From Yakima to Utah border I was driving on roads with scoop-grooves.
It is as if they allow studded snows for too long and they grind a radial grove in the road of substantial depth and pretty much trucker in width.
When you drive it you are "in the trough" so to speak.
But my track is narrow compared to a Kenworth so I was forever ramping up one side of the groove to the other side.
It makes for an uncomfortable slurr-wiggle and if you are not careful that wiggle can launch you up and out of the trough only to have your trailing wheels get sucked down into the remaining one.
Needless to say this was a lot of work.
Add to this that the wind was a constant non-gusting 30mph AND it was raining and hailing then you can maybe see the struggle I was having.
I disconnected the anti sways bar and that helped a lot.
Anyway these Idaho Highways 83 82 84 are really dangerous for towing
light weight trailers.
Just sayin