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Old 12-20-2005, 03:26 PM   #41
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Roger H's Avatar
Trailer: Y2K6 Bigfoot 25 ft (25B25RQ) & Y2K3 Scamp 16 ft Side Dinette
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Oh, c'mon you guys! What a bunch of Scrooges! While I confess that I'm just as attached to my trailers as you are yours... they're only STUFF. STUFF, as many of us have found through various misfortunes, is replaceable. Perhaps not with the exact same STUFF but with STUFF that's eminently just as serviceable.

I've given this some thought since my first post the other day. What's really important? Your trailer? Or is USING your trailer to do what you enjoy more valuable? Is your trailer really more important than your friendships?

The ONLY thing you leave behind in this world is the opinion that others have of you. If your friends are truly friends, and the opportunity arises for you to offer them something, why wouldn't you do it? (Legal and competency issues aside). After all, how many of YOU trashed your trailer the first time out? Almost none of us. Just think how much good information you could send them on for their first outing with your trailer... and if they really like it, maybe you've got a new camping friend if they buy one of their own? Presuming their tow vehicle is properly equipped, they are responsible and have appropriate insurance, etc. etc. etc. (those things that responsible friends will do anyway...) why NOT loan your trailer out to a trusted friend or relative if they ask?

While I probably wouldn't loan my trailer to a casual friend or someone I didn't know well, I think I would let any of my close friends take it if they asked. None have yet, though.

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Old 12-20-2005, 03:37 PM   #42
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Oh, c'mon you guys! What a bunch of Scrooges! While I confess that I'm just as attached to my trailers as you are yours... they're only STUFF. STUFF, as many of us have found through various misfortunes, is replaceable. Perhaps not with the exact same STUFF but with STUFF that's eminently just as serviceable.

I've given this some thought since my first post the other day. What's really important? Your trailer? Or is USING your trailer to do what you enjoy more valuable? Is your trailer really more important than your friendships?

The ONLY thing you leave behind in this world is the opinion that others have of you. If your friends are truly friends, and the opportunity arises for you to offer them something, why wouldn't you do it? (Legal and competency issues aside). After all, how many of YOU trashed your trailer the first time out? Almost none of us. Just think how much good information you could send them on for their first outing with your trailer... and if they really like it, maybe you've got a new camping friend if they buy one of their own? Presuming their tow vehicle is properly equipped, they are responsible and have appropriate insurance, etc. etc. etc. (those things that responsible friends will do anyway...) why NOT loan your trailer out to a trusted friend or relative if they ask?

While I probably wouldn't loan my trailer to a casual friend or someone I didn't know well, I think I would let any of my close friends take it if they asked. None have yet, though.


I still say NO.
True friends would not ask as far as I'am concerned.Would I invite someone to come with me?YES
Retired Underground Coal Miner.
Served in Canadian Army (1PPCLI)
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Old 12-20-2005, 04:26 PM   #43
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Trailer: Casita 17 ft 2004
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Oh, c'mon you guys! What a bunch of Scrooges! While I confess that I'm just as attached to my trailers as you are yours... they're only STUFF. STUFF, as many of us have found through various misfortunes, is replaceable. Perhaps not with the exact same STUFF but with STUFF that's eminently just as serviceable.

I've given this some thought since my first post the other day. What's really important? Your trailer? Or is USING your trailer to do what you enjoy more valuable? Is your trailer really more important than your friendships?

The ONLY thing you leave behind in this world is the opinion that others have of you. If your friends are truly friends, and the opportunity arises for you to offer them something, why wouldn't you do it? (Legal and competency issues aside). After all, how many of YOU trashed your trailer the first time out? Almost none of us. Just think how much good information you could send them on for their first outing with your trailer... and if they really like it, maybe you've got a new camping friend if they buy one of their own? Presuming their tow vehicle is properly equipped, they are responsible and have appropriate insurance, etc. etc. etc. (those things that responsible friends will do anyway...) why NOT loan your trailer out to a trusted friend or relative if they ask?

While I probably wouldn't loan my trailer to a casual friend or someone I didn't know well, I think I would let any of my close friends take it if they asked. None have yet, though.


