Tips for eggcamping with dogs? In the rain? - Fiberglass RV
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Old 03-25-2016, 12:35 PM   #1
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Name: Rachel
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Tips for eggcamping with dogs? In the rain?

I ordered a Scamp today! Now to sit tight for 7 months...

What are your best tips on camping with dogs?
How about camping with dogs in the rain?
Or just camping in the rain?

Please share pictures of your unit and setup! I am starving for some visuals. I have seen but never been inside a Scamp. Can't wait to see what you have to share.

I currently have a great little 5x8 teardrop. The rear galley was perfect for me in theory, but not in practice, so I am going to find it a new home to make room for my Scamp 13'.

I have big plans for this little trailer. So excited!

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Old 03-25-2016, 12:51 PM   #2
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I don't have any tips or pictures for you, since we too are waiting on our new egg, just wanted to say I love your dogs. Greyhounds are awesome
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Old 03-25-2016, 01:06 PM   #3
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Name: Gordon
Trailer: 2015 Scamp (16 Std Layout 4) with '15 Toyota Sienna LE Tug
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I think you will find that very few campsites allow dogs to be left alone. In fact I recently saw one park that said that dogs could be unattended for up to 30 minutes and I was very surprised to see that rule. So that can really limit your activities.

But since I travel solo with the dog, I need to make some compromises. After all, dogs are also not allowed in bath houses and I do like to use them once in a while.

It has been my experience that leaving a dog in a camper for a short time is not a problem if he/she is well behaved. If the dog is not becoming a nuisance (barking, etc.) then no one complains and the park officials generally don't worry about minor rules infractions as long as you are a responsible camper. Of course as soon as you count on that, someone will kick you out for a minor infraction.

And it should go without saying that you need to make sure the dog(s) are safe. There are many opinions on leaving dogs in campers alone but IMHO, if I have good power for AC or heat, then it is almost as safe as leaving a dog at home alone, which I do all the time. Hopefully this thread will not turn into a heated discussion about that controversial topic. Of course if it is very hot and the power / AC fails, then a camper will heat up much faster than a home, so you need to use common sense and be prepared for problems like that.

There are positives and negatives to taking a dog camping.. but if her or she is family, there is almost no choice.
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Old 03-25-2016, 01:23 PM   #4
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Name: Rachel
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GregandTeresa, thank you! They make such great companions!

gordon2, thanks for your input! I don't plan on leaving them in the trailer for more than a few minutes at a time. When I take them camping we do a lot of hiking, so if they are at the campsite, they are tired and sleeping. I've thought of getting a remote temperature monitor just in case.
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Old 03-25-2016, 01:43 PM   #5
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We camp with our Australian Shepard year round (FL, GA, AL) and have had no problems in Parks yet. We do not leave her in the camper alone, ever. I have left her briefly (bathroom run) many, many (many) times tied by her leash under the camper’s awning. She does not bark and you would not know she was there when you walk by the campsite if you did not see her eyeing you while wagging her butt (no tail) and hoping you will come over and pet her.

I carry a large but light knock-down metal “crate” in the back of the pickup just in case I do want to leave her outside for a bit and don’t feel the leash is enough. I have only used it once a couple of years ago at the beach. We wanted to spend some time on the beach and of course no dogs were allowed down there. I set the crate under the awning with a bowl of water and a fan blowing on her and she was fine for two-three hours at a time.

When it rains she is in the camper with us or on a plastic rug under the awning outside. It has not been a problem. I honestly don’t see a problem leaving them for short periods if the dog is not; a) barking their fool head off or; b) rolling over dead from heat stroke. Personally I would not; a) have a damn fool barking dog to begin with or; b) leave my dog to die.
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Old 03-25-2016, 01:56 PM   #6
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The most out of the box easy way to make sure the dogs are safe is to buy a wifi enabled AC. These are available in 6000btu, about perfect for these trailers. You can then control and monitor them with your phone. This will alert you if power was lost in your campground.

