Originally Posted by Rural Tom
Thank you for posting your thoughts that a person might as well get the 25 gallon tank since the space remaining space is not really good storage. I am in the process of ordering a Casita, and changed my order to the larger tank.
Welcome to FGRV Tom. You didn't say which model/size you ordered and a 16'er may be different as it's a lighter trailer but you won't be disappointed by getting the larger tank for a couple reasons....at least to my experience with my SD 17. The little storage loss you'll have is almost moot. Although thinking about it now, when I pulled the bench out to add a deck plate to the top of the tank for easy clean out, I could have moved the tank an inch or so to the rear for a bit more access room through the hatch door....I'll put that on my maybe list

. Second, being the 17's are tongue heavy I run with a full water tank, unlike a lot of folks here, to lighten the TW a bit which has been between 365-375 at the trip start. I adjust the TW with interior gear loading as the water level changes rear to front as the holding tanks are taking the extra
weight. Anyway, having the on board capacity is great, how much you fill it depends on your camping interests, hookups or like the
boondocking I do.