Roger, I agree with you 100%. The old saying, " Have you ever seen a Brinks (money) Truck in a funeral?, applies here the way I see it. I love my Brown Egg very much but I want to share camping and "egg life" with others.
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Old 12-20-2005, 04:36 PM   #44
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I still say NO.
True friends would not ask as far as I'am concerned.Would I invite someone to come with me?YES
Ches, If I come up and I drop in, can I borrow your Boler?

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Old 12-20-2005, 05:04 PM   #45
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No BUT I will let you enjoy our house

I think Roger is trying to start a war here I will have too him
Retired Underground Coal Miner.
Served in Canadian Army (1PPCLI)
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Old 12-20-2005, 05:45 PM   #46
Frederick L. Simson's Avatar
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After all, how many of YOU trashed your trailer the first time out?
I did. ...and the 2nd time out. ...and, well you get the picture. That's why I spend soooo much time here. [b]The Fiberglass Remedial School for Trailerites. I'm on Checklist 8.0 now...

The more I think about it, the more I feel that I would let someone camp in my Fiber Stream IF I towed it to the campsite & set it up for them; and came to retrieve it afterwards.
Frederick - The Scaleman
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Old 12-20-2005, 05:48 PM   #47
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Trailer: Former Casita 17 ft owner
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<div align="center">Lending Agreement</div>

In my judgment (which is the only one that counts), my casita has a replacement value of $12,000. To borrow the Casita you will need to make a surety deposit of that amount with me in cash.

When you return the Casita, if I decide to accept the return, I will return your surety deposit after deducting charges for any cleaning or repair that I deem necessary.

If I decide to not accept return of the Casita, I'll transfer title to you and keep your surety deposit.
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Old 12-20-2005, 08:43 PM   #48
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No BUT I will let you enjoy our house

I think Roger is trying to start a war here I will have too him
Nah... just looking for some good Canadian hospitality...

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Old 12-21-2005, 03:59 PM   #49
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I'm with Morgan. I have a power wheel chair (Pride Jazzy 1113) and a hurricane 4 wheel scooter that people are always asking if they can take them for a ride to check them out. My standard response is $5,000.00 cash deposit. That's a little more than replacement cost, but I figure I'm due something for the inconvenince I'll experience. Same goes for the Trillium, except it will take a $20,000 cash deposit. That should cover the upgrades and modifications that I have made plus a little to upgrade to a longer trailer.

I had an Air Force enlisted friend in Germany that had a motorhome that he was renting out to make a little pocket change. He was always having to repair stuff inside. Then one guy blew the engine several hundred miles away and just abandoned the motorhome. Couldn't get the guy to pay a dime towards retrieving or repairing it.

I also don't lend my tools, computers, vehicles, or electronic toys (ham radios, scanners, and sound systems).

If I am willing to help the person, I come with the item and usually am the one using it.

2005 Trillium Outback w/ 30" tongue extension
1989 Award 730, 30'
2003 PT Cruiser
1998 K2500 Chevy Silverado 6.5 Turbo Diesel, 4X4, ext cab, short bed
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Old 12-21-2005, 08:42 PM   #50
Trailer: Bigfoot (25B21RB) 2007 Bunkbed version
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It wasn't long after I took delivery of my new Bigfoot 17.5' that my BIL started to tell my wife and a few friends - but not me - how he would borrow my trailer after I had had it awhile and the newness wore off. Sorry, this is not a lawnmower. This is the same BIL who borrowed my chainsaw and it never cut well again. Who borrowed my fiberglass extension ladder and it now has a broken rail. I don't think he'll be borrowing my trailer anytime soon even though he's shopping for a bigger truck...I hear, so he can pull my trailer.

When I signed my insurance contract, one question in it asked if I planned to rent or loan out the trailer. I checked off "No". I don't know what would have happened to my rate had I checked "Yes". But I said "No", and I'm assuming that, if anyone borrowed my trailer and wrecked it, the insurance company would have a loophole to deny coverage.

My trailer was very expensive and I spent a lot of time in research and study to learn about it and trailering. I would NEVER lend it out to anyone, especially someone who hasn't a clue about trailering.

