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Old 12-17-2005, 07:16 PM   #21
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Trailer: Boler (B1700RGH) 1979
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I would hesitate to loan anything as valuable as a travel trailer to anyone, but I have loaned my car to a friend, I would do it again under the right circumstances, and the trailer is on the same order of value.

Cars and trailers are both complex machines which are potentially dangerous to operate and require training and experience to operate properly. The biggest difference I see is that while most people have some competence in handling a car, many fewer have trailer and RV skills. If a trusted friend (including relatives) with the appropriate skills and experience asked, I would consider the request. I can immediately think of two friends who live nearby who I would trust to tow and operate the Boler, one of whom has a large motorhome and proven with other vehicles that he can handle anything he chooses to take on.

Of course if the friend were to use their own tow vehicle it would need to be appropriate, and I would help them ensure it was set up properly; if they were borrowing our van as well then the value of the van (as well as liability concerns) would need to be considered.

I was surprised by how strong the reactions expressed in this thread were, and it makes me wonder why. I think it may be the personal nature of our trailers; while we may have personal attachments to our cars (trucks, whatever...) they are mostly just like those of any one else who bought the same model, but our trailers are often more highly customized, and are filled with personal touches, even personal belongings. At this point, while I have done some work on the Boler, I would not be uncomfortable with my friends using it.

I would not rent our trailer because it is a personal posession, not a business asset. If it is a personal loan no money should change hands; if it were a business an entirely different set of considerations would apply, and I generally avoid trying to do business with friends.
1979 Boler B1700RGH, pulled by 2004 Toyota Sienna LE 2WD
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Old 12-17-2005, 07:34 PM   #22
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OK, let me be the "oddball" ..... well, somewhat. I would allow my three brothers to borrow my camper (I could never ask for a penny). Of course, people must understand the strength of our relationships to understand why we would share anything. My wife understood this before she was foolish enough to say "I DO".

Outside of my brothers, NO WAY for NO AMOUNT OF MONEY for the rest of the world!!!
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Old 12-17-2005, 08:35 PM   #23
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what a bunch of stinkers
Love being Inneggsile
heading sloowly up the eastcoast to our next 2 month (Aug and Sept) camp hosting gig at Camden Hills State Park in Maine
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Old 12-17-2005, 08:46 PM   #24
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what a bunch of stinkers
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Old 12-17-2005, 10:31 PM   #25
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Myron seems to have struck a tender nerve with this thread!

In 16 years I have loaned out my Trillium a grand total of two times. Both times were to a friend who is very experienced at towing (same fellow both times). Both times it was me offering it for his use, not him asking to borrow it.

"Neither a borrower nor a lender be,
For loan oft loses both itself and friend," - Shakespeare

"The holy passion of friendship is of so sweet and steady and loyal and enduring a nature that it will last through a whole lifetime, if not asked to lend money (trailer?)." - Mark Twain
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Old 12-17-2005, 11:45 PM   #26
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Brenda has a rental BUSINESS (lawyers helped with CONTRACT, etc.) Loaning is a different matter, purely personal. One time when we were flying out of town for a week, my friend asked, "Oh, who is using your car while you're gone?" Answer: "Nobody."
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Old 12-18-2005, 09:43 AM   #27
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When you rebuild an old egg, you get to know the whole trailer. The information of every little piece of how it is built and works is located in your brain somewhere, ready to be retrieved if need be. This also effects how you treat and use the trailer. It's almost like being the captain of an old ship. I really can't see loaning my 82' Burro out for a number of reasons, most have been covered already. I would never ask someone to borrow their trailer and would hope no one ever asks me.
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Old 12-18-2005, 11:37 AM   #28
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Well, not me. If asked to borrow my trailer I would have no problem saying NO!

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Old 12-18-2005, 12:41 PM   #29
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I think Gary probably best summed up how I feel. It's not that I think others would intentionally abuse it, but there are things that you have to treat a little more gently. And yes, things do happen and one has to be prepared to fix them as they arise.
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Old 12-18-2005, 12:41 PM   #30
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NEVER, NEVER, NEVER would I loan out the egg as I am very attached to it. When it went to the welding shop last winter I actually send my husband over there after a few days to check on it. They thought I was crazy.