Since you would have power for the AC I assume you will likely have WiFi too. If not, you can use a cell hotspot and a generator.
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Old 03-25-2016, 02:06 PM   #7
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Name: Mon
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If you'd like to see the possibilities of RV travel with dogs, go visit a large dog show that has conformation showing. There will be a LOT of dog people camped out on the show grounds and they love to talk on their down time...BEFORE they go into the ring, not so much!

Anyway, lot of inventive people will be there and you'd get some handy hints just walking through RV parking area. Can't think of any shows in your specific area...Tarheel circuit come to mind but that's north. Go to the AKC website and check out upcoming events and you should be able to find something rather close.

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Old 03-25-2016, 02:30 PM   #8
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Name: bob
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We see many people camping with portable fence / dog runs that they set up on the door side of their camper. How big an area you can fence depends on your site size and how many fence sections you want to carry.
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Old 03-25-2016, 02:51 PM   #9
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Dogs love rain!

16' Scamp with front bench, rear bed (never use the table): My wife and I plus 3 dogs (one 70#, one 30#, one 8#) full time. Mostly boondocking. Two big dogs sleep on front couch, little one sleeps with us in bed. We spend 90% of daylight hours outside and the dogs go with us whether hiking or driving around sightseeing. When in camp we often leash the bigger dogs to keep them out of trouble, one at front of trailer and one at back. We have a Clam 10x10 screen room that we also set up about 1/2 the time, and there is plenty of room in there for the dogs whether with us or as a containment area for when we have to leave them for a while. We keep dog towels in both the car and trailer for inclement weather or when the dogs find irresistible water sources. We also keep a brush hanging just inside the trailer door and brush the dogs off before letting them in for the evening. Dogs are a lot of effort, but they offer a lot of reward too! We seldom go an hour when we aren't laughing at something one of them has done, and the unconditional love and loyalty they offer is hard to duplicate. Wouldn't think of leaving them behind.
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Old 03-25-2016, 03:05 PM   #10
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Name: Wendy Lee
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I go everywhere camping with Katrina (picture near my mame). I carry a towel or two to wipe her feet and body if she gets wet in the rain. I put a d ring through the floor of the trailer under dinette table. This is for when I use the showers. I never leave her in the trailer alone unless it's to bathe (just my choice) but would feel comfortable doing so for a little bit. Truth is she walks anywhere with me I go on site. When I go into town the kids and I each take turns with her outside if shopping is desired.

At night she either sleeps with me or I loop her leash through that d ring and she sleeps on floor on a blanket. If it's hot she is on floor as I love the screen door open. I'm afraid if she were loose in trailer with screen door open and heard a critter outside, there'd go my screen door.

If I'm outside so is she. I bought a cute little quik shade doggie tent last year that gets her off the ground and shades her from sun.

Yes at times having doggie is quite restrictive. But I love her and that's the way it is.

I also have a can as folding crate but it takes up lots of room in scamp 13. Was perfect when I owned a pop up camper. You'll figure out what works for ya. Best wishes!Click image for larger version

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Old 03-25-2016, 03:47 PM   #11
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If you want to travel with pets of any be aware that National Parks don't allow pets on trails, with very few exceptions. They also require and enforce leash rules.
Byron & Anne enjoying the everyday Saturday thing.
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Old 03-25-2016, 04:11 PM   #12
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I camp with my dogs all the time and usually encounter no problems. They are all crate trained and I am very diligent about cleaning up after them. Most people would never know I have them with me. I leave them for short periods of time without a problem.
They love to camp and it is worth it to me to make the necessary sacrifices to take them with me.
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Old 03-25-2016, 04:25 PM   #13
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We have a dog because it's good for our health in more ways than I can count. Folks that don't get it, don't have to. We left our dog at a kennel, once. Never again. We bought the trailer so we could bring the dog with us. Byron is correct, the NPS is not as dog friendly as other parks. They're not that people friendly either . The National Forest Service and the BLM are better. Also, most state parks allow dogs. Common sense rules. Don't let your dog be an issue for others. In a 13' trailer, two adults and an 80 lb golden take up a lot of space. My wife has done wonders keeping things like bedding dry with covers made from plastic sheets. Same with the back seat in the truck. There are things we miss. Oh well. We'd rather have the dog with us than not. Happy trails, Raz
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Old 03-25-2016, 04:40 PM   #14
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Name: Wendy Lee
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Well said Raz. Well said!