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Old 12-25-2005, 02:31 PM   #51
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When my MIL first heard about our purchase of a small trailer, she said, Oh good, we can borrow it when we go to Alaska. Yeah, right
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Old 10-30-2006, 11:22 AM   #52
Roy Massen's Avatar
Trailer: Boler 1975 13 ft
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I remember this topic and the considerations about loaning out our trailers but decided to take a leap of faith and loan my boler to a good friend that is remodeling his home when the roof was off the house and winter started dropping water on the tent he was sleeping in. When I delivered her I was a little concerned about parking her on the narrow street but it doesn't get much traffic. (can you tell I am still a little nervous about that one) He has promised to move her into the drive way as soon as the work is done there...

There are times I wonder how she is doing and am tempted to drop by but so far doing ok with it. Looks like he will be using her till spring......

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Since he has shore power I finally hooked up the 120 adaptor that came with the refridgerator. It runs the fridge on 24 volts when it is available. I discovered the adaptor also provided a 5 amp 12 volt source for the light that went on when you open the door so I was able to hook that up to power the rest of the 12 volt system (lights, cdplayer, etc.) too.
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Old 10-30-2006, 12:37 PM   #53
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Nancy Merigold's Avatar
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I'll loan out my tent but not my camper!

I have been good with loaning out stuff but have not had good experience with getting things back or have our good will abused. "One time" use of our lawn mower turned out to last the whole summer season!
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Old 10-30-2006, 06:37 PM   #54
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hmnnn.. I thought I spoke me bit in this thread..

and, being an Aries, you ARE entitled to MY opinion.. so here goes..

Since Fred asked what the ladies think.


It is not gender related.

I have too much time and money in this thing to let anyone take it. I don't think that selfish, it's just common sense.

If someone needed a place to sleep temporarily, I would take it, set it up and retrieve it when done, but no way would it ever get attached to someone elses car and go away without me in the drivers seat.

I am the same with my Cars. I will let others drive, if I am in the car, but the last couple of times I loaned my Element out, without me, it was smoked in, and the lendee protested because "You used to smoke.. and I left the windows down" (I got the Element AFTER I quit smoking and it was the first car I have that isn't permiated in a nicotine haze, at least, until then)

My Brother was allowed to drive the Element recently, and my nieghbor who was doing me a favor, but I would NEVER loan out the trailer.

It is a luxury item, not a necessity, so if someone wants to try RVing, they can rent a motorhome and try like that. Not worth the risk to me.

Solly Cholly. To me, the assumtion by folks that they could borrow it is just rude.
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Old 10-30-2006, 06:54 PM   #55
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Solly Cholly. To me, the assumtion by folks that they could borrow it is just rude.
Byron & Anne enjoying the everyday Saturday thing.
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Old 10-30-2006, 09:00 PM   #56
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We have 3 sons and any of them are welcome to use either of my Bolers at pretty well any time that we are not going to be using them including my truck to tow them with.......no problem! .....that`s what parents are for...in my books! ... ....Benny
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Old 10-30-2006, 09:50 PM   #57
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If we have company that will fill the guest room, we will let the right couple (like our kids) use the trailer as their private guest cottage but only at our home. It is too important to have everything where it should be when we take off for work. I might loan out a tent but not our trailer so that makes another lady who would never let anyone drive off with our trailer. But we like ours so much we are thinking of getting a littler older one and fixing it so our kids could use it.
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Old 10-30-2006, 11:33 PM   #58
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Ditto for me -- I did consider offering to drive it to a local campground for our son and his family to use for a weekend, but we would pick it up and drive it home again. I just wanted his wife and twin 3 year olds to try camping -- we offered it as part of their Christmas present but so far have not been taken up on it. No way would I let anyone drive off with it. A good way to cause hard feelings with family or friends.

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Old 10-31-2006, 11:27 AM   #59
Roy Massen's Avatar
Trailer: Boler 1975 13 ft
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The thing that made it easier to loan this time was that I drove it over to his place and will be picking it up... I agree that letting someone else hook her up and drive off would be a very difficult thing to do.

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Old 10-31-2006, 12:46 PM   #60
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The thing that made it easier to loan this time was that I drove it over to his place and will be picking it up... I agree that letting someone else hook her up and drive off would be a very difficult thing to do.

Hi: Would you loan out your wife??? your First born??? Your "BABY"??? Not on your "Bippy"... Unfortunately once an "Egg" is broken it's too hard to put it back in the shell... Alf S. North shore of Lake Erie
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