Listen, I'm old school, a homesteader type in general, a fabricator, I own livestock, have guns, mind my business, forget to shave for 6 months at a time. I have diy
solar, collect rainwater, build my own well, pretty much everything. I'm about as far as you can get from a pink haired sjw fighting for equality of outcome versus equality of opportunity.
So maybe there is some disconnect in me that doesn't understand dudes wearing perfume and people using/adding scented products to everything. If this were the 50s when smoking tobacco was still a doctor recommended healthy thing to do scented products were rarely used and we'd be having this debate about tobacco (using the very same arguments) but it isn't and we're not and that debate has already be settled.
I also wasn't shooting for a debate or lesson in semantics. I will fully admit to an assumption that in part a good percentage of
fiberglass RV users prefer them due to the lack of chemicals and organic/non-organic matter that could cause or harbor potential risks.
In short, I was surprised to see so many of the units
for sale with tons of scented stuff but I've also found a solid base of people that gravitate towards these units for the better air quality.
Anyway, this has been a fun and entertaining thread.