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Old 03-25-2016, 07:40 PM   #15
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Name: Rachel
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Originally Posted by monB View Post
If you'd like to see the possibilities of RV travel with dogs, go visit a large dog show that has conformation showing. There will be a LOT of dog people camped out on the show grounds and they love to talk on their down time...BEFORE they go into the ring, not so much!

Anyway, lot of inventive people will be there and you'd get some handy hints just walking through RV parking area. Can't think of any shows in your specific area...Tarheel circuit come to mind but that's north. Go to the AKC website and check out upcoming events and you should be able to find something rather close.

That's a great idea! Thanks!

Originally Posted by Sands View Post
16' Scamp with front bench, rear bed (never use the table): My wife and I plus 3 dogs (one 70#, one 30#, one 8#) full time. Mostly boondocking. Two big dogs sleep on front couch, little one sleeps with us in bed. We spend 90% of daylight hours outside and the dogs go with us whether hiking or driving around sightseeing. When in camp we often leash the bigger dogs to keep them out of trouble, one at front of trailer and one at back. We have a Clam 10x10 screen room that we also set up about 1/2 the time, and there is plenty of room in there for the dogs whether with us or as a containment area for when we have to leave them for a while. We keep dog towels in both the car and trailer for inclement weather or when the dogs find irresistible water sources. We also keep a brush hanging just inside the trailer door and brush the dogs off before letting them in for the evening. Dogs are a lot of effort, but they offer a lot of reward too! We seldom go an hour when we aren't laughing at something one of them has done, and the unconditional love and loyalty they offer is hard to duplicate. Wouldn't think of leaving them behind.
Thanks! Mine come with me everywhere I can take them.

Originally Posted by CampyTime View Post
I go everywhere camping with Katrina (picture near my mame). I carry a towel or two to wipe her feet and body if she gets wet in the rain. I put a d ring through the floor of the trailer under dinette table. This is for when I use the showers. I never leave her in the trailer alone unless it's to bathe (just my choice) but would feel comfortable doing so for a little bit. Truth is she walks anywhere with me I go on site. When I go into town the kids and I each take turns with her outside if shopping is desired.

At night she either sleeps with me or I loop her leash through that d ring and she sleeps on floor on a blanket. If it's hot she is on floor as I love the screen door open. I'm afraid if she were loose in trailer with screen door open and heard a critter outside, there'd go my screen door.

If I'm outside so is she. I bought a cute little quik shade doggie tent last year that gets her off the ground and shades her from sun.

Yes at times having doggie is quite restrictive. But I love her and that's the way it is.

I also have a can as folding crate but it takes up lots of room in scamp 13. Was perfect when I owned a pop up camper. You'll figure out what works for ya. Best wishes!Attachment 93693Attachment 93694

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Yes! I'm glad to see there are some people like me. Gotta have my boys with me.

Originally Posted by Byron Kinnaman View Post
If you want to travel with pets of any be aware that National Parks don't allow pets on trails, with very few exceptions. They also require and enforce leash rules.
All national parks?

