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Old 06-19-2016, 11:57 PM   #41
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Name: Margaret
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Originally Posted by Glenn Baglo View Post
So, who is going to fund them? Are you willing to have your income tax and sales taxes increased to fund parks?
Apparently, most people are not willing to do that.
Nobody wants to pay more, but somebody has to pay for benefits or they cease to exist.
Hi Glenn,

I'm willing.

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Old 06-20-2016, 02:12 AM   #42
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Newfoundland Provincial Parks
NL has beautiful provincial parks. A site with electricity cost $17cnd or about $13usd. No provincial park has water and sewer, though all have water and dump stations plus heated bathrooms and excellent showers. Sites with out electricity are less, about $9usd.

We have stayed in about 10 provincial parks and generally beautiful woody locations.

There is an additional $3usd daily Park entrance fee that is waived if you buy a yearly pass for $16usd.

These prices include a 35% senior discount available to all seniors not just Newfoundlanders, or just Canadians, available to everyone over 65.

One member of the Caravan did extensive boondocking and not at Walmart.

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Norm and Ginny

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Old 06-20-2016, 03:37 AM   #43
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There are almost always patches of grass around Walmart parking lots. The few times I've camped at one, that's where the dog goes to the bathroom.
After a bad experience at a kennel, we bought a trailer so we could bring our dog with us. Our dog is part of our family. We have a pick up with a back seat That's where the dog rides. We take the responsibility of pet ownership very seriously. A parking lot is not a suitable place to walk a dog and the little bit of green is not a dog bathroom. After a long day travelling, a dog as well as the owner needs a quiet place to regroup and refresh. While the parking lot might work for people, I doubt it does much for the dog.
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Old 06-20-2016, 04:31 AM   #44
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When in travel mode we are always very glad to stop at a Walmart, Superstore, empty Rec Centre parking lot, residential side street, etc.

When in camping mode we head to the hills, the more remote the better in many cases, though good campgrounds near where we plan to explore are just fine too.

Our dog is with us on almost every trip, though a couple into the US he did not come, as the National Parks are not pet friendly, and these are some of the places we like to explore. Many of the state parks though have been quite friendly.

Having a dog when stopping at Walmart (or any other quick overnight spot) for us is no big deal. Before pulling in for the evening we look find a good place to stop and give him a bit of a run. In the morning we go for a good walk and always find a place for him to pee or poop (he does not use the bathrooms like other dogs seem to do ). As we are just stopping to sleep this is never a problem. It is real easy to search for local dog parks. We have played with a few apps but have found a Google search to work better.

What I like about most of the cheaper campsites I have found, is that they seem to be more remote, less commercialized, and often offer a lot less services which I am good with. When at some of the bigger National, Provincial or State Parks that have lots of services, I don't mind having to pay $30-40 for them. I think this is a great bargain for the amount of money it costs to operate them, and it certainly beats the heck outta a motel or hotel room. I rarely stay in private campgrounds, as they just aren't my style to pack in to spots like that. I would rather do Walmart.

Folks just need to find out all the options, then take the best course of action for them, whether boondocking on Crown Land, BLM Land, staying in a parking lot, or any of the myriad of different priced options with differing services. All we can do is choose from what is available and go for it, either that or do not go at all. I prefer the first option.
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Old 06-20-2016, 08:01 AM   #45
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While some are not boondocking (I've stayed in a few with full hookups) check city campgrounds. Most are not listed in the more popular campground guides, but are usually low cost or even free if you only stay a night or two.

The Ultimate Campground Project app is the best app I've found for non commercial campgrounds and even that misses a few of the city campgrounds...
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Old 06-20-2016, 09:18 AM   #46
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Originally Posted by Jim Bennett View Post

Having a dog when stopping at Walmart (or any other quick overnight spot) for us is no big deal. Before pulling in for the evening we look find a good place to stop and give him a bit of a run. In the morning we go for a good walk and always find a place for him to pee or poop (he does not use the bathrooms like other dogs seem to do ). As we are just stopping to sleep this is never a problem. It is real easy to search for local dog parks. We have played with a few apps but have found a Google search to work better.

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Old 06-20-2016, 10:13 AM   #47
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I like the RVParky app. It shows about everything you can think of, including free spots like Walmart.

Great thread, many thanks to the original poster!