Karen K.
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Old 12-18-2005, 02:24 PM   #31
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I would loan out my Love Bug to a grand total of 4 people.

1&2-My parents, Dad was a truck driver and still can back a trailer anywhere he wants.
3-My best friend, we share projects and he helped my rebuild the Love Bug when I needed help.
4 My older brother-he takes good care of stuff and we have a pretty good relationship.

These are the same people that I would loan tools and my vehicles to.

Some things never get loaned out-my wife, and my Goldwing. If you even ask, the friendship is over.

Most people would not ask to use my chainsaws, they ask it I can help them with the work. Loaning out a chainsaw to an inexperienced person is like playing Russian roulette while holding the gun to their head. Working with with chainsaws is one of the most dangerous things people can do, even when you have experience.
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Old 12-18-2005, 02:38 PM   #32
Trailer: 72 Boler
Posts: 46
Hi All
A big merry Christmas to all and the Best in the new Year

Yes I would loan out my trailer to only one person and that is my big brother.
He ran a garage and was a big rig driver. He knows how to fix things and is
super careful. I would trust him with anything even my life!!!! Soooooo I guess
he's the only one

CYA later
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Old 12-18-2005, 03:43 PM   #33
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I wouldnt rent mine out either. i have had a few people ask me... I just say No.. sorry.. If i had overnite guests I would let them sleep in it , as my house is small and i dont have any room for overnite guests....

I'm with Christi. I have always used my TTs for guest rooms and even made some accomodations, when needed. I would maybe loan a car to someone in an emergency but never a RV. We have to use one ourselves for all emergencies and that
could be any day of the week!
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Old 12-18-2005, 05:33 PM   #34
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Hi Y'all,

Think me nuts but we are too attached to Clarissa II. Charles Watts wrote about the Skin Horse...for us it has been too many years waiting, too much time planning...hey, how could I loan her out if I am always planning the next trip! That's my answer...I'm planning a trip that weekend/week!

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Old 12-18-2005, 06:50 PM   #35
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"Sorry - my liability insurance wouldn't cover it."
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Old 12-18-2005, 07:44 PM   #36
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Loaning out a chainsaw to an inexperienced person is like playing Russian roulette while holding the gun to their head. Working with with chainsaws is one of the most dangerous things people can do, even when you have experience.
I loaned my chainsaw to my EX but, not my trailer

Donna D.
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Old 12-19-2005, 06:46 PM   #37
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If someone asked to borrow your FGTV, you could always send them to the net for some good info on that topic...

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Old 12-19-2005, 06:52 PM   #38
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If someone asked to borrow your FGTV, you could always send them to the net for some good info on that topic...

I like that
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Old 12-20-2005, 07:51 AM   #39
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I certainly wouldn't rent to a stranger, so I suppose we're talking about renting or loaning to people we know.

Friends presumably.

It's vaguely embarrassing, but what we seem to be hinting at is that we like 'em as friends but we don't really don't trust either their abilities or how they treat their own things.

And possibly we're feeling grumpy that they put us in this awkward position by even asking. I mean, if they were really sensitive they'd know how much our trailer means to us and would never ask. (Hmmm. I seem to left my toothbrush at home. Can I borrow yours? Thanks! Here it is back again. Oog!)

And there's the whole "what happens if something breaks" thing. It's like the towing a house trailer with a VW Beetle issue that keeps coming up. Most of the time you might be OK but the one time there's a problem, and there's going to be a problem eventually, you're out a friend.

I tend to handle the awkward question thing by sort of missing the whole point. "Gee, thanks for asking, but I'm going to pass." Sorta take it on myself, give them a face saving out.
Without adult supervision...
Quando omni flunkus, moritati.
I'm a man, but I can change, if I have to, I guess.
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Old 12-20-2005, 08:19 AM   #40
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Morning all, Many of us have $$$$$$$$, sweat equity, and lots of time invested in our little toys. We know how we are going to treat our trailers. I would however loan mine to a couple of friends, but only in an emergency situation. And that only because I know they would do the same for me. Rent it, no way. Loan it for casual use, no way. MikeB
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