Originally Posted by Raz View Post
We have a dog because it's good for our health in more ways than I can count. Folks that don't get it, don't have to. We left our dog at a kennel, once. Never again. We bought the trailer so we could bring the dog with us. Byron is correct, the NPS is not as dog friendly as other parks. They're not that people friendly either . The National Forest Service and the BLM are better. Also, most state parks allow dogs. Common sense rules. Don't let your dog be an issue for others. In a 13' trailer, two adults and an 80 lb golden take up a lot of space. My wife has done wonders keeping things like bedding dry with covers made from plastic sheets. Same with the back seat in the truck. There are things we miss. Oh well. We'd rather have the dog with us than not. Happy trails, Raz
Thanks! I am definitely planning with my boys in mind.
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Old 03-25-2016, 08:45 PM   #16
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We retired and have a golden. We wanted to get away so we did what ever a normal person would do. We bought her own little house, soooo we can getaway all together. We bought her a outside Clam screen tent so she would not be tied and she can see everything around her. She likes it as much as she likes our deck at home. We at times leave her alone to shop local for a few hours inside camper,if cool enough in mountains, shady areas. We open all windows and turn on fantastic fan it stays nice inside. If it is real hot we seek electric sites only and run air. She is not any trouble at all, she is going to be 10 soon, so we hope to enjoy her for a few more years. Good luck with your dogs. Carl
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Old 03-26-2016, 08:17 AM   #17
Name: Stan
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We like taking our German Shepard along on our trips, but they can inhibit what activities you can do. If it's 2-3 hours we have no problem with letting him in the trailer, usually with a nice sized smoked bone. Yeah, the National Parks are a problem with the no dogs on trail policy, so he just has to stay behind.
Now the big down side, why do the dogs have to take a "big dump" right in sight of a bunch of people sitting out by their trailer? Do you stand there and try and ignore what's going on or make like a showman and you dog is a star on stage, or hide your head in shame? Hate when that happens, then you have to pick up the steaming treasure and carry it around till you find a dumpster.
And that's the down side of traveling with a dog.
But, we love our Gunner.

Stan aka poop picker
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Old 03-26-2016, 08:45 AM   #18
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Name: P
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I have an arthritic Chocolate Lab and a small, mutt. We live where people go to camp so they are outdoor/indoor dogs. Before we go on a trip, both dogs get a bath. This lessens the wet dog smell just a bit.

I started out with the same size teardrop--5X8. I just had the Lab then. He loved sleeping next to me. I did not like the elbows in my side. One night I woke up to a teardrop dog quake. He had worked his way down during the night and was stuck in the foot area. I was able to slide him back out.

The Casita is much easier for him to get in and out. I have a dog ramp for him to load into the pickup, and have that handy for the trailer when camping. Neither dog is allowed up on furniture. The big dog sleeps in the aisle, and the little mutt sleeps under my bed. I can leave both inside while I go do something. I usually make sure they've been exercised and are "unwound" before doing that.
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Old 03-26-2016, 10:03 AM   #19
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Camping with dogs in the rain

Lots of towels; large ones to put over seating areas, small ones to wipe their paws.

Also, I find it's nice to have a plug-in hair dryer to blow dry their fur, and to dry wet stuff around the trailer.

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Old 03-26-2016, 10:04 AM   #20
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Here's my take on dogs and camping.
We don't have a dog because we don't want to take the time and effort to properly train a dog. We do however like OPDs (Other People's Dogs) if they well behaved. Which most are. The owner picks up after the dog and leashed at all times. (Almost all places require dogs to leashed).
As with many anti-social behaviors among humans it doesn't take many to make it somewhat necessary to create and enforce rules. I commend those that do take the time to train and obey the rules.
Now the rant about the few.
We spent February in Death Valley. The large campground at Sun Set usually has a lot dogs camping with their owners. There's a very large overflow camping area also. It would appear that many dog owners think the overflow sign says doggie bathroom. It was getting pretty difficult to walk in overflow area without stepping in doggie poop. FYI dog poop is the biggest complaint campground hosts hear. Then there was at least one couple considered the overflow areas sign as saying an off leash area and let their dog run and chase the local residents (wild life).
Like I said it doesn't take many to cause stricter rules. And it's not the dogs that are the problem, it's the owners.
Final word. If your dog is well behaved and social bring it along, We like meeting those dogs. If your dog isn't well behaved or not social, then train to behave and be social. Remember you're bring your dog into an environment that's might not be normal for them so a little extra care might be necessary the first few times you take them camping.
Byron & Anne enjoying the everyday Saturday thing.
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