Hi and congratulations

i also jut got a 1300... now doing major overhauling and getting it ready for the Canada day long weekend. that will be be our first trip.
Basically check for
leaks, since you are in southern ontario, we recently had that storm, so check for water in the storage areas under the beds or on the them!
also check the electricity, gas (leaks), plumbing, etc... all basic funcionality
i re-sealed and installed all the
windows due to
leaks, put new wood, and stailess steel screws. Check the front window (bunk bed), that's a common leak point due to the stress on the
I also replaced all entry points for city water, electric cable, etc. they were broken.
and replaced the rivets with stainless steel bolts, nuts and a rubber washer as per Con's suggestions.
I put new faucets, and changed plumbing, the old stuff were not good for human consumption.
over this weekend, I am replacing the ensolite! the original was ripped, exposed in some areas, bad seams, and had ant colonies between the ensolite and the windows! yuk.
Anyway, I don't think there are two identical trailers, all depends on how good it was cared for and/or recent renovations from previous owners.
try to go out to the next gathering (6-8 at Emily park), I am sure it will be very inspiring.
as for parts, call
Trillium, they should be able to help out.