I beg to differ. I happen to live in a community where that just happened, in what has been called the world's largest dam removal project. Port Angeles got its power from the Elwha dam, until in the interest of salmon restoration the government decided the dam must go.
The State then spent over 300 millions dollars, and I have no idea how much fuel used by all that heavy equipment, to remove the dam. We lost our hydroelectric, and now have to pay Bonnevilles excessive rates.
It was great for the fish, and I'm not saying it was not the right move - but it is not a 'boogie man' argument at all that the dams might be removed.
There is no need to convince the people. Politicians in Washington State have shown time and time again that what the people want is immaterial. They have repeatedly overturned citizen initiatives. The way the legislature is set up, all the power resides in the Seattle/Olympia metro areas