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Old 05-09-2018, 02:57 PM   #41
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Originally Posted by Richard Davis View Post
In the spring of 2009, on the way home from picking up our new Scamp in Minnesota, we took a short hike in the grasslands of Roosevelt National Park in North Dakota. It was a windy spring day, and when we got back from a 1-2 hour hike, my wife and I counted more than 70 ticks on our clothes or bodies -- some already permanently installed, some still just out for a stroll. In 2 decades of living in southern Indiana/Kentucky area in my youth, I've pulled off many dozen ticks. Obviously, lyme disease is a concern, but ticks are just a part of living outdoors in some seasons and parts of the world. You run a MUCH greater risk by simply driving to the campground, but that clearly doesn't keep you home.
Thank you, I now have permanently crossed that park off my list of places to visit.

The thing is, I never had a single tick on me (that I am aware of) until a visit to Petit Jean SP in AR about 5 years ago. Growing up in MI in the '60s, I used to roam the woods all the time. Hunting with my beagle, taking a walk, or whatever... no ticks. No family members got tick bites, either. They just weren't around.

Throughout my adult life I've enjoyed camping, and most of those campouts were with a tent. I've taken the family on plenty of hikes through wooded areas. I've pushed through brush to reach a stream to fish. I've gone canoeing. All those years, never a tick. I thought they were rare, with an overblown reputation.

So when I (at age 50+) encountered the first tick embedded in my thigh and itching, to me that was a big deal. Almost like smashing a thumb really hard with a hammer or slicing a palm with a knife. IOW, an experience I would rather not repeat! If I'd grown up with ticks being as common as mosquitos, I guess I'd feel differently. Instead it's like auggh, yuck, get this thing off me!!! And the durn head broke off, so I had a lump there for months. Double yuck!
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Old 05-09-2018, 03:54 PM   #42
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You can find ticks just about anywhere. The last one I found was from Greenbelt National Park in Maryland (Washington, DC).
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Old 05-09-2018, 10:38 PM   #43
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As long as I don't find them on me, I'm happy.

They do seem to be thicker in certain locales, though. Sounds like Roosevelt NP is loaded with ticks.
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Old 05-09-2018, 11:43 PM   #44
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Originally Posted by war eagle View Post
just the other day, i learned from a veterinary pathologist "tick expert" that this tick behavior is known as "questing." i realize that won't bring peace of mind to anyone who discovers a tick on their body, but at least you'll sound knowledgeable of how you acquired the tick when you go see your doctor for treatment or tell your friends about it around the campfire.
get some opossum"s they eat ticks !!!!!
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Old 05-10-2018, 06:11 AM   #45
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Last April on our way to Minnesota to pick up our long awaited Scamp, we stopped in Missouri to visit cousins' farm. My husband picked up a tick. A month later he has fever, chills, extreme exhaustion, extreme pain, etc. Test was inconclusive for Lyme Disease-but the doctor says that is common. Two sessions of antibiotics & a year later, he still has little use of his left hand & intermittent pain through out his body. Medical Marijuana helped with the not sleeping and the cream helps with the muscle pain.
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Old 05-10-2018, 08:51 AM   #46
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The spread of ticks carrying lyme disease is a plague brought on by climate change. After being bit twice last year in Ontario where ticks have made rapid advances, we are very proactive dealing with them because the consequences of catching lyme disease can be disastrous. Two of my friends have contracted it last year and hopefully have beat it by taking very heavy duty antibiotics soon after symptoms appeared. Thank-goodness the medical profession is more aware of this devastating disease and can detect if someone has it far sooner than even a few years ago. Even if your cats and dogs have been treated with flea & tick meds, they still can carry the live ticks into the house which I find very disturbing. So get to know what they look like (very tiny) and keep an eye out for them on the floor and furniture. Also keep checking your body for the crawlers when showering or even changing your clothes. When outdoors, tuck your socks into your pants and spray with bug spray or a solutions of 20 drops lemongrass essential oil and 20 drops eucalyptus essential oil in 4 oz of water. Spray solution on your shoes, sock & pants. In warm weather it can be sprayed directly on your skin. Consider also spraying it on your critters so the ticks don't take a free ride into your house or trailer. Good luck.
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Old 05-10-2018, 05:41 PM   #47
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Originally Posted by UNCLEJOHN View Post
get some opossum"s they eat ticks !!!!!
Heh. I can see it now... walking my pet possums through the park.

My wife thinks the spread of ticks is due to greater numbers of deer and other wild animals, since hunting is no longer prevalent. Also pets can carry ticks, and people with pets are traveling far more with their pets now than they did 30 or 40 years ago. But I suppose changes in rainfall could contribute.
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Old 05-10-2018, 05:42 PM   #48
Name: Ramona
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This year is supposed to be a bang up year for ticks and all insects due to the warming temperatures, and warmer winters we’ve been having. Ticks are evrywhere in increasing numbers and are also migrating much father north than previously. I have a saresto collar on my dog and still found two on her the other day, although they were only moving in the most feeble fashion by the time I picked them off. Gross. But they’re everywhere. Keep your eyes peeled and your tick key handy!
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Old 05-10-2018, 06:34 PM   #49
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Guinea Fowl

Originally Posted by UNCLEJOHN View Post
get some opossum"s they eat ticks !!!!!
So do Guinea Fowl. Maybe all chickens, wouldn't that be nice.
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Old 05-10-2018, 07:26 PM   #50
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Originally Posted by Mike Magee View Post
Heh. I can see it now... walking my pet possums through the park.

But think of how easy it would be to get it to play dead,
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Old 05-11-2018, 05:24 PM   #51
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Originally Posted by Deva View Post
This year is supposed to be a bang up year for ticks and all insects due to the warming temperatures, and warmer winters we’ve been having. Ticks are evrywhere in increasing numbers and are also migrating much father north than previously. I have a saresto collar on my dog and still found two on her the other day, although they were only moving in the most feeble fashion by the time I picked them off. Gross. But they’re everywhere. Keep your eyes peeled and your tick key handy!
What warmer weather? This was a longer, colder winter than usual. Snowstorms to beat the band extending into April in many northern states.. I read a blog of a guy who complains, after experiencing this past winter, he didn't move far enough south in Florida.
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Old 05-11-2018, 06:48 PM   #52
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Originally Posted by Mike Magee View Post
What warmer weather? This was a longer, colder winter than usual. Snowstorms to beat the band extending into April in many northern states.. I read a blog of a guy who complains, after experiencing this past winter, he didn't move far enough south in Florida.
The ice on many northern Minnesota. Lakes had not gone out as of the beginning of this week . We still had snow on the ground on the first of May
Still better then being in Northern or southern Florida IMHO
Oh yah the ticks are out , picked 2 off today

Our high today was 58 Deg F , a perfect summer day in my opinion !!!
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