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Old 06-20-2016, 10:50 AM   #48
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Name: Steve Robison
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Originally Posted by k corbin View Post
here is a video about some free camping opportunities in Ohio
Thanks, this was good info. It's not too far from me and if we will be planning on camping for more then just a weekend I will definitely take advantage of the recreation lands. The lands look real nice and clean too, far better maintained then some campgrounds around here.
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Old 06-20-2016, 12:59 PM   #49
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Originally Posted by Glenn Baglo View Post
So, who is going to fund them? Are you willing to have your income tax and sales taxes increased to fund parks?
Apparently, most people are not willing to do that.
Nobody wants to pay more, but somebody has to pay for benefits or they cease to exist.
I am more than willing to pay the cost of preserving and maintaining our National and State Parks . Loosing our National and State treasures to save a few tax dollars is a poor bargain in my estimation !!. I want my grandkids to be able to enjoy the things we took for granted and our ancestors fought so hard to preserve.
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Old 06-20-2016, 01:27 PM   #50
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Name: Margaret
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Originally Posted by honda03842 View Post
Newfoundland Provincial Parks
NL has beautiful provincial parks. A site with electricity cost $17cnd or about $13usd. No provincial park has water and sewer, though all have water and dump stations plus heated bathrooms and excellent showers. Sites with out electricity are less, about $9usd.

We have stayed in about 10 provincial parks and generally beautiful woody locations.

There is an additional $3usd daily Park entrance fee that is waived if you buy a yearly pass for $16usd.

These prices include a 35% senior discount available to all seniors not just Newfoundlanders, or just Canadians, available to everyone over 65.

One member of the Caravan did extensive boondocking and not at Walmart.

Sent from my SM-N920T using Fiberglass RV mobile app

Nice! I bet it's gorgeous. I think I will be going out West though, although it might be fun to go through Canada (probably too far, LOL).

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Old 06-20-2016, 01:33 PM   #51
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Originally Posted by floyd View Post
You make good points.
We have a shower on board and no pets, and while to some, (not you or me of course), it may sound interesting to meet people in the shower, I'm sure the reality would never match one's sweet imagination.... everything looks worse in black&white...

Honestly Floyd,

Not so keen on that video, ha ha.

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Old 06-20-2016, 01:41 PM   #52
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Originally Posted by steve dunham View Post
I am more than willing to pay the cost of preserving and maintaining our National and State Parks . Loosing our National and State treasures to save a few tax dollars is a poor bargain in my estimation !!. I want my grandkids to be able to enjoy the things we took for granted and our ancestors fought so hard to preserve.
If I'm living in my camper for a year, which is what I plan to do, I def. can't pay even $35 a night. I would be willing to pay higher taxes, if the danged government would fund the state parks.

If I don't have the money, I don't have the money . . . .

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Old 06-20-2016, 01:47 PM   #53
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Name: Steve Robison
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Originally Posted by Lonely Road View Post
If I'm living in my camper for a year, which is what I plan to do, I def. can't pay even $35 a night. I would be willing to pay higher taxes, if the danged government would fund the state parks.

If I don't have the money, I don't have the money . . . .

I had no idea that state parks weren't state funded anymore. So then that means that the unpopular parks that won't produce any income will be sold to land developers and the park will be no more?

The government wastes so much money on military and other stuff but then when it comes to preserving it's own countries land then States get no help, makes no sense.
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Old 06-20-2016, 01:49 PM   #54
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Originally Posted by Bluetang99 View Post
I had no idea that state parks weren't state funded anymore. So then that means that the unpopular parks that won't produce any income will be sold to land developers and the park will be no more?
Every state is different.
2012 ParkLiner #006
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Old 06-20-2016, 02:53 PM   #55
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Hi Margaret - fellow North Carolinian here. We have four National Forests in NC - Croatan on the central coast, Uwharrie n the central part of the state and Pisgah and Nantahala in the mountains. All offer developed campgrounds ($8-$25/night) and some provide no charge dispersed sites as well. National Forests in North Carolina - Camping & Cabins:Campground Camping
Sr Pass cuts these fees in half. If there's a particular area you're interested in, let me know as we've camped in most of the developed CGs and many of the dispersed ones.

Our State Park campgrounds are less developed and, to me, priced at bit higher than most of our neighbors. They also lock the gates each night and you're either in or out at the appointed time (not a problem for me but a bit unusual).

Frisco is our favorite of the four NPS campgrounds at Cape Hatteras and they had a rate increase to $28 this year.

