PM   #18
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When buying stuff for camping, the first question I ask is, 'Can I use this for more than one purpose?' Multi purpose items are much easier to justify.
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Old 07-10-2017, 03:45 PM   #19
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We just hung a thermometer in our garage...the fourth so far that I've bought to try to get the right one for Peanut...two didn't work at all and two didn't work for me. My friend asked why I needed one in there--she said "You'd notice if you were too hot or cold, right, what difference do the numbers make?" And she does have a point. I returned three of them and this time just gave it to Paul and I think I might give up. I'm very sick of thermometers!

As I was starting to write above, Paul came home from the library with an armful of "stuff" someone had set out in a "free" pile--I'm laughing right now--how appropriate, I guess!

Just when you think it's all out, they DRAG more back in!

Semper ubi sub ubi.
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Old 07-10-2017, 05:07 PM   #20
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I bought this pot few years ago and never used it.
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