Hope to see you on the road some time.
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Old 06-20-2016, 03:20 PM   #56
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Alabama supposedly closed 8 State Parks due to budget cuts and sold off some of the parks . For an example Florala SP in Florala Alabama was sold to the town of Florala. Even the town officials admitted that the State had let the park go to H_LL and it needed a lot of work to bring it up to a reasonable standard. Alabama seemingly has plenty of money to fund their football program but little for their State Parks . The problem appears to be more with priorities plus lack of leadership and less to do with lack of funds.
Our local school district cut art ,drama , foreign language programs ,
debate , band and several teaching positions yet managed to come up with $280 ,000 for the football program.
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Old 06-20-2016, 03:26 PM   #57
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Name: Margaret
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Thumbs up

Originally Posted by Bluetang99 View Post
I had no idea that state parks weren't state funded anymore. So then that means that the unpopular parks that won't produce any income will be sold to land developers and the park will be no more?

The government wastes so much money on military and other stuff but then when it comes to preserving it's own countries land then States get no help, makes no sense.
I agree
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Old 06-20-2016, 03:31 PM   #58
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Name: Margaret
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Originally Posted by Al & Cindy K View Post
Hi Margaret - fellow North Carolinian here. We have four National Forests in NC - Croatan on the central coast, Uwharrie n the central part of the state and Pisgah and Nantahala in the mountains. All offer developed campgrounds ($8-$25/night) and some provide no charge dispersed sites as well. National Forests in North Carolina - Camping & Cabins:Campground Camping
Sr Pass cuts these fees in half. If there's a particular area you're interested in, let me know as we've camped in most of the developed CGs and many of the dispersed ones.

Our State Park campgrounds are less developed and, to me, priced at bit higher than most of our neighbors. They also lock the gates each night and you're either in or out at the appointed time (not a problem for me but a bit unusual).

orite of the four NPS campgrounds at Cape Hatteras and they had a rate increase to $28 this year.

Hope to see you on the road some time.

Yep, I agree. The state parks did lose funding through our state. What is an SR pass? Does that mean senior, and if so, how old do you have to be?

Yes, would love to see you on the road.

Thx., Margaret
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Old 06-20-2016, 03:59 PM   #59
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Originally Posted by steve dunham View Post
We were on the road for over 90 days last year . Never camped / overnighted once at a Walmart . It just doesn't appeal to us. The cost of camping is an issue for us as it is for nearly everyone but even though it's free, Walmart is not our campgrounds,of choice.
Considering a nice motel room runs $80 to $140 a night , $25 for a nice campsite at a State or County Park does not seem unreasonable to me.
I remember the last time I stayed in a Holiday Inn Express next to an interstate highway, nice room ($114). I looked out the window and saw a big parking lot with cars and light trucks.

I remember the last time I stayed at a Walmart parking lot next to an interstate highway, nice room ($0) I looked out the window and saw a big parking lot with cars and light trucks.

The difference? My Walmart room didn't need a blacklight to check for body fluids, pet excrement, etc. I didn't have to carry luggage or check-in, food and entertainment was as close as I chose to park and... Oh yeah no $114!
My Scamp is a nice little private motel which sometimes just happens to be right next to a Walmart... like some Holiday Inns!
Doesn't Dr. Who park the Tardis anywhere (or when) and still have all the comforts of home?
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Old 06-20-2016, 04:49 PM   #60
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Originally Posted by floyd View Post
I remember the last time I stayed in a Holiday Inn Express next to an interstate highway, nice room ($114). I looked out the window and saw a big parking lot with cars and light trucks.

I remember the last time I stayed at a Walmart parking lot next to an interstate highway, nice room ($0) I looked out the window and saw a big parking lot with cars and light trucks.

The difference? My Walmart room didn't need a blacklight to check for body fluids, pet excrement, etc. I didn't have to carry luggage or check-in, food and entertainment was as close as I chose to park and... Oh yeah no $114!
My Scamp is a nice little private motel which sometimes just happens to be right next to a Walmart... like some Holiday Inns!
Doesn't Dr. Who park the Tardis anywhere (or when) and still have all the comforts of home?
I don't know if it's just me but about 50% of the interstate campgrounds I've stayed at seem to be right next to train tracks and they seem to start roaring by at 5 in the morning or run all night but I never run in to that staying at a wallmart ,usually pretty peaceful till 8-9 in the morning but I'm ready to go by then anyways.
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